What's New In CSS 2021 - Adam Argyle, Developer Advocate with a CSS focus at Google, member of the CSS working group
31 features, rapid fire
Rad styles that might not ever make it into CSS, but are still cool and good to keep and eye on what is happening with them
- Conditional Values
- The ability to put a little mini media query where you put a value
div {
flex-flow: if(100vw > 500px, row, column)
- Switch
- Similar to the above, has a condition that needs to be met
.foo {
grid-template-columns: switch(
(available-inline-size > 1024px) 1fr 4fr 1fr
(available-inline-size > 400px) 4fr 1fr 2fr
Relative units
- We already have vw and vh, potential new ones
- Line height
- Cap height
- Viewport inline
- Viewport block
- We already have vw and vh, potential new ones
Houdini Layout
- Houdini brings your logic and your interesting layout, your interesting paint idea, your interesting animation, and they bring it into the engine - working in Chromium behind a flag
.houdini-masonry {
display: layout(masonry)
.houdini-packery {
display: layout(packery)
- @scope
- Everything in CSS is global
@scope (.card) {
header {
color: var(--text)
Slightly less risky
- Container Queries
- Being actively developed right now, could be supported in browser soon
.container-to-be-queried {
contain: layout inline-size
- Leading Trim
- Chop off excess in a text box, will trip to cap height and alphabetical baseline
p {
leading-trim: both
- Houdini paint
- A new way to paint so we can paint new backgrounds on images, new border images, etc. API is polyfillable
powdered-gradient {
paint:(powdered-gradient, to-top, white, 1),
- @scroll-timeline
- Scroll-timeline seeks to remedy all of the JavaScript solutions by providing a CSS and JavaScript API to creating scroll linked animations
@scroll-timeline scroll-fade {
time-range: 4s
- Spelling & Grammar
- In the browser, you can set spellcheck and contenteditable on an element, spellcheck pseudo-selector that will underline with a squiggly
::spelling-error {
text-decoration: underline 1px red
- Target-within is piggybacking on the idea of :focus-within
- Being considered for prototpying, native nesting
code > pre {
@media (hover) {
@nest &:hover {
color: hotpink
- Cascade layers
- We often have so many different stlyes coming into a page, there are multiple origins and types, this lets us name various layers of the style stack and push styles into them
@layer reset {
* { box-sizing: border-box }
body {margin: 0}
@import url(heading.css) layer(default)
@layer default, theme, components
- Foldables
- Create styles so something looks like it is folded in half
main {
display: grid
gapp: env(fold-width)
grind-template-columns: env(fold-left) 1fr
- Color level 5
- The browser can pick a colour dynamically
.color-contrast {
color: color-contrast(
black, white
- Masonry
- Built on top of grid
.masonry {
display: grid
grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr)
grid-template-rows: masonry
- Media queries level 5
@media (width <= 320px) {
body {
padding-block: 1rem
@custom-media --motionOk (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)
Low Risk:
Even more available to use right now, but might need @supports and polyfills, could be buggy
Color Level 4
- hex-with-alpha
- functional-notation
- lab-and-lch
- color-function
HD color
- Can this display do high-definition color
@media (dynamic-range: high) {
.neon-pink: {
--neon:glow: color(display-p3 0 1 0)
- Typed custom properties
@property --hue {
initial-value: 0
inherits: false
syntax: '<number>'
- Content Visibility
- Still has a11y considerations that are being worked through
section {
content-visibility: auto
contain-intrinsic-size: 1000px
- Aspect Ration
- Can transition
.box {
width: 2000px
aspect-ration: 1
img.square {
aspect-ratio: 1
width: 100%
object-fit: contain
- ::marker
- The free dot you get at the start of list items, there are limitations
li::marker {
content: counter(list-item) "> "
color: hotpink
- Conic Gradients
- Can tuck them into corners, to get rid of hard lines use three colours, not just two
- https://www.conic.style/
.conic-1 {
background: conic-gradient(
- Containment
- This is what unlocked container queries
article {
contain: layout
- :focus-visible
- Should the focus be visible? Knows if you are using mouse or keyboard
button:focus-visible {
outline-offset: 5px
:focus-within If a child element has focus
article:focus-within {
box-shadow: var(--depth-short)
- Logical properties
- Styling has historically been physical based, this allows user specific properties
p {
max-inline-size: 40ch
small {
padding-inline: 1ch
text-align: end
- :is() and :where()
- "is" will take the first, well, it will take the most expensive specificity item in the list and make that the specificity of the whole selector in general.
