- Chunking in HDF5
+ @ref hdf5_chunking
Structuring the use of chunking and tuning it for performance.
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+/** \page hdf5_chunking Chunking in HDF5
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_intro Introduction
+ * Datasets in HDF5 not only provide a convenient, structured, and self-describing way to store data,
+ * but are also designed to do so with good performance. In order to maximize performance, the HDF5
+ * library provides ways to specify how the data is stored on disk, how it is accessed, and how it should be held in memory.
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_def What are Chunks?
+ * Datasets in HDF5 can represent arrays with any number of dimensions (up to 32). However, in the file this dataset
+ * must be stored as part of the 1-dimensional stream of data that is the low-level file. The way in which the multidimensional
+ * dataset is mapped to the serial file is called the layout. The most obvious way to accomplish this is to simply flatten the
+ * dataset in a way similar to how arrays are stored in memory, serializing the entire dataset into a monolithic block on disk,
+ * which maps directly to a memory buffer the size of the dataset. This is called a contiguous layout.
+ *
+ * An alternative to the contiguous layout is the chunked layout. Whereas contiguous datasets are stored in a single block in
+ * the file, chunked datasets are split into multiple chunks which are all stored separately in the file. The chunks can be
+ * stored in any order and any position within the HDF5 file. Chunks can then be read and written individually, improving
+ * performance when operating on a subset of the dataset.
+ *
+ * The API functions used to read and write chunked datasets are exactly the same functions used to read and write contiguous
+ * datasets. The only difference is a single call to set up the layout on a property list before the dataset is created. In this
+ * way, a program can switch between using chunked and contiguous datasets by simply altering that call. Example 1, below, creates
+ * a dataset with a size of 12x12 and a chunk size of 4x4. The example could be changed to create a contiguous dataset instead by
+ * simply commenting out the call to #H5Pset_chunk and changing dcpl_id in the #H5Dcreate call to #H5P_DEFAULT.
+ *
+ * Example 1: Creating a chunked dataset
+ * \code
+ * #include "hdf5.h"
+ * #define FILENAME "file.h5"
+ * #define DATASET "dataset"
+ *
+ * int main() {
+ *
+ * hid_t file_id, dset_id, space_id, dcpl_id;
+ * hsize_t chunk_dims[2] = {4, 4};
+ * hsize_t dset_dims[2] = {12, 12};
+ * herr_t status;
+ * int i, j;
+ * int buffer[12][12];
+ *
+ * // Create the file
+ *
+ * // Create a dataset creation property list and set it to use chunking
+ * dcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
+ * status = H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, 2, chunk_dims);
+ *
+ * // Create the dataspace and the chunked dataset
+ * space_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dset_dims, NULL);
+ * dset_id = H5Dcreate(file_id, DATASET, H5T_STD_I32BE, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ *
+ * // Initialize dataset
+ * for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ * for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
+ * buffer[i][j] = i + j + 1;
+ *
+ * // Write to the dataset
+ * status = H5Dwrite(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buffer);
+ *
+ * // Close
+ * status = H5Dclose(dset_id);
+ * status = H5Sclose(space_id);
+ * status = H5Pclose(dcpl_id);
+ * status = H5Fclose(file_id);
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * The chunks of a chunked dataset are split along logical boundaries in the dataset's representation as an array, not
+ * along boundaries in the serialized form. Suppose a dataset has a chunk size of 2x2. In this case, the first chunk
+ * would go from (0,0) to (2,2), the second from (0,2) to (2,4), and so on. By selecting the chunk size carefully, it is
+ * possible to fine tune I/O to maximize performance for any access pattern. Chunking is also required to use advanced
+ * features such as compression and dataset resizing.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html chunking1and2.png
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_data Data Storage Order
+ * To understand the effects of chunking on I/O performance it is necessary to understand the order in which data is
+ * actually stored on disk. When using the C interface, data elements are stored in "row-major" order, meaning that,
+ * for a 2- dimensional dataset, rows of data are stored in-order on the disk. This is equivalent to the storage order
+ * of C arrays in memory.
