--------- beginning of main 01-22 01:03:34.474 28191 28199 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:03:34.477 28191 28199 I chatty : uid=10210(com.zerotier.one) FinalizerDaemon identical 29 lines 01-22 01:03:34.477 28191 28199 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:03:34.621 3278 28878 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:34,620 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:967] [Slim] read Blob [] Err:Connection reset 01-22 01:03:34.621 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:34,621 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] JOB: shutdown the connection. 9, java.net.SocketException: Connection reset 01-22 01:03:34.622 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:34,622 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] disconnect 201574192, 32252912 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:34,622 - [WARN::PushService] - 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(SocketOutputStream.java:117) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(SocketOutputStream.java:161) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:82) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:140) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at com.xiaomi.e.c.a(Unknown Source:216) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at com.xiaomi.e.c.b(Unknown Source:11) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at com.xiaomi.e.f.a(Unknown Source:19) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at com.xiaomi.f.i.b(Unknown Source:0) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at com.xiaomi.push.service.XMPushService.a(Unknown Source:48) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at com.xiaomi.f.k.a(Unknown Source:8) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at com.xiaomi.push.service.db.run(Unknown Source:32) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: at com.xiaomi.push.service.j.run(Unknown Source:159) 01-22 01:03:34.623 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:34,623 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] update the connection status. connected -> disconnected : ERROR_READ_ERROR 01-22 01:03:34.661 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:34,660 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] schedule reconnect in 1000ms 01-22 01:03:34.662 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:34,662 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] update the client 5 status. binded->unbind CLOSE ERROR_READ_ERROR null null 01-22 01:03:34.662 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:34,662 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] JOB: notify job 01-22 01:03:35.120 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:35.121 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:443 01-22 01:03:35.122 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:35.122 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::443 01-22 01:03:35.123 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:35.123 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:9993 01-22 01:03:35.131 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:35.132 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:35.132 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:35.133 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::443 01-22 01:03:35.137 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:35.154 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:35.264 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:35.286 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:35.376 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:35.664 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,663 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] JOB: do reconnect.. 01-22 01:03:35.670 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,669 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] update the connection status. disconnected -> connecting : ERROR_OK 01-22 01:03:35.679 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,678 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] begin to connect to fr-app-chat-global-xiaomi-net1-1667981913.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com:5222 01-22 01:03:35.744 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,744 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] tcp connected 01-22 01:03:35.747 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,746 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] [slim] open conn: andver=28 sdk=38 hash=a-E93FFBC65B5703610635B15F26B8BBF93973D5F5 tz=1:1 Model=MI 8 Lite os=V11.0.8.0.PDTMIXM 01-22 01:03:35.748 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,747 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] connected to fr-app-chat-global-xiaomi-net1-1667981913.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com:5222 in 69 01-22 01:03:35.761 3278 29210 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,760 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:968] setChallenge hash = 136d0497 01-22 01:03:35.761 3278 29210 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,761 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:968] update the connection status. connecting -> connected : ERROR_OK 01-22 01:03:35.772 3243 3243 E TelephonyEventHandler: Received network connection action 01-22 01:03:35.773 3243 3243 E TelephonyEventHandler: Received network connection action currentNwType=1 01-22 01:03:35.776 3278 29210 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,775 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:968] [Slim] CONN: host = c221 01-22 01:03:35.776 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,775 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] JOB: bind the client. 5 01-22 01:03:35.777 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,777 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] update the client 5 status. unbind->binding unknown ERROR_OK null null 01-22 01:03:35.777 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,777 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] [Slim]: bind id=cV7Lp-1283 01-22 01:03:35.802 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,801 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] SMACK: channel bind succeeded, chid=5 01-22 01:03:35.803 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,803 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] update the client 5 status. binding->binded OPEN ERROR_OK null null 01-22 01:03:35.806 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:35,805 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] JOB: notify job 01-22 01:03:37.751 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:38.135 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:38.136 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:40.450 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:40.452 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:443 01-22 01:03:40.453 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:40.454 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::443 01-22 01:03:40.454 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:40.455 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:443 01-22 01:03:40.455 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:40.456 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::443 01-22 01:03:40.492 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:41.139 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:41.139 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:42.820 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:43.449 1871 1885 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:03:43.450 1871 1885 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:03:43.450 1871 1885 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:03:43.459 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 01-22 01:03:43.466 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 01-22 01:03:43.469 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:43,469 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] JOB: Handle intent action = com.xiaomi.push.timer 01-22 01:03:43.470 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:43,470 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] Service called on timer 01-22 01:03:43.480 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:43,479 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] [Slim] SND ping id=0 01-22 01:03:43.510 3278 29210 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:43,509 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:968] [Slim] RCV ping id=0 01-22 01:03:43.512 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:43,512 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] TinyData TinyDataCacheProcessor.pingFollowUpAction ts:1579651423512 01-22 01:03:43.513 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:43,513 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] TinyData TinyDataCacheProcessor.pingFollowUpAction !canUpload(uploader) ts:1579651423513 01-22 01:03:43.971 4825 15955 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:03:43.973 4825 15955 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:03:44.004 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:03:44.009 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:03:44.009 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:03:44.016 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:03:44.017 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:44.017 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:44.058 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:44.112 4825 15955 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:03:44.114 4825 15955 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:03:44.114 4825 15955 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:03:44.143 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:44.143 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:44.967 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 28 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:44.968 28191 28216 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 37 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:45.016 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:03:45.016 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:03:45.055 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:45.168 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:03:45.569 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:45.572 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:9993 01-22 01:03:45.573 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:45.573 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::9993 01-22 01:03:45.574 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:45.574 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:9993 01-22 01:03:45.575 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:45.575 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::443 01-22 01:03:45.609 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:46.402 29216 29216 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 2000 <<<<<< 01-22 01:03:46.492 29216 29216 W main : type=1400 audit(0.0:44141): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_mpctl_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=16663 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_mpctl_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 01-22 01:03:46.501 29216 29216 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.at_library" 01-22 01:03:46.504 29216 29216 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.genymobile.scrcpy.Server 01-22 01:03:46.520 29216 29216 D ThemeCompatibility: START loading theme compatibility config. 01-22 01:03:46.520 29216 29216 D ThemeCompatibility: getVersion(): /data/system/theme_config/theme_compatibility.xml java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/theme_config/theme_compatibility.xml (No such file or directory) --------- beginning of system 01-22 01:03:46.524 1871 4027 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26 down:true eventTime:112374474 downTime:112374474 policyFlags:b000000 flags:0 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0 01-22 01:03:46.524 29216 29216 D ThemeCompatibility: getConfigDocumentTree(): 140 vs -1 01-22 01:03:46.524 29216 29216 D ThemeCompatibility: parse file: /system/media/theme/theme_compatibility.xml 01-22 01:03:46.524 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: notification panel visible=true 01-22 01:03:46.524 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: ui thread tid=1871 01-22 01:03:46.524 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: render thread tid=0 01-22 01:03:46.524 1871 4027 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do not boost 01-22 01:03:46.527 29216 29216 D ThemeCompatibility: END loading: version=140 size=47 01-22 01:03:46.529 2341 2363 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedWakingUp, reason = android.policy:POWER 01-22 01:03:46.529 2341 2363 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.529 2341 2363 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.529 2341 2363 D FaceManagerImpl_client: isSupportScreenOnDelayed:true 01-22 01:03:46.529 2341 2363 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.530 2341 2363 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.531 29227 29227 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 01-22 01:03:46.531 1871 4027 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid=1000 reason=android.policy:POWER)... 01-22 01:03:46.531 1871 4027 I PowerManagerService: waking up from opPackageName = android opUid = 1000 01-22 01:03:46.531 1871 1871 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:03:46.531 1871 1871 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:03:46.553 1871 1951 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 01-22 01:03:46.553 1871 1951 I WindowManager: Screen turning on... 01-22 01:03:46.554 697 697 E QTI PowerHAL: Failed to acquire lock. 01-22 01:03:46.554 697 697 I QTI PowerHAL: Got set_interactive hint 01-22 01:03:46.562 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44142): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:03:46.556 1871 2282 I LocalDisplayAdapter: setDisplayState(id=0, state=ON) 01-22 01:03:46.556 1871 1948 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Schermo incorporato", ON 01-22 01:03:46.556 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x78b5e55000 01-22 01:03:46.557 693 4178 I SDM : DisplayBase::SetDisplayState: Set state = 1, display 0 01-22 01:03:46.558 1871 4027 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26 down:false eventTime:112374510 downTime:112374510 policyFlags:2b000000 flags:0 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0 01-22 01:03:46.572 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44143): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:03:46.594 1871 1871 I WindowManager: Started waking up... 01-22 01:03:46.594 1871 1951 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: aquire 01-22 01:03:46.594 1871 1951 I SensorService: check list, getPackageName miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper 01-22 01:03:46.596 1871 2182 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 01-22 01:03:46.598 2341 2363 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn 01-22 01:03:46.598 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 100, status = 5, level = 100, plug = 1, scale = 100 01-22 01:03:46.598 4825 4825 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:03:46.598 2341 2363 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedWakingUp, seq = 447 01-22 01:03:46.598 2341 2363 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedWakingUp 01-22 01:03:46.598 1871 1886 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast android.intent.action.KEYCODE_POWER_UP from system 1871:system/1000 pkg android. Callers=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked:22556 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent:22699 android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastAsUser:1195 com.android.server.policy.BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager$17.run:2452 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:873 01-22 01:03:46.599 1871 2209 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 01-22 01:03:46.599 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: battery_level_update 01-22 01:03:46.600 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [battery_level_update][931] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:03:46.601 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [batteryLevelUpdate][777] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:03:46.604 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:03:46.605 2341 2363 D EventBus: [2341, u0] post(ScreenOnEvent) 01-22 01:03:46.608 1871 1871 D StorageManagerService: Get the action of screen on 01-22 01:03:46.608 645 909 D vold : The trim thread is not running 01-22 01:03:46.611 3085 3109 I octvm_power: power mode [keyguard] start 1579651426 01-22 01:03:46.611 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:03:46.611 3085 3109 I octvm_power: Action: set_thermal_config(restore) for [foreground_change] 01-22 01:03:46.612 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: platform_set_thermal_mode cur_global_config:[], target mode:[restore], profile=0, ret=0 01-22 01:03:46.612 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:03:46.612 3085 3109 I octvm_power: onPowerModeChanged[keyguard] called 01-22 01:03:46.617 683 2250 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=on 01-22 01:03:46.617 683 2250 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 17 rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 0 01-22 01:03:46.617 683 2250 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 0 01-22 01:03:46.617 683 2250 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0 01-22 01:03:46.617 683 2250 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled 01-22 01:03:46.623 1871 1871 V LocationPolicy: Screen state changed 01-22 01:03:46.630 29216 29216 I app_process: Thread[1,tid=29216,Native,Thread*=0x79cfa14c00,peer=0x12c01ee8,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so" 01-22 01:03:46.631 29216 29216 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice 01-22 01:03:46.631 29216 29216 I app_process: Thread[1,tid=29216,Native,Thread*=0x79cfa14c00,peer=0x12c01ee8,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so" 01-22 01:03:46.632 29216 29216 I app_process: Thread[1,tid=29216,Native,Thread*=0x79cfa14c00,peer=0x12c01ee8,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/libmedia_jni.so" 01-22 01:03:46.636 2305 2305 D BtOppService: action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 01-22 01:03:46.639 698 698 W qti_sensors_hal: enable: handle=77, en=0 01-22 01:03:46.640 698 15535 W qti_sensors_hal: processResp: handle:77 01-22 01:03:46.641 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:03:46.643 2341 2341 W KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurningOn 01-22 01:03:46.643 2341 2341 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn 01-22 01:03:46.643 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyWakingUp 01-22 01:03:46.643 1871 2251 I WindowManager: mKeyguardDelegate.ShowListener.onDrawn. 01-22 01:03:46.644 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: screen_status_update 01-22 01:03:46.644 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [screen_status_update][528] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:03:46.644 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [screenStatusUpdate][571] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:03:46.644 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:03:46.644 705 3914 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_msg_process_system_update: systemEvent:0 01-22 01:03:46.644 29216 29231 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 01-22 01:03:46.645 1871 2251 D systemui_boost: notification panel visible=true 01-22 01:03:46.645 1871 2251 D systemui_boost: ui thread tid=2341 01-22 01:03:46.645 1871 2251 D systemui_boost: render thread tid=2546 01-22 01:03:46.645 1871 2251 D systemui_boost: ui thread old priority=-10 01-22 01:03:46.645 1871 2251 D systemui_boost: render thread old priority=-10 01-22 01:03:46.645 1223 2647 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc) in omx@1.0-service process 01-22 01:03:46.645 1871 2251 D systemui_boost: thread tid=2341, priority is set to -10 01-22 01:03:46.645 1871 2251 D systemui_boost: thread tid=2546, priority is set to -10 01-22 01:03:46.645 1871 2251 D systemui_boost: ui thread and render thread are boosted 01-22 01:03:46.646 2341 2341 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 01-22 01:03:46.646 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 01-22 01:03:46.647 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 01-22 01:03:46.647 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.647 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.647 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:03:46.650 1871 1871 D ProximitySensorWrapper: proximity distance: 5.000305 01-22 01:03:46.650 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:03:46.650 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.650 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=true,devicePublic=true 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=true,isKeyguardShowing=true 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.651 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.654 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: foreground, uid = 10034, app = com.miui.home 01-22 01:03:46.654 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:03:46.654 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:03:46.654 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 01-22 01:03:46.654 1223 2647 I OMX-VENC: Video encode perflock acquired,handle=10144 01-22 01:03:46.655 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.655 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.655 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:03:46.655 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.655 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.655 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = true faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 01-22 01:03:46.656 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.656 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.656 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:03:46.656 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.656 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.656 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.656 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:46.659 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:03:46.660 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> PowerUI [0xf56f128, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 01-22 01:03:46.660 2341 2341 D PowerUI : onBusEvent ScreenOnEvent 01-22 01:03:46.660 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 36 microseconds, avg: 1608 01-22 01:03:46.660 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> StatusBar [0xd1c2593, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 01-22 01:03:46.660 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 7 microseconds, avg: 1608 01-22 01:03:46.660 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> MiuiChargeController [0x498457, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 01-22 01:03:46.660 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 15 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:03:46.662 1223 2647 I GPU-STATS: GPU class constructor kernelMem = 0xf580a380, kernelSize = 21456 01-22 01:03:46.664 2341 2341 I LollipopRapidChargeView: removeFromWindow: onStartedWakingUp 01-22 01:03:46.669 1223 2647 I OMX-VENC: Component_init : OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc : return = 0x0 01-22 01:03:46.671 2672 2672 D DPMJ : |SERVICE| DPM received action android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 01-22 01:03:46.671 2672 2672 I DPMJ : |SERVICE| sendScreenState: state: true 01-22 01:03:46.674 29216 29231 D ACodec : get packages (com.android.shell) for calling UID 2000 01-22 01:03:46.674 1223 2647 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(0xf354d684:qcom.encoder.avc, OMX.google.android.index.allocateNativeHandle(0x7f00005d): Output:1 en=0) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 01-22 01:03:46.675 1223 2647 W OMXNodeInstance: [0xf354d684:qcom.encoder.avc] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback 01-22 01:03:46.675 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: setupVideoEncoder() 01-22 01:03:46.675 29216 29231 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c04 = 2141391876 01-22 01:03:46.676 29216 29231 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361 01-22 01:03:46.678 3038 4279 I NearbyDirect: FastPairScanner: Scan already stopped. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 01-22 01:03:46.678 3038 4279 I NearbyDirect: FastPairScanner: Starting scan, mode UNKNOWN_BLE_SCAN_MODE -> BALANCED [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 01-22 01:03:46.679 6790 6790 D MiShare:MiShareService: onReceive action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 01-22 01:03:46.683 13446 13446 I DeviceStatusMonitor: onReceive() : Action = android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 01-22 01:03:46.684 3038 4279 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:03:46.686 2305 3029 D BtGatt.GattService: registerScanner() - UUID=c499f934-62c9-45cd-8a67-6af91ac30fa1 01-22 01:03:46.687 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(949)] GATT_Registera448a6a1-3382-2623-6806-d547c2568f22 01-22 01:03:46.687 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(969)] allocated gatt_if=5 01-22 01:03:46.687 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScannerRegistered() - UUID=c499f934-62c9-45cd-8a67-6af91ac30fa1, scannerId=5, status=0 01-22 01:03:46.688 3038 4256 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 01-22 01:03:46.689 2305 3029 D BtGatt.GattService: start scan with filters 01-22 01:03:46.692 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: handling starting scan 01-22 01:03:46.693 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: isAptXLowLatencyModeEnabled: false 01-22 01:03:46.694 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:03:46.695 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:03:46.695 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:03:46.695 29216 29231 I ACodec : setupAVCEncoderParameters with [profile: High] [level: Level31] 01-22 01:03:46.698 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=LOW_LATENCY, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 5 filters, 1 clients, callingClientName=Nearby] 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ACodec : [OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc] cannot encode HDR static metadata. Ignoring. 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ACodec : setupVideoEncoder succeeded 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: [OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc] configure, AMessage : AMessage(what = 'conf', target = 1) = { 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-format = 2130708361 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t i-frame-interval = 10 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: string mime = "video/avc" 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t width = 376 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t bitrate = 8000000 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t frame-rate = 60 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: int64_t repeat-previous-frame-after = 100000 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t height = 800 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t encoder = 1 01-22 01:03:46.698 29216 29231 I ExtendedACodec: } 01-22 01:03:46.699 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:03:46.699 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:46.699 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:46.700 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1 01-22 01:03:46.700 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 5 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.702 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=5, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=6, availableSpace=31 01-22 01:03:46.702 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 5 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.702 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:03:46.702 29216 29231 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361 01-22 01:03:46.703 1223 2647 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xf354d684:qcom.encoder.avc, ConfigLatency(0x6f800005)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 01-22 01:03:46.703 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15 01-22 01:03:46.703 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 5 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.703 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1 01-22 01:03:46.703 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=1ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=1 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=-2147483648scanPhy=255 01-22 01:03:46.704 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval LE 1M = 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE 1M= 1024configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 1024configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 1024 01-22 01:03:46.704 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0 01-22 01:03:46.711 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: 5 filters, scanMode=2, reportdelay=0, callback type=1, #clients=2, workSource=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms} 01-22 01:03:46.712 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Starting scan on OS scanner. BT state: 12 01-22 01:03:46.712 3038 3695 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:03:46.713 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:03:46.713 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:03:46.713 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:03:46.714 29216 29231 W ExtendedACodec: Failed to get extension for extradata parameter 01-22 01:03:46.715 2305 3029 D BtGatt.GattService: registerScanner() - UUID=7e26b5d8-8f36-40fa-b814-0714587a5d09 01-22 01:03:46.716 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(949)] GATT_Register362ce4d8-5069-b141-7b2a-b0d9a0a31a25 01-22 01:03:46.716 1189 1334 I ThermalEngine: Battery charging mitigation already at level 0 01-22 01:03:46.716 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(969)] allocated gatt_if=6 01-22 01:03:46.716 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScannerRegistered() - UUID=7e26b5d8-8f36-40fa-b814-0714587a5d09, scannerId=6, status=0 01-22 01:03:46.717 3038 4256 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 01-22 01:03:46.717 1223 2647 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xf354d684:qcom.encoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 01-22 01:03:46.718 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=2, type=0 01-22 01:03:46.719 1223 2647 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(0xf354d684:qcom.encoder.avc, ParamConsumerUsageBits(0x6f800004)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 01-22 01:03:46.719 1871 2282 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode() 01-22 01:03:46.720 1871 2269 D DisplayFeatureManager: setScreenEffect mode=3 value=20 01-22 01:03:46.720 1223 2647 D GraphicBufferSource: setting dataspace: 0x104, acquired=0 01-22 01:03:46.721 2305 3029 D BtGatt.GattService: start scan with filters 01-22 01:03:46.721 712 712 D DisplayFeatureHal: setFeatureEnable(displayId=0 caseId=3 modeId=20 cookie=255) 01-22 01:03:46.722 1871 9376 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{com.google.android.music/com.google.android.music.dial.DialMediaRouteProviderService} from pid=3481, uid=10008 that is not exported from uid 10085 01-22 01:03:46.722 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleEyeCare enter modeId 20 01-22 01:03:46.722 712 800 I DisplayFeatureHal: successfully write 0x100 into /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/msm_fb_dispparam 01-22 01:03:46.722 1223 2647 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(0xf354d684:qcom.encoder.avc, ParamConsumerUsageBits(0x6f800004)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 01-22 01:03:46.722 1223 2647 D GraphicBufferSource: requesting color aspects (R:2(Limited), P:1(BT709_5), M:1(BT709_5), T:3(SMPTE170M)) 01-22 01:03:46.723 29216 29216 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline 01-22 01:03:46.727 1871 1886 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 121ms android.ui h=com.android.server.policy.MiuiScreenOnProximityLock$2 c=null m=1 01-22 01:03:46.728 735 2898 E : HpInterface: Wrong interface type. 01-22 01:03:46.722 735 735 W Binder:735_5: type=1400 audit(0.0:44144): avc: denied { call } for scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:r:mediacodec:s0 tclass=binder permissive=0 01-22 01:03:46.732 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: Query DisplayColor service 01-22 01:03:46.734 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: handling starting scan 01-22 01:03:46.737 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: isAptXLowLatencyModeEnabled: false 01-22 01:03:46.737 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: set caseId:5 mode:-14 over done.... status:1 ret 0 01-22 01:03:46.737 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleEyeCare exit ret 0 01-22 01:03:46.739 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1 01-22 01:03:46.739 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.741 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=31 01-22 01:03:46.741 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.741 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:03:46.742 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=14 01-22 01:03:46.742 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.743 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=30 01-22 01:03:46.743 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.743 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:03:46.744 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=13 01-22 01:03:46.744 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.745 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=5, availableSpace=31 01-22 01:03:46.745 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.746 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:03:46.747 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=12 01-22 01:03:46.747 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.747 3481 29129 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media) scannerFlags(2) 01-22 01:03:46.749 3481 29129 W GuestModeDeviceProber: setFilterCriteria 01-22 01:03:46.749 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=5, availableSpace=30 01-22 01:03:46.749 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.749 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:03:46.750 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=11 01-22 01:03:46.750 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.752 29216 29228 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported 01-22 01:03:46.752 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=29 01-22 01:03:46.752 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.752 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:03:46.753 29216 29223 W H2BGraphicBufferProducer: getConsumerUsage is not fully supported 01-22 01:03:46.753 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=10 01-22 01:03:46.753 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.753 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=2 01-22 01:03:46.753 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=2ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=1 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=1scanPhy=255 01-22 01:03:46.753 735 735 E HWComposer: getHdrCapabilities failed for display -1: Invalid display 01-22 01:03:46.753 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval LE 1M = 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE 1M= 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 4096 01-22 01:03:46.754 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0 01-22 01:03:46.756 1223 2647 W GraphicBufferSource: released unpopulated slots: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63] 01-22 01:03:46.757 735 735 E HWComposer: getSupportedPerFrameMetadata failed for display -1: Invalid display 01-22 01:03:46.760 735 2423 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: 5311fd8 rapid_charge#0 01-22 01:03:46.765 1871 2251 I WifiService: startScan uid=10008 01-22 01:03:46.768 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(8) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 8) 01-22 01:03:46.771 3481 3481 V MediaRouter: Adding route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Studio, description=Google Home Mini, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Dispositivi types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 01-22 01:03:46.794 3481 29129 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:03:46.796 2305 3029 D BtGatt.GattService: registerScanner() - UUID=ffc19a4b-6e05-4c20-b7b4-e5e775144b27 01-22 01:03:46.797 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(949)] GATT_Register13714ab7-7001-ffab-b4db-a40450adbd54 01-22 01:03:46.797 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(969)] allocated gatt_if=8 01-22 01:03:46.797 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScannerRegistered() - UUID=ffc19a4b-6e05-4c20-b7b4-e5e775144b27, scannerId=8, status=0 01-22 01:03:46.797 3481 3502 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=8 mScannerId=0 01-22 01:03:46.799 2305 3029 D BtGatt.GattService: start scan with filters 01-22 01:03:46.800 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(8) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 8) 01-22 01:03:46.800 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(8) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 8) 01-22 01:03:46.803 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: handling starting scan 01-22 01:03:46.804 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: isAptXLowLatencyModeEnabled: false 01-22 01:03:46.805 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(8) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 8) 01-22 01:03:46.806 681 681 I chatty : uid=1000(system) allocator@1.0-s identical 1 line 01-22 01:03:46.809 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(8) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 8) 01-22 01:03:46.810 1871 2251 I WifiService: acquireMulticastLock uid=10008 01-22 01:03:46.811 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=8, status=0, action=1 01-22 01:03:46.811 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.812 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(8) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 8) 01-22 01:03:46.813 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=8, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=28 01-22 01:03:46.813 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.814 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:03:46.815 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(8) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 8) 01-22 01:03:46.816 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=8, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=9 01-22 01:03:46.816 1871 1886 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete 01-22 01:03:46.816 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0 01-22 01:03:46.816 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=3 01-22 01:03:46.816 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=2ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=2 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=2scanPhy=255 01-22 01:03:46.819 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(8) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 8) 01-22 01:03:46.820 1871 1886 I WindowManager: All windows ready for display! 01-22 01:03:46.823 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(921600) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 921600) 01-22 01:03:46.830 1871 1886 W WindowManager: Setting mWindowManagerDrawComplete 01-22 01:03:46.828 681 681 I chatty : uid=1000(system) allocator@1.0-s identical 2 lines 01-22 01:03:46.829 681 681 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(921600) returning hidl_memory(0x7d04c2c100, 921600) 01-22 01:03:46.831 1223 29235 D GraphicBufferSource: got buffer with new dataSpace #104 01-22 01:03:46.831 1871 1886 I SensorService: check list, getPackageName com.android.server.policy.WindowOrientationListener 01-22 01:03:46.832 1223 29237 D OMXNodeInstance: Codec resolved it to (R:2(??), P:3(??), M:3(??), T:3(??)) err=0(NO_ERROR) 01-22 01:03:46.832 1223 29235 I OMX-VENC: open Color conv forW: 376, H: 800 01-22 01:03:46.832 29216 29231 D ACodec : dataspace changed to 0x10c10000 (R:2(Limited), P:3(BT601_6_625), M:3(BT601_6), T:3(SMPTE170M)) (R:2(Limited), S:2(BT601_625), T:3(SMPTE_170M)) 01-22 01:03:46.838 1871 1886 I WindowManager: finishScreenTurningOn: mAwake=true, mScreenOnEarly=true, mScreenOnFully=false, mKeyguardDrawComplete=true, mWindowManagerDrawComplete=true 01-22 01:03:46.838 1871 1886 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on... 01-22 01:03:46.839 1871 1951 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 285 ms 01-22 01:03:46.840 2341 2363 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOn 01-22 01:03:46.840 1871 1951 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 318 ms 01-22 01:03:46.841 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOn 01-22 01:03:46.841 1871 1871 I WindowManager: Finished waking up... 01-22 01:03:46.843 712 800 W DisplayFeatureHal: histogram_operation-Stop, histgram status is wrong, status:0! 01-22 01:03:46.846 1223 29235 I GPU-STATS: GPU class constructor kernelMem = 0xf580a380, kernelSize = 21456 01-22 01:03:46.855 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:46.951 1871 1886 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: far from the screen for a certain time, release proximity sensor... 01-22 01:03:46.951 1871 1886 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: release 01-22 01:03:46.961 735 870 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: 717f69b ScreenOnProximitySensorGuide#0 01-22 01:03:46.995 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:47.000 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:47.000 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:47.041 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:47.073 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:47.073 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:47.114 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:47.146 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:47.146 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:47.164 4825 4843 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:03:47.165 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:03:47.184 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:47.184 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:47.225 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:47.251 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:03:47.252 4825 4843 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:03:47.252 4825 4843 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:03:47.256 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:47.256 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:47.296 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:47.326 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:47.326 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:47.368 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:47.578 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:47.578 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:47.619 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:47.800 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:47.800 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:47.841 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:47.856 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:47.856 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:47.896 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:48.024 3481 28157 I DeviceScanner: [MDNS] Received response from "Studio" (26fab5bb2aa056523f06edca291bd1de) with result "1 New device" 01-22 01:03:48.094 1871 1886 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: far from the screen for a certain time, release proximity sensor... 01-22 01:03:48.105 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:48.105 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:48.146 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:48.183 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:03:48.183 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:03:48.295 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:48.295 684 2940 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:03:48.297 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:48.338 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:48.338 684 2940 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:03:48.348 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:48.348 684 2940 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:03:48.348 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:48.350 3481 28157 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:03:48.351 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: stopScan() - queue size =3 01-22 01:03:48.354 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:03:48.355 2305 3029 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterScanner() - scannerId=8 01-22 01:03:48.355 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:03:48.357 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=8, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=10 01-22 01:03:48.357 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0 01-22 01:03:48.357 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=2 01-22 01:03:48.357 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=2ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=2 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=2scanPhy=255 01-22 01:03:48.398 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:49.355 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:03:49.356 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:03:49.506 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:03:49.530 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:50.151 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:50.151 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:50.423 28191 28199 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:03:50.425 28191 28199 I chatty : uid=10210(com.zerotier.one) FinalizerDaemon identical 29 lines 01-22 01:03:50.425 28191 28199 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:03:50.681 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:50.682 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:443 01-22 01:03:50.683 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:50.684 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::9993 01-22 01:03:50.686 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:50.687 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:443 01-22 01:03:50.688 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:50.689 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::9993 01-22 01:03:50.824 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:50.838 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:50.953 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:52.657 1871 2251 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 01-22 01:03:52.672 1298 2288 I LOWI- [LOWI-Scan] lowi_close_record:Scan done in 226188820ms, 14 APs in scan results 01-22 01:03:52.681 3038 4279 I NearbyDirect: FastPairScanner: Same filters, scan mode and currentScan=2020/01/22 01:03:46 - 5986ms 0 results with BALANCED, no-op. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 01-22 01:03:52.684 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 5 filters, 1 clients, callingClientName=Nearby] 01-22 01:03:52.696 1871 2275 E AppScanObserverService: Result available, null observers for user: 0 01-22 01:03:52.710 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Stopping scan on delegate scanner. BT state: 12 01-22 01:03:52.710 3038 3695 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:03:52.711 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: stopScan() - queue size =2 01-22 01:03:52.713 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:03:52.713 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterScanner() - scannerId=6 01-22 01:03:52.715 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:03:52.716 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:03:52.716 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:03:52.718 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Resetting - new scanner available: true 01-22 01:03:52.718 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: ZERO_POWER is disabled. 01-22 01:03:52.718 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients 01-22 01:03:52.718 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:52.718 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:52.719 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=11 01-22 01:03:52.719 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:52.722 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=12 01-22 01:03:52.722 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:52.724 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=13 01-22 01:03:52.724 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:52.726 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=14 01-22 01:03:52.726 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:52.727 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=15 01-22 01:03:52.728 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:03:52.728 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1 01-22 01:03:52.728 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=1ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=1 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=2 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=2scanPhy=255 01-22 01:03:52.728 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval LE 1M = 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE 1M= 1024configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 1024configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 1024 01-22 01:03:52.728 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0 01-22 01:03:52.774 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:53.110 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:53.153 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:53.154 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:53.477 1871 2280 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0 01-22 01:03:53.483 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:03:53.483 3278 3769 W PushService: 2020-01-22 01:03:53,482 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:123] JOB: check the ping-pong.1579651423479 01-22 01:03:53.733 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:03:53.733 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:03:53.884 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:03:53.989 4825 4843 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:03:53.991 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:03:54.039 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:03:54.042 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:03:54.042 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:03:54.046 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:03:54.047 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:54.048 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:54.088 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:54.123 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:03:54.124 4825 4843 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:03:54.125 4825 4843 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:03:54.457 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:03:54.458 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=0.8, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=0.8, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = com.android.systemui.statusbar.ExpandableNotificationRow{dcc5632 VFE...C.. ........ 0,0-1008,260} 01-22 01:03:54.458 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:03:54.458 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:03:54.458 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:03:54.458 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:03:54.458 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 0.8 01-22 01:03:54.458 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:03:54.459 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 0.8 01-22 01:03:54.463 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication Tocca di nuovo per aprire mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:03:54.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:03:54.668 2341 2341 I StatusBar: NotificationClicker onClick notification key=-1|android|26|null|1000 afterKeyguardGone:false 01-22 01:03:54.669 2341 2341 D KeyguardSecurityView: showNextSecurityScreenOrFinish(false) 01-22 01:03:54.669 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=true mOccluded=false force=true --> flags=0x1e00000 01-22 01:03:54.670 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:03:54.670 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:03:54.670 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: sendKeyguardBouncerChanged(true) 01-22 01:03:54.673 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardBouncerChanged(1) 01-22 01:03:54.674 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication Tocca di nuovo per aprire mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:03:54.676 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:54.676 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:54.676 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:03:54.677 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:54.677 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:54.677 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:03:54.677 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:54.677 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:03:54.678 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = true faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 01-22 01:03:54.678 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewBase: screen on, instance 3b3f3fb 01-22 01:03:54.698 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub 01-22 01:03:54.699 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub 01-22 01:03:54.700 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub 01-22 01:03:54.700 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub 01-22 01:03:54.701 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:03:54.744 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:03:54.763 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:03:55.047 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:03:55.047 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:03:55.197 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:03:55.664 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:03:55.695 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:55.696 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:9993 01-22 01:03:55.696 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:55.697 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::9993 01-22 01:03:55.697 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:55.698 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:443 01-22 01:03:55.698 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:03:55.698 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::443 01-22 01:03:55.841 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:55.954 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:03:56.157 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:56.157 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:56.168 4825 4843 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:03:56.174 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:03:56.206 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:03:56.208 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:03:56.208 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:03:56.213 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:03:56.214 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:56.214 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:56.256 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:56.278 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:03:56.279 4825 4843 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:03:56.279 4825 4843 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:03:56.304 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:57.213 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:03:57.213 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:03:57.263 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:03:57.274 2341 2341 W Choreographer: OPTS_INPUT: First frame was drawed before optimized, so skip! 01-22 01:03:57.364 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:03:57.765 4825 4843 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:03:57.766 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:03:57.797 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:03:57.799 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:03:57.799 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:03:57.799 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:03:57.800 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:57.801 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:57.842 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:57.856 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:03:57.873 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:03:57.875 4825 4843 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:03:57.875 4825 4843 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:03:57.881 2341 2341 W Choreographer: OPTS_INPUT: First frame was drawed before optimized, so skip! 01-22 01:03:57.265 1871 2280 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiGestureCont identical 4 lines 01-22 01:03:57.857 1871 2280 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0 01-22 01:03:57.951 1871 3277 W ActivityManager: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead 01-22 01:03:57.957 2341 2574 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver: startObserving. 01-22 01:03:57.964 2341 2574 D BrightnessController: UpdateSliderRunnable: value: 1697 01-22 01:03:58.359 4825 1126 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:03:58.362 4825 1126 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:03:58.391 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:03:58.391 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:03:58.433 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:03:58.443 4825 1126 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:03:58.446 4825 1126 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:03:58.446 4825 1126 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:03:58.731 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:03:59.160 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:03:59.160 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:03:59.390 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:03:59.391 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:03:59.541 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:04:00.011 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 01-22 01:04:00.016 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 28 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:00.017 28191 28216 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 37 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:00.020 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:00.448 1871 2280 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0 01-22 01:04:00.450 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:00.451 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:00.451 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.2, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.2, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.ImageView{a2f3069 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-296,170 #7f0a004d app:id/background} 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.2 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.0, toValue = 1.0 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.2 01-22 01:04:00.452 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:00.453 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='INIT', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=50.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='TARGET', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=8.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 4, target = android.widget.TextView{10dcaee V.ED..... ........ 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:00.453 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = fontweight, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.453 2341 2341 D miui_anim: fontweight, fromValue = 50.0, toValue = 90.0 01-22 01:04:00.461 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.TextView{10dcaee V.ED..... ......ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:00.462 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.8, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.TextView{8c81b8f V.ED..... ........ 122,112-174,139 #7f0a01a1 app:id/klondike_text} 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.5, toValue = 0.8 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.463 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.464 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:00.465 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:00.465 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:04:00.465 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.ImageView{a2f3069 V.ED..... ...P.... 0,0-296,170 #7f0a004d app:id/background} 01-22 01:04:00.465 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:00.465 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.465 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.465 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.0, toValue = 0.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:00.466 2341 2341 D miui_anim: TARGET end 01-22 01:04:00.467 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='TARGET', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=90.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='INIT', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=50.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 6, target = android.widget.TextView{10dcaee V.ED..... ...P..ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:00.467 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = fontweight, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.467 2341 2341 D miui_anim: fontweight, fromValue = 90.0, toValue = 50.0 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.TextView{10dcaee V.ED..... ...P..ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:00.475 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.476 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.476 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.476 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.476 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.476 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:00.476 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:00.476 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.TextView{8c81b8f V.ED..... ...P.... 122,112-174,139 #7f0a01a1 app:id/klondike_text} 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.5, toValue = 0.5, same value 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:00.477 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:00.478 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:00.493 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.503 2341 2341 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 01-22 01:04:00.516 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.522 4825 1126 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:04:00.524 4825 1126 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:04:00.532 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.547 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.551 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:04:00.552 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:04:00.552 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:04:00.558 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:04:00.559 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:00.559 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:00.565 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.580 2341 2341 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 01-22 01:04:00.598 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.600 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:00.605 4825 1126 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:04:00.607 4825 1126 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:04:00.607 4825 1126 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:04:00.614 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.683 2341 2341 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.systemui identical 4 lines 01-22 01:04:00.703 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.707 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:00.709 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:443 01-22 01:04:00.710 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:00.710 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::9993 01-22 01:04:00.713 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:00.713 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:9993 01-22 01:04:00.714 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:00.714 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::9993 01-22 01:04:00.715 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.744 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:00.752 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.899 2341 2341 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.systemui identical 10 lines 01-22 01:04:00.917 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.929 2341 2341 D miui_anim: INIT, property fontweight end 01-22 01:04:00.929 2341 2341 D miui_anim: INIT end 01-22 01:04:00.933 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:00.966 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:04:01.037 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:01.558 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:04:01.558 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:04:01.709 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:04:02.164 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:02.164 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:02.317 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:02.318 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:02.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.2, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.2, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.ImageView{78cb9e V.ED..... ........ 0,0-296,170 #7f0a004d app:id/background} 01-22 01:04:02.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.2 01-22 01:04:02.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.0, toValue = 1.0 01-22 01:04:02.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.2 01-22 01:04:02.321 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:02.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='INIT', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=50.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='TARGET', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=8.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 4, target = android.widget.TextView{bad067f V.ED..... ........ 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:02.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = fontweight, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: fontweight, fromValue = 50.0, toValue = 90.0 01-22 01:04:02.333 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.TextView{bad067f V.ED..... ......ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.334 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:02.335 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.8, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.TextView{5e0a64c V.ED..... ........ 126,112-170,139 #7f0a01a1 app:id/klondike_text} 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.336 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.5, toValue = 0.8 01-22 01:04:02.337 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.337 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.337 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.338 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:02.339 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:02.339 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:04:02.339 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.ImageView{78cb9e V.ED..... ...P.... 0,0-296,170 #7f0a004d app:id/background} 01-22 01:04:02.339 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:02.339 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.339 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.339 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.0, toValue = 0.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:02.340 2341 2341 D miui_anim: TARGET end 01-22 01:04:02.341 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='TARGET', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=90.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='INIT', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=50.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 6, target = android.widget.TextView{bad067f V.ED..... ...P..ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:02.341 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = fontweight, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.341 2341 2341 D miui_anim: fontweight, fromValue = 90.0, toValue = 50.0 01-22 01:04:02.349 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.TextView{bad067f V.ED..... ...P..ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.350 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:02.351 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:02.351 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:04:02.351 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.TextView{5e0a64c V.ED..... ...P.... 126,112-170,139 #7f0a01a1 app:id/klondike_text} 01-22 01:04:02.351 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:02.351 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.351 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.5, toValue = 0.5, same value 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:02.352 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:02.370 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:02.784 2341 2341 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.systemui identical 25 lines 01-22 01:04:02.801 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:02.814 2341 2341 D miui_anim: INIT, property fontweight end 01-22 01:04:02.814 2341 2341 D miui_anim: INIT end 01-22 01:04:02.817 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:03.186 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:03.187 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:03.188 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.2, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.2, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.ImageView{52049c6 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-296,170 #7f0a004d app:id/background} 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.2 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.0, toValue = 1.0 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.189 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.2 01-22 01:04:03.190 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:03.191 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='INIT', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=50.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='TARGET', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=8.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 4, target = android.widget.TextView{a5ded87 V.ED..... ........ 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:03.191 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = fontweight, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.191 2341 2341 D miui_anim: fontweight, fromValue = 50.0, toValue = 90.0 01-22 01:04:03.210 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.TextView{a5ded87 V.ED..... ......ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.211 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:03.212 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:03.212 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.8, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.TextView{5c774b4 V.ED..... ........ 119,112-178,139 #7f0a01a1 app:id/klondike_text} 01-22 01:04:03.212 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.212 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.212 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.212 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.213 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.213 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.213 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.213 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.5, toValue = 0.8 01-22 01:04:03.213 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.213 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.213 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.214 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:03.214 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:03.214 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.ImageView{52049c6 V.ED..... ...P.... 0,0-296,170 #7f0a004d app:id/background} 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.0, toValue = 0.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.215 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:03.216 2341 2341 D miui_anim: TARGET end 01-22 01:04:03.216 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='TARGET', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=90.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='INIT', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=50.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 6, target = android.widget.TextView{a5ded87 V.ED..... ...P..ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:03.216 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = fontweight, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.216 2341 2341 D miui_anim: fontweight, fromValue = 90.0, toValue = 50.0 01-22 01:04:03.226 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.TextView{a5ded87 V.ED..... ...P..ID 126,21-170,122 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:03.227 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:03.227 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.227 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.228 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.TextView{5c774b4 V.ED..... ...P.... 119,112-178,139 #7f0a01a1 app:id/klondike_text} 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.229 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.230 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:03.230 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.5, toValue = 0.5, same value 01-22 01:04:03.230 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.230 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:03.230 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:03.230 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:03.249 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:03.651 2341 2341 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.systemui identical 24 lines 01-22 01:04:03.669 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:03.680 2341 2341 D miui_anim: INIT, property fontweight end 01-22 01:04:03.681 2341 2341 D miui_anim: INIT end 01-22 01:04:03.684 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.277 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:04.278 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:04.280 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.2, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.2, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.ImageView{a2f3069 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-296,170 #7f0a004d app:id/background} 01-22 01:04:04.280 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.280 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.280 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.280 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.280 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.2 01-22 01:04:04.281 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.281 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.0, toValue = 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.282 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.282 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.2 01-22 01:04:04.283 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:04.284 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='INIT', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=50.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='TARGET', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=8.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 4, target = android.widget.TextView{10dcaee V.ED..... ........ 125,23-172,121 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:04.285 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = fontweight, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.285 2341 2341 D miui_anim: fontweight, fromValue = 50.0, toValue = 90.0 01-22 01:04:04.299 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.TextView{10dcaee V.ED..... ......ID 125,23-172,121 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:04.300 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.300 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.300 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.300 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.300 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.300 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.300 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.301 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.301 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.301 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 01-22 01:04:04.301 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:04.302 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.8, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = android.widget.TextView{8c81b8f V.ED..... ........ 122,111-174,138 #7f0a01a1 app:id/klondike_text} 01-22 01:04:04.302 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.302 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.302 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.302 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.302 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.302 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.302 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.303 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.5, toValue = 0.8 01-22 01:04:04.303 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.303 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.303 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.304 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:04.304 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:04.305 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:04:04.305 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.ImageView{a2f3069 V.ED..... ...P.... 0,0-296,170 #7f0a004d app:id/background} 01-22 01:04:04.305 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:04.305 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.305 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.305 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.0, toValue = 0.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.306 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:04.308 2341 2341 D miui_anim: TARGET end 01-22 01:04:04.308 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='TARGET', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=90.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='INIT', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='fontweight'}=StateValue{value=50.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 6, target = android.widget.TextView{10dcaee V.ED..... ...P..ID 125,23-172,121 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:04.308 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = fontweight, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.308 2341 2341 D miui_anim: fontweight, fromValue = 90.0, toValue = 50.0 01-22 01:04:04.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.TextView{10dcaee V.ED..... ...P..ID 125,23-172,121 #7f0a00ce app:id/digit_text} 01-22 01:04:04.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:04.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.319 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:04.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.320 2341 2341 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 01-22 01:04:04.321 2341 2341 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 01-22 01:04:04.321 2341 2341 D miui_anim: DOWN end 01-22 01:04:04.321 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=0.5, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = android.widget.TextView{8c81b8f V.ED..... ...P.... 122,111-174,138 #7f0a01a1 app:id/klondike_text} 01-22 01:04:04.321 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 01-22 01:04:04.321 2341 2341 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon foreground for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 0.5, toValue = 0.5, same value 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 01-22 01:04:04.322 2341 2341 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 01-22 01:04:04.343 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.398 2341 2341 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.systemui identical 3 lines 01-22 01:04:04.419 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.429 1212 1212 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 226224160, time_received = 112392 01-22 01:04:04.433 2341 2341 I miui_keyguard_password: password unlock duration 95 01-22 01:04:04.435 2341 2341 D KeyguardSecurityView: showNextSecurityScreenOrFinish(true) 01-22 01:04:04.436 1871 3289 D systemui_boost: notification panel visible=false 01-22 01:04:04.436 1871 3289 D systemui_boost: ui thread tid=2341 01-22 01:04:04.436 1871 3289 D systemui_boost: render thread tid=2546 01-22 01:04:04.436 1871 3289 D systemui_boost: thread tid=2341, priority is set to -10 01-22 01:04:04.436 1871 3289 D systemui_boost: thread tid=2546, priority is set to -10 01-22 01:04:04.436 1871 3289 D systemui_boost: ui thread and render thread are reset 01-22 01:04:03.182 1871 2280 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiGestureCont identical 2 lines 01-22 01:04:04.277 1871 2280 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0 01-22 01:04:04.438 2341 2341 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw 01-22 01:04:04.439 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.447 2341 2523 D FreeformWindow: isLaunchMultiWindow:false gameKey:0isScreenProjectionPrivace:1screenProjectionState:0 01-22 01:04:04.449 1871 3289 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS flg=0x10008000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity} from uid 1000 01-22 01:04:04.451 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.461 602 602 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 01-22 01:04:04.461 1871 3289 E ANDR-PERF-JNI: Iop tryGetService failed 01-22 01:04:04.465 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.471 1871 3289 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{51759ac com.android.settings} 01-22 01:04:04.471 1871 3289 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not whiteListedcom.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity/28 01-22 01:04:04.472 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.472 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.472 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.475 1871 3289 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{51759ac com.android.settings} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode 01-22 01:04:04.475 1871 3289 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not whiteListedcom.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity/28 01-22 01:04:04.476 1871 3289 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0 01-22 01:04:04.478 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.486 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.486 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.486 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.487 4825 4843 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.android.settings', mForegroundUid=1000, mForegroundPid=13597, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10034, mLastForegroundPid=2730, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 01-22 01:04:04.488 3085 3109 I octvm_power: power mode [normal] start 1579651444 01-22 01:04:04.488 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:04:04.488 3085 3109 I octvm_power: Action: set_lcd_mode(default) for [foreground_change] 01-22 01:04:04.489 1871 3289 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 01-22 01:04:04.490 712 712 D DisplayFeatureHal: setFeatureEnable(displayId=0 caseId=7 modeId=1 cookie=0) 01-22 01:04:04.490 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleCabcModeCustom enter 1 0 01-22 01:04:04.491 3085 3109 I octvm_drv_xm: platform_set_lcd_mode default(1) success 01-22 01:04:04.491 3085 3109 I octvm_power: Action: set_thermal_config(restore) for [foreground_change] 01-22 01:04:04.491 712 800 I DisplayFeatureHal: successfully write 0x100 into /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/msm_fb_dispparam 01-22 01:04:04.491 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: platform_set_thermal_mode cur_global_config:[], target mode:[restore], profile=0, ret=0 01-22 01:04:04.491 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:04:04.491 3085 3109 I octvm_power: onPowerModeChanged[normal] called 01-22 01:04:04.491 1871 3289 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392444 01-22 01:04:04.492 2341 2523 I StatusBar: click notification, sending intent, key=-1|android|26|null|1000 01-22 01:04:04.492 1871 4027 W ActivityManager: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead 01-22 01:04:04.495 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.495 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 01-22 01:04:04.496 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 01-22 01:04:04.501 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392454 01-22 01:04:04.505 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleCabcModeCustom exit value=0x100 01-22 01:04:04.505 13597 13597 D IconCustomizer: Content Ratio = 0.9285714 01-22 01:04:04.506 1212 1212 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 226224238, time_received = 112392 01-22 01:04:04.521 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.522 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392475 01-22 01:04:04.524 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392477 01-22 01:04:04.524 1212 1212 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 226224256, time_received = 112392 01-22 01:04:04.525 1212 1212 I keystore: calling unlock when already unlocked, ignoring. 