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PGAdapter and SQLAlchemy 1.4

PGAdapter has experimental support for SQLAlchemy 1.4 with the psycopg2 driver. This document shows how to use this sample application, and lists the limitations when working with SQLAlchemy with PGAdapter.

It is recommended to use SQLAlchemy 2.x in combination with psycopg 3.x instead of SQLAlchemy 1.4 with psycopg2. Psycopg2 never uses server-side query parameters. This will increase the latency of all queries that are executed by SQLAlchemy. See SQLAlchemy 2.x sample for more information on how to use SQLAlchemy 2.x.

The file contains a sample application using SQLAlchemy with PGAdapter. Use this as a reference for features of SQLAlchemy that are supported with PGAdapter. This sample assumes that the reader is familiar with SQLAlchemy, and it is not intended as a tutorial for how to use SQLAlchemy in general.

See Limitations for a full list of known limitations when working with SQLAlchemy.

Start PGAdapter

You must start PGAdapter before you can run the sample. The following command shows how to start PGAdapter using the pre-built Docker image. See Running PGAdapter for more information on other options for how to run PGAdapter.

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/credentials.json
docker pull
docker run \
  -d -p 5432:5432 \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \ \
  -p my-project -i my-instance \

Creating the Sample Data Model

The sample data model contains example tables that cover all supported data types the Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL dialect. It also includes an example for how interleaved tables can be used with SQLAlchemy. Interleaved tables is a Cloud Spanner extension of the standard PostgreSQL dialect.

The corresponding SQLAlchemy model is defined in

Run the following command in this directory. Replace the host, port and database name with the actual host, port and database name for your PGAdapter and database setup.

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d my-database -f create_data_model.sql

You can also drop an existing data model using the drop_data_model.sql script:

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d my-database -f drop_data_model.sql

Data Types

Cloud Spanner supports the following data types in combination with SQLAlchemy.

PostgreSQL Type SQLAlchemy type
boolean Boolean
bigint / int8 Integer, BigInteger
varchar String
text String
float8 / double precision Float
numeric Numeric
timestamptz / timestamp with time zone DateTime(timezone=True)
date Date
bytea LargeBinary
jsonb JSONB


The following limitations are currently known:

Limitation Workaround
Query Latency psycopg2 never uses server-side query parameters. This increases the latency of all queries that are executed by SQLAlchemy. It is recommended to use SQLAlchemy 2.x instead if your application requires the lowest possible query latency.
Creating and Dropping Tables Cloud Spanner does not support the full PostgreSQL DDL dialect. Automated creation of tables using SQLAlchemy is therefore not supported.
metadata.reflect() Cloud Spanner does not support all PostgreSQL pg_catalog tables. Using metadata.reflect() to get the current objects in the database is therefore not supported.
DDL Transactions Cloud Spanner does not support DDL statements in a transaction. Add ?options=-c spanner.ddl_transaction_mode=AutocommitExplicitTransaction to your connection string to automatically convert DDL transactions to non-atomic DDL batches.
Generated primary keys Manually assign a value to the primary key column in your code. The recommended primary key type is a random UUID. Sequences / SERIAL / IDENTITY columns are currently not supported.
SAVEPOINT Rolling back to a SAVEPOINT can fail if the transaction contained at least one query that called a volatile function.
SELECT ... FOR UPDATE SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is not supported.
Server side cursors Server side cursors are currently not supported.
Transaction isolation level Only SERIALIZABLE and AUTOCOMMIT are supported. postgresql_readonly=True is also supported. It is recommended to use either autocommit or read-only for workloads that only read data and/or that do not need to be atomic to get the best possible performance.
Stored procedures Cloud Spanner does not support Stored Procedures.
User defined functions Cloud Spanner does not support User Defined Functions.
Other drivers than psycopg2 PGAdapter does not support using SQLAlchemy with any other drivers than psycopg2.

Generated Primary Keys

Generated primary keys are not supported and should be replaced with primary key definitions that are manually assigned. See for more information on choosing a good primary key. This sample uses random UUIDs that are generated by the client and stored as strings for primary keys.

from uuid import uuid4

class Singer(Base):
  id = Column(String, primary_key=True)
  name = Column(String(100))

singer = Singer(


INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... are not supported by Cloud Spanner and should not be used. Trying to use or will fail.

SAVEPOINT - Nested transactions

Rolling back to a SAVEPOINT can fail if the transaction contained at least one query that called a volatile function or if the underlying data that has been accessed by the transaction has been modified by another transaction.


Locking clauses, like SELECT ... FOR UPDATE, are not supported (see also These are normally also not required, as Cloud Spanner uses isolation level serializable for read/write transactions.

Performance Considerations

Parameterized Queries

psycopg2 does not use parameterized queries. Instead, psycopg2 will replace query parameters with literals in the SQL string before sending these to PGAdapter. This means that each query must be parsed and planned separately. This will add latency to queries that are executed multiple times compared to if the queries were executed using actual query parameters.

It is therefore recommended to use SQLAlchemy 2.x in combination with pscyopg 3.x for applications that require the lowest possible query latency. See SQLAlchemy 2.x sample for more information.

Read-only Transactions

SQLAlchemy will by default use read/write transactions for all database operations, including for workloads that only read data. This will cause Cloud Spanner to take locks for all data that is read during the transaction. It is recommended to use either autocommit or read-only transactions for workloads that are known to only execute read operations. Read-only transactions do not take any locks. You can create a separate database engine that can be used for read-only transactions from your default database engine by adding the postgresql_readonly=True execution option.

read_only_engine = engine.execution_options(postgresql_readonly=True)


Using isolation level AUTOCOMMIT will suppress the use of (read/write) transactions for each database operation in SQLAlchemy. Using autocommit is more efficient than read/write transactions for workloads that only read and/or that do not need the atomicity that is offered by transactions.

You can create a separate database engine that can be used for workloads that do not need transactions by adding the isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT" execution option to your default database engine.

autocommit_engine = engine.execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT")

Stale reads

Read-only transactions and database engines using AUTOCOMMIT will by default use strong reads for queries. Cloud Spanner also supports stale reads.

  • A strong read is a read at a current timestamp and is guaranteed to see all data that has been committed up until the start of this read. Spanner defaults to using strong reads to serve read requests.
  • A stale read is read at a timestamp in the past. If your application is latency sensitive but tolerant of stale data, then stale reads can provide performance benefits.

See also

You can create a database engine that will use stale reads in autocommit mode by adding the following to the connection string and execution options of the engine:

conn_string = "postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@localhost:5432/my-database" \
              "?options=-c spanner.read_only_staleness='MAX_STALENESS 10s'"
engine = create_engine(conn_string).execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT")