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File metadata and controls

290 lines (230 loc) · 9.51 KB

This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places. See sources and examples!


Storage of any data in text form in the format " key ": Value

  • Fast and easy implementation compared to json
  • Boofer isolation: static or dynamic (like String)
  • access (reading and recording) through [] is implemented
  • native converting from any type of record, output to the selected type of reading
  • A separate tool for ESP8266/ESP32 - automatic recording and reading to the file
  • Correct work with memory


Compatible with all arduino platforms (used arduino functions)


  • [installation] (# Install)
  • [documentation] (#docs)
  • [use] (#usage)
  • [versions] (#varsions)
  • [bugs and feedback] (#fedback)



  • I recommend always updating the library: errors and bugs are corrected in the new versions, as well as optimization and new features are added
  • through the IDE library manager: find the library how to install and click "update"
  • Manually: ** remove the folder with the old version **, and then put a new one in its place.“Replacement” cannot be done: sometimes in new versions, files that remain when replacing are deleted and can lead to errors!



Between the pairs, the separator \ n (the transfer of the line) is placed, after the last pair is not placed.Data type as a text: ` "Key0": Value0 "Key1": value1 "Key2": value2 `

During editing through the library methods (add, delete, change), the library itself monitors the correct location of the dividers.


The key and value should not contain unexplored double quotes ` - this will break reading and recording! The library does not follow this and the quotation marks do not shield! If a symbol of double quotes are needed in the field - it needs to be shifted by a symbol` \

Type of data as a text

` "Key0": Val "ue0 - wrong "Key1": val \ "ue1 - correctly `

Type of Data in a line

`CPP Data ["Key"] = "Val \" ue "; // is wrong (equivalent to the value of val" ue) Data ["Key"] = "Val \\\" UE "; // Correctly (equivalent to the value of val \" ue) `

When the value is output through Tostring () The shielding is ignored, but you can convey Tostring (false) so that the line gets out without ignoring the screens.

Data types

In the documentation below, the type of data Anytext can accept:

  • COST Char*, char*, " string constants "
  • f (" lines ") - linesfrom Progmem
  • string - lines

Type Anyvalue can take:

  • Lines like Anytext
  • All integers (8, 16, 32 bits)
  • Double and float

Access through []

The library has access to values through squares for reading and writing.This is convenient, but there is a feature: when reading a key that is not in the database, a new field will be created with this key and empty knowledge!When using the function get () this does not happen.

The library contains several classes for working in different scenarios:



The main object of steam based on a static external char of the indicated length.

`` `CPP // Designer Pairsext (); Pairsext (char* str, uint16_t size);// connect an external size size buffer

// variables Char* str;// Line for manual access uint16_t size;// specified Max.size

// Methods VOID SetBuffer (Char* str, uint16_t len); // Connect the buffer Void Clear ();// Clean the line Bool Changed ();// there was a change in data.Will drop in FALSE itself Bool Contains (Anytext Key);// existence uint16_t Length ();// Actual line length uint16_t amount ();// The number of steam VOID Refresh ();// count the length of the line and the number of pairs (after manual changes)

Bool Set (Anytext Key, Anyvalue Value);// install on the key Bool setn (Uint16_t IDX, ANYVALUE VALUE); // Install the index

Pair get (Anytext Key);// get on the key Pair getn (uint16_t IDX);// Get the index

int32_t toint ();// Bend into int Float Tofloat ();// Bring to Float String Tostring ();// Bring to String Bool Tochar (Char* Buf, Uint16_T LEN);// Bring out in the Char

Bool Remove (Anytext Key);// Delete on the key Bool Removen (Uint16_T IDX);// Delete the index `` `


Object of steam based on a dynamic line.Methods are the same as Pairsext, with the exception of SetBuffer/Reserv.

