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Optimizing History with the PFIO server

Ben Auer edited this page Aug 18, 2022 · 30 revisions

Using the PFIO server

Applications using the MAPL_Cap such as the GEOSgcm, GEOSctm, etc... use the MAPL_History for diagnostic output. All output is routed through the PFIO server which may or may not be running on separate resources. This page will explain how and when to configure the PFIO server to run on separate resources.

Simple Server?

As was stated in the introduction, the MAPL_History component is always writing the output via the PFIO server. However, in the default case (i.e. the user does nothing other than start the application on the number of MPI tasks needed for the model) the PFIO server is running on the same MPI resources as the application so each time the run method of History is executed. It will not return until all the files that were to be written in that step have completed.

At low resolutions of your model run or cases with little history output this is sufficient. For example if you are running the GESOgcm.x at c24/c48/c90 for development purposes with a modest History output on 2 or 3 nodes, there's no sense in dedicating any extra resources for the PFIO server.

Multigroup Server

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