Sublime is a great editor by itself. But then, suddenly you realize you need other tools in your day-by-day. Therefore, here we are pleased to offer you a list of recommended plugins (or add-ons) which enhance Sublime so much!
Don't you believe me? Give them a try!!
First of all, you need to install a package manager. This is just an auxiliary tool that lets you install another plugins searching through the list that it provides or just by typing their name if you already know the package
The link is:
Go to the folder XXX and copy the file
This is a selection of some packages I have used while I was developing with Sublime. Depending on the plugin, they are wonderful prettifiers, linters or superb tools that helps you coding, being more productive. There are so many, but these worked for me pretty good:
- Alignment
- BracketHighlighter
- Can I Use
- CoffeeCompile
- CoffeeScript
- Color Picker
- CSSLint
- CSSComb (Still not tested but recommended by fellas)
- CSS Snippets
- Emmet
- Git
- HTML5 Attributes
- jQuery
- JS Minifier
- Markdown Preview
- Prefixr
- Search StackOverflow
- SideBarGit
- SideBarEnhancements
- Stylus
- SublimeCodeIntel
- SublimeLinter
- SublimeREPL
- SublimeTODO