This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places. See sources and examples!
Very simple and light http server and semiasinchronous http client
- Fast sending and receiving files
- Convenient minimalistic API
Compatible with all arduino platforms (used arduino functions)
- [use] (#usage)
- [versions] (#varsions)
- [installation] (# Install)
- [bugs and feedback] (#fedback)
A quick data sender to Print, supports work with files and Progmem.Reads to the buffer and sends with blocks, which is many times faster than ordinary sending `` `CPP Streamsender (File & File); Streamsender (Consta Uint8_t* Buf, Size_t Len, Bool PGM = 0);
// Data size Size_t Length ();
// set the size of the sending unit VOID Setblocksize (Size_T BSIZE);
// Print in print Size_t Printto (Print & P); `` `
Quick reader of data from Stream of a certain length.Buffering and writes in blocks in the consumer, which is many times faster than usual reading `` `CPP StreamReader (Stream* Stream = Nullptr, Size_t Len = 0);
// Install a timaut VOID settimeout (size_t tout);
// Set the block size VOID Setblocksize (Size_T BSIZE);
// read to the buffer, will return True with success Bool Readbytes (uint8_t* buf);
// Bring out to Write (uint8_t*, size_t) TEMPLATE Bool Writeto (T&P);
Size_t Printto (Print & P);
// total amount of incoming data Size_t Length ();
// Correctic Rider Operator Bool ();
Stream* Stream; `` `
`` `CPP Size_t Write (Uint8_t Data); SIZE_T WRITE (COST UINT8_T* BUFFER, SIZE_T SIZE);
// ============================
// install a new host and port VOID Sethost (Const Char* Host, Uint16_T Port);
// install a new host and port VOID Sethost (Constress & IP, Uint16_T Port);
// Install a new client for communication VOID setclient (: Client & Client);
// Install the server response time, silent.2000 ms VOID settimeout (uint16_t tout);
// answers processor, requires a tick () call to loop () VOID Onresponse (Responsecallback CB);
// ============================
// Connect Bool Connect ();
// Send a request Bool Request (Constation Su :: Text & Path, Cost Su :: Text & Method, const SU :: Text & Headers, Constation Su :: Text & Payload);
// Send a request Bool Request (Const SU :: Text & Path, Cost Su :: Text & Method = "Get", const SU :: Text & Headers = Su :: Text (), Cont Uint8_t* Payload, Size_t Length = 0);
// Start sending.Then you need to manually Print Bool BeginSend ();
// Client is waiting for an answer Bool ISWaiting ();
// there is a response from the server (asynkhronno) Bool Available ();
// wait and read the response of the server (according to AVAILABLE if LONG Poll) Response getresponspon (Headerscollector* Collector = Nullptr);
// ticker, call in LOOP to work with collbe VOID Tick ();
// Stop the client VOID Stop ();
// Skip the answer, remove the waiting flag, stop if the Connection Close VOID Flush (); `` `
`` `CPP // Content type SU :: Text Type ();
// The body of the answer StreamReader & Body ();
// The answer exists Operator Bool (); `` `
`` `CPP ServeR (uint16_t port);
// Launch VOID Begin ();
// Call in Loop VOID Tick (Headerscollector* Collector = Nullptr);
// Connect the request handler VOID Onrequest (RequestCallback Callback);
// Send the client.Can be called several times in a row VOID SEND (COST SU :: Text & Text, Uint16_t Code = 200, Su :: TEXT TYPE = SU :: Text ());
// Send the client the code.Should be the only answer VOID SEND (UINT16_T CODE);
// Send the file VOID SENDFILE (File & File, Su :: Text Type = Su :: Text (), Bool Cache = False, Bool Gzip = False);
// Send a file from the buffer VOID SENDFILE (COST UINT8_T* BUF, SIZE_T LEN, SU :: Text Type = Su :: Text (), Bool Cache = FALSE, BOL GZIP = FALSE);
// Send a file from Progmem VOID SENDFILE_P (COST UINT8_T* BUF, SIZE_T LEN, SU :: Text Type = SU :: Text (), Bool Cache = False, Bool Gzip = FALSE);
// mark the request as executed Void Handle ();
// Use Cors Harders (silent inclusive) VOID usecors (Bool Use);
// Get MIME File type along its path const __flashstringhelper* getmime (const SU :: text & Path); `` `
`` `CPP // Request method COST SU :: Text & Method ();
// Full Url COST SU :: Text & url ();
// Path (without parameters) SU :: Text Path ();
// get the value of the parameter by the key SU :: Text Param (Const SU :: Text & Key);
// Get the body of the request.Can be displayed in Print StreamReader & Body (); `` `
- V1.0
- The library can be found by the name ** gyverhttp ** and installed through the library manager in:
- Arduino ide
- Arduino ide v2
- Platformio
- [download the library] ( .Zip archive for manual installation:
- unpack and put in * C: \ Program Files (X86) \ Arduino \ Libraries * (Windows X64)
- unpack and put in * C: \ Program Files \ Arduino \ Libraries * (Windows X32)
- unpack and put in *documents/arduino/libraries/ *
- (Arduino id) Automatic installation from. Zip: * sketch/connect the library/add .Zip library ... * and specify downloaded archive
- Read more detailed instructions for installing libraries [here] (
- I recommend always updating the library: errors and bugs are corrected in the new versions, as well as optimization and new features are added
- through the IDE library manager: find the library how to install and click "update"
- Manually: ** remove the folder with the old version **, and then put a new one in its place.“Replacement” cannot be done: sometimes in new versions, files that remain when replacing are deleted and can lead to errors!
Create ** Issue ** when you find the bugs, and better immediately write to the mail [[email protected]] (mailto: [email protected]) The library is open for refinement and your ** pull Request ** 'ow!
When reporting about bugs or incorrect work of the library, it is necessary to indicate:
- The version of the library
- What is MK used
- SDK version (for ESP)
- version of Arduino ide
- whether the built -in examples work correctly, in which the functions and designs are used, leading to a bug in your code
- what code has been loaded, what work was expected from it and how it works in reality
- Ideally, attach the minimum code in which the bug is observed.Not a canvas of a thousand lines, but a minimum code