- Whereas "where" will nullify all of these and it acts as if everything that's in there is worth zero.
:where(target, p) {
color: red
:is(a,h1, h2) {
border-color: red
- Data saver
- I want to be in data saver mode
@media (prefers-reduced-data: reduce) {
header: image: url(/grunge.png)
- ::cue
- If you are watching a video with subtitles you are looking at this in work
::cue {
color: white
background-color: black
"Our medium is not done, our medium is still going through radical changes..."
- Cascade layers
- Scoped styles
- Container queries
- Space is dominated by two libraries, styled components and emotion
- things to think about when building a CSS-in-JS library
- Bundle size
- Performance
- Flexibility
- Abstractions
- Static extraction
- The community is still experimenting
- A few different libraries that are tackling the constraints in different ways
- Part of the sizing 4 spec, in a working draft state currently
- Aspect ratio is the ratio between the width and height of an element
aspect-ratio: auto | <ratio>
- Support
- MDN docs
- CSS-Tricks: First look at aspect ratio
- CSS Variables is still a bit of a buzz word. Many of us have googled it, looked at some examples, maybe even done a tutorial, but how many of us have used CSS Variables in production?
- CSS Variables explained, with 5 examples
- Super simple start to CSS variables
is a CSS variable, it was the first!- Used CSS Variables in production in the new deployments view in Jira
- Static fonts: multiple styles means loading multiple font files
- Variable fonts: a single font file that behaves like multiple fonts
- An evolution of the font spec
- Have a concept called axes, they let us attribute different styles
- Registered axes: wdth, wght, ital, slnt, opsz
- Custom axes: GRAD, CASL, etc
- We can access these through
- https://v-fonts.com/
- https://www.nmtype.com/
- What are the practical uses of variable fonts?
- Performance benefits
- Better UI design
- Dynamic typography for responsive design
- Leverages calc, css variables and variable fonts
- Set font size and line height variables as scale values
- Simplified fluid typograpy
- A11y improvements
- Optical sizing on small screens
- Improve contrast
- Spec
- CSS Layout is all about boxes
- We know that some boxes are blocks, and others are inline
- We can change the display type of elements by changing the value of the display property
- We can choose the correct semantic HTML element for the job, but use CSS to change how it looks
- That property holds the key to much more than this
- It is the foundation on which all layout is built; the core of the inbuilt CSS layout system
- Learning Grid Layout, or Flexbox, without understanding Display, leaves you with a wobbly foundation and more questions than answers
- The real question isn’t “Should I use Grid or Flexbox?” but instead, “How do I want these boxes to behave?
- The block dimension is the direction that paragraphs layout in writing mode
- Inline direction is the direction in which sentences run in writing mode
- Well-structured HTML means you are working with the browser, rather than against it
- For each elements, CSS generates zero or more boxes as specified by that elements display property
display: block
creates a block-level boxdisplay: inline
creates an inline-level boxdisplay: flex
creates a block-level box with fle children
- Formatting content describes the behaviour of the child elements of a box
- Display can take two values -
display: block flex
,display: inline flex
- New formatting context for normal flow:
display: block flow-root
- Margins do not collapse through a new formatting context
- Anonymous boxes...
p {
display: flex
justify-content: space-between
- Changing the formatting context means some things no longer do what we are used to
- The floating and positioning behaviour we are used to seeing is specified for "normal" flow, for block and inline layouts
- Can absolutely position items in a grid layout
position: absolute
top: 20px
right: 100px
- The Web Platform Tests project has tests against web platform specs so user agents can check they are conforming
display: none
- do not generate a box for the element, or for the children of the element- Aside from the none value, which also affects the aural and speech output, and interactivity of an element and its descendants, the display property only affect visual layout
display: contents
- like none, but only the box it is applied to is removed, the children remain- Resources: