Releases: HbmMods/Hbm-s-Nuclear-Tech-GIT
major derp
*Removed init from clientonly booleans, resulting in a server crash
*I should really test this stuff on servers befor releasing it
throium fuel, miniguns and lots of fixes!
*Radiation absorbers
**Decrease chunk radiation every second
**4 different strengths
*Thorium blocks
**Mineral block and ore
*Spent fuel pool drum
**Used to cool hot depleted fuel
**Needs adjecent water blocks to function
*Th232 and U233 rods and nuggets
*Hot depleted fuel
**Comes drom depleted fuel elements instead of the cool versions
**Need to be cooled down before further processing
**Come in three different flavors
**Used instead of black powder in bullet cecipes
**Not yet fully functional
**Portable 128mm cannon
*Recycled materials
**Currently unobtainable
*Added support for custom crosshairs
**Few guns currently use it
**Standing on it will remove 10 RAD/s
*Updated dud texture
*Improved other mod's pipe compatibility with centrifuges
*Updated shotgun shell textures
*Updated wand textures
*Updated large shredder model
*Steel revolver now uses the experimental new gun system and is currently defective
*Bolt-action rifle now has a laser pointer
*Bullets now have a random tilt in their model
*Updated contamination and rad-x potion textures
*Replaced rocket launcher's AT4 model with a carl gustav RR
*Reduced relief in centrifuge GUI texture
*Added temporary agent orange volley as m-grenade effect
*Weapons now use the modernized ammo items (with more types in the future)
*Fixed bullets overriding armor when shot in rapid succession
*Fixed player radiation not resetting upon death
*Fixed SSP bug where using the scroll wheel in an un-linked control block will crash the game
*Fixed reactor steam gauge resetting to NONE instead of STEAM
*Fixed falling satellite texture saying "mannulus" instead of "crapula"
*Fixed turrets forgetting the whitelist and turning on their owners
*Capped lower bound of entity radiation at 0
*Shredder blades now take damage per operation instead of per tick, solving the meta-overflow issue
*Changed teleporter damage from Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY to 10k
once more with feeling
*Removed unnecessary packet spam following every mous imput, causing the controller shutdown to malfunction
*Also removed pointless console spam in X3000
new large reactor! wooo!
*New barbed wires
*N45 naval mine now has functionality
*Bullet assemblies
**Makes bullets harder to craft
*Bullet stamps
**Bullets are now made using the press (an electric one will come soon!)
*Added reactor remote control block
**Works with small and large reactors
*Added vault 99 texture
*Reactor inserter and ejector
**Allows the large reactor to automatically load/unload fuel
*Depleted fuel items
**Each fuel type now has it's own nuclear waste item
*Dead man's detonator
**Detonator that triggers when the item is dropped
*Dead man's charge
**Explosive that triggers when the item is dropped
**Th232 and fuel
**Currently uncraftable
**Will be used in combination with thorium in the future
*Updated textures
**Breeding reactor
**Nuclear furnace
**RTG furnace
**Combustion generator
**Fusion heater
**Large reactor parts
*Breeding reactor now has an orientation and an on-state
*Updated bullet textures
*Reduced saturation of centrifuge bodies
*Changed press frame texture
*Re-added large nuclear reactor
**It's now 200x better (trust me)
*Added exception catching to prevent spontaneous crashes concerning the missile packet
*Buffed turbines
**Significantly larger internal tanks
**Works a lot faster
**Fluid output rate is now 10Hz (.5 times per tick)
*Updated rad-x texture
*Updated nuclear reactor structure created with the wand
*Higher tier hazmat kits now have textures and names
*Reduced radiation given off by items
*Fixed fallout persisting for too long
*Fixed reactor rods and on-state not saving
*Fixed steam tank not saving
placable geiger counters & forcefields!
*Placable geiger counter
**Ticks like the handheld version
**Interacting will also display exact values
*Key imitation kit
**Allows counterfeit keys to be made
**Counterfeit keys can not be changed or copied
*Force field generator
**Creates a field that will reflect all entities
**Only players may pass
**Can be upgraded with special stackable upgrades
*Large shredder (recycler)
**WIP, the model is crooked with the wrong texture
*Different skins for pip revolver
*Higher-tier hazmat kits
**Have no texture as of now
*Added classic siren track
**Same track as ic2 nuclear control's siren, but with a better loop
*All entities now use the proper moving methods
*The pear skin of the B29 is now lighter
*The mint skin of the Do17 now has a different decal
*Adjusted radiation output of small reactors
*The bomber remote now has unobtainable testing types (meta 5-7)
*Removed large reactor recipes
*Removed large reactor from creative inv
*Glowing mushs will now spread even if mycelium spread is disabled
*Kits may give different hazmat tiers, depending on contents
*Added hazmat kit to loot table
*Press now needs furnace instead of redstone in crafting
*Renamed steam press to burner press
*Bunkers and power plants now spawn geiger counter blocks
*MK4 spamming the radiation values
*Fixed mining drill crashing when blocks with null drops are mined
*Press, coalgen and boiler now leave container items behind (eg bucket for lava)
*Due to the playerDropEvent not being called on servers, thus not resetting RAD count on death, radiation will be reset to 0 once the player reaches the lethal dose
*Switched to entity uuid for saving entity radiation values, countering mixups because the integer id is being assigned randomly
new radiation system, wohoo!
