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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 36 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 24 June 2020 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 40 minutes

Moderator: Hudson Jameson

Notes: Jim Bennett


Decisions Made:

Decision Item Description
36.1 Closed the issue on documenting the Cat Herders process
36.2 Leave open the issue on "Staking in dxDAO"
36.3 Leave open the issue of "Add an option to Ethernodes that accounts for 'In process'"
36.4 Wait until Berlin is closer to ask Peter from Ethernodes about "In process" option.
36.5 Closed the issue about renbewing Zoom Pro account.
36.6 Note takers who want to be paid in Eth can do so if the request it and post a screenshot of the Eth price at the time notes are posted. That will be the price used to pay for the notes.
36.7 Pooja to take responsibility for keeping the finance spreadsheet updated

Actions Required:

Action Item Description
36.1 Pooja will get Charles St. Louis's contact information to Brent Allsop to set up the Cat Herders Zoho email account
36.2 Hudson to take the lead on getting feedback on the ECH Telegram and Gitter channels about ECH as a DAO.
36.3 Hudson to check in on an update from ESP
36.4 Hudson to sponsor Moloch proposal in the next round
36.5 Put on-boarding form in ECH Gitter and on ECH website
36.6 Tim to create Fee Market folder at ethereum/PM to gather notes for 1559 meetings and other similar proposals and post it in the Gitter channel when it's done
36.7 Hudson to reach out to Lane about dxDAO issue
36.8 Tim to follow up on updating necessary documentation for the Besu HotFix
36.9 Pooja to reach put to Martin requesting to get Forkmon updated
36.10 Hudson to update converting SAI to DAI/USDC
36.11 Update the funding repo to reflect the ability for notetakers to be paid in Eth
36.12 Hudson will pay out some of the older ECH requests
36.12 Hudson to make an issue to decide what to do with data ERC 20 coin.


1. Email account for Cat Herders

Hudson Jameson Okay, let's get started. The first agenda item is email account for the Cat Herders. And I think we have an update on that.

Brent Allsop Yeah, I have. I've got the Zoho account set up. It looks like Ethereum Cat Herders is registered on GoDaddy, and I was wondering, who set that up? Who owns that? Who has access to get there to link up the records with our Zoho account so we can start sending mail through that? Is that Tim or do we know who that is?

Pooja Ranjan I checked with Charles on that. And he said that he has done this DNS thing, so maybe he's the right person to be approached.

Brent Allsop Okay, I'll reach out to Charles. Does anyone have an email address for him or anything like that? And what is his full name?

Hudson Jameson Charles St. Louis.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, I may have his contact so I'll share it with him.

Brent Allsop Okay, cool. Everything's set up. All we need to do is link up the MX records so we can start sending mail. And who all is going to want to account on there? So if we want pooja@ethereumcatherders, then let me know and I'll be able to set those up, I believe, once we get those links.

Hudson Jameson That sounds great. Thanks for the update.

All right, ECH as a DAO.

I don't think I was here last time. I'm pretty sure I wasn't. So how much do we talk about this last time?

Pooja Ranjan I'm not sure. We talked ECH as a DAO last time. So this is the first time this has been introduced. The earlier time we just discussed about the onboarding process and in that, we were wondering if we can use the DAO process for that. Like we had Aragon Dao set up previously.

Hudson Jameson Oh, yes. I want to get some feedback, and I'll take lead on this. I want to get some feedback in the Ethereum Cat Herders telegram and Gitter channel to see if people have experience using DAOs. Like Aragon. I know we've used Aragon, and we had a problem with participation, but otherwise I kind of liked the interface enough. But if anyone else has experience with other DAOs or other ideas for how we can utilize that, then maybe we can start doing that to make some of our decisions.

What might need to happen before then is to have more consistent participation or new Ethereum Cat Herder members jump on. And maybe the DAO is one of those ways that we can vote people in or things like that. So we might want to take it off the agenda. No, we'll keep it on the agenda at least one more meeting so that I can ask the group and then get some feedback for the next meeting.

