- Added Conda environment.yml.
- Fixed bugs:
- Corrected N50 and L50 computation (issue #28).
- Recognized the standard barcode arrangement (BC|RB|NB|BP) in the samplesheet (issue #27).
- Fixed barcoding for the Fastq_extractor (issue #30).
- Fixed time format for BAM and FASTQ extractors.
- Moved to Ubuntu 24.04.
- Added support for ONT samplesheet.
- ToulligQC now recognizes the barcode column name as 'barcode'.
- ToulligQC now supports irregular barcode naming; issue #22.
- Fixed bugs:
- Pandas inplace issue for FASTQ and onedsquare summary files.
- PlotlyJS inclusion for independent image exports.
- Corrected read/base count histogram.
- Handled empty lines in FASTQ file.
- Resolved compression issue in pod5 file.
- BAM extractor can now deal with any BAM, even if it has not been generated by Dorado.
- Handled barcode name when it's associated with kit_barcode.
- Support for the POD5 format.
- Handling of barcoding in BAM and FASTQ files.
- Support for Fast5 .tar files without compression.
- Fixed an issue with BAM tags extraction.
- Fixed the issue with the 'passes_filtering'-only sequencing summary.
- Fixed the bug related to numpy.bool with numpy version 1.24 or later.
- Improved compatibility with pandas 2.0.
- Fixed error when no failed reads were found (Issue #20).
- Fixed error when unclassified barcodes were missing.
- FASTQ and BAM files can now be used instead of the sequencing summary file.
- Added the ability to specify a barcode range (e.g.,
--barcodes barcode01:barcode48
- In over time graphs (read length, PHRED score and translocation speed), now fill the gaps for the 75% and 25% to avoid filling glitch.
- Fix 2D density plot title style.
- Fix error when a summary file with barcode information was provided in addition of barcoding files (Issue #17), now the barcode files will be skipped with a warning message in case summary file with barcode information is provided.
- Add the selected speed and sample frequency of the run in the "Run statistics" table of the ToulligQC report
- Numpy 1.24 is now supported (thanks to Sean Black).
- Scatter plot of read length vs PHRED score has been replaced by a 2D density plot.
- Add bases per barcode distribution graphs.
- Fix error when no Fast5 file is found in a directory provided as argument. Now throw an understandable error message.
- Fix when multiple sequencing summary barcode files were available, the type of the 'barcode_arrangement' column in the dataframe was not correct.
- Generated images were not included in the main HTML report file.
- Add some flexibility to barcode specification (Thanks to Hunter Cameron).
- The sequencing_summary.txt and sequencing_telemetry.js files can now be read compressed in gzip or bzip2.
- Add some log information on stdout for duration of the sequencing summary extractors.
- Change the format of the duration in log.
- Now logs memory used by dataframes.
- Fix Docker image build issue when updating setuptools.
- QScores and durations are now stored in 32 bits floats instead of 64 bits to reduce memory consumption (≈25% for 1D data).
- Barcode arrangements are now stored as categories instead of strings.
- Fix issue when barcode list argument contains non existing barcode(s) in input data or when all existing barcodes are used.
- The channel occupancy of the flowcell graph code has been rewritten to use Plotly. Add all/pass/fail/fail ratio views. The flowcell graph can now also handle Flongle and PromethION flowcels in addition of standard MinION flowcell
- Add "Sequencing kit" and "Barcode kits" entries in the run statistics table in html report
- In the distribution of read lengths graph, add buttons to show base count distribution in linear/log modes.