01-22 01:04:04.526 1871 3277 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with secret only, length 64 01-22 01:04:04.526 1871 3277 D LockSettingsService: unlockUser finished 01-22 01:04:04.526 1871 3277 D ActivityManager: User 999 (parent 0): attempting unlock because parent was just unlocked 01-22 01:04:04.528 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.529 13597 13597 D IconCustomizer: Content Ratio = 0.9285714 01-22 01:04:04.534 1871 9376 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.534 1871 9376 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.534 1871 9376 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.541 1871 1882 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.541 1871 1882 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.541 1871 1882 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.544 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.546 1871 1882 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.546 1871 1882 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.546 1871 1882 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.555 707 707 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: No valid timer value for perflock request 01-22 01:04:04.558 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 01-22 01:04:04.558 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 01-22 01:04:04.562 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.563 13597 13597 D SettingsActivity: Starting onCreate 01-22 01:04:04.567 13597 29267 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.qti.smq.Feedback.provider 01-22 01:04:04.579 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.594 13597 13597 D SettingsActivity: Starting to set activity title 01-22 01:04:04.594 13597 13597 D SettingsActivity: Done setting title 01-22 01:04:04.594 13597 13597 I SettingsActivity: settings_start_fragment: com.android.settings.development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment 01-22 01:04:04.599 1871 3613 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.599 1871 3613 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.599 1871 3613 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.600 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.605 13597 13597 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.security.SecurityEncryptionPreferenceController 01-22 01:04:04.608 1871 1882 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null 01-22 01:04:04.611 1212 1212 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 226224343, time_received = 112392 01-22 01:04:04.616 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.621 13597 13597 D SettingsActivity: Executed frag manager pendingTransactions 01-22 01:04:04.632 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.642 13597 13597 E RecommendFilter: getListByPageIndex not found:-1 01-22 01:04:04.609 1871 1882 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1871_2 identical 1 line 01-22 01:04:04.611 1871 1882 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null 01-22 01:04:04.642 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 01-22 01:04:04.643 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 01-22 01:04:04.645 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.646 13597 13597 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings identical 1 line 01-22 01:04:04.646 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.647 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: miui.preference.ValuePreference 01-22 01:04:04.647 13597 29268 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_select_a2dp_lhdc_playback_quality = 32771 01-22 01:04:04.648 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.648 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.648 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.display.DensityPreference 01-22 01:04:04.648 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.649 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.650 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.651 13597 13597 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings identical 3 lines 01-22 01:04:04.653 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.653 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: miui.preference.ValuePreference 01-22 01:04:04.653 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.653 13597 13597 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings identical 2 lines 01-22 01:04:04.653 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.653 13597 29269 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_select_a2dp_sample_rate = 0 01-22 01:04:04.654 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.654 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.654 13597 29267 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_select_a2dp_channel_mode = 0 01-22 01:04:04.655 1871 9376 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.655 1871 9376 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.655 1871 9376 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.655 13597 29268 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec = 1000000 01-22 01:04:04.655 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.655 13597 29270 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_select_a2dp_bits_per_sample = 0 01-22 01:04:04.657 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.658 13597 13597 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings identical 1 line 01-22 01:04:04.659 13597 13597 W Miui_Preference: The preference type does not support setVisibility, type: com.android.settings.MiuiListPreference 01-22 01:04:04.660 13597 29267 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_select_a2dp_codec_lhdc_latency = 49152 01-22 01:04:04.661 13597 29269 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_select_a2dp_ldac_playback_quality = 1003 01-22 01:04:04.663 1212 1212 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 226224395, time_received = 112392 01-22 01:04:04.668 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.671 13597 29268 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_max_connected_audio_devices = 01-22 01:04:04.680 13597 13636 I DeviceIndex: Skipping: device index is not enabled 01-22 01:04:04.682 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.684 1212 1212 D keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 226224416, time_received = 112392 01-22 01:04:04.685 1212 1212 I keystore: calling unlock when already unlocked, ignoring. 01-22 01:04:04.685 1871 3277 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 999 with secret only, length 64 01-22 01:04:04.685 1871 3277 D LockSettingsService: unlockUser finished 01-22 01:04:04.685 1871 3277 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token on user 999 01-22 01:04:04.686 1871 3277 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 999 01-22 01:04:04.686 1871 3277 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token on user 0 01-22 01:04:04.686 1871 3277 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0 01-22 01:04:04.687 1871 1871 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache for user 999 01-22 01:04:04.688 13597 29267 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/select_logd_size = 262144 01-22 01:04:04.688 13597 29269 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/animator_duration_scale = 1.5 01-22 01:04:04.689 1871 1871 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache for user 0 01-22 01:04:04.690 1871 4650 W KeySyncTask: No recovery agent initialized for user 999 01-22 01:04:04.694 1871 4650 D KeySyncTask: Key sync not needed. 01-22 01:04:04.694 13597 29268 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/simulate_color_space = -1 01-22 01:04:04.704 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.705 13597 29270 D SettingsActivity: No enabled state changed, skipping updateCategory call 01-22 01:04:04.712 2719 2719 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getAllowedCarriers: CommandException: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 01-22 01:04:04.715 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.715 2719 2719 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getAllowedCarriers: CommandException: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 01-22 01:04:04.718 13597 29269 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/overlay_display_devices = 01-22 01:04:04.720 13597 29268 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/show_non_rect_clip = hide 01-22 01:04:04.728 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.732 13597 29267 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/display_cutout_emulation = 01-22 01:04:04.738 13597 29270 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/select_logd_system_level = Warn 01-22 01:04:04.738 13597 29268 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/window_animation_scale = 1.5 01-22 01:04:04.738 13597 29269 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/debug_hw_overdraw = false 01-22 01:04:04.739 13597 29269 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/bluetooth_select_avrcp_version = avrcp14 01-22 01:04:04.740 13597 29270 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/app_process_limit = -1 01-22 01:04:04.740 13597 29267 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/track_frame_time = false 01-22 01:04:04.740 13597 29268 D SharedPreferencesLogger: Tried to log string preference development.DevelopmentSettingsDashboardFragment/transition_animation_scale = 1.5 01-22 01:04:04.745 1871 1887 D Boost : hostingType=content provider, hostingName=com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider, callerPackage=com.google.android.gms, isSystem=true, isBoostNeeded=false. 01-22 01:04:04.745 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.746 1871 1887 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29274:com.google.process.gservices/u0a8 for content provider com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider caller=com.google.android.gms 01-22 01:04:04.749 1871 2217 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 1 01-22 01:04:04.751 29274 29274 E ocess.gservice: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 01-22 01:04:04.754 1871 3277 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392707 01-22 01:04:04.755 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object connected 01-22 01:04:04.755 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.756 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.756 1871 1885 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392709 01-22 01:04:04.757 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.758 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.758 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.758 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.759 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.760 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.760 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.761 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.761 1871 1885 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392714 01-22 01:04:04.761 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.762 1871 1885 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 01-22 01:04:04.762 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.762 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.762 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.763 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.764 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.766 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.767 1871 3277 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.767 1871 3277 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.767 1871 3277 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.776 2341 2341 D miui_anim: INIT, property fontweight end 01-22 01:04:04.776 2341 2341 D miui_anim: INIT end 01-22 01:04:04.778 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:04.784 1871 3613 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392737 01-22 01:04:04.787 1871 1948 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392740 01-22 01:04:04.787 1871 1948 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:112392740 01-22 01:04:04.787 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:04.787 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x497db93, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:04.787 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 15 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:04.796 29274 29274 I ocess.gservice: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 01-22 01:04:04.819 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{106e70c V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.826 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{4bb9e34 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.834 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{459bdf6 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.842 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{7901132 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.847 29274 29274 I Perf : Connecting to perf service. 01-22 01:04:04.850 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{940a130 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.860 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{57d1719 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.861 29274 29274 I GservicesProvider: Gservices pushing to system: true; secure/global: true 01-22 01:04:04.865 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{cfa70af V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.871 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{fd1693e V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.883 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{39df28f V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 01-22 01:04:04.891 2341 2341 D KeyguardPINView: startDisappearAnimation finish 01-22 01:04:04.891 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: tryKeyguardDone mKeyguardDonePending = true mHideAnimationRun = true mHideAnimationRunning = false 01-22 01:04:04.902 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{106e70c VFE...C.. ......ID 0,0-1080,160} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.902 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{4bb9e34 VFE...C.. ......ID 0,282-1080,597} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.902 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{459bdf6 VFE...C.. ......ID 0,597-1080,855} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.903 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{7901132 VF....C.. ......ID 0,855-1080,1113} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.903 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{940a130 VFE...C.. ......ID 0,1113-1080,1371} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.903 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{57d1719 VFE...C.. ......ID 0,1371-1080,1582} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.903 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{cfa70af VFE...C.. ......ID 0,1582-1080,1793} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.903 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{fd1693e VFE...C.. ......ID 0,1793-1080,2004} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.903 13597 13597 D miui_anim: handleListViewTouch for android.widget.LinearLayout{39df28f VFE...C.. ......ID 0,2004-1080,2319} without touchListener 01-22 01:04:04.907 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: tryKeyguardDone mKeyguardDonePending = false mHideAnimationRun = true mHideAnimationRunning = false 01-22 01:04:04.907 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDone 01-22 01:04:04.907 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: stopListeningForFingerprint() 01-22 01:04:04.908 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleHide 01-22 01:04:04.908 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: keyguardGoingAway 01-22 01:04:04.908 1871 1871 V FingerprintService: stop client com.android.systemui 01-22 01:04:04.908 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_cancel 01-22 01:04:04.908 1255 1540 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 01-22 01:04:04.908 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_join_task 01-22 01:04:04.909 1255 1539 D fpc_tac : fpc_irq_wait: poll status: 1, revents [0]: 0, [1]: 1 01-22 01:04:04.909 1255 1539 D fpc_tac : Waited more than 500 ms, reset qualification counter 01-22 01:04:04.910 1871 2251 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{51759ac com.android.settings} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode 01-22 01:04:04.910 1871 2251 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not whiteListedcom.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity/28 01-22 01:04:04.915 1255 1539 D fpc_tac : fpc_perf_lock_release: Perf lock have been previously released 01-22 01:04:04.915 1255 1539 E fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate failed FPC_ERROR_CANCELLED 01-22 01:04:04.915 1255 1539 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_navigation_resume 01-22 01:04:04.915 1255 1539 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_run_task 01-22 01:04:04.915 1255 1541 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: nav_loop 01-22 01:04:04.915 1255 1540 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 01-22 01:04:04.915 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_navigation_pause 01-22 01:04:04.915 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_join_task 01-22 01:04:04.923 1255 1541 D fpc_tac : fpc_irq_wait: poll status: 1, revents [0]: 0, [1]: 1 01-22 01:04:04.924 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_join_task 01-22 01:04:04.924 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_navigation_resume 01-22 01:04:04.924 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_run_task 01-22 01:04:04.924 1255 1541 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: nav_loop 01-22 01:04:04.924 1255 1540 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onError(5) 01-22 01:04:04.924 1871 1871 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is no longer authenticating 01-22 01:04:04.926 1871 1871 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 01-22 01:04:04.926 1871 1871 V FingerprintService: handleError(client=com.android.systemui, error = 5) 01-22 01:04:04.933 1871 2251 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:04.934 1871 2251 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:04.934 1871 2251 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:04.936 1871 2251 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392889 01-22 01:04:04.937 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: call fw keyguardGoingAway: flags = 2 01-22 01:04:04.937 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:04.937 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:04.937 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:04.937 1871 3277 I ActivityManager: Activity reported stop, but no longer stopping: ActivityRecord{8416580 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity t949} 01-22 01:04:04.937 2341 2341 I face_unlock: keyguard dismiss time=1579651444937 01-22 01:04:04.937 2341 2341 I face_unlock: face unlock time=1579651444937 01-22 01:04:04.938 1255 1541 D fpc_tac : fpc_irq_wait: poll status: 1, revents [0]: 10, [1]: 0 01-22 01:04:04.942 2341 2341 I miui_keyguard_fingerprint: onAuthenticationError: errMsgId = 5, errString = Operazione associata all'impronta digitale annullata. 01-22 01:04:04.943 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:04.943 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:04.943 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:04.943 13597 13636 I DeviceIndex: Skipping: device index is not enabled 01-22 01:04:04.944 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:04.945 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:04.951 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.952 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.954 1255 1541 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: nav_loop waiting for finger down 01-22 01:04:04.959 13597 29269 D SettingsActivity: No enabled state changed, skipping updateCategory call 01-22 01:04:04.967 2341 2574 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver: stopObserving. 01-22 01:04:04.970 2719 2719 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getAllowedCarriers: CommandException: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 01-22 01:04:04.973 2719 2719 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getAllowedCarriers: CommandException: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 01-22 01:04:04.975 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.976 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.976 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.976 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.978 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.979 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.981 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.981 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.982 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.982 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.982 13597 13597 D BluetoothA2dp: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.982 2305 20558 D A2dpService: getCodecStatus(null) 01-22 01:04:04.983 1871 2217 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 1 01-22 01:04:04.984 1871 3277 D WindowManager: relayoutVisibleWindow: Window{1d2fe3b u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity EXITING} mAnimatingExit=true, mRemoveOnExit=false, mDestroying=false 01-22 01:04:04.986 1871 3277 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392939 01-22 01:04:05.010 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:05.010 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x497db93, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:05.010 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112392963 01-22 01:04:05.010 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 16 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:05.010 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=112392963 fadeoutDuration=0 01-22 01:04:05.010 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:112392964 01-22 01:04:05.013 733 12500 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/2341/cmdline error 01-22 01:04:05.013 733 12500 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[1] 01-22 01:04:05.013 683 857 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_command() start, cmdCode=23 01-22 01:04:05.013 683 857 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_Command EFFECT_CMD_SET_APP_NAME: stream=1, name=+ 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf43d9000)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (low-latency-playback) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: ) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 1 device (speaker) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg: becf: new_snd_devices[0] is speaker 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 current bit width: 16 sample rate: 48000 channels: 2 usecase 1 device (speaker) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: playback on codec device not supporting native playback set default Sample Rate(48k) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 sample rate: 48000 channels: 2 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: force routing 0 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 E msm8916_platform: platform_check_backends_match: Invalid snd_device = 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: (63) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: audio_is_true_native_stream_active:napb: (0) (low-latency-playback)id (1) sr 48000 bw (16) device speaker 01-22 01:04:05.015 683 4678 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 3 01-22 01:04:05.016 683 4678 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0 01-22 01:04:05.016 683 4678 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->out_snd_device speaker 01-22 01:04:05.016 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:05.016 683 4678 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_btsco_get_sample_rate:Not a BT SCO device, need not update sampling rate 01-22 01:04:05.016 683 4678 I audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device PLAYBACK app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 14, sample_rate 48000, snd_device_be_idx 41 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 14, path = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 48000 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 5 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_SIZE 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 16 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 14, Topology Id 112fc 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000E 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE Returned = -19 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000E 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 14 path = 0 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker 01-22 01:04:05.017 683 4678 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback speaker 01-22 01:04:05.018 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done 01-22 01:04:05.020 1871 9376 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:05.021 2341 2341 D StatusBar: give up recomputeDisableFlags 01-22 01:04:05.021 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=false mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x0 01-22 01:04:05.012 1871 1871 W android.display: type=1400 audit(0.0:44145): avc: denied { write } for name="logd" dev="tmpfs" ino=17451 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:logd_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0 01-22 01:04:05.021 1871 1948 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity: +521ms (total +534ms) 01-22 01:04:05.020 1871 9376 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:05.022 1871 1948 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{8416580 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity t949} time:112392975 01-22 01:04:05.022 2341 2341 D StatusBar: give up recomputeDisableFlags 01-22 01:04:05.023 2341 2341 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 01-22 01:04:05.024 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 01-22 01:04:05.024 2341 2341 D StatusBar: give up recomputeDisableFlags 01-22 01:04:05.024 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onKeyguardVisibilityChanged(false) 01-22 01:04:05.024 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.024 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.024 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:05.024 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:05.024 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: sendKeyguardBouncerChanged(false) 01-22 01:04:05.029 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.029 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.029 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:05.030 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=false,devicePublic=false 01-22 01:04:05.030 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=false,isKeyguardShowing=false 01-22 01:04:05.030 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.030 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.030 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.030 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.031 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.031 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.031 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.031 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.031 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.031 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.033 2341 2341 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 01-22 01:04:05.033 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=false mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x0 01-22 01:04:05.034 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.034 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.034 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:05.034 2341 2341 I face_unlock: keyguard exit time=1579651445034 01-22 01:04:05.034 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:05.034 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x497db93, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:05.034 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 13 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:05.035 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:05.036 3322 3322 D miui.face.FaceService: lock screen passed 01-22 01:04:05.036 3214 3214 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } 01-22 01:04:05.037 2730 2730 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onUserPresent:PREPARE 01-22 01:04:05.037 2730 2730 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: showAnimation:onUserPresent 01-22 01:04:05.037 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.sharing.click_to_call.ClickToCallMessageHandler$PhoneUnlockedReceiver 01-22 01:04:05.037 3420 3663 D PowerKeeper.AppStandby: disable standby chain 01-22 01:04:05.037 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenReceiver 01-22 01:04:05.037 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver 01-22 01:04:05.037 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 01-22 01:04:05.037 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app flipboard.app/10147 for broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }: process is not permitted to auto start 01-22 01:04:05.038 4825 4825 D home_receiver: receive broadcast 01-22 01:04:05.038 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to it.h3g.areaclienti3/it.h3g.networkmonitoring.receivers.BootReceiver 01-22 01:04:05.038 3420 4543 D NetdExecutor: SND -> {0 firewall disable_chain standby_miui��} this=com.miui.powerkeeper.utils.NetdExecutor@c467218 01-22 01:04:05.038 1218 1416 E CommandListener: failed to parse child firewall chain (standby_miui) 01-22 01:04:05.038 3420 4543 D NetdExecutor: REV <- {200 0 Firewall command succeeded} 01-22 01:04:05.038 3420 4543 D NetdExecutor: closing output stream for netd 01-22 01:04:05.038 3420 4543 D NetdExecutor: closing input stream for netd 01-22 01:04:05.039 3420 4543 D NetdExecutor: closing socket for netd 01-22 01:04:05.039 2341 2341 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:false home:false recent:false 01-22 01:04:05.040 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 01-22 01:04:05.040 2341 2341 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 01-22 01:04:05.040 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 01-22 01:04:05.042 3038 3038 I TrustAgent: [HomeAddressChangeTracker] User Present. Maybe fetch home. 01-22 01:04:05.043 3038 3038 I TrustAgent: [HomeFetcher] return existing home address! 