Releases: Hamza417/Peristyle
Releases · Hamza417/Peristyle
- Added option to add or remove nomedia from folders
- Added folder visibility indicator
- Hide card when click on wallpaper
- Hide details card when edit dialog is opened
- Added reset button in effects dialog
- Main effects dialog is now semi transparent
- Added option to clear image cache
- Added option to remove a folder
- Added hue and saturation in wallpaper
- Added hue and saturation in auto wallpaper
- Added live wallpaper picker
- Ability to uninstall live wallpapers
- Fixed lost scroll state in wallpaper list
- Long pressing buttons on home will show context tooltip
- Updated home UI
- Added Arabic translations (thanks to @eyadmahm0ud)
- Fixed the looping home screen after the first setup
- Added custom effects for each screen in Auto Wallpaper
- Reduce animation time
- Fix Auto Wallpaper applying wallpapers on both screens #80
- Fix Folders screen flickering on every launch
- Fix various UI issues
Peristyle is stable now
- Slide and Zoom on wallpaper screen
- Fixed the permission flow crashing in Android 9 #79
- Fixed no READ_MEDIA_IMAGES permission causes crash in Android 15 #72
- Fixed various issues with setup interface
- Fixed Auto Wallpaper not changing wallpaper correctly #80
- Added no lock screen wallpaper hint for < Android 13 devices #81
- Added basic transition animations
- Added multi folder support (#14, #35)
- Added tags and folder assignment for each screen auto wallpaper
- Added sort and order in the Settings
- Added selection in the main list
- Various interface changes
- Add Spanish Translations (Thanks to @esneiderfjaimes)
- Added Chinese Traditional translations (Thanks to @aaypkzixad, @hugoalh)
- Fix blur having no effect on final output
- Added header in lists with count
- Fix interface overlapping status and navigation bar
- Add more menus for Tags and Wallpapers
- Fix loading indicators not showing
- Tags thumbnails now shows according to the device aspect ratio
- Various fixes and interface improvements
Note: Legacy interface has been marked for removal in the future releases in favor of multiple folder support and various other features.
- Total UI overhaul based completely on Jetpack Compose (See #71) [Screenshots]
- Added option to assign tags to wallpapers
- Add direct image based shadow
- MD5 Checksum based IDs and prominent color based wallpaper shadows
- Glassmorphic card based interface
Note: You can still revert to the older interface by toggling the switch for the same in Settings.
- Add 3 and 7 days interval options
Note: This is the final build. The next update will have a whole UI overhaul and currently being worked on to be migrated completely to compose.
- Remove round corners from polaroids
- Added lock screen wallpaper in the main list
- Fixed wallpaper dimensions when two spans is selected
- Fixed crash while opening an image from file manager