A linear improvement from original architecture. No longer using Controller, just Vault and Strategy.
Test Pause
Test Permissions Remove all the clutter from functional tests Bulk all permissions test separately
Test Math -> Check it's all there
TODO TODO TODO All the math for shares needs to be tested by re-doing the snapshot manager Also, migrate the math for shares to be used everywhere (in tests)
CHANGE All withdrawal should be == not >=
= means the vault is loosing money and the user is gaining We cannot socialize lossess
- Tracks shares for deposits
- Tracks it's active
- Deposits and invests in strategy via
- Allows to withdraw via
- Removed Controller
- Removed harvest from vault (only on strategy)
- Params added to track autocompounded rewards (lifeTimeEarned, lastHarvestedAt, lastHarvestAmount, assetsAtLastHarvest) this would work in sync with autoCompoundRatio to help us track harvests better.
- Fees
- Strategy would report the autocompounded harvest amount to the vault
- Calculation performanceFeeGovernance, performanceFeeStrategist, withdrawalFee, managementFee moved to the vault.
- Vault mints shares for performanceFees and managementFee to the respective recipient (treasury, strategist)
- withdrawal fees is transferred to the rewards address set
- Permission:
- Strategist can now set performance, withdrawal and management fees
- Governance will determine maxPerformanceFee, maxWithdrawalFee, maxManagementFee that can be set to prevent rug of funds.
- Strategy would take the actors from the vault it is connected to
- All goverance related fees goes to treasury
- No controller as middleman. The Strategy directly interacts with the vault
- withdrawToVault would withdraw all the funds from the strategy and move it into vault
- strategy would take the actors from the vault it is connected to
- SettAccessControl removed
- fees calculation for autocompounding rewards moved to vault
- autoCompoundRatio param added to keep a track in which ratio harvested rewards are being autocompounded
- Strategy.withdrawAll to move all funds to the Vault
- Fees calculation moved to want for autocompounded part, strategy only calculates fees for reward part which is not autocompounded.
If you're not familiar with brownie, see the quickstart.
Run tests:
brownie test -s --interactive
Run tests with coverage:
brownie test --coverage
A brief explanation of flags:
- provides iterative display of the tests being executed--coverage
- generates a test coverage report
Check linter rules for *.json
and *.sol
yarn format:check
Fix linter errors for *.json
and *.sol
yarn format
Check linter rules for *.py
black . --check
Fix linter errors for *.py
black .
- Add deposit hook on vault to warn the rewards contract.