01-22 01:04:05.043 3038 3038 I TrustAgent: [HomeAddressChangeTracker] home address is not changed. 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: isInstalledPackage 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.xiaomi.smarthome 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:183) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:153) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at com.miui.common.j.r.e(Unknown Source:5) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at com.miui.appmanager.c.b$1.a(Unknown Source:4) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at com.miui.appmanager.c.b$1.doInBackground(Unknown Source:2) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:333) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 01-22 01:04:05.044 4825 29298 E PackageUtils: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 01-22 01:04:05.048 2730 2730 D Launcher.Lifecycle: showUserPresentAnimation:UserHandle{0},45b7cf5,false 01-22 01:04:05.048 2730 2730 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: setState:IDLE 01-22 01:04:05.049 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:05.049 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:05.049 1871 3289 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:05.050 2730 2880 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.thememanager.set_lockwallpaper 01-22 01:04:05.052 1871 1885 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:05.052 1871 1885 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:05.052 1871 1885 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:05.060 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map13 01-22 01:04:05.061 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2 01-22 01:04:05.062 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit 01-22 01:04:05.062 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardBouncerChanged(0) 01-22 01:04:05.062 1871 3613 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:05.062 1871 3613 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:05.062 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.062 1871 3613 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:05.062 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.062 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:05.064 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.064 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.064 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:05.064 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.064 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:05.064 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = true faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 01-22 01:04:05.064 2341 2341 I MiuiChargeController: dismissRapidChargeAnimation: USER_PRESENT 01-22 01:04:05.064 2341 2341 I MiuiChargeController: dismissWirelessRapidChargeAnimation: USER_PRESENT 01-22 01:04:05.065 1871 3277 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:05.065 1871 3277 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:05.065 1871 3277 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:05.072 13340 13361 I MicroDataManager: isInitializing-false locale not changed-true model not changed-true 01-22 01:04:05.079 13340 13361 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword detection immediately - false 01-22 01:04:05.081 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:05.082 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:05.082 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:05.082 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:05.082 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: set_lock_wallpaper_result:false 01-22 01:04:05.082 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:05.082 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:05.082 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:05.082 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:05.083 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for com.android.keyguard.MiuiKeyguardFaceUnlockView$1@49c8de1 01-22 01:04:05.083 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for com.android.keyguard.EmergencyButton$1@6aadeba 01-22 01:04:05.100 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:04:05.100 1221 1435 E storaged: getDiskStats failed with result NOT_SUPPORTED and size 0 01-22 01:04:05.101 23014 23014 W fbservices:PreloadedFbnsService: service/onStart/tos_not_accepted 01-22 01:04:05.106 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:04:05.167 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:05.167 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:05.270 733 865 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/2341/cmdline error 01-22 01:04:05.270 733 865 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[0] 01-22 01:04:05.271 683 857 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_command() start, cmdCode=23 01-22 01:04:05.271 683 857 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_Command EFFECT_CMD_SET_APP_NAME: stream=1, name=- 01-22 01:04:05.434 28191 28199 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:04:05.436 28191 28199 I chatty : uid=10210(com.zerotier.one) FinalizerDaemon identical 28 lines 01-22 01:04:05.436 28191 28199 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:04:05.525 4825 16572 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:04:05.525 4825 16572 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:04:05.540 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:04:05.542 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:04:05.542 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:04:05.542 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:04:05.543 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:05.543 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:05.578 4825 16572 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:04:05.578 4825 16572 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:04:05.579 4825 16572 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:04:05.583 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:05.815 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.816 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:443 01-22 01:04:05.816 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.816 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::443 01-22 01:04:05.816 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.816 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:9993 01-22 01:04:05.817 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.817 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::9993 01-22 01:04:05.817 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 74 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.817 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 74 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.817 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 74 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.818 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 74 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.818 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 74 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:05.821 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:04:05.850 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:05.963 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:05.985 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:06.076 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:06.542 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:04:06.542 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:04:06.693 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:04:06.985 1871 2280 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0 01-22 01:04:06.995 2730 2745 D Launcher: get showing item successnull 01-22 01:04:06.997 1871 4019 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 01-22 01:04:07.006 1871 4019 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: The activity in ApplicationInfo{531f201 com.miui.home} is now in focus and seems to be in full-screen mode 01-22 01:04:07.006 1871 4019 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not whiteListedcom.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher/41501377 01-22 01:04:07.018 4825 16572 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10034, mForegroundPid=2730, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.android.settings', mLastForegroundUid=1000, mLastForegroundPid=13597, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 01-22 01:04:07.021 1871 4019 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112394974 01-22 01:04:07.037 1871 2336 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112394990 01-22 01:04:07.040 1871 5182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112394993 01-22 01:04:07.044 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112394997 01-22 01:04:07.044 2730 2730 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStart:UserHandle{0},45b7cf5,false 01-22 01:04:07.044 2730 2965 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 01-22 01:04:07.044 2730 2965 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 01-22 01:04:07.045 2730 2965 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@3224adf 01-22 01:04:07.046 2730 2965 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 01-22 01:04:07.046 2730 2730 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onResume:UserHandle{0},45b7cf5,false 01-22 01:04:07.046 2730 2730 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 01-22 01:04:07.046 2730 2830 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:true 01-22 01:04:07.047 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:07.047 2730 2730 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: adapterHomeToWallpaperAsync in launcher resume 01-22 01:04:07.047 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:07.049 1871 2217 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 1 01-22 01:04:07.064 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher to com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#1 01-22 01:04:07.068 1871 5182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112395021 01-22 01:04:07.071 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112395024 01-22 01:04:07.078 2730 2730 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:true,UserHandle{0},45b7cf5,false 01-22 01:04:07.078 2730 2730 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onWindowFocus:IDLE 01-22 01:04:07.079 2341 2341 D StatusBar: recevie broadbcast ACTION_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_QUERY, requestFirstTime=false 01-22 01:04:07.120 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:112395073 01-22 01:04:07.122 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:07.128 2341 2341 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:false home:false recent:false 01-22 01:04:07.128 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:07.144 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] send(TaskSnapshotChangedEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.225 2341 2357 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:04:07.225 2341 2357 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:04:07.378 2730 2730 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=FitSystemWindowView, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 01-22 01:04:07.378 2730 2730 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 01-22 01:04:07.379 2341 2363 D EventBus: [2341, u0] post(FsGestureShowStateEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.379 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0xa057d26, P1] onBusEvent(FsGestureShowStateEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.380 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(FsGestureShowStateEvent) duration: 497 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:07.489 2730 2839 D Launcher_WallpaperManagerCompatVOMR1: getWallpaperColorMode, staticWallpaperColorMode=0 01-22 01:04:07.494 2730 2839 D Launcher_WallpaperManagerCompatVOMR1: getStatusBarColorMode, statusBarRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 50) 01-22 01:04:07.575 1871 1948 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{d3754ef u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:112395528 01-22 01:04:07.578 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.578 1871 2182 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:112395531 01-22 01:04:07.578 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x497db93, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.578 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 136 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:07.579 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.579 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x497db93, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.579 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 26 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:07.608 1871 2286 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 01-22 01:04:07.612 1871 2286 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 01-22 01:04:07.645 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.646 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x497db93, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:07.646 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 24 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:07.679 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: hideGestureStub 01-22 01:04:07.679 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: hideGestureStub 01-22 01:04:07.704 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:04:07.707 2730 2839 D Launcher_WallpaperManagerCompatVOMR1: getStatusBarColorMode, static wallpaper, statusBarColorMode=0 01-22 01:04:07.708 2730 2839 D Launcher_StaticWallpaper: current wallpaper is static wallpaper 01-22 01:04:07.712 2730 2839 E Launcher.Utilities: getCurrentWallpaper error, e=java.lang.SecurityException: read wallpaper: Neither user 10034 nor current process has android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. 01-22 01:04:07.712 2730 2839 D Launcher_WallpaperManagerCompatVOMR1: getIsCurrentWallpaperScrollable, return false 01-22 01:04:07.712 2730 2839 D Launcher_WallpaperManagerCompatVOMR1: getSearchBarAreaPrimaryColor by Default:ffffffff 01-22 01:04:07.712 2730 2730 D Launcher_DesktopWallpaperManager: adaptHomeToWallpaper, notify everyone 01-22 01:04:07.714 2730 2730 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 01-22 01:04:07.719 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:04:07.850 1871 1880 I system_server: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 179310(9MB) AllocSpace objects, 100(3MB) LOS objects, 36% free, 41MB/65MB, paused 2.549ms total 229.599ms 01-22 01:04:07.859 1871 2208 I InputDispatcher: Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (160908, 699945). 01-22 01:04:07.860 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:07.875 1871 2208 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher identical 3 lines 01-22 01:04:07.876 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:07.879 2730 2890 D Launcher_WallpaperManagerCompatVOMR1: getGadgetAreaColorMode, static wallpaper, rect=Rect(33, 738 - 1048, 1342), colorMode=0 01-22 01:04:07.879 2730 2890 D Launcher_DesktopWallpaperManager: updateGadgetColorByWallpaperInner, gadget(GadgetInfo, id=3, itemType=5, user=UserHandle{0}, categoryId=2, gadgetId=6, mMtzTitle=null, mMtzMockWidgetId=-1, mMtzMockWidgetProvider=null, mMtzUri=null, screenId=2, container=-100, cellX=0, cellY=2, spanX=5, spanY=2, isLandscapePos=false), rect=Rect(33, 738 - 1048, 1342), colorMode=0 01-22 01:04:07.899 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.102 1871 2208 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher identical 40 lines 01-22 01:04:08.104 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.092 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44146): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:04:08.109 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.110 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.113 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:04:08.113 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: battery_level_update 01-22 01:04:08.115 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [battery_level_update][931] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:04:08.115 4825 4825 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:04:08.116 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 100, status = 5, level = 100, plug = 1, scale = 100 01-22 01:04:08.116 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [batteryLevelUpdate][777] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:04:08.116 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:04:08.124 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.167 1871 2208 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher identical 9 lines 01-22 01:04:08.170 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.171 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:08.171 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:08.172 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.310 1871 2208 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher identical 27 lines 01-22 01:04:08.312 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.318 683 857 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf43d9000) usecase(1: low-latency-playback) 01-22 01:04:08.321 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.430 1871 2208 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher identical 22 lines 01-22 01:04:08.432 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:08.442 683 857 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker 01-22 01:04:08.444 683 857 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 2 01-22 01:04:08.444 683 857 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0 01-22 01:04:08.444 683 857 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker 01-22 01:04:08.444 683 857 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) 01-22 01:04:08.444 683 857 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:08.444 683 857 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0 01-22 01:04:08.444 683 857 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit 01-22 01:04:08.445 683 857 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_command() start, cmdCode=22 01-22 01:04:08.445 683 857 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_Command EFFECT_CMD_SET_AUDIO_STANDBY, current mode = 0 01-22 01:04:08.448 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:09.674 1871 2287 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 01-22 01:04:09.831 1871 2208 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher identical 273 lines 01-22 01:04:09.833 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:09.835 29274 29289 I ocess.gservice: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 01-22 01:04:09.858 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:09.880 1871 2208 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher identical 2 lines 01-22 01:04:09.882 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:10.825 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:04:11.120 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:11.122 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:9993 01-22 01:04:11.123 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:11.123 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::9993 01-22 01:04:11.124 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:11.124 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:9993 01-22 01:04:11.124 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:11.125 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::443 01-22 01:04:11.158 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:11.174 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:11.174 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:11.272 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:11.294 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:11.385 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:12.891 1871 4027 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26 down:true eventTime:112400842 downTime:112400842 policyFlags:2b000000 flags:0 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 01-22 01:04:12.891 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: notification panel visible=true 01-22 01:04:12.891 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: ui thread tid=1871 01-22 01:04:12.892 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: render thread tid=0 01-22 01:04:12.892 1871 4027 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do not boost 01-22 01:04:12.893 1871 1886 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast miui.intent.action.KEYCODE_EXTERNAL from system 1871:system/1000 pkg android. Callers=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked:22556 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent:22699 android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastAsUser:1195 com.android.server.policy.BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager$17.run:2452 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:873 01-22 01:04:13.015 1871 4027 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26 down:false eventTime:112400968 downTime:112400968 policyFlags:2b000000 flags:0 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 01-22 01:04:13.016 1871 4027 D WindowManager: powerPress: eventTime=112400968 interactive=true count=1 beganFromNonInteractive=false mShortPressOnPowerBehavior=1 01-22 01:04:13.016 1871 4027 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)... 01-22 01:04:13.017 1871 1871 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:13.017 1871 1871 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:13.062 1871 1871 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep... (why=2) 01-22 01:04:13.065 1871 1886 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast android.intent.action.KEYCODE_POWER_UP from system 1871:system/1000 pkg android. Callers=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked:22556 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent:22699 android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastAsUser:1195 com.android.server.policy.BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager$17.run:2452 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:873 01-22 01:04:13.071 2341 2363 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedGoingToSleep(2) 01-22 01:04:13.076 2341 2363 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedGoingToSleep 01-22 01:04:13.076 2341 2363 D EventBus: [2341, u0] post(ScreenOffEvent) 01-22 01:04:13.080 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible false mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:13.080 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible false mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 01-22 01:04:13.081 2341 2523 D AudioTrack: set(): streamType 1, sampleRate 48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 0, flags #4, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0, transferType 0, uid -1, pid -1 01-22 01:04:13.082 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: startListeningForFingerprint() 01-22 01:04:13.083 733 865 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: getOutputForDevice() returns output 13 01-22 01:04:13.086 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_get_authenticator_id 01-22 01:04:13.086 683 857 D compress_voip: voice_extn_compress_voip_out_get_parameters: enter 01-22 01:04:13.086 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyStartedGoingToSleep 01-22 01:04:13.086 1871 1871 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui), mReqId:0 01-22 01:04:13.087 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> PowerUI [0xf56f128, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) 01-22 01:04:13.087 2341 2341 D PowerUI : onBusEvent ScreenOffEvent 01-22 01:04:13.087 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) duration: 54 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:13.087 1871 1871 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true 01-22 01:04:13.087 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> StatusBar [0xd1c2593, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) 01-22 01:04:13.087 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) duration: 70 microseconds, avg: 1606 01-22 01:04:13.087 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> MiuiChargeController [0x498457, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) 01-22 01:04:13.087 2341 2341 I LollipopRapidChargeView: addToWindow: prepareRapidChargeView 01-22 01:04:13.088 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_authenticate operation_id 0 01-22 01:04:13.088 1255 1540 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 01-22 01:04:13.088 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_join_task 01-22 01:04:13.088 1255 1540 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 01-22 01:04:13.088 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_navigation_pause 01-22 01:04:13.088 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_join_task 01-22 01:04:13.089 2341 2523 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 19200 01-22 01:04:13.089 1255 1541 D fpc_tac : fpc_irq_wait: poll status: 1, revents [0]: 0, [1]: 1 01-22 01:04:13.090 733 865 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/2341/cmdline error 01-22 01:04:13.090 733 865 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[1] 01-22 01:04:13.090 683 857 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_command() start, cmdCode=23 01-22 01:04:13.090 683 857 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_Command EFFECT_CMD_SET_APP_NAME: stream=1, name=+ 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xf43d9000)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (low-latency-playback) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: ) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 1 device (speaker) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg: becf: new_snd_devices[0] is speaker 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 current bit width: 16 sample rate: 48000 channels: 2 usecase 1 device (speaker) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: playback on codec device not supporting native playback set default Sample Rate(48k) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 sample rate: 48000 channels: 2 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: force routing 0 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 E msm8916_platform: platform_check_backends_match: Invalid snd_device = 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: (63) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker 01-22 01:04:13.093 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: audio_is_true_native_stream_active:napb: (0) (low-latency-playback)id (1) sr 48000 bw (16) device speaker 01-22 01:04:13.094 683 4678 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 3 01-22 01:04:13.094 683 4678 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0 01-22 01:04:13.094 683 4678 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->out_snd_device speaker 01-22 01:04:13.094 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:13.094 683 4678 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_btsco_get_sample_rate:Not a BT SCO device, need not update sampling rate 01-22 01:04:13.094 683 4678 I audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device PLAYBACK app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 14, sample_rate 48000, snd_device_be_idx 41 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 14, path = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 48000 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 5 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_SIZE 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 16 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 14, Topology Id 112fc 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000E 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE Returned = -19 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000E 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 14 path = 0 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker 01-22 01:04:13.095 683 4678 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback speaker 01-22 01:04:13.097 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done 01-22 01:04:13.098 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_join_task 01-22 01:04:13.098 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_navigation_pause 01-22 01:04:13.098 1255 1540 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_run_task 01-22 01:04:13.098 1255 1539 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate 01-22 01:04:13.098 1255 1539 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_auth_challenge 01-22 01:04:13.100 1255 1539 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_kpi_start: property value='0' kpi_active=0 01-22 01:04:13.100 1255 1539 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_capture_image 01-22 01:04:13.100 1871 1871 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 01-22 01:04:13.111 2341 2341 I MiuiChargeController: dismissRapidChargeAnimation: screen off 01-22 01:04:13.111 2341 2341 I MiuiChargeController: dismissWirelessRapidChargeAnimation: screen off 01-22 01:04:13.111 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) duration: 23281 microseconds, avg: 1608 01-22 01:04:13.114 1255 1539 D fpc_tac : fpc_irq_wait: poll status: 1, revents [0]: 10, [1]: 0 01-22 01:04:13.139 705 3914 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_msg_process_system_update: systemEvent:5 01-22 01:04:13.140 1871 1951 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 01-22 01:04:13.140 1871 1951 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 0 ms 01-22 01:04:13.140 1871 2282 I LocalDisplayAdapter: setDisplayState(id=0, state=OFF) 01-22 01:04:13.132 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44147): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:04:13.140 1871 1951 I WindowManager: Screen turned off... 01-22 01:04:13.142 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44148): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:04:13.142 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x78b5e55000 01-22 01:04:13.143 693 4178 I SDM : DisplayBase::SetDisplayState: Set state = 0, display 0 01-22 01:04:13.146 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map13 01-22 01:04:13.146 683 4678 D msm8916_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2 01-22 01:04:13.147 683 4678 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit 01-22 01:04:13.151 1871 1951 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 01-22 01:04:13.153 2730 2730 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onPause:UserHandle{0},45b7cf5,true 01-22 01:04:13.153 2730 2730 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: setState:PAUSE_WAIT 01-22 01:04:13.153 2730 2730 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 01-22 01:04:13.154 2730 2965 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 01-22 01:04:13.154 2730 2965 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 01-22 01:04:13.424 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=0, type=0 01-22 01:04:13.424 1189 1334 I ThermalEngine: Battery charging mitigation already at level 0 01-22 01:04:13.425 1871 2282 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode() 01-22 01:04:13.432 697 697 E QTI PowerHAL: Failed to acquire lock. 01-22 01:04:13.432 697 697 I QTI PowerHAL: Got set_interactive hint 01-22 01:04:13.450 1871 1948 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Schermo incorporato", OFF 01-22 01:04:13.474 1871 1871 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 325ms main h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.