`` `CPP // Designer Pairs (); Pairs (uint16_t size);// indicating the string reserve

// Methods Bool Reserve (Uint16_T LEN);// Reserve a line // inherits everything from PAIRSEXT `` `


Based on Pairsext, but instead of an external array, it creates its own, inside the object.

`` `CPP // Designer Pairsstatic <Max.size> ();

// Methods // inherits everything from PAIRSEXT `` `


Automatic storage and updating of the pair base for ESP8266/ESP32.It is attached to the file, writes data into it when changing + the time of the timeout.Based on the dynamic class pairs.

`` `CPP // Designer // install the file system, file name and timut PAIRSFILE (fs :: fs* nfs = nullptr, constel* path = nullptr, uint32_t tout = 10000);

// Methods // inherits everything from pairs

// install the file system and file name VOID setfs (fs :: fs* nfs, const char* Path);

// Install the Takeout of the Records, MS (silence 1000) VOID settimeout (uint32_t tout = 10000);

// Read the data in the buffer.Optionally expand the additional place.True if you read Bool Begin (uint16_t res = 0);

// update data in the file Bool update ();

// ticker, call in LOOP.He will update the data himself when the timuta is changed and output, it will return True Bool Tick (); `` `

pair_t The object of the pair, stores the pointers to the key and value and their length, and also allows you to display data to the specified type.

`` `CPP Const Char* Key;// key uint16_t key_len;// Key length const chaar* valle;// meaning uint16_t val_len;// length of the value

// Bring the value to the chamber array Bool Tochar (Char* Buf, Uint16_T LEN); int32_t toint ();// Bring value in int Float Tofloat ();// Bring the valuein Float String Tostring ();// Bring the value to string String Tostring (false);// display a value in string without screens \ `` `


General information

In different classes, in fact, only initialization differs:

`` `CPP // PAIRSEXT Char str [100] = {0}; PAIRSEXT P (str, 100);

// PAIRSEXT Pairs p;


// Pairsfile Pairsfile P (& Littlefs, "/data.dat"); // Before calling Begin () the file system must be launched! `` `

In reading-record, everything is Odiakovo, from the previous example the object p:

`` `CPP // Record.Data types in any combinations p ["key0"] = "val0"; p [f ("key1")] = 1234; p [0] = f ("abcd"); P.Set ("Key2", 3.14); P.Setn (0, ("New Val 0"));

// Reading Serial.println (p ["key0"]);// Auto-Cast in String int i = p ["key1"]. Toint (); Float F = P.Get ("Key2"). Tofloat ();

// Deleting P.remove (F ("Key1")); P.removen (0);

// Work with String.So - it will also work String Val = "Value"; P [String ("Key") + 1] = Val;

// But you need to remember that this can create a fragmentation of memory // If dynamic pairs are used `` `


With manual changes in the buffer (the data are copied from somewhere out of the outside), you need to call .refresh () to recall the database!


`` `CPP Pairsfile Data (& Littlefs, "/data.dat", 3000);

VOID setup () { Littlefs.Begin (); Data.Begin ();// read from the file

Data ["key"] = "value";// changed


VOID loop () { Data.tick ();// tick here.Will update itself after the timeout } `` `


  • V1.0
  • V1.1
    • dynamic string implementation is replaced by its
    • Added the ability to set values from Progmem
    • The library is lightweight and accelerated
    • More security
  • V1.2 - Automatic defecting when displaying in string

bugs and feedback

Create ** Issue ** when you find the bugs, and better immediately write to the mail [[email protected]] (mailto: [email protected]) The library is open for refinement and your ** pull Request ** 'ow!

When reporting about bugs or incorrect work of the library, it is necessary to indicate:

  • The version of the library
  • What is MK used
  • SDK version (for ESP)
  • version of Arduino ide
  • whether the built -in examples work correctly, in which the functions and designs are used, leading to a bug in your code
  • what code has been loaded, what work was expected from it and how it works in reality
  • Ideally, attach the minimum code in which the bug is observed.Not a canvas of a thousand lines, but a minimum code