Qt 5.5.1
Download from qt.io.
For Linux, use package "Qt 5.5.1 for Linux 64-bit".
For Windows, use package "Qt 5.5.1 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.9.2)"
J-Link SDK 5.02k
Download from SEGGER, not publicly available.
Other versions can probably be used, but the qmake file for the J-Link plugin must be changed accordingly.
The build uses 3 directories:
- source code directory (git checkout)
- build directory
- release directory
We will refer to these directories in the rest of this documentation as {SRCDIR}, {BUILDDIR} and {RELEASEDIR}. {RELEASEDIR} must be an absolute path.
The Qt installation directory will be referred to as {QTDIR}.
SAM-BA can be built either using command-line commands or using Qt Creator.
Checkout the source in {SRCDIR}
Create directory {BUILDDIR}
(optional) Change path of J-Link SDK in
Go in directory {BUILDDIR} and run
{QTDIR}/5.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake -r {SRCDIR}/sam-ba.pro
. This will generate the makefiles in {BUILDDIR} from the qmake templates in the source tree. -
Go in directory {BUILDDIR} and run
The release material should now be present in {RELEASEDIR} directory.
Checkout the source in {SRCDIR}
Create directory {BUILDDIR}
(optional) Change path of J-Link SDK in
Go in directory {BUILDDIR} and run:
{QTDIR}\5.5\mingw492_32\bin\qmake -r {SRCDIR}\sam-ba.pro
. This will generate the makefiles in {BUILDDIR} from the qmake templates in the source tree. -
Add MingW32 directory to path:
set path=%path%;{QTDIR}\Tools\mingw492_32\bin
Go in directory {BUILDDIR} and run:
mingw32-make INSTALL_ROOT={RELEASEDIR} install
The release material should now be present in {RELEASEDIR} directory.
Start Qt Creator
from {SRCDIR} -
Select kit "Desktop Qt 5.5.1 GCC 64bit" and click "Configure Project"
(optional) Change path of J-Link SDK in
. -
(optional) In the bottom of the left toolbar, click on the "sam-ba Release" or " sam-ba Debug" icon to select the desired build configuration.
Click on the "Projects" icon in the left toolbar
Select "Build" from the "Build | Run" selector below the kit name
Set the "Build directory:" field to {BUILDDIR}
Select "Run" from the "Build | Run" selector below the kit name
In "Deployment", click "Add Deploy Step" and select "Make"
In "Make arguments:" fields, type:
In the "Build" menu, click "Build All"
Click "4 Compile Output" at the bottom of the screen to see the build progress
Once the build is complete, in the "Build" menu, click "Deploy All"
The release material should now be present in {RELEASEDIR} directory.
Start Qt Creator
from {SRCDIR} -
Select kit "Desktop Qt 5.5.1 MingW 32 bit" and click "Configure Project"
(optional) Change path of J-Link SDK in
. -
(optional) In the bottom of the left toolbar, click on the "sam-ba Release" or " sam-ba Debug" icon to select the desired build configuration.
Click on the "Projects" icon in the left toolbar
Select "Build" from the "Build | Run" selector below the kit name
Set the "Build directory:" field to {BUILDDIR}
Select "Run" from the "Build | Run" selector below the kit name
In "Deployment", click "Add Deploy Step" and select "Make"
In "Make arguments:" fields, type:
In the "Build" menu, click "Build All"
Click "4 Compile Output" at the bottom of the screen to see the build progress
Once the build is complete, in the "Build" menu, click "Deploy All"
The release material should now be present in {RELEASEDIR} directory.