+ *
+ * Suppose we have a 10x10 contiguous dataset B. The first element stored on disk is B[0][0], the second B[0][1],
+ * the eleventh B[1][0], and so on. If we want to read the elements from B[2][3] to B[2][7], we have to read the
+ * elements in the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th positions. Since all of these positions are contiguous, or next
+ * to each other, this can be done in a single read operation: read 5 elements starting at the 24th position. This
+ * operation is illustrated in figure 3: the pink cells represent elements to be read and the solid line represents
+ * a read operation. Now suppose we want to read the elements in the column from B[3][2] to B[7][2]. In this case we
+ * must read the elements in the 33rd, 43rd, 53rd, 63rd, and 73rd positions. Since these positions are not contiguous,
+ * this must be done in 5 separate read operations. This operation is illustrated in figure 4: the solid lines again
+ * represent read operations, and the dotted lines represent seek operations. An alternative would be to perform a single
+ * large read operation, in this case 41 elements starting at the 33rd position. This is called a sieve buffer and is
+ * supported by HDF5 for contiguous datasets, but not for chunked datasets. By setting the chunk sizes correctly, it
+ * is possible to greatly exceed the performance of the sieve buffer scheme.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html chunking3and4.png
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Likewise, in higher dimensions, the last dimension specified is the fastest changing on disk. So if we have a four
+ * dimensional dataset A, then the first element on disk would be A[0][0][0][0], the second A[0][0][0][1], the third A[0][0][0][2], and so on.
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_part Chunking and Partial I/O
+ * The issues outlined above regarding data storage order help to illustrate one of the major benefits of dataset chunking,
+ * its ability to improve the performance of partial I/O. Partial I/O is an I/O operation (read or write) which operates
+ * on only one part of the dataset. To maximize the performance of partial I/O, the data elements selected for I/O must be
+ * contiguous on disk. As we saw above, with a contiguous dataset, this means that the selection must always equal the extent
+ * in all but the slowest changing dimension, unless the selection in the slowest changing dimension is a single element. With
+ * a 2-d dataset in C, this means that the selection must be as wide as the entire dataset unless only a single row is selected.
+ * With a 3-d dataset, this means that the selection must be as wide and as deep as the entire dataset, unless only a single row
+ * is selected, in which case it must still be as deep as the entire dataset, unless only a single column is also selected.
+ *
+ * Chunking allows the user to modify the conditions for maximum performance by changing the regions in the dataset which are
+ * contiguous. For example, reading a 20x20 selection in a contiguous dataset with a width greater than 20 would require 20
+ * separate and non-contiguous read operations. If the same operation were performed on a dataset that was created with a
+ * chunk size of 20x20, the operation would require only a single read operation. In general, if your selections are always
+ * the same size (or multiples of the same size), and start at multiples of that size, then the chunk size should be set to the
+ * selection size, or an integer divisor of it. This recommendation is subject to the guidelines in the pitfalls section;
+ * specifically, it should not be too small or too large.
+ *
+ * Using this strategy, we can greatly improve the performance of the operation shown in figure 4. If we create the
+ * dataset with a chunk size of 10x1, each column of the dataset will be stored separately and contiguously. The read
+ * of a partial column can then be done is a single operation. This is illustrated in figure 5, and the code to implement
+ * a similar operation is shown in example 2. For simplicity, example 2 implements writing to this dataset instead of reading from it.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html chunking5.png
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Example 2: Writing part of a column to a chunked dataset
+ * \code
+ * #include "hdf5.h"
+ * #define FILENAME "file.h5"
+ * #define DATASET "dataset"
+ *
+ * int main() {
+ *
+ * hid_t file_id, dset_id, fspace_id, mspace_id, dcpl_id;
+ * hsize_t chunk_dims[2] = {10, 1};
+ * hsize_t dset_dims[2] = {10, 10};
+ * hsize_t mem_dims[1] = {5};
+ * hsize_t start[2] = {3, 2};
+ * hsize_t count[2] = {5, 1};
+ * herr_t status;
+ * int buffer[5], i;
+ *
+ * // Create the file
+ *
+ * // Create a dataset creation property list to use chunking with a chunk size of 10x1
+ * dcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
+ *
+ * status = H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, 2, chunk_dims);
+ *
+ * // Create the dataspace and the chunked dataset
+ * fspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dset_dims, NULL);
+ *
+ * dset_id = H5Dcreate(file_id, DATASET, H5T_STD_I32BE, fspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ *
+ * // Select the elements from 3, 2 to 7, 2
+ * status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(fspace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, count, NULL);
+ *
+ * // Create the memory dataspace
+ * mspace_id = H5Screate_simple(1, mem_dims, NULL);
+ *
+ * // Initialize dataset
+ * for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ * buffer[i] = i+1;
+ *
+ * // Write to the dataset
+ * status = H5Dwrite(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mspace_id, fspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, buffer);
+ *
+ * // Close
+ * status = H5Dclose(dset_id);
+ * status = H5Sclose(fspace_id);
+ * status = H5Sclose(mspace_id);
+ * status = H5Pclose(dcpl_id);
+ * status = H5Fclose(file_id);
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_cache Chunk Caching
+ * Another major feature of the dataset chunking scheme is the chunk cache. As it sounds, this is a cache of the chunks in
+ * the dataset. This cache can greatly improve performance whenever the same chunks are read from or written to multiple
+ * times, by preventing the library from having to read from and write to disk multiple times. However, the current
+ * implementation of the chunk cache does not adjust its parameters automatically, and therefore the parameters must be
+ * adjusted manually to achieve optimal performance. In some rare cases it may be best to completely disable the chunk
+ * caching scheme. Each open dataset has its own chunk cache, which is separate from the caches for all other open datasets.
