Research / Work with us / How we support your research / NHMRC Funding
OverviewHow to applySupport documentsContacts Manage your grant
Wednesday 18 November 2015
Applications open in RGMS
Monday 18 January 2016
Internal date for review by RIC
Wednesday 20 January 2016
Minimum Data due
Monday 1 February 2016
Final submission due to RIC
The Development Grants scheme provides financial support to individual researchers and/or research teams to undertake health and medical research within Australia at the proof of principle or pre-seed stage that specifically drives towards a commercial outcome within a five-year timeframe.
This scheme supports the commercial development of a product, process, procedure or service that if applied, would result in improved health care, disease prevention or provide health cost savings.
Research supported by this scheme must have experimental data that supports a demonstrated proof of principle or pre-seed concept and have a detailed feasible commercialisation strategy that takes into account the regulatory pathway, protectable IP, commercial barriers and potential routes to market.
- Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI)
The NOI should be completed early to provide RIC with CIA contact details.
- Complete/update RGMS Profile and CV
Each CI will need to obtain access to RGMS to complete this step.
- Review the funding documents
The CIA should read the NHMRC Funding Rules, Key Changes and Advice and Instructions to Applicants, as well as review the UoM Lodgement Form and UoM Authority to Submit form.
- Complete draft application
Complete the draft application in RGMS.
Strategic review of your Grant proposal is also available.
- Email a draft application to RIC
Email a draft application to RIC for review. A hardcopy is not required.
- ooUse the 'Request Latest Snapshot Report' function in RGMS.
- ooEmail two snapshot reports, the draft Grant Proposal (as a PDF) and a completed UOM Lodgement Form. A UOM Authority to Submit form is not required at this stage.
- ooConfirm in your email if you would like a strategic review of your Grant Proposal. This review will be conducted by external consultant Graeme Steed and Business Development Manager Dr Ruth Park-Jones
- ooRIC will send an email upon receipt.
Complete the application after feedback
After taking feedback from RIC into consideration, complete the application in RGMS. Upload all documents and referee reports as outlined in Advice and Instructions to Applicants, paying special attention to formatting requirements. It is suggested to seek advice from colleagues, Faculty Mentors, etc. before finalising the application.
- Certify the application in RGMS
Certify the application via the 'CI Certification' function in RGMS. Snapshot reports will be automatically generated, please wait for these to be produced. The application will be locked once certified and status then will be Submitted to RAO.
- Submit the UOM Authority to Submit form
Submit a UOM Authority to Submit form to Melbourne Research in hardcopy before 9.00 am on the final internal closing date. The form should include:
- ooCIA and Head of Department/Institute Director signatures
- ooWritten evidence (e.g. email) from all CIs and AIs. This evidence must clearly state the application ID number and include the relevant "I certify..." text provided in the Authority to Submit form. All written evidence must be attached to the finished Authority to Submit form with the other signatures.
A hardcopy of the RGMS application is not required.
Note that this is an NHMRC requirement and the application cannot be submitted to NHMRC until RIC receives this form.
- RIC will submit the application
RIC will submit the application NHMRC and the CIA will receive RGMS notification when this has been done.
- NHMRC Development Grant
- Funding Rules: All Schemes and Development Grants Specific
- Advice and Instructions to Applicants: All Schemes and Development Grants Specific
- Grant Proposal Template
- NHMRC Budget Mechanism
- Direct Research Costs Guidelines (DRCs)
- RGMS Character Count online tool
- RGMS CV and Profile requirements for Development Grants
- Peer Review
- Research Classifications
- Authority to Submit form
- Suggested wording for CI & AI written consent
- Lodgement form
- Copies of previous successful Development Grant applications held in the RIC library are accessible by contacting RIC via email at [email protected]
- List of Faculty Grant Coordinators/Mentors
Questions and primary email [email protected]
Anne Coco | 8344 8265 |
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