Environment: CC: gcc CXX: g++ FC: gfortran ESMF_COMM: openmpi ESMF_COMPILER: gfortran ESMF_DIR: /n/jacob_lab/Lab/seasfs01/Lab/ESMF/ESMF_8_1_0 ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX: /n/jacob_lab/Lab/seasfs01/Lab/ESMF/ESMF_8_1_0/INSTALL_gfortran10_openmpi4 ESMF_ROOT: /n/jacob_lab/Lab/seasfs01/Lab/ESMF/ESMF_8_1_0/INSTALL_gfortran10_openmpi4 MPI_HOME: /n/helmod/apps/centos7/Comp/gcc/10.2.0-fasrc01/openmpi/4.1.0-fasrc01 NetCDF C: /n/helmod/apps/centos7/MPI/gcc/10.2.0-fasrc01/openmpi/4.1.0-fasrc01/netcdf/4.8.0-fasrc03 Done sourcing gchp.env ============================================================ Auto-updating config files based on settings in setCommonRunSettings.sh ============================================================ Compute resources: ------------------ NX : 2 GCHP.rc NY : 6 GCHP.rc CoresPerNode : 12 HISTORY.rc WARNING: write restarts by o-server is disabled since <1000 cores WRITE_RESTART_BY_OSERVER : NO GCHP.rc Cubed-sphere resolution: ------------------------ GCHP.IM_WORLD : 24 GCHP.rc GCHP.IM : 24 GCHP.rc GCHP.JM : 144 GCHP.rc IM : 24 GCHP.rc JM : 144 GCHP.rc GCHP.GRIDNAME : PE24x144-CF GCHP.rc Time settings: -------------------------------- JOB_SGMT : 00000000 240000 CAP.rc MODEL_PHASE : FORWARD GCHP.rc REVERSE_TIME : 0 CAP.rc SFEmissions.backwards : 0 HISTORY.rc transport_timestep_in_s : 600 geoschem_config.yml chemistry_timestep_in_s : 1200 geoschem_config.yml radiation_timestep_in_s : 10800 geoschem_config.yml HEARTBEAT_DT : 600 GCHP.rc SOLAR_DT : 600 GCHP.rc IRRAD_DT : 600 GCHP.rc RUN_DT : 600 GCHP.rc GCHPchem_DT : 1200 GCHP.rc RRTMG_DT : 10800 GCHP.rc DYNAMICS_DT : 600 GCHP.rc HEARTBEAT_DT : 600 CAP.rc GCHPchem_REFERENCE_TIME : 001000 GCHP.rc PS2 read frequency : 0;001000 ExtData.rc SPHU2 read frequency : 0;001000 ExtData.rc TMPU2 read frequency : 0;001000 ExtData.rc Components on/off: ------------------ chemistry:activate : false geoschem_config.yml transport:activate : false geoschem_config.yml convection:activate : false geoschem_config.yml pbl_mixing:activate : false geoschem_config.yml pbl_mixing:use_non_local_pbl : false geoschem_config.yml dry_deposition:activate : false geoschem_config.yml wet_deposition:activate : false geoschem_config.yml AdvCore_Advection : 0 GCHP.rc HEMCO settings: --------------- --> Mass tuning factor : 6.0e-4 HEMCO_Config.rc Periodic checkpoints: --------------------- WARNING: Periodic checkpoints are turned off Diagnostics: ------------ SpeciesConc.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc SpeciesConc.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc SpeciesConc.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc AerosolMass.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc AerosolMass.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc AerosolMass.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc Aerosols.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc Aerosols.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc Aerosols.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc Budget.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc Budget.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc Budget.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc CloudConvFlux.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc CloudConvFlux.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc CloudConvFlux.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc ConcAfterChem.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc ConcAfterChem.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc ConcAfterChem.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc DryDep.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc DryDep.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc DryDep.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc DefaultCollection.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc DefaultCollection.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc DefaultCollection.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc Emissions.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc Emissions.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc Emissions.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc JValues.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc JValues.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc JValues.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc KppDiags.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc KppDiags.