Do we comments on this?

Pooja Ranjan My only comment or maybe as a concern here was when we started Aragon Dao and provided herd tokens to the members of Cat Herders, that time Aragon was with the Ethereum chain. I'm not sure if it is anymore, because I heard about Aragon chain sometimes back. So is it the one that we would still want to consider, or do we want to look into other options?

Hudson Jameson I'd say look into other options. But also keep in mind that if there aren't, then we can use Aragon.

William Schwab I don't think Aragon supported anything from the Ethereum chain even though they've said that they want to look into other blockchains as options. I believe that everything they've made is definitely still completely EVM compatible. So there shouldn't be a problem running it on Ethereum right now.

Hudson Jameson Okay, cool. Any other comments?

Okay, the Ethereum Twitch channel update. I think the last time I talked about this, Twitch had said that they accepted our copyright claim and are going to give us these Ethereum accounts. And they did switch that over fairly recently. I went in and double checked and made sure I could log in to all of them. So we have Ethereum, Ethereum Foundation, and Ethereum_Foundation. So this item is complete, and we can take it off the agenda.

The next item is Ethereum Cat Herders funding. I'm gonna post a link in the chat. And this shows that we currently have 201 "yes" votes versus 100 "no" votes for our Moloch DAO voting. So it's kind of close. There's only 4 people voting, it looks like, because it's two people with 100 shares and then one person downvoted with 100 shares, two people upvoted with 100 shares each, and then one person with one share upvoted. So there's only one day and four hours left for voting. So if anyone knows anyone in Moloch DAO that they want to talk to that they think would upvote rather than downvote, feel free to pass the message along that it ends very soon. There's also other really good proposals in there, too, like stuff for DAP node and for some Moloch operations cost and stuff like that, that I think are really good proposals that people should vote on as well.

And I think that's it for that. Oh, we don't have an update from ESP is the other thing. So I can check in on that. That's not a problem.

All right, who else has a question on that?

Brent Allsop Do we know who's voting no? I wonder if we could reach out to them. Can they change their vote? Would that be something worth trying?

Hudson Jameson I don't think they can. I also don't know how to see that other than on Ethereum itself. Oh, no, actually, on the link I posted, if you click the up arrow that's in the middle bottom of the screen, it shows you the address who voted, but it doesn't show you their name. Yeah, it shows that what they voted for before. It looks like they voted down a few different things. I don't know who they are, though.

Anyways, any other comments?

Okay, the 1559 design bounty. Hey, Tim, thanks for joining.

Tim Beiko Hey, sorry, I had some issues. So basically, we need somebody to sponsor our Moloch proposal. I think there'd be interest if it was up there, but we basically just need somebody with more than 10 shares. And Moloch actually put the proposal forward. That's kind of where it's at right now.

Hudson Jameson I can do that after this proposal. I didn't want to do two at once.

Tim Beiko Yeah, I think that makes sense. And there's no rush. I think that's probably a good approach. And also, we're gonna have a 1559 call tomorrow. So we'll have more details past that, too. So, yeah, I don't think there's a huge rush for this, if you can push it in the next round, that would be great.

Hudson Jameson Cool. And if there's someone better than me to do it, just let me know so we're not double-doing it.

Tim Beiko Yeah, sounds good. I'll make sure to coordinate that, and let you know if someone else comes through or wants to do it or something like that.

Hudson Jameson Great. All right, the next item is on-boarding new members. Is this a specific item someone brought on, or is this a general item?

Pooja Ranjan So this is a general item. It's about the on-boarding form that we have created. So we have recently started distributing this form in the Ethereum Cat Herders Gitter, and they're planning to put it on the website as well. I'm going to share the link here in the chat for people to refer. Basically, Cat Herders are looking for more people to join in to join for many processes for note taking, for EIPIP meetings and other processes that we are currently involved with. So anybody who is interested to join the Herders may please fill up this form and let us know their area of interest where they would be willing to help or support the Ethereum Cat Herders.

