This scrapes a list of URLs using the list supplied in /lib/scraper/fields.ex. It looks for elements to scrape using the list of attributes which lead into the target element. It only looks for attributes not tag type like p or div.
<div id="super">
<p class="dee">
<h2 class="duper">This is a title</h2>
<div class="nonethat">
<p>Other text</p>
Put something like this in fields.ex. It is just for the purposes of disambiguation as classes aren't guaranteed to be unique in html so this is to give a unique location. The first one on the list is the one you expect to hit first (most outer or general) and they become more specific the further down the list you get.
:label => "title",
:list => [
["id", "super"],
["class", "duper"]
Will get 'This is a title'.
It can also handle multiple classes if that's useful.
<div id="super">
<p class="many class names">
<h2 class="duper">This is a title</h2>
<div class="nonethat">
<p>Other text</p>
:label => "title",
:list => [
["class", "many class names"],
["class", "duper"]
Will get 'This is a title'.
Download it using git or the like.
git clone
Make sure you have Elixir (v >1.8.0) and Erlang (v ~21) installed.
You also need headless Chrome. If you have a recent version of Chrome, you probably already have it. You may need to figure out how to run it on your system, though. On some it will be google-chrome, chrome or chrome.exe. This is run from a terminal. This will just keep going in the background until you stop it or close the terminal.
google-chrome-stable --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 --blink-settings=imagesEnabled=false
Assuming all of the prep work is done, you need to install dependencies.
mix deps
Start it.
iex -S mix
Run it from within iex.