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc KppDiags.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc LevelEdgeDiags.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc LevelEdgeDiags.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc LevelEdgeDiags.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc Metrics.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc Metrics.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc Metrics.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc ProdLoss.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc ProdLoss.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc ProdLoss.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc RadioNuclide.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc RadioNuclide.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc RadioNuclide.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc RRTMG.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc RRTMG.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc RRTMG.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc StateChm.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc StateChm.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc StateChm.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc StateMet.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc StateMet.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc StateMet.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc StratBM.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc StratBM.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc StratBM.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc Transport.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc Transport.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc Transport.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc WetLossConv.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc WetLossConv.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc WetLossConv.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc WetLossLS.monthly : 0 HISTORY.rc WetLossLS.frequency : 060000 HISTORY.rc WetLossLS.duration : 060000 HISTORY.rc Restart symlink gchp_restart.nc4 set to ./Restarts/GEOSChem.Restart.20190701_0000z.c24.nc4 Starting pFIO input server on Clients Starting pFIO output server on Clients Integer*4 Resource Parameter: HEARTBEAT_DT:600 NOT using buffer I/O for file: cap_restart CAP: INFO: Read CAP restart properly, Current Date = 2019/07/01 CAP: INFO: Current Time = 00/00/00 Character Resource Parameter: ROOT_CF:GCHP.rc Character Resource Parameter: ROOT_NAME:GCHP Character Resource Parameter: HIST_CF:HISTORY.rc Character Resource Parameter: MAPL_ENABLE_TIMERS:YES Character Resource Parameter: MAPL_ENABLE_MEMUTILS:YES GCHPctmEnv: INFO: Configured to calculate and export mass flux and courant numbers ====================== Contents of CollList WetLossLS WetLossConv StateMet StateChm SpeciesConc ProdLoss LevelEdgeDiags KppDiags Metrics JValues Emissions DryDep ConcAfterChem CloudConvFlux Aerosols AerosolMass Adding history variables to GCHP Export State: adding export: AerMassBC adding export: AerMassINDIOL adding export: AerMassLVOCOA adding export: AerMassNH4 adding export: AerMassNIT adding export: AerMassPOA adding export: AerMassSAL adding export: AerMassSO4 adding export: AerMassSOAGX adding export: AerMassSOAIE adding export: PM25 adding export: PM10 adding export: TotalOA adding export: TotalOC adding export: AerMassASOA adding export: AerMassOPOA adding export: AerMassTSOA adding export: BetaNO adding export: TotalBiogenicOA adding export: AODHygWL1_SO4 adding export: AODHygWL1_BCPI adding export: AODHygWL1_OCPI adding export: AODHygWL1_SALA adding export: AODHygWL1_SALC adding export: AODDust adding export: AODDustWL1_bin1 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin2 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin3 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin4 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin5 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin6 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin7 adding export: AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL1 adding export: AODStratLiquidAerWL1 adding export: AODPolarStratCloudWL1 adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_SO4 adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_BCPI adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_OCPI adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALA adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALC adding export: AerNumDensityStratLiquid adding export: AerNumDensityStratParticulate adding export: AerAqueousVolume adding export: AerSurfAreaDust adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_SO4 adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_BCPI adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_OCPI adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_SALA adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_SALC adding export: AerSurfAreaStratLiquid adding export: AerSurfAreaPolarStratCloud adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST1 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST2 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST3 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST4 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST5 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST6 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST7 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaSULF adding export: Chem_AeroAreaBC adding export: Chem_AeroAreaOC adding export: Chem_AeroAreaSSA adding export: Chem_AeroAreaSSC adding export: Chem_AeroAreaBGSULF adding export: Chem_AeroAreaICEI adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST1 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST2 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST3 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST4 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST5 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST6 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST7 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiSULF adding export: Chem_AeroRadiBC adding export: Chem_AeroRadiOC adding export: Chem_AeroRadiSSA adding export: Chem_AeroRadiSSC adding export: Chem_AeroRadiBGSULF adding export: Chem_AeroRadiICEI adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST1 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST2 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST3 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST4 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST5 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST6 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST7 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaSULF adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaBC adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaOC adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaSSA adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaSSC adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaBGSULF adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaICEI adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST1 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST2 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST3 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST4 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST5 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST6 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST7 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiSULF adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiBC adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiOC adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiSSA adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiSSC adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiBGSULF adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiICEI adding export: Chem_StatePSC adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5H2O adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5HCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3H2O adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HBr adding export: Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3H2O adding export: Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3HCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHBr adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHBr adding export: CloudConvFlux_XYLE adding export: CloudConvFlux_TOLU adding export: CloudConvFlux_SOAS adding export: CloudConvFlux_SOAP adding export: CloudConvFlux_SOAIE adding export: CloudConvFlux_SOAGX adding export: CloudConvFlux_SO4s adding export: CloudConvFlux_SO4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_SO2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_SALCCL