Hi there 👋
🌕 I am Hayrun Nisa. I am a Software engineering student at Sakarya University. I want to improve myself in syber security and backend development. I am very curious when it comes to new subject about my area .
💻 I have learned C++ ,C# and Html-CSS at basic level . I have made some simple projects but from now on I will share my projects from here.
🌿 I love science and mathematic. Discovering various things about world and people with science always attracts me. Mathematic has always been part of my life and always wiil be.
🌱 I’m currently learning Java , .Net core and SQL and my new aim is making new project while using them. I want to discover different areas like Data scientist and artificial intelligence.
📫 How to reach me: https://instagram.com/hay_celik?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg==