A collection of data structures implemented in C. The data structures store data and keys that are of type pointer to void void*
The build system is CMake.
To build the static library, create a new build
folder in the root of the repository, and run
cmake ..
from inside that folder. For example on a Linux terminal:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
on Windows cmd.exe:
mkdir build & cd build & cmake ..
If you'd like to build a DLL/so instead of a static library (which is the default):
If you'd like to get MinGW makefiles instead of Visual Studio project files on Windows (which is the default):
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
The Debug build builds all the tests together with the library, not separately, and the final binary has debugging symbols:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- Singly linked list
- Singly linked list with sentinel
- Doubly linked list
- Doubly linked list with sentinel
- Circular singly linked list
- Circular doubly linked list
- Circular buffer (ring buffer)
- Stack
- Double ended queue (dequeue)
- Binary search tree (unbalanced)
- AVL tree
- Treap
- Splay tree
- Trie
- (a,b) tree
- Binary heap implemented as a binary tree
- Binary heap implemented as an array
- Binomial heap
- Fibonacci heap
- Height-biased Leftist heap
- Skew heap
- Red black tree
- Association List
- Hashing with chaining
- Hashing with linear probing and optional rehashing
- Hashing with quadratic probing and mandatory rehashing (in case load factor >= 0.5)
more to come...
C99 standard library
for all files in the lib\external\SFMT
for all files in the lib\external\xxHash
for all the other files
libvoids (c) 2016-2017 [email protected]