adding export: CloudConvFlux_SALCAL adding export: CloudConvFlux_SALC adding export: CloudConvFlux_SALACL adding export: CloudConvFlux_SALAAL adding export: CloudConvFlux_SALA adding export: CloudConvFlux_RP adding export: CloudConvFlux_RIPD adding export: CloudConvFlux_RIPC adding export: CloudConvFlux_RIPB adding export: CloudConvFlux_RIPA adding export: CloudConvFlux_RCHO adding export: CloudConvFlux_RB3P adding export: CloudConvFlux_RA3P adding export: CloudConvFlux_R4P adding export: CloudConvFlux_R4N2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_PYAC adding export: CloudConvFlux_PRPN adding export: CloudConvFlux_PRPE adding export: CloudConvFlux_PROPNN adding export: CloudConvFlux_PPN adding export: CloudConvFlux_PP adding export: CloudConvFlux_PIP adding export: CloudConvFlux_pFe adding export: CloudConvFlux_PAN adding export: CloudConvFlux_OIO adding export: CloudConvFlux_OCS adding export: CloudConvFlux_OCPO adding export: CloudConvFlux_OCPI adding export: CloudConvFlux_OClO adding export: CloudConvFlux_O3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_NPRNO3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_NO3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_NO2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_NO adding export: CloudConvFlux_NITs adding export: CloudConvFlux_NIT adding export: CloudConvFlux_NH4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_NH3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_N2O5 adding export: CloudConvFlux_N2O adding export: CloudConvFlux_MVKPC adding export: CloudConvFlux_MVKN adding export: CloudConvFlux_MVKHP adding export: CloudConvFlux_MVKHCB adding export: CloudConvFlux_MVKHC adding export: CloudConvFlux_MVKDH adding export: CloudConvFlux_MVK adding export: CloudConvFlux_MTPO adding export: CloudConvFlux_MTPA adding export: CloudConvFlux_MSA adding export: CloudConvFlux_MPN adding export: CloudConvFlux_MPAN adding export: CloudConvFlux_MP adding export: CloudConvFlux_MONITU adding export: CloudConvFlux_MONITS adding export: CloudConvFlux_MONITA adding export: CloudConvFlux_MOH adding export: CloudConvFlux_MGLY adding export: CloudConvFlux_MENO3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_MEK adding export: CloudConvFlux_MCRHP adding export: CloudConvFlux_MCRHNB adding export: CloudConvFlux_MCRHN adding export: CloudConvFlux_MCRENOL adding export: CloudConvFlux_MCRDH adding export: CloudConvFlux_MAP adding export: CloudConvFlux_MACR1OOH adding export: CloudConvFlux_MACR adding export: CloudConvFlux_LVOCOA adding export: CloudConvFlux_LVOC adding export: CloudConvFlux_LIMO adding export: CloudConvFlux_ITHN adding export: CloudConvFlux_ITCN adding export: CloudConvFlux_ISOP adding export: CloudConvFlux_ISALC adding export: CloudConvFlux_ISALA adding export: CloudConvFlux_IPRNO3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_IONO2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_IONO adding export: CloudConvFlux_IONITA adding export: CloudConvFlux_IO adding export: CloudConvFlux_INPD adding export: CloudConvFlux_INPB adding export: CloudConvFlux_INO adding export: CloudConvFlux_INDIOL adding export: CloudConvFlux_IHN4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_IHN3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_IHN2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_IHN1 adding export: CloudConvFlux_IEPOXD adding export: CloudConvFlux_IEPOXB adding export: CloudConvFlux_IEPOXA adding export: CloudConvFlux_IDN adding export: CloudConvFlux_IDHPE adding export: CloudConvFlux_IDHDP adding export: CloudConvFlux_IDCHP adding export: CloudConvFlux_IDC adding export: CloudConvFlux_ICPDH adding export: CloudConvFlux_ICN adding export: CloudConvFlux_ICl adding export: CloudConvFlux_ICHE adding export: CloudConvFlux_IBr adding export: CloudConvFlux_I2O4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_I2O3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_I2O2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_I2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_I adding export: CloudConvFlux_HPETHNL adding export: CloudConvFlux_HPALD4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HPALD3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HPALD2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HPALD1 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HONIT adding export: CloudConvFlux_HOI adding export: CloudConvFlux_HOCl adding export: CloudConvFlux_HOBr