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File metadata and controls

243 lines (165 loc) · 7.56 KB



CoffeeFormatter (abbreviated as CF) is a, guess what, formatter for CoffeeScript. Let me know if you were actually expecting otherwise lol.

The code is written in Literate CoffeeScript. Checkout Wikipedia for what "Literate Programming" means.



CF relies on the following packages:

  • lazy for reading files line by line. An example is given here.
  • fs for file io.
  • optimist for command line parsing.


Lazy = require 'lazy'
fs = require 'fs'

By default, we use a tab width of 2 and use spaces exclusively. This is the style most widely used in the community. For a detailed guide of CoffeeScript style, check out this.

argv = (require 'optimist')
  .default('tab-width', 2)
  .default('use-space', true)


We define a set of constants, including:

Two-space operators. These operators should have one space both before and after.

TWO_SPACE_OPERATORS = ['?=", '=', '+=', '-=', '==', '<=', '>=',
                    '>', "<", '+', '-', '*', '/']

One-space operators. They should have one space after.

ONE_SPACE_OPERATORS = [':', '?', ')', '}', ',']

Helper Functions

Given a line and an index, the function determines whether or not the index is inside of a CoffeeScript string or part of a CoffeeScript comment.

inStringOrComment = (index, line) ->
  for c, i in line
    if c == '#' and i <= index
      return true
    if c == "'" or c == '"'
      subLine = line.substr (i + 1)
      for cc, ii in subLine
        if cc == c
          if i <= index <= (ii + i + 1)
            return true
            return inStringOrComment (index - (ii + 1)), (line.substr (ii + 1))
    # Match regex
    if c == "/"
      subLine = line.substr (i + 1)
      for cc, ii in subLine
        if cc == " "
        if cc == c
          if i <= index <= (ii + i + 1)
            return true
            return inStringOrComment (index - (ii + 1)), (line.substr (ii + 1))

  return false

The negation:

notInStringOrComment = (index, line) ->
  return not inStringOrComment(index, line)

getExtension() returns the extension of a filename, excluding the dot.

getExtension = (filename) ->
  i = filename.lastIndexOf '.'
  return if i < 0 then '' else filename.substr (i+1)

This function makes sure that there is one and only one space before and after the operators defined in TWO_SPACE_OPERATORS. Before it inserts spaces, however, it makes sure that the operator in question is not part of a string.

The idea behind this implementation is that, we can firstly add one space both before and after the operator, and then use shortenSpaces (described later) to get rid of any additional spaces.

The boolean logic is much more complex than I would like. It should be refactored at some point.

formatTwoSpaceOperator = (line) ->
  for operator in TWO_SPACE_OPERATORS
    newLine = ''
    skipNext = false
    for c, i in line
      # Test if the operator is at i
      if (line.substr(i).indexOf(operator) == 0) and (notInStringOrComment i, line) and
      (not ((operator.length == 1) and
      ((line[i + 1] in TWO_SPACE_OPERATORS) or
      (line[i-1] in TWO_SPACE_OPERATORS))))
        newLine += " #{operator} " # Insert a space before and after
        skipNext = true if operator.length == 2
        unless skipNext
          newLine += c
        skipNext = false

    line = shortenSpaces newLine

  return line

This method shortens consecutive spaces into one single space.

formatOneSpaceOperator = (line) ->
  for operator in ONE_SPACE_OPERATORS
    newLine = ''
    for c, i in line
      thisCharAndNextOne = line.substr(i, 2)
      if (line.substr(i).indexOf(operator) == 0) and
      (notInStringOrComment i, line) and

One exception has to be accounted for, which is expression of the form Object::property

      (line.substr(i).indexOf('::') != 0) and
      (line.substr(i-1).indexOf('::') != 0) and

Another exception: if (options = arguments[i])?

      (line.substr(i+1).indexOf('?') != 0) and

And also ")," ")." ")[" and "))" shouldn't be separated by space:

      (thisCharAndNextOne isnt "),") and
      (thisCharAndNextOne isnt ")(") and
      (thisCharAndNextOne isnt ").") and
      (thisCharAndNextOne isnt ")[") and
      (thisCharAndNextOne isnt "))")
        newLine += "#{operator} " # Insert a space after
        newLine += c

    line = shortenSpaces newLine

  return line

Note that the function should not shorten indentations.

shortenSpaces = (line) ->
  trimTrailing = (str) ->
    str.replace /\s\s*$/, ""

  prevChar = null
  newLine = ''

  for c, i in line
    if c == ' '
      newLine += c
      line = line.substring(i)

  for c, i in line
    unless notInStringOrComment(i, line) and (c == ' ' == prevChar)
      newLine = newLine + c
    prevChar = c

  return trimTrailing newLine


The body of this module does the following:

  1. Parse command line.
  2. Read the files specified by the user.
  3. Perform formatting.

We loop through argv._, which should be a list of filenames given by the user.

for filename in argv._

Then we check if the extension is "coffee". Literate CoffeeScript will also be supported at some point.

  if (getExtension filename) isnt 'coffee'
    "#{filename} doesn't appear to be a CoffeeScript file. Skipping..."
    console.log "Use --force to format it anyway."

If the extension is "coffee", we proceed to the actual formatting.

Firstly, we read the file line by line:

    file = ''

    lazy = new Lazy(fs.createReadStream filename, encoding: 'utf8')

    lazy.on 'end', ->
      fs.writeFileSync filename, file

      .forEach (line) ->
        line = String(line)

For some weird reason regarding IO, empty line is read as '0'. Therefore I have to check against 0. This may cause weird bugs if a line actually contains only '0'.

        if line != '0'
          newLine = line

newLine is used to hold a processed line. file is used to hold the processed file.

Now we add spaces before and after a binary operator, using the helper function:

          newLine = formatTwoSpaceOperator newLine

Do the same for single-space operators:

          newLine = formatOneSpaceOperator newLine

Shorten any consecutive spaces into a single space:

          newLine = shortenSpaces newLine

          file += newLine + '\n'
          file += '\n'

After the forEach completes, we have a file that is formatted line by line. However, a comprehensive formatter needs to consider the code in a block level. Specifically:

  • Indentation should be formatted according to the parameters specified by the user.

This haven't been implemented yet.


Test Only

The following exports are for testing only and should be commented out in production:

exports.shortenSpaces = shortenSpaces
exports.formatTwoSpaceOperator = formatTwoSpaceOperator
exports.notInStringOrComment = notInStringOrComment
exports.formatOneSpaceOperator = formatOneSpaceOperator