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Troubleshooting Hogarama

ErhardSiegl edited this page Sep 30, 2018 · 6 revisions

This page gives some hints how you can troubleshoot various problems with Hogarama

Website shows "Could not load data. Please try again later."

The error says that JBoss didn't find any data in the Mongodb. There can be several reasons for this.

  • The Client didn't send data
  • Fluentd didn't forward the data
  • The connection from Hogajama (JBoss) to MongoDB is lost
  • MongoDB is down

Test with Mock GUI

The easiest way to check whether the server part is functional is to use the Raspberry-PI-Mocks-GUI. Just open the Url and run a few values. It sends data to AMQ. If it works the OpenShift part works correctly and its probably a client issue.

Check Logs

First thing is to check the Logs of the pods from the Fluentd, Hogajama and Mongodb. In Fluentd you should see something like this:

2018-09-30 21:38:32.334158357 +0200 habarama: {"sensorName":"GruenerGepard","type":"sparkfun","value":73,"location":"Wien","version":1,"time":"2018-09-30T21:38:32+02:00"}
2018-09-30 21:38:49.339616481 +0200 habarama: {"sensorName":"GruenerGepard","type":"sparkfun","value":75,"location":"Wien","version":1,"time":"2018-09-30T21:38:49+02:00"}
2018-09-30 21:39:06.346601746 +0200 habarama: {"sensorName":"GruenerGepard","type":"sparkfun","value":72,"location":"Wien","version":1,"time":"2018-09-30T21:39:06+02:00"}
2018-09-30 21:39:23.357627899 +0200 habarama: {"sensorName":"GruenerGepard","type":"sparkfun","value":73,"location":"Wien","version":1,"time":"2018-09-30T21:39:23+02:00"}
2018-09-30 21:39:40.369556706 +0200 habarama: {"sensorName":"GruenerGepard","type":"sparkfun","value":72,"location":"Wien","version":1,"time":"2018-09-30T21:39:40+02:00"}

If something is wrong, you most likely see some Error messages in the logs

Check for data in MongoDB

Login-to-mongodb Then read the data:

> show collections                                                                                                                                                                                
> db.habarama.find()                                                                                                                                                                              
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bafc64371a07b000b392391"), "sensorName" : "Mock Sensor", "type" : "wasser", "value" : 50, "location" : "Wien", "version" : 0, "time" : ISODate("2018-09-29T18:36:48.840Z") } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bafc64671a07b000b392392"), "sensorName" : "Mock Sensor", "type" : "wasser", "value" : 50, "location" : "Wien", "version" : 0, "time" : ISODate("2018-09-29T18:36:51.833Z") } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bafc64971a07b000b392393"), "sensorName" : "Mock Sensor", "type" : "wasser", "value" : 70, "location" : "Wien", "version" : 0, "time" : ISODate("2018-09-29T18:36:54.830Z") } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bb0743171a07b000b392394"), "sensorName" : "GruenerGepard", "type" : "sparkfun", "value" : 33, "location" : "Wien", "version" : 1, "time" : ISODate("2018-09-30T06:58:54.807Z"
) }                                                                                                                                                                                               
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bb0744271a07b000b392395"), "sensorName" : "GruenerGepard", "type" : "sparkfun", "value" : 26, "location" : "Wien", "version" : 1, "time" : ISODate("2018-09-30T06:59:11.826Z"
) }                                                                                                                                                                                               
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bb0745371a07b000b392396"), "sensorName" : "GruenerGepard", "type" : "sparkfun", "value" : 29, "location" : "Wien", "version" : 1, "time" : ISODate("2018-09-30T06:59:28.846Z"

Pump doesn't work

Again there can be several reasons on server- or on client-side. Therefore it is important to limit the possible cause.

Check for watering requests

At regular intervals Hogajama checks whether it should activate the pump. See Using-Hogarama#configure-the-watering-strategy. If the rule triggers a watering request, you should see a little drop in the Hogajama chart (GUI) and a message in the Hogajama Logs:

20:08:10,001 INFO  [com.gepardec.hogarama.service.schedulers.WateringScheduler] (EJB default - 4) Check for watering
20:08:10,002 INFO  [com.gepardec.hogarama.service.schedulers.SensorsScheduler] (EJB default - 3) Load the sensorNames from the database
20:08:10,026 INFO  [com.gepardec.hogarama.service.ActorServiceImpl] (EJB default - 4) sendActorMessage: location: Wien, actorName: Mock Sensor, duration: 5
20:08:10,059 INFO  [com.gepardec.hogarama.mocks.cli.MqttClient] (EJB default - 4) Publising to ssl://
20:08:10,282 INFO  [com.gepardec.hogarama.mocks.cli.MqttClient] (EJB default - 4) Published 1 of 1

You can also find these in mongodb: Login-to-mongodb Then read the data:

> db.watering.find()                                                                                                                                                                              
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bb074b620808801b9e850be"), "className" : "com.gepardec.hogarama.domain.watering.WateringData", "time" : ISODate("2018-09-30T07:01:10.046Z"), "name" : "GruenerGepard", "locat
ion" : "Wien", "duration" : 5 }                                                                                                                                                                   
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bb074f220808801b9e850bf"), "className" : "com.gepardec.hogarama.domain.watering.WateringData", "time" : ISODate("2018-09-30T07:02:10.007Z"), "name" : "GruenerGepard", "locat
ion" : "Wien", "duration" : 5 }                                                                                                                                                                   

Check the Actor Topic in AMQ Pod

The watering request will be sent to a Topic with name actor.location.actorname of the broker-amq pod. Go to the pod, locate and follow the link Open Java Console. It will open the Jolokia JMX console. Go e.g. to Topic->actor/Wien/GruenerGepard You see values for enqueued and dequeued messages and number of consumers. There should be at least one consumer (Raspi) and the same value for enqueued and dequeued messages (number of watering requests).