*Fluid pipes
**Pre-identified universal pipes
*Desaturated redstone
**Made from shredded SU batteries
**Can be crafted back into redstone
*Custom nuke fall upgrade
**Instead of exploding right away, the cutom nuke drops
*New radiation system
**Instead of fixed AoE radiation, radiation is now chunk specific
**Radiation lingers and spreads over time
**Gives player extra RAD-resistance
*New radaway flavors
*S~Cola RAD
**now with more radiation
*Geiger counter now measures chunk radiation instead of nearby blocks
*Geiger counter now adds a HUD bar that displays current player contamination
*Geiger counter can be clicked on, showing current player and chunk radiation
*Radaway now removes some of the player's RADs instead of the radiation sickness effect
*Radiation sickness is now called "contamination"
*Contamination effect slowly increases player's RADs over time
*Radioactive blocks will now give off radiation to the chunk
*Bombers now have more sounds
**Sound loop when flying
**Special sounds when shot down & crashing
*turbine and shrapnel smoke FX now linger for a shorter duration, making trails more aesthetically pleasing
*Pills noww have a consumtion time of 10 ticks (.5 seconds)
*Pills can now be consumed in creative
*Consuming fallout-esque drinks will now add to the radiation counter
*Analyzer now shouldn't crash servers anymore
dense and denser steam, turbines!
*Gas centrifuge
**Accepts fluids like UF6, PuF6 and lava
**Output is based on weighted chance, rather than static ratios
*Centrifuges now have a proper looped sound
*Added more transformer types
**Default transformer is now DNT 20Hz
**Added 10k-1Hz, 10k-20Hz and DNT 1Hz variants
**Item that will display information about a block/TE
**Shows stats like fluid tanks and electricity
*Added randomly spawning safes
**Different lock tiers with different loot
**Used to create steam and hot oil
**Goes up to 500°C, powered by coal
*Electric boiler
**Electric variant that heats fluids to 800°C
*Dense steam
**Heated steam
*Super dense steam
**Even hotter steam
*Steam turbine
**Generares electricity by turning steam into water
**Also accepts dense steam, turns into regular steam
**As well as super dense steam -> dense steam
*Hazmat kit
**Kit that displaces current armor with basic hazmat gear
*Updated texture and model of hexafluoride tanks
*Removed centrifuge recipes for hexafluorides in favor of the gascent
*Re-adjusted centrifuge assembly recipe
*Fixed and tidied-up the gas flare model and texture
*Updated textures for basic missile parts
*Updated texture for plan C
*Removed assembly recipe for HE/TF converters, re-enabled a variation of the old recipe
*Added new rules to energy distribution:
**TEs won't transmit to themselves
**TEs won't transmit to other TEs that are full
**TEs won't transmit to TEs if both parties are transformers with the same frequency
*Refineries now use hot oil instead of regular crude oil
*Refineries now require very little power to operate
*Coal generator now has a timer that shows how many seconds of burn time are left (hover over flame to show)
*Fluid sources will not try to transfer to full tanks
*Small nuclear reactor now outputs steam instead of power
**Steam density can be changed with a shift stick
*Added info panels to factories
*Bombers now drop bombs with a whistling noise
*Carpet bombing is now more carpet-y
*Bombs now have a louder custom sound
*Napalm bombs now have a larger fire radius and an additional ignition one
*Napalm bombs now have a fire burst particle effect
*Fixed calamity not consuming right ammo type
*Fixed centrifuge progress bar freezing
*Fixed crash when placing a renamed coalgen
*Fixed packet transfer breaking up when block state changes (coalgen, electric furnace)
bouncy grenades
*IF grenades
**You'll know it when you see them
**New explosion mechanic, similar to power fists's gigajoule
*Barbed wire
**Functions like cobweb + cactus
*Added two new machine guns
**Because why not, really
*Both new fallout klaxon sounds are now louder
*Grenades can now bounce off surfaces and explode after a few seconds
*Impulse grenade now turns all blocks into falling ones instead of gravel
*Rubble can now have the texture of any block, not just a generic texture for each material
*Rubble now has destruction particles and a proper destruction sound instead of the ear-piercing explosion
*AT mine now has a taller detection field, seeking players sitting in tanks properly
*Sounds for kits, syringes and radaway
*Updated centrifuge icons to resemble new texture
*Relay and power plant structures now use barbed wire instead of web
*Mining drill can now break any block that is not indestructible
*Mining drill recipe changed, it's now cheaper
*Re-adjusted meteor chance
**180 minutes for regular strikes
**10 minutes for showers
*Cyclotron now uses the MK3 explosion instead of the depricated MK2
*Fixed mining drill not having proper sound
sirens and padlocks!
