SUBDIRS = lib if ENABLE_7ZIP SUBDIRS += lzma/C endif SUBDIRS += src man1_MANS = man/ugrep.1 man/ugrep-indexer.1 EXTRA_DIST = LICENSE.txt UGREP = $(shell pwd)/$(top_builddir)/bin/ugrep$(EXEEXT) CONFIGH = $(shell pwd)/$(top_builddir)/config.h if ENABLE_BASH_COMPLETION bashcompletiondir = $(BASH_COMPLETION_DIR) dist_bashcompletion_DATA = $(top_builddir)/completions/bash/ug $(top_builddir)/completions/bash/ugrep-indexer endif if ENABLE_FISH_COMPLETION fishcompletiondir = $(FISH_COMPLETION_DIR) dist_fishcompletion_DATA = $(top_builddir)/completions/fish/ $(top_builddir)/completions/fish/ endif if ENABLE_ZSH_COMPLETION zshcompletiondir = $(ZSH_COMPLETION_DIR) dist_zshcompletion_DATA = $(top_builddir)/completions/zsh/_ug $(top_builddir)/completions/zsh/_ugrep-indexer endif all-local: cp2bin .PHONY: cp2bin # to copy the ugrep binary to the local ugrep/bin/ugrep and ugrep/bin/ug (symlinks DO NOT WORK for ug with bash when installed) cp2bin: $(top_builddir)/src/ugrep$(EXEEXT) $(top_builddir)/src/ugrep-indexer$(EXEEXT) @rm -f $(top_builddir)/bin/ugrep$(EXEEXT) @rm -f $(top_builddir)/bin/ugrep-indexer$(EXEEXT) @mkdir -p $(top_builddir)/bin && \ cp -f $^ $(top_builddir)/bin/ && \ cd $(top_builddir)/bin && \ rm -f ug$(EXEEXT) && \ cp -f ugrep$(EXEEXT) ug$(EXEEXT) @echo @echo "OK" @echo install-exec-hook: @cp -f $(top_builddir)/bin/ugrep+ $(top_builddir)/bin/ug+ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) @rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ug$(EXEEXT) @cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && cp -f ugrep$(EXEEXT) ug$(EXEEXT) install-data-hook: @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/ugrep && \ cp -rf $(top_srcdir)/patterns $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/ugrep/ @cd $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 && \ rm -f ug.1 && \ $(LN_S) ugrep.1 ug.1 @if [ "x$(bashcompletiondir)" != "x" ]; then \ cd $(DESTDIR)$(bashcompletiondir) && \ $(LN_S) -f ug ug+ && \ $(LN_S) -f ug ugrep && \ $(LN_S) -f ug ugrep+; \ fi @if [ "x$(fishcompletiondir)" != "x" ]; then \ cd $(DESTDIR)$(fishcompletiondir) && \ sed -e 's/-c ug /-c ug+ /' > && \ sed -e 's/-c ug /-c ugrep /' > && \ sed -e 's/-c ug /-c ugrep+ /' >; \ fi @if [ "x$(zshcompletiondir)" != "x" ]; then \ cd $(DESTDIR)$(zshcompletiondir) && \ $(LN_S) -f _ug _ug+ && \ $(LN_S) -f _ug _ugrep && \ $(LN_S) -f _ug _ugrep+; \ fi @echo " ______________________________________________________ "; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "| You have successfully built and installed ugrep. |"; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "| You can use the ugrep & ug commands to search files. |"; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "| The ugrep command is for batch use, whereas the ug |"; \ echo "| command is intended for interactive searches using |"; \ echo "| a .ugrep configuration file with your preferences, |"; \ echo "| located in the working directory or home directory. |"; \ echo "| Run 'ug --save-config' to create a .ugrep file. |"; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "| The ugrep+ and ug+ commands are the same as the |"; \ echo "| ugrep and ug commands, but also use filters to |"; \ echo "| search PDFs, documents, e-books, image metadata, |"; \ echo "| when these filter tools are installed: |"; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "| pdftotext |"; \ echo "| antiword |"; \ echo "| pandoc |"; \ echo "| exiftool |"; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "| Aliases to consider: |"; \ echo "| alias uq = 'ug -Q' |"; \ echo "| alias uz = 'ug -z' |"; \ echo "| alias ux = 'ug -U --hexdump' |"; \ echo "| alias ugit = 'ug --ignore-files' |"; \ echo "| alias grep = 'ug -G' |"; \ echo "| alias egrep = 'ug -E' |"; \ echo "| alias fgrep = 'ug -F' |"; \ echo "| alias zgrep = 'ug -zG' |"; \ echo "| alias zegrep = 'ug -zE' |"; \ echo "| alias zfgrep = 'ug -zF' |"; \ echo "| alias zxgrep = 'ugrep -zU --hexdump' |"; \ echo "| alias xdump = 'ugrep --hexdump \"\"' |"; \ echo "| alias zmore = 'ugrep+ -z -I -+ --pager \"\"' |"; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "| Thank you for using ugrep! |"; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "| |"; \ echo "|______________________________________________________|"; uninstall-hook: @rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ug$(EXEEXT) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ugrep$(EXEEXT) @rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ugrep-indexer$(EXEEXT) @rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ug+ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ugrep+ @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/ugrep .PHONY: test test: ${UGREP} @echo @echo "*** SINGLE-THREADED TESTS ***" @echo @cd $(top_srcdir)/tests && env UGREP_ABS_PATH=${UGREP} CONFIGH_ABS_PATH=${CONFIGH} ./ -J1 @echo @echo "*** MULTI-THREADED TESTS ***" @echo @cd $(top_srcdir)/tests && env UGREP_ABS_PATH=${UGREP} CONFIGH_ABS_PATH=${CONFIGH} ./ @echo @echo "OK" @echo