Before we move on to the next topic, I have a couple of questions for 1559. Not questions. I'm gonna have two points to mention there.

Hudson Jameson Go ahead.

Pooja Ranjan Thank you. So Tim, I was wondering - Ccn we just create a folder at ethereum/PM to collect the notes of the 1559 meetings? Because I was trying to figure out, and there is no central repository for that. And it's difficult to go back to the previous meeting, although I understand that there is some digest that is being created.

Tim Beiko I mean, sure. So we have 1.x here. Yeah, I can create it. Is ethereum/PM the right place, because this is just for a single EIP, though. So I'm not sure if it's the right place. But yeah, if people feel like it, I'll create one for 1559.

Pooja Ranjan I suggested that because that is the place where agendas are being posted for that particular meeting.

Tim Beiko OK, yeah. Does anyone disagree?

And I won't call it EIP 1559. I'll call it Fee Market just because there's like more than one proposal now.

Pooja Ranjan That's fine. I just wanted to you look for a place where where we can direct people to go and read more about the previous meeting notes. We are maintaining these resources that the Ethereum Cat Herder website, so there was no place to point them towards the previous meeting.

Tim Beiko So I'll try to do that in the week and post it in the Gitter when it's done.

Pooja Ranjan Sure. Thank you so much. And one more thing, I was wondering, what is the target date that we are considering for this design bounty. Because for the global team, they are targeting October their next event, but if we would want something earlier than that, then we may have to collaborate with the GitCoin only.

Tim Beiko Yeah, I don't know yet. I'm not super concerned about the specific dates. I think anytime in the next couple months is fine. I was talking with Trent from EthGlobal this morning, and like their current file coin hackathon is not a good fit, but maybe the one after that. Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense.

Pooja Ranjan Right. Okay, thank you.

Hudson Jameson Okay, next up we have discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs. So the first one is the PM repository. So document the Cat Herders process - that's been there a while. Did we talk about closing that one out? Or is that something we still want to define?

Pooja Ranjan Sometimes back the author was asked if he would like to close it, but he mentioned that he would like to keep it there. But that's a while ago.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, I haven't heard from Luke in forever. I'd say we should close it. That's just my opinion. Who else has an opinion on it, though? I'm fine keeping it open either way; I don't have a strong opinion.

Pooja Ranjan I think we have pretty good documentation. I mean, that is being maintained on the GitHub repository itself. So make sense that we can go ahead and close it, and whenever there is a specific need of creation of any particular documentation, people can go ahead and always create an issue.

Hudson Jameson I want to say please, if you feel that it isn't, I'm gonna say "Closing issue - please create a new issue if you feel this isn't complete." I'm gonna add that this decision was made in a meeting. So that's closed.

Alright, and then back to the repository.

[Staking in dxDAO]( Did we ever finish that one?

Pooja Ranjan
We did stake, but I'm not sure if we got the fund back, I mean, it was supposed to be the feedback, but there was an issue and that could not have been completed.

William Schwab Yeah, I think the issue was the funds being stuck. I remember being in touch with Lane about it, and I think Edson was in touch with him after me. There was some technical issue about getting the funds out. Either Lane or Edson would probably be the two people who would know what exactly what that's holding right now.

Hudson Jameson Yeah, I think Edson's moving.

William Schwab 'Tis the season.

Hudson Jameson Yep.

Let's see. How much should we put in there? I think we only put in 100 DAI, if I'm not mistaken.

Pooja Ranjan

William Schwab I think that's ballpark correct. Yeah.

Hudson Jameson Okay, cool. Well, we'll leave that open.

William Schwab Edson just showed up actually.

Hudson Jameson Oh, I see you there. We had an open issue in the PM issues repository about the dxDao, and we saw you were the last comment, and you had been exploring it a little bit. And we wondered if there was any other updates since April.