- Fix scatterplot graph where the default max x-axis value was always the max value for fail reads
- Fix help links in demo report
- Fix the name of the "Device and software" and "Run statistics" sections
- In setup.py, set the developement status for ToulligQC as Production/Stable instead of Beta
- Add MANIFEST.in file to add resources files in PyPi package
- Fix error with latest versions of NumPy by add a missing int casting
- Fix duration computation
- For PHRED score distribution boxplots, remove unnecessary interpolation before creating boxplot
- Remove duplicated code for 1D and 1D2 in PHRED score distribution graphs
- Remove duplicated code for 1D and 1D2 in Correlation between read length and PHRED score graphs
- In read length distribution graphs, add buttons to switch between linear and log scale for xaxis
- Add minimal qscore threshold in the "Device and software information" report table
- In 1D/1D2 sequencing summary extractors, now replace NA values for barcode assignment by "unclassified". Print a warning message on console
- Update unit tests
- For read count histogram tables, replace "frequency" by "percent"
- Rename y-axis for "Distribution of read lengths" graphs to "Read count"
- Add new command line options to finely define output file paths
- Update the sigma value for gaussian filters when smoothing plots
- In correlation scatterplots, now ponderate the number of pass/fail spots by the pass/fail ratio when using interpolation
- New CSS for HTML report
- Add new plots (Read length and PHRED over time, translocation speed...)
- Enhancement of existing graphs
- Big refactoring code for sequencing summary file parsing
- Big refactoring code for creating plots
- Reduce memory usage and execution time with barcodes
- Fix Plotly dependency version requirement
- Add L50 computation
- Sequence lengths of reads was stored into np.int16 that cannot handle >=32kb reads. Now use np.uint32
- Add ToulligQC logo in HTML report
- A telemetry file or Fast5 file is no more required
- Add new fields in the two first tables of the report: Run ID, operating system and basecalling date
- Barcode distribution pie charts can now be visualised as histograms
- In table, float values have now comma separator for thousands
- Update the yield number format in run statistocs table
- Update colors in the graphs
- Add an information link in all the graph titles
- Fix import bug
- Fix graph names partially hidden in HTML summary element
- Rewrite help and rename arguments for clarity
- Create required and optional argument groups
- Create default values for --report-name and --output command line arguments
- Update report.html example in Docs with the new version of ToulliQC
- Create new presentation image for README
- Refactoring of the sequencing_summary_extractor
- Refactoring of the 1dsqr_sequencing_summary_extractor
- Many performance improvements (reducing memory usage)
- Graphs are now made with Plotly
- Removal of unused options (Albacore log, FASTQ files, configuration file and samplesheet file)
- N50 information added to report.html
- Removal of Albacore support
- Now handle PromethION data
- Update of required dependencies versions
- Add unit tests
- Add new plots (throughput sequencing time)
- Update graph colors
- Add a --barcodes option that allow to avoid samplesheet file creation
- The size of the graphs are now set to 1000x600px
- Many small fixes in graph generation (remove titles, fix grids and layouts...)
- In the HTML report, replace the tooltip icon by an unicode character
- MultiFast5 file can now be used to retrieve run information
- Reporting other barcodes in the "other" category
- Gathering information from Telemetry files in the HTML report
- Add Guppy support for 1D and 1D2
- Telemetry files generated by Albacore or Guppy can now be used to retrieve run information instead of reading a FAST5 file and the pipeline.log file.
- Refactoring of the code of the extractors
- Report.data log file reviewed
- Add pipeline.log parsing option
- Fix out of memory error when parsing big FASTQ files. The parsing of FASTQ files is now faster
- Fix unexisting import in toulligqc.py
- Fix the not working "--quiet" option
- Fix Dockerfile that used the Ubuntu 17.04 (Ubuntu 17.04 packages repository is no more available)
- Update html.report for 1D and 1Dsquare data
- Fix issue when processing fast5 files directory
- Add pass/fail filter
- Add extractor and graphs for 1dsquare analysis
- Fix exception when toulligqc was launched with no arguments
- Remove pypandoc dependency in setup.py
- Fix issue when checking if directory paths ends with a '/'
- Fix issue when checking missing arguments
- Fix issue with the --version option of ToulligQC
- Fix issue with setup.py and pip install
- ToulligQC can now handle Albacore 2.0 output
- The run date is now extracted from a FAST5 file
- Update setup.cfg for PyPi package submission
- Update ToulligQC documentation
- Initial version