adding export: CloudConvFlux_HNO4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HNO3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HNO2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HMS adding export: CloudConvFlux_HMML adding export: CloudConvFlux_HMHP adding export: CloudConvFlux_HI adding export: CloudConvFlux_HCOOH adding export: CloudConvFlux_HCl adding export: CloudConvFlux_HCFC22 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HCFC142B adding export: CloudConvFlux_HCFC141B adding export: CloudConvFlux_HCFC123 adding export: CloudConvFlux_HC5A adding export: CloudConvFlux_HBr adding export: CloudConvFlux_HAC adding export: CloudConvFlux_H2O2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_H2O adding export: CloudConvFlux_H2402 adding export: CloudConvFlux_H1301 adding export: CloudConvFlux_H1211 adding export: CloudConvFlux_GLYX adding export: CloudConvFlux_GLYC adding export: CloudConvFlux_ETP adding export: CloudConvFlux_ETNO3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ETHP adding export: CloudConvFlux_ETHN adding export: CloudConvFlux_ETHLN adding export: CloudConvFlux_EOH adding export: CloudConvFlux_DST4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_DST3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_DST2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_DST1 adding export: CloudConvFlux_DMS adding export: CloudConvFlux_CO adding export: CloudConvFlux_ClOO adding export: CloudConvFlux_ClO adding export: CloudConvFlux_ClNO3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ClNO2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_Cl2O2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_Cl2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_Cl adding export: CloudConvFlux_CHCl3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CHBr3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH3I adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH3Cl adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH3CCl3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH3Br adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH2O adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH2ICl adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH2IBr adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH2I2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH2Cl2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CH2Br2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CFC12 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CFC115 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CFC114 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CFC113 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CFC11 adding export: CloudConvFlux_CCl4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_C3H8 adding export: CloudConvFlux_C2H6 adding export: CloudConvFlux_C2H4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_C2H2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_BrSALC adding export: CloudConvFlux_BrSALA adding export: CloudConvFlux_BrO adding export: CloudConvFlux_BrNO3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_BrNO2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_BrCl adding export: CloudConvFlux_Br2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_Br adding export: CloudConvFlux_BENZ adding export: CloudConvFlux_BCPO adding export: CloudConvFlux_BCPI adding export: CloudConvFlux_ATOOH adding export: CloudConvFlux_ALK4 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ALD2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_AERI adding export: CloudConvFlux_ACTA adding export: CloudConvFlux_ACET adding export: CloudConvFlux_TSOG3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_TSOG2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_TSOG1 adding export: CloudConvFlux_TSOG0 adding export: CloudConvFlux_TSOA3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_TSOA2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_TSOA1 adding export: CloudConvFlux_TSOA0 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ASOG3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ASOG2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ASOG1 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ASOAN adding export: CloudConvFlux_ASOA3 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ASOA2 adding export: CloudConvFlux_ASOA1 adding export: OHconcAfterChem adding export: HO2concAfterChem adding export: O1DconcAfterChem