-$$Lambda$BatteryService$2x73lvpB0jctMSVP4qb9sHAqRPw@18914b7 m=0 01-22 01:04:13.478 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: battery_level_update 01-22 01:04:13.478 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 100, status = 5, level = 100, plug = 1, scale = 100 01-22 01:04:13.478 4825 4825 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:04:13.479 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [battery_level_update][931] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:04:13.482 2341 14421 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOff 01-22 01:04:13.483 1871 5182 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 01-22 01:04:13.484 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [batteryLevelUpdate][777] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:04:13.488 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:04:13.491 2730 2730 W Looper : Slow Looper: doFrame is 317ms late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 335ms (h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) 01-22 01:04:13.491 2730 2730 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: mResetIdleStateRunnable 01-22 01:04:13.492 2730 2830 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 01-22 01:04:13.515 1871 2209 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 01-22 01:04:13.532 2341 2341 W Looper : Slow Looper: doFrame is 391ms late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 405ms (late=19ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) 01-22 01:04:13.533 1871 1885 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 01-22 01:04:13.535 1871 1951 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=miui.action.CAMERA_EMPTY_SERVICE pkg=com.android.camera } to com.android.camera/.EmptyService from pid=1871 uid=1000 pkg=android startFg?=false 01-22 01:04:13.538 2730 2730 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStop:UserHandle{0},45b7cf5,true 01-22 01:04:13.539 1871 1951 W DreamManagerService: Dream ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist 01-22 01:04:13.539 1871 1951 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)... 01-22 01:04:13.539 2730 2965 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@3224adf 01-22 01:04:13.539 2730 2965 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 01-22 01:04:13.543 1871 1871 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep... (why=2) 01-22 01:04:13.544 2341 14421 D KeyguardViewMediator: onFinishedGoingToSleep(2) 01-22 01:04:13.544 2341 14421 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyFinishedGoingToSleep 01-22 01:04:13.546 3085 3109 I octvm_power: power mode [idle] start 1579651453 01-22 01:04:13.547 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:04:13.547 3085 3109 I octvm_power: Action: set_thermal_config(restore) for [foreground_change] 01-22 01:04:13.547 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: platform_set_thermal_mode cur_global_config:[], target mode:[restore], profile=0, ret=0 01-22 01:04:13.547 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:04:13.547 3085 3109 I octvm_power: onPowerModeChanged[idle] called 01-22 01:04:13.554 2341 14421 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing the lock screen 01-22 01:04:13.554 2341 14421 D KeyguardViewMediator: showLocked 01-22 01:04:13.554 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:04:13.555 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.555 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.555 2341 14421 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:13.555 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.555 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.555 2341 14421 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:13.555 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.555 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.556 2341 14421 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:13.556 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.556 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.559 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOff 01-22 01:04:13.559 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:13.559 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 01-22 01:04:13.566 683 857 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=off 01-22 01:04:13.566 683 857 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 16 rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 0 01-22 01:04:13.566 683 857 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 0 01-22 01:04:13.566 683 857 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0 01-22 01:04:13.566 683 857 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled 01-22 01:04:13.567 733 2862 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/2341/cmdline error 01-22 01:04:13.567 733 2862 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[0] 01-22 01:04:13.567 683 2250 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_command() start, cmdCode=23 01-22 01:04:13.567 683 2250 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_Command EFFECT_CMD_SET_APP_NAME: stream=1, name=- 01-22 01:04:13.574 1871 1871 V LocationPolicy: Screen state changed 01-22 01:04:13.583 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyFinishedGoingToSleep 01-22 01:04:13.584 2341 2341 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 01-22 01:04:13.585 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 01-22 01:04:13.587 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.587 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.587 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:13.588 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=false,devicePublic=false 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=false,isKeyguardShowing=false 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.589 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.594 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleShow 01-22 01:04:13.594 1871 5182 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:13.616 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register callback for com.android.keyguard.KeyguardHostView$1@fed4254 01-22 01:04:13.616 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for null 01-22 01:04:13.621 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:13.621 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityView: showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=false) 01-22 01:04:13.621 2341 2341 D KeyguardSecurityView: showSecurityScreen(PIN) 01-22 01:04:13.621 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityView: inflating id = 2131558504 01-22 01:04:13.630 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register callback for com.android.keyguard.MiuiKeyguardFaceUnlockView$1@7b6686d 01-22 01:04:13.630 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for null 01-22 01:04:13.643 2730 2730 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:false,UserHandle{0},45b7cf5,true 01-22 01:04:13.669 2305 2305 D BtOppService: action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 01-22 01:04:13.684 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: foreground, uid = 10034, app = com.miui.home 01-22 01:04:13.685 1871 5182 I SensorService: check list, getPackageName com.miui.powerkeeper.statemachine.NonUiModeController$4 01-22 01:04:13.686 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: screen_status_update 01-22 01:04:13.686 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [screen_status_update][528] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:04:13.687 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [screenStatusUpdate][571] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:04:13.687 705 3914 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_msg_process_system_update: systemEvent:6 01-22 01:04:13.687 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:04:13.689 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register callback for com.android.keyguard.EmergencyButton$1@19aaa96 01-22 01:04:13.689 2341 2341 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for null 01-22 01:04:13.690 698 2188 W qti_sensors_hal: enable: handle=77, en=1 01-22 01:04:13.692 698 15535 W qti_sensors_hal: processResp: handle:77 01-22 01:04:13.692 698 15535 E qti_sensors_hal: processResp: Msg 2; Result: 1, Error: 5 01-22 01:04:13.698 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:13.700 2341 2341 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 01-22 01:04:13.700 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 01-22 01:04:13.700 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true) 01-22 01:04:13.701 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.701 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.701 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:13.705 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 01-22 01:04:13.712 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:13.712 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.712 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.712 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=true,devicePublic=true 01-22 01:04:13.712 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=true,isKeyguardShowing=true 01-22 01:04:13.712 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.712 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.713 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.713 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.713 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.713 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.713 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.713 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.713 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.713 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.714 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:13.714 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 01-22 01:04:13.715 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=true mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x1e00000 01-22 01:04:13.716 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewBase: show() 01-22 01:04:13.717 2672 2672 D DPMJ : |SERVICE| DPM received action android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 01-22 01:04:13.718 2672 2672 I DPMJ : |SERVICE| sendScreenState: state: false 01-22 01:04:13.718 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:13.718 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityView: showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=false) 01-22 01:04:13.718 2341 2341 D KeyguardSecurityView: showSecurityScreen(PIN) 01-22 01:04:13.719 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.719 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.719 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:13.719 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.719 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.719 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = true faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 01-22 01:04:13.719 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=true mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x1e00000 01-22 01:04:13.594 1871 5182 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:13.721 2341 2341 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 01-22 01:04:13.724 2341 2341 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:4 01-22 01:04:13.727 3038 4279 I NearbyDirect: FastPairScanner: Stopping scan. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 01-22 01:04:13.728 6790 6790 D MiShare:MiShareService: onReceive action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 01-22 01:04:13.728 3038 4279 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:04:13.730 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: stopScan() - queue size =1 01-22 01:04:13.732 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: stop scan 01-22 01:04:13.732 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:04:13.732 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterScanner() - scannerId=5 01-22 01:04:13.734 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:04:13.734 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:04:13.737 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:04:13.738 13446 13446 I DeviceStatusMonitor: onReceive() : Action = android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 01-22 01:04:13.741 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:13.741 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:13.742 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16 01-22 01:04:13.742 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 5 status - 0 01-22 01:04:13.743 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0 01-22 01:04:13.743 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=-2147483648ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=1 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=1scanPhy=1 01-22 01:04:13.743 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped 01-22 01:04:13.743 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped 01-22 01:04:13.761 18352 18395 E AD-PLUGIN-SplashController: get broadcast sender : android 01-22 01:04:13.774 3481 3481 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 01-22 01:04:13.774 3481 3481 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 01-22 01:04:13.762 13950 13950 W pool-1-thread-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:44149): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=16569 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 01-22 01:04:13.777 13950 29316 E libc : Access denied finding property "persist.radio.meid" 01-22 01:04:13.780 3481 3481 W MediaRouter: Ignoring invalid provider descriptor: null 01-22 01:04:13.780 13950 29316 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.ril.oem.meid" 01-22 01:04:13.781 13950 29316 D IdProviderImpl: getUDID 01-22 01:04:13.772 13950 13950 W pool-1-thread-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:44150): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=16569 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 01-22 01:04:13.788 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:13.791 13950 29316 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID 01-22 01:04:13.792 3481 3481 V MediaRouter: Removing route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Studio, description=Google Home Mini, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Dispositivi types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 01-22 01:04:13.794 13950 29316 D IdProviderImpl: getVAID 01-22 01:04:13.797 3481 29129 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(null) scannerFlags(0) 01-22 01:04:13.800 3481 29129 W GuestModeDeviceProber: setFilterCriteria 01-22 01:04:13.792 20545 20545 W pool-1-thread-3: type=1400 audit(0.0:44151): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=16569 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c743,c771 tcontext=u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 01-22 01:04:13.802 20545 29319 E libc : Access denied finding property "persist.radio.meid" 01-22 01:04:13.802 20545 29319 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.ril.oem.meid" 01-22 01:04:13.810 999 999 E cr_CompositorSurfaceMgr: SurfaceState : detach from parent : 0 01-22 01:04:13.811 999 999 E cr_CompositorSurfaceMgr: Transitioning to surface with format : -1 01-22 01:04:13.813 1871 4027 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=999: not found 01-22 01:04:13.815 20545 29319 D IdProviderImpl: getUDID 01-22 01:04:13.824 1871 2336 I WifiService: releaseMulticastLock uid=10008 01-22 01:04:13.828 2341 2341 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 01-22 01:04:13.829 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.829 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.829 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.829 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.829 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.829 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.829 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.829 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:13.842 20545 29319 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID 01-22 01:04:13.864 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:13.864 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x497db93, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 01-22 01:04:13.865 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 29 microseconds, avg: 1608 01-22 01:04:13.872 20545 29319 D IdProviderImpl: getVAID 01-22 01:04:13.880 13340 13366 E WorkerLoader: No worker found for Worker ID [trainingcache]. 01-22 01:04:13.881 13340 13366 W WorkController: Loading failed for worker [trainingcache]: worker not found 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: TrainingCache cache SCREEN_OFF failure 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.h.a.a: No worker found for Worker ID [trainingcache]. 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.g.a.c.a(SourceFile:3) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.android.libraries.gsa.n.a.n.a(SourceFile:2) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.dk.b(SourceFile:7) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.cg.run(SourceFile:15) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.dm.run(SourceFile:10) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.apps.tiktok.concurrent.ar.run(SourceFile:2) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.apps.tiktok.concurrent.b.run(SourceFile:4) 01-22 01:04:13.882 13340 13366 W ServiceWorker: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 01-22 01:04:13.891 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardReset 01-22 01:04:13.892 2341 2341 D RecentsImpl: resume demo nstub gone 01-22 01:04:13.912 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:13.912 2341 2341 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:true home:true recent:true 01-22 01:04:13.913 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:14.176 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:14.176 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:14.193 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: hideGestureStub 01-22 01:04:14.193 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: hideGestureStub 01-22 01:04:14.210 4825 1126 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:04:14.213 4825 1126 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:04:14.236 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:14.236 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:14.278 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:14.314 4825 1126 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:04:14.317 4825 1126 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:04:14.317 4825 1126 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:04:15.234 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:04:15.234 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:04:15.273 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 28 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:15.273 3278 22789 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 01-22 01:04:15.274 28191 28216 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 37 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:15.385 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:04:16.434 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:16.436 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:443 01-22 01:04:16.437 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:16.438 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::443 01-22 01:04:16.439 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:16.439 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:443 01-22 01:04:16.442 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:16.443 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::9993 01-22 01:04:16.443 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 143 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:16.472 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:16.586 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:16.600 683 2250 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xf43d9000) usecase(1: low-latency-playback) 01-22 01:04:16.601 1871 4027 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26 down:true eventTime:112404554 downTime:112404554 policyFlags:b000000 flags:0 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0 01-22 01:04:16.602 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: notification panel visible=true 01-22 01:04:16.602 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: ui thread tid=1871 01-22 01:04:16.602 1871 4027 D systemui_boost: render thread tid=0 01-22 01:04:16.602 1871 4027 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do not boost 01-22 01:04:16.602 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 666 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:16.609 1871 4027 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid=1000 reason=android.policy:POWER)... 01-22 01:04:16.609 2341 14421 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedWakingUp, reason = android.policy:POWER 01-22 01:04:16.609 1871 4027 I PowerManagerService: waking up from opPackageName = android opUid = 1000 01-22 01:04:16.609 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.610 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.610 2341 14421 D FaceManagerImpl_client: isSupportScreenOnDelayed:true 01-22 01:04:16.610 1871 1871 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:16.610 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.610 2341 14421 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.622 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44153): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:04:16.610 1871 1871 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:16.612 1871 1951 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 01-22 01:04:16.612 1871 1951 I WindowManager: Screen turning on... 01-22 01:04:16.632 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44154): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:04:16.613 697 697 E QTI PowerHAL: Failed to acquire lock. 01-22 01:04:16.613 697 697 I QTI PowerHAL: Got set_interactive hint 01-22 01:04:16.614 1871 4027 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26 down:false eventTime:112404566 downTime:112404566 policyFlags:2b000000 flags:0 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0 01-22 01:04:16.614 1871 2282 I LocalDisplayAdapter: setDisplayState(id=0, state=ON) 01-22 01:04:16.614 1871 1948 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Schermo incorporato", ON 01-22 01:04:16.614 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x78b5e55000 01-22 01:04:16.621 693 4178 I SDM : DisplayBase::SetDisplayState: Set state = 1, display 0 01-22 01:04:16.632 28191 28216 D ZT1_Service: Virtual Network Config Operation: VIRTUAL_NETWORK_CONFIG_OPERATION_CONFIG_UPDATE 01-22 01:04:16.632 28191 28216 D ZT1_Service: Network Config Update! 01-22 01:04:16.633 28191 28216 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.zerotier.one.events.NetworkInfoReplyEvent 01-22 01:04:16.633 28191 28216 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent 01-22 01:04:16.633 28191 28216 D DataStore: Writing File: networks.d/12ac4a1e719f850e.conf 01-22 01:04:16.635 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:16.654 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:16.662 1871 2182 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 01-22 01:04:16.664 1871 2209 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 01-22 01:04:16.673 1871 1871 I WindowManager: Started waking up... 01-22 01:04:16.673 1871 1951 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: aquire 01-22 01:04:16.673 1871 1951 I SensorService: check list, getPackageName miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper 01-22 01:04:16.674 2341 2657 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn 01-22 01:04:16.674 2341 2657 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedWakingUp, seq = 448 01-22 01:04:16.674 2341 2657 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedWakingUp 01-22 01:04:16.675 1871 1886 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast android.intent.action.KEYCODE_POWER_UP from system 1871:system/1000 pkg android. Callers=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked:22556 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent:22699 android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastAsUser:1195 com.android.server.policy.BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager$17.run:2452 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:873 01-22 01:04:16.675 2341 2657 D EventBus: [2341, u0] post(ScreenOnEvent) 01-22 01:04:16.677 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 100, status = 5, level = 100, plug = 1, scale = 100 01-22 01:04:16.678 3085 3109 I octvm_power: power mode [keyguard] start 1579651456 01-22 01:04:16.679 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:04:16.679 3085 3109 I octvm_power: Action: set_thermal_config(restore) for [foreground_change] 01-22 01:04:16.679 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: platform_set_thermal_mode cur_global_config:[], target mode:[restore], profile=0, ret=0 01-22 01:04:16.679 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:04:16.679 3085 3109 I octvm_power: onPowerModeChanged[keyguard] called 01-22 01:04:16.680 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: battery_level_update 01-22 01:04:16.681 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [battery_level_update][931] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:04:16.682 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [batteryLevelUpdate][777] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:04:16.682 4825 4825 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:04:16.682 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:04:16.686 1871 1871 D StorageManagerService: Get the action of screen on 01-22 01:04:16.686 645 909 D vold : The trim thread is not running 01-22 01:04:16.689 683 857 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=on 01-22 01:04:16.692 2341 2341 W KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurningOn 01-22 01:04:16.693 2341 2341 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn 01-22 01:04:16.693 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyWakingUp 01-22 01:04:16.693 1871 4019 I WindowManager: mKeyguardDelegate.ShowListener.onDrawn. 