Every team should have a curated list of resources used and recommended by developers and contributors. If one of the users wants to learn more about a relevant subject, checking the material provided on this file would be a good start for them.
Resources might be curated by Developers ("Official") or by the Community itself. Not all resources are free, but we should aim to have at least one free resource for every subject.
Some links may be affiliated. All proceeds help pay project expenses.
Name | Author | Link(s) | Commentary |
ZeroMQ: Messaging for Many Applications (Chapter 6) | Pieter Hintjens | Online (free) | Book | Great book about messaging and software development in general. Chapter Six is a wonderful text about building and managing open-source online communities. |
Social Architecture: Building On-line Communities | Pieter Hintjens | Book | Complementary and more detailed description of the ZeroMQ community |