name | about | title | labels | assignees |
Change proposal |
If you are filing a proposed change, e.g. a new attribute, relationship, use of a new taxonomy, or a revised definition, then please use this template |
[Proposal] |
proposal |
If you are filing a proposed change, e.g. a new attribute, relationship, use of a new taxonomy, or a revised definition, then please fill in the below template.
Please provide a short description of the reason for proposing the change. This might be expressed as a user story (e.g. "as a risk analyst, I want that...") or as a short use case (e.g. "In order to share Hazard data, I need to be able to describe...")
Please describe why your use case is not covered by the existing data model. E.g. are there missing properties and relationships, or is this extending the specification in some way?
Please describe the change(s) you are proposing. Please provide a name and a clear definition for and new or revised attributes or relationships, along with expected values.
Optional. If possible, provide a snippet of data that illustrates how your proposed changes would be used. This might be a link to an existing dataset.