adding export: O3PconcAfterChem adding export: DryDep_SOAS adding export: DryDep_SOAIE adding export: DryDep_SOAGX adding export: DryDep_SO4s adding export: DryDep_SO4 adding export: DryDep_SO2 adding export: DryDep_SALCCL adding export: DryDep_SALCAL adding export: DryDep_SALC adding export: DryDep_SALACL adding export: DryDep_SALAAL adding export: DryDep_SALA adding export: DryDep_RP adding export: DryDep_RIPD adding export: DryDep_RIPC adding export: DryDep_RIPB adding export: DryDep_RIPA adding export: DryDep_RB3P adding export: DryDep_RA3P adding export: DryDep_R4P adding export: DryDep_R4N2 adding export: DryDep_PYAC adding export: DryDep_PRPN adding export: DryDep_PROPNN adding export: DryDep_PPN adding export: DryDep_PP adding export: DryDep_pFe adding export: DryDep_PAN adding export: DryDep_OCPO adding export: DryDep_OCPI adding export: DryDep_O3 adding export: DryDep_NPRNO3 adding export: DryDep_NO2 adding export: DryDep_NITs adding export: DryDep_NIT adding export: DryDep_NH4 adding export: DryDep_NH3 adding export: DryDep_N2O5 adding export: DryDep_MVKPC adding export: DryDep_MVKN adding export: DryDep_MVKHP adding export: DryDep_MVKHCB adding export: DryDep_MVKHC adding export: DryDep_MVKDH adding export: DryDep_MVK adding export: DryDep_MTPO adding export: DryDep_MTPA adding export: DryDep_MSA adding export: DryDep_MPAN adding export: DryDep_MONITU adding export: DryDep_MONITS adding export: DryDep_MONITA adding export: DryDep_MOH adding export: DryDep_MGLY adding export: DryDep_MENO3 adding export: DryDep_MCRHP adding export: DryDep_MCRHNB adding export: DryDep_MCRHN adding export: DryDep_MCRENOL adding export: DryDep_MCRDH adding export: DryDep_MAP adding export: DryDep_MACR1OOH adding export: DryDep_MACR adding export: DryDep_LVOCOA adding export: DryDep_LVOC adding export: DryDep_LIMO adding export: DryDep_ITHN adding export: DryDep_ITCN adding export: DryDep_ISALC adding export: DryDep_ISALA adding export: DryDep_IPRNO3 adding export: DryDep_IONO2 adding export: DryDep_IONO adding export: DryDep_IONITA adding export: DryDep_INPD adding export: DryDep_INPB adding export: DryDep_INDIOL adding export: DryDep_IHN4 adding export: DryDep_IHN3 adding export: DryDep_IHN2 adding export: DryDep_IHN1 adding export: DryDep_IEPOXD adding export: DryDep_IEPOXB adding export: DryDep_IEPOXA adding export: DryDep_IDN adding export: DryDep_IDHPE adding export: DryDep_IDHDP adding export: DryDep_IDCHP adding export: DryDep_IDC adding export: DryDep_ICPDH adding export: DryDep_ICN adding export: DryDep_ICl adding export: DryDep_ICHE adding export: DryDep_IBr adding export: DryDep_I2O4 adding export: DryDep_I2O3 adding export: DryDep_I2O2 adding export: DryDep_I2 adding export: DryDep_HPETHNL adding export: DryDep_HPALD4 adding export: DryDep_HPALD3 adding export: DryDep_HPALD2 adding export: DryDep_HPALD1 adding export: DryDep_HONIT adding export: DryDep_HOI adding export: DryDep_HOCl adding export: DryDep_HOBr adding export: DryDep_HNO3 adding export: DryDep_HMS adding export: DryDep_HMML adding export: DryDep_HMHP adding export: DryDep_HI adding export: DryDep_HCOOH adding export: DryDep_HCl adding export: DryDep_HC5A adding export: DryDep_HBr adding export: DryDep_HAC adding export: DryDep_H2O2 adding export: DryDep_GLYX adding export: DryDep_GLYC adding export: DryDep_ETP adding export: DryDep_ETNO3 adding export: DryDep_ETHP adding export: DryDep_ETHN adding export: DryDep_ETHLN adding export: DryDep_EOH adding export: DryDep_DST4 adding export: DryDep_DST3 adding export: DryDep_DST2 adding export: DryDep_DST1 adding export: DryDep_ClOO adding export: DryDep_ClO adding export: DryDep_ClNO3 adding export: DryDep_ClNO2 adding export: DryDep_Cl2 adding export: DryDep_CH2O adding export: DryDep_BrSALC adding export: DryDep_BrSALA adding export: DryDep_BrNO3 adding export: DryDep_BrCl adding export: DryDep_Br2 adding export: DryDep_BCPO adding export: DryDep_BCPI adding export: DryDep_ATOOH adding export: DryDep_ALD2 adding export: DryDep_AERI adding export: DryDep_ACTA adding export: DryDep_ACET adding export: DryDep_TSOG3 adding export: DryDep_TSOG2 adding export: DryDep_TSOG1 adding export: DryDep_TSOG0 adding export: DryDep_TSOA3 adding export: DryDep_TSOA2 adding export: DryDep_TSOA1 adding export: DryDep_TSOA0 adding export: DryDep_ASOG3 adding export: DryDep_ASOG2 adding export: DryDep_ASOG1 adding export: DryDep_ASOAN adding export: DryDep_ASOA3 adding export: DryDep_ASOA2 adding export: DryDep_ASOA1 