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2281526 · Dec 22, 2023


300 lines (246 loc) · 9.81 KB

File metadata and controls

300 lines (246 loc) · 9.81 KB

This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places. See sources and examples!


Sharp as diarrhea and light as a peryshko replacement String

  • almost a complete analogue of String, but static
  • Additional functions for flash string
  • There are several built -in functions of parsing lines


Compatible with all arduino platforms (used arduino functions)


  • [installation] (# Install)
  • [initialization] (#init)
  • [use] (#usage)
  • [Example] (# Example)
  • [versions] (#varsions)
  • [bugs and feedback] (#fedback)



  • I recommend always updating the library: errors and bugs are corrected in the new versions, as well as optimization and new features are added
  • through the IDE library manager: find the library how to install and click "update"
  • Manually: ** remove the folder with the old version **, and then put a new one in its place.“Replacement” cannot be done: sometimes in new versions, files that remain when replacing are deleted and can lead to errors!


The library can work in two modes:

  • internal buffer (default) - the text buffer is created inside the object mstring <size>
  • External buffer - when creating an object, the external Char of the Massive and its size are transmitted.To turn on the external buffer mode, you need to declare #define ms_external before connecting the library

inner buffer

`CPP #include <mstring.h> // Inner buffer // size in the number of characters MSTring <DARAS> STR; `

Outside Boofer

`CPP mstring (char* nbuf, uint16_t size, bool clear = true); // nbuf - external char buffer // size - its size // Clear - Clean in initialization `

Example: `` `CPP #define ms_external #include <mstring.h>

// with cleaning for the correct initialization of memory Char Buf1 [10]; Mstring str1 (BUF, 10);

// without cleaning (line "Hello" will remain) Char Buf2 [10] = "HELLO"; Mstring str2 (BUF2, 10, FALSE); `` `


`` `CPP // =========== System ================= uint16_t Length ();// current size (in the number of characters) VOID updatelength ();// count the length (if the line changes from the outside) Uint16_T Capacy ();// maximum size (in the number of characters) Void Clear ();// Clean

// ========= Effect ============== VOID Add ([char / char* / fstring / number / string]);// Add (almost any type of data) VOID Add_P (pgm_p s);// Add a string from flash VOID Add (Char* str, uint16_t Len);// Add a line from the buffer VOID Add (uint8_t* str, uint16_t len);// Add a line from the buffer

str += [char / char* / fstring / number / string];// Add (almost any type of data) str = str + [char / char* / fstring / numbers / string];// Summage (almost any type of data)

// ========== Comparison ============== Bool Equals (Char* S);// coincides with the line Bool Equals_P (pgm_p s);// coincides with a string of flash

str == [char / char* / number / string];// compare (almost any type of data)

// ======= Access to the buffer =========== // Reading the symbol by index str [idx]; str.buf [idX]; Str.Charat (IDX);

// recording a symbol by index str [idX] = C; str.buf [idx] = s; Str.Setcharat (IDX, C);

// Access to Char Boofer Char [] buf; char* c_str ();

// =========== Export ============== int32_t toint (from = 0);// B 32 bits the whole starting with from from Float Tofloat (from = 0);// Float starting with from from VOID Substring (from, to, char* arr);// copy from frombrom to to external arr

// ======= Transformation ============ VOID TRUNCATE (amount);// Cut from the end to amount VOID Remove (IDX, Amount);// remove (cut) amount characters starting with IDX

VOID TolowerCase ();// Transform letters to the lower register (ascii) VOID TUPPERCASE ();// Transform letters to the upper register (ASCII)

// ============ Search ================ int indexof (char, from = 0);// Find the Char symbol, search for from from from int indexof (char*, from = 0);// Find the line char, search for from from from

int Lastindexof (char);// Find the last Charus Symbol int Lastindexof (Char, from);// Find the last symbol of Char, search for from from from

Bool Startswith (Char* S);// begin with Bool Startswith_p (PGM_P S);// starts with a line from flash

Bool Endswith (Char *S);// ends on Bool endswith_p (pgm_p s);// ends on a line from Flash

// ========= Separation =============== int splitamount (char div = ',');// Count the number of tuning by the separator int split (char ** str, char div = ',');// divide into lines by divider DIV VOID UNSPLIT (Char Div = ',');// Return dividers after split

// ========== Parsing ============== // Parsing package in which the data is separated // DATA - integer array of any type // bsize - weight type weight (byte - 1, uint16_t - 2, long - 4) // Len - the size of the array in the number of cells // div - division int Parse (Void* Data, Uint8_t Bsize, Int Len, Char Div = ',');