01-22 01:04:16.694 1871 4019 D systemui_boost: notification panel visible=true 01-22 01:04:16.694 1871 4019 D systemui_boost: ui thread tid=2341 01-22 01:04:16.694 1871 4019 D systemui_boost: render thread tid=2546 01-22 01:04:16.694 1871 4019 D systemui_boost: ui thread old priority=-10 01-22 01:04:16.694 1871 4019 D systemui_boost: render thread old priority=-10 01-22 01:04:16.694 1871 4019 D systemui_boost: thread tid=2341, priority is set to -10 01-22 01:04:16.694 1871 4019 D systemui_boost: thread tid=2546, priority is set to -10 01-22 01:04:16.694 1871 4019 D systemui_boost: ui thread and render thread are boosted 01-22 01:04:16.695 2341 2341 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 01-22 01:04:16.695 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 01-22 01:04:16.696 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 01-22 01:04:16.696 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.696 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.697 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:16.697 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:16.699 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:16.699 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=true,devicePublic=true 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=true,isKeyguardShowing=true 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.700 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.701 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:16.701 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:16.702 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.702 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.702 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:16.703 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.703 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.703 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = true faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 01-22 01:04:16.707 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.707 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.707 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:16.707 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.707 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.707 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.707 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 2250 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 2250 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 2 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 2250 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 2250 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 2250 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 2250 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 2250 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 2250 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit 01-22 01:04:16.711 683 857 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 17 rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 0 01-22 01:04:16.712 683 857 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 0 01-22 01:04:16.712 683 857 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0 01-22 01:04:16.712 683 857 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled 01-22 01:04:16.712 683 2250 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_command() start, cmdCode=22 01-22 01:04:16.712 683 2250 V EffectDiracSound: DiracSound_Command EFFECT_CMD_SET_AUDIO_STANDBY, current mode = 0 01-22 01:04:16.715 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:16.716 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> PowerUI [0xf56f128, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 01-22 01:04:16.716 2341 2341 D PowerUI : onBusEvent ScreenOnEvent 01-22 01:04:16.716 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 51 microseconds, avg: 1608 01-22 01:04:16.716 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> StatusBar [0xd1c2593, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 01-22 01:04:16.716 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 7 microseconds, avg: 1608 01-22 01:04:16.716 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> MiuiChargeController [0x498457, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 01-22 01:04:16.716 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 15 microseconds, avg: 1608 01-22 01:04:16.717 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:04:16.717 1871 1871 V LocationPolicy: Screen state changed 01-22 01:04:16.721 2341 2341 I LollipopRapidChargeView: removeFromWindow: onStartedWakingUp 01-22 01:04:16.727 2305 2305 D BtOppService: action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 01-22 01:04:16.727 1871 1871 D ProximitySensorWrapper: proximity distance: 5.000305 01-22 01:04:16.729 698 2188 W qti_sensors_hal: enable: handle=77, en=0 01-22 01:04:16.730 698 15535 W qti_sensors_hal: processResp: handle:77 01-22 01:04:16.730 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: screen_status_update 01-22 01:04:16.730 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [screen_status_update][528] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:04:16.730 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [screenStatusUpdate][571] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:04:16.731 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:04:16.731 705 3914 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_msg_process_system_update: systemEvent:0 01-22 01:04:16.739 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: foreground, uid = 10034, app = com.miui.home 01-22 01:04:16.757 2672 2672 D DPMJ : |SERVICE| DPM received action android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 01-22 01:04:16.758 2672 2672 I DPMJ : |SERVICE| sendScreenState: state: true 01-22 01:04:16.763 6790 6790 D MiShare:MiShareService: onReceive action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 01-22 01:04:16.764 3038 4279 I NearbyDirect: FastPairScanner: Scan already stopped. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 01-22 01:04:16.764 3038 4279 I NearbyDirect: FastPairScanner: Starting scan, mode UNKNOWN_BLE_SCAN_MODE -> BALANCED [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 01-22 01:04:16.764 3038 4279 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:04:16.765 13446 13446 I DeviceStatusMonitor: onReceive() : Action = android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 01-22 01:04:16.766 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: registerScanner() - UUID=a02bbfe6-7e7b-45f6-a8f0-48082d9f4151 01-22 01:04:16.766 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(949)] GATT_Registerd2269f8b-43b8-cc99-1c97-68dfff74afeb 01-22 01:04:16.767 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(969)] allocated gatt_if=5 01-22 01:04:16.767 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScannerRegistered() - UUID=a02bbfe6-7e7b-45f6-a8f0-48082d9f4151, scannerId=5, status=0 01-22 01:04:16.767 3038 3060 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 01-22 01:04:16.769 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: start scan with filters 01-22 01:04:16.769 1189 1334 I ThermalEngine: Battery charging mitigation already at level 0 01-22 01:04:16.770 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=2, type=0 01-22 01:04:16.770 1871 2282 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode() 01-22 01:04:16.770 1871 2269 D DisplayFeatureManager: setScreenEffect mode=3 value=20 01-22 01:04:16.771 712 712 D DisplayFeatureHal: setFeatureEnable(displayId=0 caseId=3 modeId=20 cookie=255) 01-22 01:04:16.773 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleEyeCare enter modeId 20 01-22 01:04:16.773 712 800 I DisplayFeatureHal: successfully write 0x100 into /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/msm_fb_dispparam 01-22 01:04:16.779 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: handling starting scan 01-22 01:04:16.781 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: isAptXLowLatencyModeEnabled: false 01-22 01:04:16.782 1871 1886 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 100ms android.ui h=com.android.server.policy.MiuiScreenOnProximityLock$2 c=null m=1 01-22 01:04:16.785 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:04:16.786 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:04:16.786 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:04:16.786 735 2898 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: 3a6ab51 rapid_charge#0 01-22 01:04:16.787 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: Query DisplayColor service 01-22 01:04:16.790 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:04:16.791 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:16.791 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:16.792 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: set caseId:5 mode:-14 over done.... status:1 ret 0 01-22 01:04:16.792 712 800 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleEyeCare exit ret 0 01-22 01:04:16.793 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1 01-22 01:04:16.793 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 5 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.796 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=5, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=6, availableSpace=31 01-22 01:04:16.796 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 5 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.796 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:04:16.798 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15 01-22 01:04:16.799 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 5 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.799 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1 01-22 01:04:16.799 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=1ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=1 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=-2147483648scanPhy=255 01-22 01:04:16.799 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval LE 1M = 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE 1M= 1024configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 1024configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 1024 01-22 01:04:16.799 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0 01-22 01:04:16.807 1871 1886 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete 01-22 01:04:16.810 1871 1886 I WindowManager: All windows ready for display! 01-22 01:04:16.814 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=LOW_LATENCY, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 5 filters, 1 clients, callingClientName=Nearby] 01-22 01:04:16.816 1871 4027 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:16.816 1871 4027 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:16.816 1871 4027 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:16.822 1871 4027 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:true eventTime:112404774 downTime:112404774 policyFlags:2b000000 flags:0 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0 01-22 01:04:16.823 1871 4027 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:false eventTime:112404775 downTime:112404775 policyFlags:2b000000 flags:0 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0 01-22 01:04:16.828 1871 4019 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{com.google.android.music/com.google.android.music.dial.DialMediaRouteProviderService} from pid=3481, uid=10008 that is not exported from uid 10085 01-22 01:04:16.832 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: 5 filters, scanMode=2, reportdelay=0, callback type=1, #clients=2, workSource=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms} 01-22 01:04:16.833 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Starting scan on OS scanner. BT state: 12 01-22 01:04:16.834 3038 3695 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:04:16.836 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: registerScanner() - UUID=bf17936b-2d9e-4a3f-a3fa-90c7c208fed6 01-22 01:04:16.837 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(949)] GATT_Registerf11b4811-b516-ef3d-72ee-ee36a6ef1a01 01-22 01:04:16.837 2305 2943 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(969)] allocated gatt_if=6 01-22 01:04:16.837 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScannerRegistered() - UUID=bf17936b-2d9e-4a3f-a3fa-90c7c208fed6, scannerId=6, status=0 01-22 01:04:16.838 3038 3060 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 01-22 01:04:16.841 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: start scan with filters 01-22 01:04:16.846 1871 1886 W WindowManager: Setting mWindowManagerDrawComplete 01-22 01:04:16.846 1871 2208 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 01-22 01:04:16.846 1871 1886 I SensorService: check list, getPackageName com.android.server.policy.WindowOrientationListener 01-22 01:04:16.848 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: handling starting scan 01-22 01:04:16.850 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:16.854 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: isAptXLowLatencyModeEnabled: false 01-22 01:04:16.855 3481 29129 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media) scannerFlags(2) 01-22 01:04:16.857 1871 1886 I WindowManager: finishScreenTurningOn: mAwake=true, mScreenOnEarly=true, mScreenOnFully=false, mKeyguardDrawComplete=true, mWindowManagerDrawComplete=true 01-22 01:04:16.857 1871 1886 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on... 01-22 01:04:16.857 1871 1951 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 245 ms 01-22 01:04:16.858 3481 29129 W GuestModeDeviceProber: setFilterCriteria 01-22 01:04:16.859 712 800 W DisplayFeatureHal: histogram_operation-Stop, histgram status is wrong, status:0! 01-22 01:04:16.865 2341 12834 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOn 01-22 01:04:16.866 1871 1951 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 264 ms 01-22 01:04:16.866 1871 1871 I WindowManager: Finished waking up... 01-22 01:04:16.866 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:16.866 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:16.867 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1 01-22 01:04:16.867 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.869 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=31 01-22 01:04:16.869 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.869 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13361 W WorkController: Loading failed for worker [trainingcache]: worker not found 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: TrainingCache cache SCREEN_ON failure 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.h.a.a: No worker found for Worker ID [trainingcache]. 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.g.a.c.a(SourceFile:3) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.android.libraries.gsa.n.a.n.a(SourceFile:2) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.dk.b(SourceFile:7) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.cg.run(SourceFile:15) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.dm.run(SourceFile:10) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.apps.tiktok.concurrent.ar.run(SourceFile:2) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.apps.tiktok.concurrent.b.run(SourceFile:4) 01-22 01:04:16.870 13340 13388 W ServiceWorker: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 01-22 01:04:16.873 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=14 01-22 01:04:16.873 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.877 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=30 01-22 01:04:16.877 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.877 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:04:16.879 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOn 01-22 01:04:16.880 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=13 01-22 01:04:16.880 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.883 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=5, availableSpace=31 01-22 01:04:16.883 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.883 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:04:16.885 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=12 01-22 01:04:16.886 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.888 1871 9376 I WifiService: startScan uid=10008 01-22 01:04:16.888 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=5, availableSpace=30 01-22 01:04:16.888 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.889 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:04:16.892 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=11 01-22 01:04:16.892 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.893 3481 3481 V MediaRouter: Adding route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Studio, description=Google Home Mini, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Dispositivi types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 01-22 01:04:16.894 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=6, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=29 01-22 01:04:16.894 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.894 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0, deliveryMode=0 01-22 01:04:16.896 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=10 01-22 01:04:16.896 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:16.896 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=2 01-22 01:04:16.896 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=2ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=1 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=1scanPhy=255 01-22 01:04:16.896 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval LE 1M = 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE 1M= 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 4096 01-22 01:04:16.896 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0 01-22 01:04:16.908 1871 4027 I WifiService: acquireMulticastLock uid=10008 01-22 01:04:16.955 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:17.030 1871 1886 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: far from the screen for a certain time, release proximity sensor... 01-22 01:04:17.030 1871 1886 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: release 01-22 01:04:17.042 735 819 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: 8972bc0 ScreenOnProximitySensorGuide#0 01-22 01:04:17.180 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:17.180 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:17.216 4825 29628 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:04:17.218 4825 29628 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:04:17.241 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:17.242 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:17.282 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:17.299 4825 29628 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:04:17.302 4825 29628 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:04:17.302 4825 29628 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:04:17.798 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:17.799 1871 2280 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0 01-22 01:04:17.800 2341 2341 W Choreographer: OPTS_INPUT: First frame was drawed before optimized, so skip! 01-22 01:04:17.878 1871 9376 W ActivityManager: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead 01-22 01:04:17.883 2341 2574 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver: startObserving. 01-22 01:04:17.886 2341 2574 D BrightnessController: UpdateSliderRunnable: value: 1697 01-22 01:04:18.054 2341 2341 D KeyguardSecurityView: showNextSecurityScreenOrFinish(false) 01-22 01:04:18.054 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=true mOccluded=false force=true --> flags=0x1e00000 01-22 01:04:18.056 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:18.056 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:18.056 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: sendKeyguardBouncerChanged(true) 01-22 01:04:18.059 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardBouncerChanged(1) 01-22 01:04:18.059 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:18.062 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:18.062 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:18.062 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:18.064 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:18.064 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:18.064 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:18.064 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:18.064 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:18.065 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = true faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 01-22 01:04:18.065 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewBase: screen on, instance 7a9eda7 01-22 01:04:18.080 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:18.080 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:18.080 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:18.080 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub 01-22 01:04:18.082 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDoneDrawing 01-22 01:04:18.128 3481 29327 I DeviceScanner: [MDNS] Received response from "Studio" (26fab5bb2aa056523f06edca291bd1de) with result "1 New device" 01-22 01:04:18.129 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:04:18.174 1871 1886 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: far from the screen for a certain time, release proximity sensor... 01-22 01:04:18.147 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:04:18.241 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:04:18.241 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:04:18.391 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:04:18.562 4825 29628 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:04:18.564 4825 29628 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:04:18.576 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:04:18.577 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:04:18.577 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:04:18.578 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:04:18.581 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:18.581 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:18.622 4825 29628 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:04:18.622 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:18.623 4825 29628 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:04:18.623 4825 29628 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:04:18.788 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:18.789 1871 2280 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0 01-22 01:04:18.809 2341 2341 W Choreographer: OPTS_INPUT: First frame was drawed before optimized, so skip! 01-22 01:04:18.911 1871 4019 W ActivityManager: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead 01-22 01:04:19.074 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: Failed to update node /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay with value 10000 01-22 01:04:19.074 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: 1401600:39000 01-22 01:04:19.074 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: read/write failed for /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay, rc=-1 01-22 01:04:19.074 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to reset optimization [5, 0] 01-22 01:04:19.142 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:04:19.291 4825 29628 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:04:19.293 4825 29628 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:04:19.318 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:19.318 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:19.356 1871 2280 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0 01-22 01:04:19.357 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:19.359 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:19.363 4825 29628 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:04:19.364 4825 29628 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:04:19.364 4825 29628 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:04:19.386 2341 2341 W Choreographer: OPTS_INPUT: First frame was drawed before optimized, so skip! 01-22 01:04:19.437 1871 9376 W ActivityManager: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead 01-22 01:04:19.510 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: Failed to update node /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay with value 10000 01-22 01:04:19.510 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: 1401600:39000 01-22 01:04:19.510 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: read/write failed for /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay, rc=-1 01-22 01:04:19.510 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to reset optimization [5, 0] 01-22 01:04:19.858 4825 4843 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:04:19.859 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:04:19.877 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:19.877 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:19.921 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:19.934 4825 4843 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:04:19.935 4825 4843 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:04:19.935 4825 4843 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:04:20.072 3038 27538 I GCoreUlr: Starting BLE scan: mode: 2 01-22 01:04:20.076 3038 3038 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=LOW_LATENCY, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 2 filters, 0 clients, callingClientName=ULR] 01-22 01:04:20.093 1871 2197 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 01-22 01:04:20.093 1871 2197 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 01-22 01:04:20.093 1871 2197 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 01-22 01:04:20.101 3420 3420 I PowerKeeperBackgroundService: onStartCommand() 01-22 01:04:20.101 3420 3420 I PowerKeeperService: onAlarm 01-22 01:04:20.115 3481 29334 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 01-22 01:04:20.182 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:20.182 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:20.587 28191 28199 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:04:20.589 28191 28199 I chatty : uid=10210(com.zerotier.one) FinalizerDaemon identical 28 lines 01-22 01:04:20.589 28191 28199 W System : A resource failed to call close. 01-22 01:04:20.877 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:04:20.877 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:04:21.027 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:04:21.316 1223 2647 E OMXNodeInstance: !!! Observer died. Quickly, do something, ... anything... 01-22 01:04:21.322 735 735 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0x78b31d1010 disconnect failed 01-22 01:04:21.437 1223 2647 I OMX-VENC: Component Deinit 01-22 01:04:21.438 1223 2647 I OMX-VENC: Video encode perflock released 01-22 01:04:21.507 3278 22789 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 01-22 01:04:21.750 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:21.750 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:9993 01-22 01:04:21.751 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:21.751 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::443 01-22 01:04:21.752 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:21.752 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:9993 01-22 01:04:21.753 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 28 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:21.753 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::443 01-22 01:04:21.773 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:21.917 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:21.917 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:21.997 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 37 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:22.003 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:04:22.073 3038 27538 I GCoreUlr: Starting BLE scan: mode: 3 01-22 01:04:22.074 3038 3038 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 2 filters, 0 clients, callingClientName=ULR] 01-22 01:04:22.075 3038 27538 I GCoreUlr: BLE: collected 0 results 01-22 01:04:22.771 3038 4279 I NearbyDirect: FastPairScanner: Same filters, scan mode and currentScan=2020/01/22 01:04:16 - 5979ms 0 results with BALANCED, no-op. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 01-22 01:04:22.775 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 5 filters, 1 clients, callingClientName=Nearby] 01-22 01:04:22.788 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Stopping scan on delegate scanner. BT state: 12 01-22 01:04:22.789 3038 3695 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:04:22.789 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: stopScan() - queue size =2 01-22 01:04:22.791 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterScanner() - scannerId=6 01-22 01:04:22.791 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:04:22.793 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:04:22.793 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:04:22.793 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:04:22.794 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:22.794 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:22.794 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: Resetting - new scanner available: true 01-22 01:04:22.794 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: ZERO_POWER is disabled. 01-22 01:04:22.794 3038 3695 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients 01-22 01:04:22.795 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=11 01-22 01:04:22.795 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:22.797 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=12 01-22 01:04:22.797 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:22.800 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=13 01-22 01:04:22.800 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:22.800 1298 2288 I LOWI- [LOWI-Scan] lowi_close_record:Scan done in 226218948ms, 18 APs in scan results 01-22 01:04:22.801 1871 2336 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 01-22 01:04:22.806 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=14 01-22 01:04:22.806 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:22.808 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=6, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=15 01-22 01:04:22.808 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 6 status - 0 01-22 01:04:22.808 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1 01-22 01:04:22.808 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=1ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=1 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=2 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=2scanPhy=255 01-22 01:04:22.809 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval LE 1M = 4096configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE 1M= 1024configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 1024configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow LE Coded= 1024 01-22 01:04:22.809 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0 01-22 01:04:22.820 1871 2275 E AppScanObserverService: Result available, null observers for user: 0 01-22 01:04:22.893 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:23.183 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:23.184 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:23.852 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:04:23.852 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:04:24.003 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:04:26.187 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:26.187 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:26.604 1871 1951 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 01-22 01:04:26.606 1871 1871 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:26.607 1871 1871 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 01-22 01:04:26.637 1871 1871 I ActivityManager: Killing 27898:com.google.android.youtube/u0a105 (adj 904): empty #17 01-22 01:04:26.641 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.668 1871 1871 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep... (why=3) 01-22 01:04:26.664 1871 1888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager identical 4 lines 01-22 01:04:26.670 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.673 2341 12834 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedGoingToSleep(3) 01-22 01:04:26.674 2341 12834 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedGoingToSleep 01-22 01:04:26.675 2341 12834 D EventBus: [2341, u0] post(ScreenOffEvent) 01-22 01:04:26.677 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Scorri verso l'alto per sbloccare 01-22 01:04:26.677 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 01-22 01:04:26.677 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.679 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyStartedGoingToSleep 01-22 01:04:26.680 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> PowerUI [0xf56f128, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) 01-22 01:04:26.680 2341 2341 D PowerUI : onBusEvent ScreenOffEvent 01-22 01:04:26.680 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) duration: 48 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:26.680 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> StatusBar [0xd1c2593, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) 01-22 01:04:26.680 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) duration: 48 microseconds, avg: 1607 01-22 01:04:26.680 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] -> MiuiChargeController [0x498457, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) 01-22 01:04:26.680 2341 2341 I LollipopRapidChargeView: addToWindow: prepareRapidChargeView 01-22 01:04:26.683 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.690 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.694 2341 2341 I MiuiChargeController: dismissRapidChargeAnimation: screen off 01-22 01:04:26.695 2341 2341 I MiuiChargeController: dismissWirelessRapidChargeAnimation: screen off 01-22 01:04:26.695 2341 2341 D EventBus: [2341, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOffEvent) duration: 14435 microseconds, avg: 1608 01-22 01:04:26.695 1871 1951 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 01-22 01:04:26.695 1871 1951 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 1 ms 01-22 01:04:26.695 1871 1951 I WindowManager: Screen turned off... 01-22 01:04:26.696 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.696 1871 2282 I LocalDisplayAdapter: setDisplayState(id=0, state=OFF) 01-22 01:04:26.697 1871 1948 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Schermo incorporato", OFF 01-22 01:04:26.692 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44155): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:04:26.697 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x78b5e55000 01-22 01:04:26.700 1871 1951 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=miui.action.CAMERA_EMPTY_SERVICE pkg=com.android.camera } to com.android.camera/.EmptyService from pid=1871 uid=1000 pkg=android startFg?=false 01-22 01:04:26.701 2341 12834 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOff 01-22 01:04:26.701 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.704 693 4178 I SDM : DisplayBase::SetDisplayState: Set state = 0, display 0 01-22 01:04:26.707 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.708 1871 2182 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 01-22 01:04:26.711 1871 2209 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 01-22 01:04:26.714 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: battery_level_update 01-22 01:04:26.714 4825 4825 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:04:26.714 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.714 1871 1885 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{267759b u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED} to ReceiverList{c2b874e 27898 com.google.android.youtube/10105/u0 remote:a36a249}: process gone or crashing 01-22 01:04:26.714 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [battery_level_update][931] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:04:26.715 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 100, status = 5, level = 100, plug = 1, scale = 100 01-22 01:04:26.716 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [batteryLevelUpdate][777] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:04:26.716 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:04:26.712 694 694 W health@2.0-serv: type=1400 audit(0.0:44156): avc: denied { search } for name="dc" dev="sysfs" ino=37164 scontext=u:r:hal_health_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wireless_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 01-22 01:04:26.720 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.747 1871 4027 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=936, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10105] ], android.os.BinderProxy@cc47d38) 01-22 01:04:26.747 1871 3277 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=937, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10105] ], android.os.BinderProxy@f209111) 01-22 01:04:26.748 1871 2234 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=936, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10105] ] (release request) 01-22 01:04:26.744 1871 1888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager identical 4 lines 01-22 01:04:26.749 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.752 1200 1200 I Zygote : Process 27898 exited due to signal (9) 01-22 01:04:26.752 2704 2704 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 1 01-22 01:04:26.754 2704 2704 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [0]invokeOemRilRequestRaw: serial=3117 length=24 01-22 01:04:26.755 2704 2811 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [0]processOemHookResponse serial no: 3117 error: 0length=0 01-22 01:04:26.756 2704 2704 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 2 01-22 01:04:26.756 1871 1888 W libprocessgroup: kill(-27898, 9) failed: No such process 01-22 01:04:26.756 1871 1888 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10105 pid 27898 in 116ms 01-22 01:04:26.757 2704 2704 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 1 01-22 01:04:26.758 2704 2704 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [1]invokeOemRilRequestRaw: serial=3118 length=24 01-22 01:04:26.759 2704 2811 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [0]processOemHookIndication length=28 01-22 01:04:26.760 2704 2704 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 0 01-22 01:04:26.760 2704 2811 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [1]processOemHookResponse serial no: 3118 error: 0length=0 01-22 01:04:26.762 2704 2811 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [1]processOemHookIndication length=28 01-22 01:04:26.979 1189 1334 I ThermalEngine: Battery charging mitigation already at level 0 01-22 01:04:26.980 735 735 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=0, type=0 01-22 01:04:26.980 1871 2282 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode() 01-22 01:04:26.985 697 697 E QTI PowerHAL: Failed to acquire lock. 01-22 01:04:26.986 697 697 I QTI PowerHAL: Got set_interactive hint 01-22 01:04:26.989 707 772 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only 01-22 01:04:26.993 1871 1951 W DreamManagerService: Dream ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist 01-22 01:04:26.993 1871 1951 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)... 01-22 01:04:27.033 2704 2704 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 2 01-22 01:04:27.034 2704 2704 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 0 01-22 01:04:27.034 1871 1871 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep... (why=3) 01-22 01:04:27.035 2341 12834 D KeyguardViewMediator: onFinishedGoingToSleep(3) 01-22 01:04:27.035 2341 12834 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyFinishedGoingToSleep 01-22 01:04:27.035 2341 12834 E KeyguardViewMediator: resetStateLocked 01-22 01:04:27.038 3085 3109 I octvm_power: power mode [idle] start 1579651467 01-22 01:04:27.039 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:04:27.039 3085 3109 I octvm_power: Action: set_thermal_config(restore) for [foreground_change] 01-22 01:04:27.039 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: platform_set_thermal_mode cur_global_config:[], target mode:[restore], profile=0, ret=0 01-22 01:04:27.039 3085 3109 I octvm_drv: common drv: get_current_battery_uAh will return 0 01-22 01:04:27.039 3085 3109 I octvm_power: onPowerModeChanged[idle] called 01-22 01:04:27.044 1871 1886 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 295ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=53 01-22 01:04:27.052 683 2250 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=off 01-22 01:04:27.052 683 2250 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 16 rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 0 01-22 01:04:27.052 683 2250 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 0 01-22 01:04:27.052 683 2250 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0 01-22 01:04:27.052 683 2250 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled 01-22 01:04:27.063 1871 1871 V LocationPolicy: Screen state changed 01-22 01:04:27.067 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOff 01-22 01:04:27.074 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:27.075 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:9993 01-22 01:04:27.077 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:27.078 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::9993 01-22 01:04:27.078 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:27.079 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:9993 01-22 01:04:27.080 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:27.080 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::9993 01-22 01:04:27.086 2341 2341 W Looper : Slow Looper: doFrame is 361ms late because of 23 msg, msg 1 took 362ms (late=6ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) 01-22 01:04:27.089 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 01-22 01:04:27.092 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyFinishedGoingToSleep 01-22 01:04:27.092 1871 4025 D systemui_boost: notification panel visible=false 01-22 01:04:27.093 1871 4025 D systemui_boost: ui thread tid=2341 01-22 01:04:27.093 1871 4025 D systemui_boost: render thread tid=2546 01-22 01:04:27.093 1871 4025 D systemui_boost: thread tid=2341, priority is set to -10 01-22 01:04:27.093 1871 4025 D systemui_boost: thread tid=2546, priority is set to -10 01-22 01:04:27.093 1871 4025 D systemui_boost: ui thread and render thread are reset 01-22 01:04:27.094 2341 2341 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 01-22 01:04:27.096 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 01-22 01:04:27.097 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 01-22 01:04:27.099 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.099 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.099 2341 2574 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver: stopObserving. 01-22 01:04:27.099 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:27.104 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:27.104 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.104 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.104 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=true,devicePublic=true 01-22 01:04:27.104 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=true,isKeyguardShowing=true 01-22 01:04:27.104 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.104 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.105 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.105 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.105 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.105 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.105 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.105 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.105 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.105 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.106 2305 2305 D BtOppService: action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 01-22 01:04:27.108 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:27.109 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:27.110 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewBase: screen off, instance 7a9eda7 at 112415063 01-22 01:04:27.114 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:27.114 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityView: showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=true) 01-22 01:04:27.114 2341 2341 D KeyguardSecurityView: showSecurityScreen(PIN) 01-22 01:04:27.115 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleReset 01-22 01:04:27.120 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:27.121 2341 2341 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 01-22 01:04:27.123 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 01-22 01:04:27.125 2341 2341 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 01-22 01:04:27.126 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.126 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.126 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: screen_status_update 01-22 01:04:27.126 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: [screen_status_update][528] [HC] =>> [HS] 01-22 01:04:27.126 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:27.126 1871 2336 I SensorService: check list, getPackageName com.miui.powerkeeper.statemachine.NonUiModeController$4 01-22 01:04:27.126 705 705 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [screenStatusUpdate][571] [HS] <<<<= [HC] 01-22 01:04:27.127 705 3914 I LocSvc_libulp: ulp_msg_process_system_update: systemEvent:6 01-22 01:04:27.127 1871 3892 V LocSvc_HIDL_Subscription_jni: Exit Result 0 01-22 01:04:27.130 698 698 W qti_sensors_hal: enable: handle=77, en=1 01-22 01:04:27.134 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:27.134 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.134 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.134 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=true,devicePublic=true 01-22 01:04:27.134 2341 2341 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=true,isKeyguardShowing=true 01-22 01:04:27.134 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.134 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.135 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.135 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.135 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.135 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.135 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.135 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.135 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.135 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.137 698 15535 W qti_sensors_hal: processResp: handle:77 01-22 01:04:27.137 698 15535 E qti_sensors_hal: processResp: Msg 2; Result: 1, Error: 5 01-22 01:04:27.137 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:27.138 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:27.140 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=true mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x1e00000 01-22 01:04:27.141 2341 2341 D KeyguardViewBase: show() 01-22 01:04:27.142 3420 3845 D PowerCheckerService: foreground, uid = 10034, app = com.miui.home 01-22 01:04:27.145 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=196608 01-22 01:04:27.145 2341 2341 V KeyguardSecurityView: showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=false) 01-22 01:04:27.145 2341 2341 D KeyguardSecurityView: showSecurityScreen(PIN) 01-22 01:04:27.146 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.146 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.146 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:27.146 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.146 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.147 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = true faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 01-22 01:04:27.147 2341 2341 D StatusBar: disable disable2 01-22 01:04:27.147 2341 2341 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 01-22 01:04:27.147 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: sendKeyguardBouncerChanged(false) 01-22 01:04:27.148 2341 2341 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:4 01-22 01:04:27.166 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardReset 01-22 01:04:27.167 2341 2341 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardBouncerChanged(0) 01-22 01:04:27.167 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.167 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.167 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:27.168 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.168 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.169 2341 2341 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ID, TW, SG, MY, VN, TH, RU, PL, HK, UA, GB, ES, BY, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ, TM, GE, AM, AZ, MD, MN, IT, KR, TR, SA, AE, IL, QA, BH, OM, KW, PH, CZ] nowR:IT 01-22 01:04:27.169 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getCurrentAuthType sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.169 2341 2341 E MiuiFaceFactory: getFaceManager sCurrentAuthType = 1 01-22 01:04:27.169 2341 2341 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = true faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 01-22 01:04:27.173 2341 2341 D RecentsImpl: resume demo nstub gone 01-22 01:04:27.177 2672 2672 D DPMJ : |SERVICE| DPM received action android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 01-22 01:04:27.177 2672 2672 I DPMJ : |SERVICE| sendScreenState: state: false 01-22 01:04:27.185 3038 4279 I NearbyDirect: FastPairScanner: Stopping scan. [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 01-22 01:04:27.186 3038 4279 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 01-22 01:04:27.186 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: stopScan() - queue size =1 01-22 01:04:27.188 6790 6790 D MiShare:MiShareService: onReceive action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 01-22 01:04:27.189 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: stop scan 01-22 01:04:27.189 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON 01-22 01:04:27.190 2305 20558 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterScanner() - scannerId=5 01-22 01:04:27.192 684 684 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired 01-22 01:04:27.193 684 684 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND 01-22 01:04:27.193 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC 01-22 01:04:27.195 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:27.195 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:27.198 2305 2489 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16 01-22 01:04:27.198 2305 2489 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 5 status - 0 01-22 01:04:27.199 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0 01-22 01:04:27.199 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting LE 1M Scan mode=-2147483648ScanSetting LE Coded Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLE1M=1 mLastConfiguredScanSettingLECoded=1scanPhy=1 01-22 01:04:27.199 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped 01-22 01:04:27.199 2305 2803 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped 01-22 01:04:27.207 13446 13446 I DeviceStatusMonitor: onReceive() : Action = android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 01-22 01:04:27.224 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:27.232 18352 18395 E AD-PLUGIN-SplashController: get broadcast sender : android 01-22 01:04:27.246 13950 29340 E libc : Access denied finding property "persist.radio.meid" 01-22 01:04:27.246 13950 29340 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.ril.oem.meid" 01-22 01:04:27.247 13950 29340 D IdProviderImpl: getUDID 01-22 01:04:27.232 13950 13950 W pool-1-thread-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:44157): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=16569 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 01-22 01:04:27.232 13950 13950 W pool-1-thread-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:44158): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=16569 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 01-22 01:04:27.249 3481 3481 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 01-22 01:04:27.250 3481 3481 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 01-22 01:04:27.251 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:27.253 13950 29340 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID 01-22 01:04:27.255 3481 3481 W MediaRouter: Ignoring invalid provider descriptor: null 01-22 01:04:27.256 13950 29340 D IdProviderImpl: getVAID 01-22 01:04:27.268 3481 3481 V MediaRouter: Removing route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Studio, description=Google Home Mini, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Dispositivi types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 01-22 01:04:27.269 3481 27679 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(null) scannerFlags(0) 01-22 01:04:27.270 3481 27679 W GuestModeDeviceProber: setFilterCriteria 01-22 01:04:27.262 20545 20545 W pool-1-thread-3: type=1400 audit(0.0:44159): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=16569 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c743,c771 tcontext=u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 01-22 01:04:27.262 20545 20545 W pool-1-thread-3: type=1400 audit(0.0:44160): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=16569 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c743,c771 tcontext=u:object_r:deviceid_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 01-22 01:04:27.273 20545 29343 E libc : Access denied finding property "persist.radio.meid" 01-22 01:04:27.274 20545 29343 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.ril.oem.meid" 01-22 01:04:27.289 999 999 E cr_CompositorSurfaceMgr: SurfaceState : detach from parent : 0 01-22 01:04:27.290 999 999 E cr_CompositorSurfaceMgr: Transitioning to surface with format : -1 01-22 01:04:27.291 1871 2336 I WifiService: releaseMulticastLock uid=10008 01-22 01:04:27.292 1871 2251 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=999: not found 01-22 01:04:27.293 20545 29343 D IdProviderImpl: getUDID 01-22 01:04:27.308 20545 29343 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID 01-22 01:04:27.322 13340 13361 W WorkController: Loading failed for worker [trainingcache]: worker not found 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: TrainingCache cache SCREEN_OFF failure 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.h.a.a: No worker found for Worker ID [trainingcache]. 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.g.a.c.a(SourceFile:3) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.android.libraries.gsa.n.a.n.a(SourceFile:2) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.dk.b(SourceFile:7) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.cg.run(SourceFile:15) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.common.u.a.dm.run(SourceFile:10) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.apps.tiktok.concurrent.ar.run(SourceFile:2) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at com.google.apps.tiktok.concurrent.b.run(SourceFile:4) 01-22 01:04:27.323 13340 13380 W ServiceWorker: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 01-22 01:04:27.336 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:27.343 20545 29343 D IdProviderImpl: getVAID 01-22 01:04:27.474 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: hideGestureStub 01-22 01:04:27.475 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: hideGestureStub 01-22 01:04:27.513 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:04:27.530 2341 2341 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1368 01-22 01:04:27.638 4825 1126 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 01-22 01:04:27.642 4825 1126 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 01-22 01:04:27.681 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD 01-22 01:04:27.681 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK 01-22 01:04:27.723 684 2940 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE 01-22 01:04:27.752 4825 1126 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 01-22 01:04:27.754 4825 1126 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use history time, 0.0 0ms 01-22 01:04:27.755 4825 1126 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 01-22 01:04:28.680 684 2946 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND 01-22 01:04:28.681 684 2946 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF 01-22 01:04:28.833 684 2806 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released 01-22 01:04:29.191 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:29.191 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:31.824 2341 2599 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 5 01-22 01:04:32.089 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:32.090 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2605:9880:400:c3:254:f2bc:a1f7:19:9993 01-22 01:04:32.090 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:32.091 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c815:::9993 01-22 01:04:32.091 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:32.091 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2604:1380:3000:7100::1:9993 01-22 01:04:32.092 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 137 bytes to / 01-22 01:04:32.092 28191 28217 D UdpCom : onSendPacketRequested: Sent 149 bytes to /2a02:6ea0:c024:::443 01-22 01:04:32.113 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:32.194 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: poll() has timed out for /sys/module/msm_performance/events/cpu_hotplug 01-22 01:04:32.195 707 3150 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Block on poll() 01-22 01:04:32.228 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: / 01-22 01:04:32.339 28191 28216 D UdpCom : Got 733 Bytes From: /