First of all, thank you for considering contributing to tslearn
It's people like you that will help make tslearn
a great toolkit.
Contributions are managed through GitHub Issues and Pull Requests.
We are welcoming contributions in the following forms:
- Bug reports: when filing an issue to report a bug, please use the search tool to ensure the bug hasn't been reported yet;
- New feature suggestions: if you think
should include a new algorithm, please open an issue to ask for it (of course, you should always check that the feature has not been asked for yet :). Think about linking to a pdf version of the paper that first proposed the method when suggesting a new algorithm. - Bugfixes and new feature implementations: if you feel you can fix a reported bug/implement a suggested feature yourself, do not hesitate to:
- fork the project;
- implement your bugfix;
- submit a pull request referencing the ID of the issue in which the bug was reported / the feature was suggested;
If you would like to contribute by implementing a new feature reported in the Issues, maybe starting with Issues that are attached the "good first issue" label would be a good idea.
When submitting code, please think about code quality, adding proper docstrings including doctests with high code coverage.