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Keyboard shortcuts

Giuliano Bellini edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 4 revisions

Sniffnet provides a set of keyboard shortcuts to efficiently perform some of the most common interactions with the application.

Keyboard shortcuts, also known as hotkeys, are combinations of keys that allow to perform specific actions more quickly than using the mouse or the touchpad.
Using hotkeys can save you time and make the interaction with the application more natural and fluid, improving the overall user experience.

The currently available hotkeys are reported in the following table.


On macOS, use cmd instead of ctrl

Action Shortcut keys
Quit the application ctrl+Q
Open settings ctrl+,
Interrupt the ongoing analysis ctrl+backspace
Clear all notifications ctrl+D
Toggle thumbnail mode ctrl+T
Start the analysis and confirm modal actions enter
Close settings and modal popups esc
Switch from a tab to the next (or previous) one tab (or shift+tab)
Switch inspect table page to the next (or previous) one ctrl+rightArrow (or ctrl+leftArrow)

If you want to suggest a different key combination for one of the existing shortcuts, or if you want to propose a new shortcut, share your ideas in the dedicated issue.