adding export: DryDepVel_SOAS adding export: DryDepVel_SOAIE adding export: DryDepVel_SOAGX adding export: DryDepVel_SO4s adding export: DryDepVel_SO4 adding export: DryDepVel_SO2 adding export: DryDepVel_SALCCL adding export: DryDepVel_SALCAL adding export: DryDepVel_SALC adding export: DryDepVel_SALACL adding export: DryDepVel_SALAAL adding export: DryDepVel_SALA adding export: DryDepVel_RP adding export: DryDepVel_RIPD adding export: DryDepVel_RIPC adding export: DryDepVel_RIPB adding export: DryDepVel_RIPA adding export: DryDepVel_RB3P adding export: DryDepVel_RA3P adding export: DryDepVel_R4P adding export: DryDepVel_R4N2 adding export: DryDepVel_PYAC adding export: DryDepVel_PRPN adding export: DryDepVel_PROPNN adding export: DryDepVel_PPN adding export: DryDepVel_PP adding export: DryDepVel_pFe adding export: DryDepVel_PAN adding export: DryDepVel_OCPO adding export: DryDepVel_OCPI adding export: DryDepVel_O3 adding export: DryDepVel_NPRNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_NO2 adding export: DryDepVel_NITs adding export: DryDepVel_NIT adding export: DryDepVel_NH4 adding export: DryDepVel_NH3 adding export: DryDepVel_N2O5 adding export: DryDepVel_MVKPC adding export: DryDepVel_MVKN adding export: DryDepVel_MVKHP adding export: DryDepVel_MVKHCB adding export: DryDepVel_MVKHC adding export: DryDepVel_MVKDH adding export: DryDepVel_MVK adding export: DryDepVel_MTPO adding export: DryDepVel_MTPA adding export: DryDepVel_MSA adding export: DryDepVel_MPAN adding export: DryDepVel_MONITU adding export: DryDepVel_MONITS adding export: DryDepVel_MONITA adding export: DryDepVel_MOH adding export: DryDepVel_MGLY adding export: DryDepVel_MENO3 adding export: DryDepVel_MCRHP adding export: DryDepVel_MCRHNB adding export: DryDepVel_MCRHN adding export: DryDepVel_MCRENOL adding export: DryDepVel_MCRDH adding export: DryDepVel_MAP adding export: DryDepVel_MACR1OOH adding export: DryDepVel_MACR adding export: DryDepVel_LVOCOA adding export: DryDepVel_LVOC adding export: DryDepVel_LIMO adding export: DryDepVel_ITHN adding export: DryDepVel_ITCN adding export: DryDepVel_ISALC adding export: DryDepVel_ISALA adding export: DryDepVel_IPRNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_IONO2 adding export: DryDepVel_IONO adding export: DryDepVel_IONITA adding export: DryDepVel_INPD adding export: DryDepVel_INPB adding export: DryDepVel_INDIOL adding export: DryDepVel_IHN4 adding export: DryDepVel_IHN3 adding export: DryDepVel_IHN2 adding export: DryDepVel_IHN1 adding export: DryDepVel_IEPOXD adding export: DryDepVel_IEPOXB adding export: DryDepVel_IEPOXA adding export: DryDepVel_IDN adding export: DryDepVel_IDHPE adding export: DryDepVel_IDHDP adding export: DryDepVel_IDCHP adding export: DryDepVel_IDC adding export: DryDepVel_ICPDH adding export: DryDepVel_ICN adding export: DryDepVel_ICl adding export: DryDepVel_ICHE adding export: DryDepVel_IBr adding export: DryDepVel_I2O4 adding export: DryDepVel_I2O3 adding export: DryDepVel_I2O2 adding export: DryDepVel_I2 adding export: DryDepVel_HPETHNL adding export: DryDepVel_HPALD4 adding export: DryDepVel_HPALD3 adding export: DryDepVel_HPALD2 adding export: DryDepVel_HPALD1 adding export: DryDepVel_HONIT adding export: DryDepVel_HOI adding export: DryDepVel_HOCl adding export: DryDepVel_HOBr adding export: DryDepVel_HNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_HMS adding export: DryDepVel_HMML adding export: DryDepVel_HMHP adding export: DryDepVel_HI adding export: DryDepVel_HCOOH adding export: DryDepVel_HCl adding export: DryDepVel_HC5A adding export: DryDepVel_HBr adding export: DryDepVel_HAC adding export: DryDepVel_H2O2 adding export: DryDepVel_GLYX adding export: DryDepVel_GLYC adding export: DryDepVel_ETP adding export: DryDepVel_ETNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_ETHP adding export: DryDepVel_ETHN adding export: DryDepVel_ETHLN adding export: DryDepVel_EOH adding export: DryDepVel_DST4 adding export: DryDepVel_DST3 adding export: DryDepVel_DST2 adding export: DryDepVel_DST1 adding export: DryDepVel_ClOO adding export: DryDepVel_ClO adding export: DryDepVel_ClNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_ClNO2 adding export: DryDepVel_Cl2 adding export: DryDepVel_CH2O adding export: DryDepVel_BrSALC adding export: DryDepVel_BrSALA adding export: DryDepVel_BrNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_BrCl adding export: DryDepVel_Br2 adding export: DryDepVel_BCPO adding export: DryDepVel_BCPI