This version of pyheatmy is a development version. Some features are not yet implemented or are incomplete. Some bugs may also appear, do not hesitate if you have any problem.
We do not guarantee any reliability on the resulting values of the calculations, however the data format will remain constant during their full implementation. Think of this code as a template that will remain persistent when the features are reliable in their results.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
There is a jupyter notebook called demo2022.ipynb
which can be used to check the installation and see how the package works.
The notebooks are in the .gitignore file to avoid conflicts.
The simu_exp_&_validation
folder has three notebooks. Two of them are tutorials :
experimental observation simulatordemo_val_direct.ipynb
analytical solution generator
can generate multiple test cases and show the results.
To ensure consistent results, a checker is added where the user cannot call results if he has not executed the corresponding methods.
2021 Mathis Bourdin & Youri Tchouboukoff 2022 Amélie Impéror, Antoine Poirier, Guillaume de Rochefort, Loris Megy, Paul Bonin Ciosi, Valentin Alleaume, Xinbei Jiang