This script enables automating the installation and registration of Anyware Monitor to Anyware Manager. Please note :
- Only Windows hosts are supported with this version and the script should be run locally on a Windows host machine.
- Ensure you have administrator privileges when running the script.
- After the script is executed Anyware Monitor will be installed and the host is flagged as 'Healthy' in the Anyware Manager Admin Console.
- Additionally, the "-ignore_cert" parameter can be added to skip certificate validation. In the case of self-signed domains, the config file can be downloaded in the deployment service account tab when editing the current deployment Config file.
.\deploy_monitor.ps1 -config_file -monitor_hostname -manager_url
powershell.exe -noexit "./deploy_monitor.ps1 Invoke-Expression; deploy -config_file file.json -manager_url -monitor_machine_name hostname.domain.local;exit"
powershell.exe -noexit ". { Set-Variable ProgressPreference SilentlyContinue; Invoke-WebRequest -useb } | Invoke-Expression; deploy -manager_url -config_file <service account.json> -monitor_machine_name <machine_name> -channel dev;exit"
Additionally, the -ignore_cert parameter is added to skip certificate validation in the case of self-signed domains. The config file can be downloaded in the deployment service account tab when editing the current deployment.
HP recommends exploring secure password storage solutions and not having passwords stored in plaintext file. Customers can modify this script to retrieve passwords from a secure location. When using this script without modifications, please ensure the read access permissions are restricted to the JSON config file that holds the Manager password.
To update the Anyware Monitor, follow these steps:
- Log into the Anyware Manager Admin Console (
- Click on the three dots besides your deployment name, and then select edit deployment.
- Navigate to the 'Anyware Monitor' tab and follow the provided instructions to update the Anyware Monitor on Windows.
Note: The command works with any Windows machine.
powershell.exe -noexit "Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Program Files\HP\Anyware Manager Monitor\Uninstall.exe' -ArgumentList '/S' -PassThru -Wait"
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