**Melee weapon with proper knockback
*Wrench with blade
**Wrench with a knife duct taped onto it
*Market Gardener
**Shovel that does extra damage when used while falling
**Not functional yet, I'm working on it
*Burning FOEQ
**Satellite that is burning up in the atmosphere
**Does not spawn yet, will be used for unique event, much like a super rare meteorite
*New siren tracks
**Nostromo self-destruct
**Classic siren (IC2 NC had this one in an older version)
**EAS alarm
**Air raid siren
*New padlocks
**Rusty padlock (100% pick chance)
**Reinforced padlock (2% pick chance)
**Unbreakable padlock (can not be lockpicked)
**Standard lock remains at 10%
*Jetpack tank
**Will fill the currently worn jetpack with 1000mB of kerosene
*Sunset sarsparilla star cap
**10% chance to replace regular cap
*ayy now has his own cape
*Updated multi prupose bomb's texture
*Updated centrifuge's texture and model
*ZOMG grenade now creates less rays
*Turrets will now shoot at bombers
*Changed sarsparilla and cap's texture to match the original more
*Updated bob's cape
*Turret telemetry cards are now less expensive
*The atomic bomb air strike is now exclusively performed by the B-29
*The config now has a fallback in case someone tries to change critical values to 0, preventing crashes
*Fixed typo in vod canteen's description
*Meteors won't crash anymore when trying to pick random ores in combination with certain mods
blast doors, lockpicking and other gnarly stuff
**Blocks that range from non to very radioactive
**Sellafite corium has AoE radiation
*Radiation hotspots
**Craters laced laced with sellafite
**Spawn randomly
*Waste storage tower
**Concrete building full of sellafite and green ooze
**Also a randomly spawning building, who would have thought
*Sliding blast door
**Tall, thin blast door
**Multiple doors placed next to each other will activate at once, forming a single large door
**Can be locked and triggered remotely
*Custom nuke rods
**Additional items accepted by the custom nuke for easier use
**Rods have their exact stats in the description
*Hazmat cloth block
**Not yet craftable
**Purely decorative
**Sea mine looking thing
**Not sure what to make of it yet
**Model is based off of whether it's standing on the ground or hovering
**Bomb-proof crate with 15 slots
*Bobby pin
**Can be used for lockpicking
**Requires a screwdriver
**Chance is 10% by default, hidden factors can change that
*Gas mask filter
**Required for crafting gas masks
**Using it while wearing a mask will fully repair it
**Drinkable items that do not disappear
**Have cooldown
**V13 canteen regenerates 2.5 hearts
**Fancy flask gives strength and nausea
*Added two secret achievements
*Custom nuke now has it's own kit
*AP mines are now a little deeper in the ground
*Iron and stel crates can now be locked
*Starter kits now give more appropriate items
*All kits that give the player radioactive items will eject that player's current armor and put on hazmat gear
*Green ooze now uses new radiation system
*FM radio now has a gui, it still doesn't work though
*Batteries now display their charge/discharge rates
*Replaced a few chests in structures with steel crates
*Tainted heart effect now works without particles
*Airstrike remote will now make a boop sound when the bomber can not successfully spawn, rather than wasting it
*Readjusted airstrikes in loot table
*codered_'s cape is now all sparkly and stuff
**please don't talk to me ever again
**i'm serious, never contact me under any circumstance
[insert a black line here that does not screw up formatting]
*Bombers now load chunks, but it does not work for when they spawn
*To combat bombers not working on SMP, there is a new short mode for bombers in config
**Short mode will spawn bombers much closer to their targets
*Fixed ZPE generator still working even without the final ring segment
*Fixed AI-chip crash because of mistaken use of skala function
*Removed unnecessary skala import which could potentially crash servers without skala