Edson Ayllon No. Has Lane gone back?

Hudson Jameson No. Let's reach out to Lane. I'll reach out to him about this. All right, I have it in my notes.

Okay, next up we have update necessary documentation for the Besu HotFix. I bet this is not applicable anymore.

Tim Beiko Yeah, I looked into it that I think it was already done, or the resource just wasn't up to date at all anymore. Oh, no, sorry. This is the yellow paper, right?

Hudson Jameson Yes. Yeah.

Tim Beiko So the yellow paper isn't even up to assemble, period.

Hudson Jameson I heard the other day from Alexi that it was.

Tim Beiko Okay. I mean, we can have a look at it. But yeah, less. A couple weeks ago when I checked it, it wasn't. But yeah, I don't mind - leave it there. I'll follow up on it.

Hudson Jameson Okay, thank you.

Add an option to Ethernodes that accounts for "In process" This one needs needs to happen when Berlin happens but can wait until then. So we'll keep this open to just keep it as an item, but we don't need to touch it right now, according to James Hancock.

Pooja Ranjan
so I checked with James on that, and what he meant here was during the Istanbul upgrade process, what we saw was some of the exchanges, they were saying that they are in process of upgrading it, but since they had not actually upgraded, the numbers were not being shown on the graph at the Ethernode. So what he was wondering is if Ethernode can create a section for "in progress" as well, then that would show the exact current status, and we don't have to rush with assuming that the the numbers aren't low or the nodes have actually upgraded or not.

Hudson Jameson Okay. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. This is a good initiative. So we should keep this open. Right?

Pooja Ranjan
I think so.

Hudson Jameson Okay. But we won't be able to do this until Berlin, so we'll just know it should stay open.

Pooja Ranjan Maybe we could reach out to him and let them know prior to the Berlin process, and if they could set up in between, then it would be quite comfortable for us.

Hudson Jameson It's such a small change. I almost want to have a discussion with Peter who's the person who runs the Ethernodes website right before Berlin happens, so that they're not having to mess with anything. Because they're real busy with Eth2.0 stuff right now, because they run the Beacon Chain website. So I think it'd be easier for them once they're launching the site back up to receive feedback rather than get it right now.

Pooja Ranjan Sounds good.

Hudson Jameson Okay, I'm gonna put "wait until Berlin is closer to ask Peter from Ethernodes about this."

Okay, next up, Update Forkmon and publish Code Properly. So "update Forkmon, add additional clients, move it to the right repo. Additional notes in the AllCoreDevs Gitter." I'm gonna just leave a note asking what's the status of this.

Pooja Ranjan So actually, we were discussing this, and he mentioned that the Forkmon that we are not very sure, but I guess it was Martin who was maintaining this website. It is not updated. So his idea was if Cat Herders can reach out to these people to get these things updated, like Forkmon and additional clients and move it to the right repo, and these are the to-dos, and they are asking us for help.

Hudson Jameson Cool. So should we leave a comment? Should we just leave it open right now?

Pooja Ranjan I'm not sure. If we can get to know who runs this, maybe I could reach out to them. It is now, I guess, Martin, but does anybody have any idea who is the person?

Hudson Jameson I think Nick Johnson owns the repo. Or Martin owns the repo, and Martin runs the site right now.

Pooja Ranjan Okay, then I can reach out to him requesting to get these things updated.

Hudson Jameson Okay, great. "Renew Zoom pro account." That happened, and there's a linked issue in funing that's closed. So I'm gonna say "Closing. Zoom is renewed and paid for." So that one's done.

All right, converting SAI to DAI/USDC. I will update date this this week. So I'm gonna put that as a note. Here's the latest though. We moved all of the data and DAI and USDC from the old multisig to the new safe. The only thing left in there, I'm pretty sure, is Ether. And I tried to move the Ether and it failed, and I didn't know why. So I thought maybe it was just MetaMask being weird or gas prices being high. And since there's not a rush to move it, I'm just going to wait till gas prices are low, like on a weekend, and move it then. So it would still take someone else to approve the transaction, but that's the last thing to move.

