- Thank you for joining today!
- Purpose: This is a forum to learn from each other about the benefits of sharing and open sourcing software.
- Next meeting is July 16th (Always 3rd Thursday of the month.).
- Meeting information sent via Code.gov listserv.
- Sign up for CODE listserv - [email protected]. Leave the subject and body blank.
- We have the #code-gov-partners Slack channel for real-time collaboration. Anyone with a .gov and .mil email address can join. Send an email addition request to Amin Mehr ([email protected]).
- Here is our current agency liaison list.
- Anna Zhang, a Coding It Forward Fellow, joined us from Yale University where she is studying Computing and the Arts. She has worked on commercial projects with Fujifilm and Conde Nast. She is assisting with completion of USWDS integration.
- Ongoing release notes.
- Updated engagement metrics.
- There are 7,616 US federal code repositories with 72% open source and 22% gov't-wide reuse. GitHub is most used code platform with 69% followed by <= 1% for remaining products.
- Approximately five new federal government code repos are created each day on GitHub. That's 150 new repos per month and 1,800 per year.
- Future items: Updated metadata schema, M-16-21 compliance metrics, engagement metrics based on agency inventory and GH API.
By Nicole Williams, Code.gov’s Comms Chief.
- Federal Source Code Summit - October 8, 2020.
- Blogs:
- Upcoming Blogs:
- Federal Source Code Study Part 3 (6/19/2020).
- Spotlight Stories.
- Be Featured in Better Know An Engineer, Contact: Nicole Williams at [email protected].
- Follow Us on Twitter, Linkedin, Medium.
- Federal Source Code Study is now live!
- Three year study of agency implementation of the Federal Source Code Policy (FSCP).
- Findings show agencies struggle with technology and policy implementation do to organizational factors.
- Code.gov is planning future blog posts and speaking engagements presenting the study.
- Software Productivity and Quality Working Group (SPSQ) coordinated by OSTP/NITRD.
- Includes participants from NSF, NIST, DOD/NRL, DOD/ARL, NIH, GSA.
- Monthly calls often with presentations on gov-funded software engineering research or economics of software.
- Contact Peter Meyer ([email protected]) if interested in joining.
- Federal Source Code Toolkit.
- Looking for contributions on current documents.
- Code.gov to conduct quarterly check-ins with agencies.
- Amin started reaching out to agency liaisons.
- Interested in how code is being reused across your agency and across government.
- Chief Data Officer (CDO) Council Project Proposal
- Teamed up with NASA to request funding for COVID-19 related project.
- Project start in FY2021.
- Federal Source Code Summit - Postponed to Oct. 8th.
- Code Climate Engineering Leadership Summit: Virtual Edition begins Thurs. 6/18. Occurs the next six Thursdays for 45mins each.
- DOE, CFPB, NASA for working with the Code.gov team on new Spotlight Stories.
- Sara Cope, GSA Digital.gov, for presenting last time and being featured in our blog series Better Know an Engineer.
- NASA (Taylor Yates) & GSA (Amin Mehr) for working on the CDO Project.