// Outdated int Parsebytes (Data, Len, Div);// Parrow the contents into the BYTE array Len Len Intseints (Data, Len, Div);// Parisen the contents into the INT array LEN LEN `` `


`` `CPP #include "Mstring.h" VOID setup () { Serial.Begin (9600); /* Mstring <50> str; str = "Kek"; str = str + ',' + 12345 + ',' + 3.14 + ',' + "hello"; Serial.println (str.buf); str = 1234; Serial.println (str.toint ()); // sketch occupies 2522/198 byte / / // Comparison with String String Str; str = "Kek"; str = str + ',' + 12345 + ',' + 3.14 + ',' + "hello"; Serial.println (str); str = 1234; Serial.println (str.toint ()); // sketch occupies 5370/208 byte */

// other tests Mstring <50> test;

Test = "PUK"; Test += "Kek"; Test = test + "Cheburek" + ',' + 123 + ',' + 3.14;

Serial.println (test.buf);// Puk Kek Cheburek, 123,3.14 test.clear ();// Clean // test = "";// similarly

Mstring <10> some; some = "Added"; String str = "string"; Test += some.buf; Test += str;

Serial.println (test.buf);// Added String

// Parsing Test = "1234,2345,Cranberries -3456,4567,5,6 "; Serial.println (test.startswith ("lol2"));// 0 Serial.println (test.startswith ("1234"));// 1 Serial.println (test.indexof ('k'));// -1

Int16_t Data [10]; int side = test.parse (Data, 2, 10);// 10 cells of 2 bytes Serial.println (get);// 6 Serial.println ();

for (int i = 0; i <get; i ++) { Serial.println (Data [i]);// 1234 2345 -3456 4567 5 6 }

// search Test = "PUK KEK HELLO FREEND HELLO World"; Serial.println (test.indexof ('h'));// 8 Serial.println (test.indexof ('h', 9));// 21 Serial.println (Test.indexof ("Friend"));// 14

// Comparison Test = 12; Serial.println (test == 12);// 1

Test = "Kek"; Serial.println (test == "Kek");// 1

Mstring <4> test2; Test2 = "Kek"; Serial.println (test == test2.buf);// 1

// Selection Test = "ABCD, 123, -456.3.14"; Serial.println (test.toint (5));// 123 Serial.println (test.toint (9));// -456 Serial.println (test.tofloat (14));// 3.14

Char Buf3 [10]; test.substring (0, 5, buf3); Serial.println (BUF3);// ABCD, 1

Test.remove (5, 4); Serial.println (test.buf);// ABCD, -456.3.14 test.touppercase (); Serial.println (test.buf);// ABCD, -456.3.14 test.truncate (4); Serial.println (test.buf);// ABCD, -456,

// Separation Test = "Hello, 1234, Test, 5678"; Char* strings [test.splitamount (',')]; int amount = test.split (strings, ','); // Action will ruin the line by adding NULLS to it!

for (int i = 0; i <amount; i ++) { Serial.println (strings [i]); }

Serial.println (atoi (strings [1])); Serial.println (atof (strings [2]));

// Return the line to the original form test.unsplit (); }

VOID loop () { } `` `


  • V1.0
  • V1.1 - broke the utilities into .H .cpp
  • v1.1.1 - Fixed compilation error
  • V1.2
    • Fixed update uint32_t numbers
    • Added the mode of the external buffer
    • Added _p functions for lines from flash
    • Added UNSPLIT ()
  • v1.3 - added the universal function PARSE
  • V1.4 - the possibility of initializing an external buffer without cleaning
  • v1.5 - added updatelength ()
  • V1.6 - Fixed error on ESP32, added Splitamount ()
  • V1.7 - speed optimization, added Add (uint8_t* str, uint16_t Len), Lastindexof and Endswith

bugs and feedback

Create ** Issue ** when you find the bugs, and better immediately write to the mail [[email protected]] (mailto: [email protected]) The library is open for refinement and your ** pull Request ** 'ow!

When reporting about bugs or incorrect work of the library, it is necessary to indicate:

  • The version of the library
  • What is MK used
  • SDK version (for ESP)
  • version of Arduino ide
  • whether the built -in examples work correctly, in which the functions and designs are used, leading to a bug in your code
  • what code has been loaded, what work was expected from it and how it works in reality
  • Ideally, attach the minimum code in which the bug is observed.Not a canvas of a thousand lines, but a minimum code