Tim Beiko I can approve it once it's done.

Hudson Jameson Okay, great. So I'll leave a comment though this week to update this to let the GitHub issue know what I just mentioned.

Brent Allsop Just curious, how much Ether is that?

Hudson Jameson .2 and there's already .2 in the - well, wait, hold on. Let me look and see real quick. In our safe currently, we have - oh, we have 4.95 Ether. How did that happen? Did we receive some? Oh, someone gave us 4.75 ether.

Brent Allsop Wow, nice.

Hudson Jameson Oh, we set up - we didn't put this as an agenda item, but we did set up a GitCoin grant. Could that be it?

Edson Ayllon The GitCoin grant is in DAI. Maybe someone could have donated directly?

Hudson Jameson I think someone just contributed directly without the GitCOIN thing. That's really cool. Okay. So now we can truly be Cat Herders that are also yield farmers and put it into curve which then we'll split it into four different assets that then we can move to compound which can then mind comp tokens. I'm just kidding. We're not gonna do any of that.

William Schwab By the time we get to it in the meeting in two weeks, the entire market probably will crash.

Hudson Jameson I know right? It's really funny how everyone's risking their stuff on it. But it's definitely a trip, the whole compound craze and everything. Okay, so that's the new multisig. The old multisig - I'm having trouble finding it. I think there's just .2 left though. So I can post the link to that later. And then the last thing in that repository is the agenda.

So let's see. Next up is funding. Oh, wow. Yeah, we're behind. I don't think we need to go through this, only because there's just a lot of funding we need to catch up on. Are there any items in here that people want to go over other than the funding for the different note taking?

William Schwab Truth is, I don't know if this is relevant to this, it could be better handled outside the meeting, but if I know that there's Eth in the wallet, can I get paid in Eth instead of DAI?

Hudson Jameson Hmm, that's a good question. We can handle that in the meeting, in my opinion. What do people think?

Tim Beiko What rate, though? What's a good rate?

William Schwab I'm amenable to it being the rate on whichever day the transfer is made. I mean, "Day" is a big word also. But at the time of transfer, I'm fine with it being whatever the...

Brent Allsop Coin market rate?

Tim Beiko I'm asking just because sometimes it takes like a week. I feel like it should be the rate when you post the notes. Because this way, if the price of Eth goes up or down, it feels like once you post the notes, you could just post a screenshot of whatever the rate is then, and we should use that.

Brent Allsop You mean the rate on or something?

Tim Beiko Yeah, sure. Given it's like 100 bucks, it's not like if it's 1% off what is coinmarketcap or whatever website, that's fine. But I think it's mostly if there's a two week wait for you to get paid, it feels like it's more fair to give the price when the notes were posted.

Hudson Jameson I agree because otherwise you could manipulate it. Not now, obviously, you wouldn't manipulate it, but whoever's paying out could hit the button when it's good for them to hit it. Yeah, so it could actually be manipulated both ways. The Cat Herders could actually short someone by hitting the button when the price is considered low.

Tim Beiko Yeah, that's I feel like we should just put it in the hands of the note taker.

William Schwab As in a note taker that prefers to be paid in Eth should just post price from the time that they that they posted the notes.

Hudson Jameson Yep, with the screenshot, and that's good enough. So if we can record that in the notes and then maybe update someone update the funding repo to reflect that.

William Schwab I'll try and reflect that in my request. So I'll try and put in comments that.

Hudson Jameson Oh, good. Yeah, that could be a good first time, and then we can figure out where to write it permanently. Anything else for the funding repo?

Pooja Ranjan So there is one issue. I think it's number is 54: Update Finance Spreadsheet. that is also the next item. So for that, I reached out to Lane, who was previously maintaining the funding sheet for us. But unfortunately, that was controlled by an email ID that he does not use any further. So we came out with a solution that the content from this sheet has to be migrated into a different sheet. I'm sharing the link in the chat. So this is our new ECH multisig accounting sheet and the previous contents have been copy-pasted here. And if people reach out to the previous one, they will be redirected to this new one. I'm going to give access to Hudson, Tim, and anybody else who is interested, because I know they are paying out. So they might want to add some people who are interested to keep the sheet updated. I can access that. And I'm also willing to take this as my as one of my responsibilities. So this is just a change in the sheet because we could not access that sheet any further and nobody can else can be added into.

Hudson Jameson Oh, we're only two months behind. That's not bad. I thought we were much further behind.

Pooja Ranjan I'm going to update this sheet. We created it yesterday. So before the next meeting, I will make it up to date based on the funding issue. I'm going to update the sheet.

Hudson Jameson Okay. Awesome. Thank you. That was the last item there. Is there anything else from the finance repo or funding repo?

Tim Beiko This is not that, but I have the PR for the Fee Market stuff on Eth PM. I could have merged it myself, but I also just wanted to get an approval on it.

Hudson Jameson Yeah. Oh, yeah, I can merge this.

Tim Beiko Yeah. I mean, it's just good to have somebody else review it.

Hudson Jameson Is this you trying to make an issue or a page?

Tim Beiko Basically, it adds a page under a new folder.

Hudson Jameson Got it. And if you need to start updating this a good amount with stuff, just bug me about pull requests.

Tim Beiko I have merge access, so I don't mind I just want to make sure that somebody else reviews it before. Like I don't want to just merge my change in.

Hudson Jameson Ah, got it. It looked fine to me when I opened it up. It just has previous meeting purpose. And

Tim Beiko I mean, I can merge it now.

Hudson Jameson I already merged it.

Tim Beiko Oh, okay. Great.

Hudson Jameson All right. Any other comments on the funding repo or anything else right there before we go to the meeting 35 notes?

Okay. actions required for meeting 35

  • 35.1 Hudson will start paying out some of the older requests.

That was listed for last meeting. So I was here last meeting, and I didn't get to that. So I have that written down for me to get to this week.

  • 35.2 Brent to create a Zoho account

That got completed

  • 35.3 On-boarding form to be added to the website.

That's in progress.

  • 35.4 Pooja to release yellow Medium article

Oh, that happened. Good job, Pooja, it looks really good. And I've been receiving good feedback on it.

  • 35.5 Pooja to contact Tim for the design bounty.

That was discussed today.

  • 35.6 - William to write notes for the previous AllCoreDevs call before the next AllCoreDevs call.

And I believe that happened, right, William?

William Schwab Yeah, that's all taken care of.

Hudson Jameson Okay. Is there any other final things before we close out the meeting?

Pooja Ranjan Just one last thing. There has not been too much of updates, but we are still trying to keep our website up to date. And I'm sharing the sheet again. If people think that something is missing or labeled one, two, add something new as the resources, because we would want to keep it updated. And I have added a couple of more resources for EIP 1559 and for the new BLS EIP that is already in accepted mode for the Berlin upgrade. So, that is another way of educating the community about what we are doing, and if people have anything to add please feel free to add it in this sheet, and I will keep the website updated with whatever is listed here.

Hudson Jameson Okay, anybody else?

I'm also looking at the price of the data coin right now. Data ERC 20 coin. Because I'm just curious if it'll give us the price. Okay, it's five and a half cents. I don't know if that's better or worse than it was before, because I haven't kept up with it. But anyways, we will figure out what to do with that pretty soon, too. I should make an issue for that. I'll write that down. Make an issue to decide what to do with data.

Okay. Anybody else? Okay, the next meeting is July 6 2020. And thanks, everybody for coming. We'll see you then.


  • Brent Allsop
  • Edson Ayllon
  • Hudson Jameson
  • Jim Bennett
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Tim Beiko
  • William Schwab

Date for Next Meeting: 6 July 2020, at 1400 UTC.