+ *
+ * When a selection is read from a chunked dataset, the chunks containing the selection are first read into the cache, and then
+ * the selected parts of those chunks are copied into the user's buffer. The cached chunks stay in the cache until they are evicted,
+ * which typically occurs because more space is needed in the cache for new chunks, but they can also be evicted if hash values
+ * collide (more on this later). Once the chunk is evicted it is written to disk if necessary and freed from memory.
+ *
+ * This process is illustrated in figures 6 and 7. In figure 6, the application requests a row of values, and the library responds
+ * by bringing the chunks containing that row into cache, and retrieving the values from cache. In figure 7, the application requests
+ * a different row that is covered by the same chunks, and the library retrieves the values directly from cache without touching the disk.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html chunking6.png
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html chunking7.png
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * In order to allow the chunks to be looked up quickly in cache, each chunk is assigned a unique hash value that is
+ * used to look up the chunk. The cache contains a simple array of pointers to chunks, which is called a hash table.
+ * A chunk's hash value is simply the index into the hash table of the pointer to that chunk. While the pointer at this
+ * location might instead point to a different chunk or to nothing at all, no other locations in the hash table can contain
+ * a pointer to the chunk in question. Therefore, the library only has to check this one location in the hash table to tell
+ * if a chunk is in cache or not. This also means that if two or more chunks share the same hash value, then only one of
+ * those chunks can be in the cache at the same time. When a chunk is brought into cache and another chunk with the same hash
+ * value is already in cache, the second chunk must be evicted first. Therefore it is very important to make sure that the size
+ * of the hash table, also called the nslots parameter in #H5Pset_cache and #H5Pset_chunk_cache, is large enough to minimize
+ * the number of hash value collisions.
+ *
+ * Prior to 1.10, the library determines the hash value for a chunk by assigning a unique index that is a linear index
+ * into a hypothetical array of chunks. That is, the upper-left chunk has an index of 0, the one to the right of that
+ * has an index of 1, and so on.
+ *
+ * For example, the algorithm prior to 1.10 simply incremented the index by one along the fastest growing dimension.
+ * The diagram below illustrates the indices for a 5 x 3 chunk prior to HDF5 1.10:
+ * \code
+ * 0 1 2
+ * 3 4 5
+ * 6 7 8
+ * 9 10 11
+ * 12 13 14
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * As of HDF5 1.10, the library uses a more complicated way to determine the chunk index. Each dimension gets a fixed
+ * number of bits for the number of chunks in that dimension. When creating the dataset, the library first determines the
+ * number of bits needed to encode the number of chunks in each dimension individually by using the log2 function. It then
+ * partitions the chunk index into bitfields, one for each dimension, where the size of each bitfield is as computed above.
+ * The fastest changing dimension is the least significant bit. To compute the chunk index for an individual chunk, for each
+ * dimension, the coordinates of that chunk in an array of chunks is placed into the corresponding bitfield. The 5 x 3 chunk
+ * example above needs 5 bits for its indices (as shown below, the 3 bits in blue are for the row, and the 2 bits in green are for the column)
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html chunking8.png "5 bits"
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Therefore, the indices for the 5 x 3 chunks become like this:
+ * \code
+ * 0 1 2
+ * 4 5 6
+ * 8 9 10
+ * 12 13 14
+ * 16 17 18
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This index is then divided by the size of the hash table, nslots, and the remainder, or modulus, is the hash value.
+ * Because this scheme can result in regularly spaced indices being used frequently, it is important that nslots be a
+ * prime number to minimize the chance of collisions. In general, nslots should probably be set to a number approximately
+ * 100 times the number of chunks that can fit in nbytes bytes, unless memory is extremely limited. There is of course no
+ * advantage in setting nslots to a number larger than the total number of chunks in the dataset.
+ *
+ * The w0 parameter affects how the library decides which chunk to evict when it needs room in the cache. If w0 is set to 0,
+ * then the library will always evict the least recently used chunk in cache. If w0 is set to 1, the library will always evict
+ * the least recently used chunk which has been fully read or written, and if none have been fully read or written, it will
+ * evict the least recently used chunk. If w0 is between 0 and 1, the behavior will be a blend of the two. Therefore, if the
+ * application will access the same data more than once, w0 should be set closer to 0, and if the application does not, w0
+ * should be set closer to 1.
+ *
+ * It is important to remember that chunk caching will only give a benefit when reading or writing the same chunk more than
+ * once. If, for example, an application is reading an entire dataset, with only whole chunks selected for each operation,
+ * then chunk caching will not help performance, and it may be preferable to completely disable the chunk cache in order to
+ * save memory. It may also be advantageous to disable the chunk cache when writing small amounts to many different chunks,
+ * if memory is not large enough to hold all those chunks in cache at once.
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_filt I/O Filters and Compression
+ *
+ * Dataset chunking also enables the use of I/O filters, including compression. The filters are applied to each chunk individually,
+ * and the entire chunk is processed at once. The filter must be applied every time the chunk is loaded into cache, and every time
+ * the chunk is flushed to disk. These facts all make choosing the proper settings for the chunk cache and chunk size even more
+ * critical for the performance of filtered datasets.
+ *
+ * Because the entire chunk must be filtered every time disk I/O occurs, it is no longer a viable option to disable the
+ * chunk cache when writing small amounts of data to many different chunks. To achieve acceptable performance, it is critical
+ * to minimize the chance that a chunk will be flushed from cache before it is completely read or written. This can be done by
+ * increasing the size of the chunk cache, adjusting the size of the chunks, or adjusting I/O patterns.
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_limits Chunk Maximum Limits
+ *
+ * Chunks have some maximum limits. They are:
+ * \li The maximum number of elements in a chunk is 232-1 which is equal to 4,294,967,295.
+ * \li The maximum size for any chunk is 4GB.
+ * \li The size of a chunk cannot exceed the size of a fixed-size dataset. For example, a dataset consisting of a 5x4
+ * fixed-size array cannot be defined with 10x10 chunks.
+ *
+ * For more information, see the entry for #H5Pset_chunk in the HDF5 Reference Manual.
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_pit Pitfalls
+ *
+ * Inappropriate chunk size and cache settings can dramatically reduce performance. There are a number of ways this can happen.
+ * Some of the more common issues include:
+ * \li Chunks are too small There is a certain amount of overhead associated with finding chunks. When chunks are made
+ * smaller, there are more of them in the dataset. When performing I/O on a dataset, if there are many chunks in the selection,
+ * it will take extra time to look up each chunk. In addition, since the chunks are stored independently, more chunks results
+ * in more I/O operations, further compounding the issue. The extra metadata needed to locate the chunks also causes the file
+ * size to increase as chunks are made smaller. Making chunks larger results in fewer chunk lookups, smaller file size, and
+ * fewer I/O operations in most cases.
+ *
+ * \li Chunks are too large It may be tempting to simply set the chunk size to be the same as the dataset size in order
+ * to enable compression on a contiguous dataset. However, this can have unintended consequences. Because the entire chunk must
+ * be read from disk and decompressed before performing any operations, this will impose a great performance penalty when operating
+ * on a small subset of the dataset if the cache is not large enough to hold the one-chunk dataset. In addition, if the dataset is
+ * large enough, since the entire chunk must be held in memory while compressing and decompressing, the operation could cause the
+ * operating system to page memory to disk, slowing down the entire system.
+ *
+ * \li Cache is not big enough Similarly, if the chunk cache is not set to a large enough size for the chunk size and access pattern,
+ * poor performance will result. In general, the chunk cache should be large enough to fit all of the chunks that contain part of a
+ * hyperslab selection used to read or write. When the chunk cache is not large enough, all of the chunks in the selection will be
+ * read into cache, written to disk (if writing), and evicted. If the application then revisits the same chunks, they will have to be
+ * read and possibly written again, whereas if the cache were large enough they would only have to be read (and possibly written) once.
+ * However, if selections for I/O always coincide with chunk boundaries, this does not matter as much, as there is no wasted I/O and the
+ * application is unlikely to revisit the same chunks soon after.
+ * If the total size of the chunks involved in a selection is too big to practically fit into memory, and neither the chunk nor
+ * the selection can be resized or reshaped, it may be better to disable the chunk cache. Whether this is better depends on the
+ * storage order of the selected elements. It will also make little difference if the dataset is filtered, as entire chunks must
+ * be brought into memory anyways in that case. When the chunk cache is disabled and there are no filters, all I/O is done directly
+ * to and from the disk. If the selection is mostly along the fastest changing dimension (i.e. rows), then the data will be more
+ * contiguous on disk, and direct I/O will be more efficient than reading entire chunks, and hence the cache should be disabled. If
+ * however the selection is mostly along the slowest changing dimension (columns), then the data will not be contiguous on disk,
+ * and direct I/O will involve a large number of small operations, and it will probably be more efficient to just operate on the entire
+ * chunk, therefore the cache should be set large enough to hold at least 1 chunk. To disable the chunk cache, either nbytes or nslots
+ * should be set to 0.
