- Object methods are fixed to call the correct client's method.
- imageBlockTransfer issue fixed.
- Comment issues fixed for GXDLMSTranslater.
- HDLC framing issue fixed for the listener example.
- GXDLMSConverter.changeType issue fixed when string value is converted for boolean value.
- HDLC broadcast support fixed.
- Profile generic sortMethod cast from int to SortMethod enum.
- getLastReadTime items-issue fixed.
- getCiphering parameter issue from GXDLMSTranslator.
- getCiphering parameter issue from GXDLMSTranslator.
- getCiphering parameter issue from GXDLMSTranslator.
- integerToHex wrongly converting negative integers.
- GXDLMSTranslator is using wrong getCiphering defenitions.
- Script table getActions changed to actions.
- GXByteBuffer setFloat and setDouble ignores index parameter.
- GXByteBuffer size property is called as a function.
- GXDLMSPushSetup: set logicalName(ln) changed to logicalName = ln
- getLNPdu counts length wrong when GBT is used.
- Use bitwise operator when checking conformance for General Block Transfer
- Wrong positioning of arguments for len field in RLRQ
- handleMethodResponse issue
- checkHdlcAddress isseue.
- setUInt8 capitalized isseue.
- HLS AARQ Generation issue.
- Reading float value issue.
- Converting GXDateTime toString issue.
- Fix interfaceType set in sample client
- logical address greater than 0