+ *
+ * \li Improper hash table size Because only one chunk can be present in each slot of the hash table, it is possible for an
+ * improperly set hash table
+ * size (nslots) to severely impact performance. For example, if there are 100 columns of chunks in a dataset, and the
+ * hash table size is set to 100, then all the chunks in each row will have the same hash value. Attempting to access a row
+ * of elements will result in each chunk being brought into cache and then evicted to allow the next one to occupy its slot
+ * in the hash table, even if the chunk cache is large enough, in terms of nbytes, to hold all of them. Similar situations can
+ * arise when nslots is a factor or multiple of the number of rows of chunks, or equivalent situations in higher dimensions.
+ *
+ * Luckily, because each slot in the hash table only occupies the size of the pointer for the system, usually 4 or 8 bytes,
+ * there is little reason to keep nslots small. Again, a general rule is that nslots should be set to a prime number at least
+ * 100 times the number of chunks that can fit in nbytes, or simply set to the number of chunks in the dataset.
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_ad_ref Additional Resources
+ *
+ * The slide set Chunking in HDF5 (PDF),
+ * a tutorial from HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII (2009) provides additional HDF5 chunking use cases and examples.
+ *
+ * The page \ref sec_exapi_desc lists many code examples that are regularly tested with the HDF5 library. Several illustrate
+ * the use of chunking in HDF5, particularly \ref sec_exapi_dsets and \ref sec_exapi_filts.
+ *
+ * \ref hdf5_chunk_issues provides additional information regarding chunking that has not yet been incorporated into this document.
+ *
+ * \section sec_hdf5_chunking_direct Directions for Future Development
+ * As seen above, the HDF5 chunk cache currently requires careful control of the parameters in order to achieve optimal performance.
+ * In the future, we plan to improve the chunk cache to be more foolproof in many ways, and deliver acceptable performance in most
+ * cases even when no thought is given to the chunking parameters.
+ *
+ * One way to make the chunk cache more user-friendly is to automatically resize the chunk cache as needed for each operation.
+ * The cache should be able to detect when the cache should be skipped or when it needs to be enlarged based on the pattern of
+ * I/O operations. At a minimum, it should be able to detect when the cache would severely hurt performance for a single operation
+ * and disable the cache for that operation. This would of course be optional.
+ *
+ * Another way is to allow chaining of entries in the hash table. This would make the hash table size much less of an issue,
+ * as chunks could share the same hash value by making a linked list.
+ *
+ * Finally, it may even be desirable to set some reasonable default chunk size based on the dataset size and possibly some other
+ * information on the intended access pattern. This would probably be a high-level routine.
+ *
+ * Other features planned for chunking include new index methods (besides b-trees), disabling filters for chunks that are partially over
+ * the edge of a dataset, only storing the used portions of these edge chunks, and allowing multiple reader processes to read the same
+ * dataset as a single writer process writes to it.
+ *
+ */
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index 00000000000..f21a46f4d9b
Binary files /dev/null and b/doxygen/img/chunking8.png differ
diff --git a/src/H5Gpublic.h b/src/H5Gpublic.h
index 1a504e70fe3..e0389531395 100644
--- a/src/H5Gpublic.h
+++ b/src/H5Gpublic.h
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ H5_DLL herr_t H5Gmove2(hid_t src_loc_id, const char *src_name, hid_t dst_loc_id,
* the \ref UG for further details.
* \attention Exercise care in moving groups as it is possible to render data in
- * a file inaccessible with H5Gunlink(). See The Group Interface in the
+ * a file inaccessible with H5Gunlink(). See \ref sec_group in the
* \ref UG.
* \version 1.8.0 Function deprecated in this release.
diff --git a/src/H5Tmodule.h b/src/H5Tmodule.h
index 266516478de..44aba1cb7fa 100644
--- a/src/H5Tmodule.h
+++ b/src/H5Tmodule.h
@@ -4165,6 +4165,7 @@ filled according to the value of this property. The padding can be:
* \li The datatype \c LLONG corresponds C's \TText{long long} and
* \c LDOUBLE is \TText{long double}. These types might be the same
* as \c LONG and \c DOUBLE, respectively.
+ *
* \snippet{doc} tables/predefinedDatatypes.dox predefined_native_datatypes_table