adding export: DryDepVel_ATOOH adding export: DryDepVel_ALD2 adding export: DryDepVel_AERI adding export: DryDepVel_ACTA adding export: DryDepVel_ACET adding export: DryDepVel_TSOG3 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOG2 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOG1 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOG0 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOA3 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOA2 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOA1 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOA0 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOG3 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOG2 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOG1 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOAN adding export: DryDepVel_ASOA3 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOA2 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOA1 adding export: JvalO3O3P adding export: JvalO3O1D adding export: Jval_O2 adding export: Jval_SO4 adding export: Jval_RP adding export: Jval_RIPD adding export: Jval_RIPC adding export: Jval_RIPB adding export: Jval_RIPA adding export: Jval_RCHO adding export: Jval_RB3P adding export: Jval_RA3P adding export: Jval_R4P adding export: Jval_R4N2 adding export: Jval_PYAC adding export: Jval_PRPN adding export: Jval_PROPNN adding export: Jval_PP adding export: Jval_PIP adding export: Jval_PAN adding export: Jval_OIO adding export: Jval_OCS adding export: Jval_OClO adding export: Jval_O3 adding export: Jval_NPRNO3 adding export: Jval_NO3 adding export: Jval_NO2 adding export: Jval_NO adding export: Jval_NITs adding export: Jval_NIT adding export: Jval_N2O5 adding export: Jval_N2O adding export: Jval_MVKPC adding export: Jval_MVKN adding export: Jval_MVKHP adding export: Jval_MVKHCB adding export: Jval_MVKHC adding export: Jval_MVK adding export: Jval_MPN adding export: Jval_MPAN adding export: Jval_MP adding export: Jval_MONITU adding export: Jval_MONITS adding export: Jval_MGLY adding export: Jval_MENO3 adding export: Jval_MEK adding export: Jval_MCRHP adding export: Jval_MCRHNB adding export: Jval_MCRHN adding export: Jval_MCRENOL adding export: Jval_MAP adding export: Jval_MACR1OOH adding export: Jval_MACR adding export: Jval_ITHN adding export: Jval_ITCN adding export: Jval_IPRNO3 adding export: Jval_IONO2 adding export: Jval_IONO adding export: Jval_IO adding export: Jval_INPD adding export: Jval_INPB adding export: Jval_INO adding export: Jval_IHN4 adding export: Jval_IHN3 adding export: Jval_IHN2 adding export: Jval_IHN1 adding export: Jval_IDN adding export: Jval_IDHPE adding export: Jval_IDHDP adding export: Jval_IDCHP adding export: Jval_ICPDH adding export: Jval_ICN adding export: Jval_ICl adding export: Jval_IBr adding export: Jval_I2O4 adding export: Jval_I2O3 adding export: Jval_I2O2 adding export: Jval_I2 adding export: Jval_HPETHNL adding export: Jval_HPALD4 adding export: Jval_HPALD3 adding export: Jval_HPALD2 adding export: Jval_HPALD1 adding export: Jval_HONIT adding export: Jval_HOI adding export: Jval_HOCl adding export: Jval_HOBr adding export: Jval_HNO4 adding export: Jval_HNO3 adding export: Jval_HNO2 adding export: Jval_HMHP adding export: Jval_HCFC22 adding export: Jval_HCFC142b adding export: Jval_HCFC141b adding export: Jval_HCFC123 adding export: Jval_HC5A adding export: Jval_HAC adding export: Jval_H2O2 adding export: Jval_H2402 adding export: Jval_H1301 adding export: Jval_H1211 adding export: Jval_GLYX adding export: Jval_GLYC adding export: Jval_ETP adding export: Jval_ETNO3 adding export: Jval_ETHP adding export: Jval_ETHLN adding export: Jval_ClOO adding export: Jval_ClO adding export: Jval_ClNO3 adding export: Jval_ClNO2 adding export: Jval_Cl2O2 adding export: Jval_Cl2 adding export: Jval_CHCl3 adding export: Jval_CHBr3 adding export: Jval_CH3I adding export: Jval_CH3Cl adding export: Jval_CH3CCl3 adding export: Jval_CH3Br adding export: Jval_CH2O adding export: Jval_CH2ICl adding export: Jval_CH2IBr adding export: Jval_CH2I2 adding export: Jval_CH2Cl2 adding export: Jval_CH2Br2 adding export: Jval_CFC12 adding export: Jval_CFC115 adding export: Jval_CFC114 adding export: Jval_CFC113 adding export: Jval_CFC11 adding export: Jval_CCl4 adding export: Jval_BrO adding export: Jval_BrNO3 adding export: Jval_BrNO2 adding export: Jval_BrCl adding export: Jval_Br2 adding export: Jval_ATOOH adding export: Jval_ALD2 adding export: Jval_ACET adding export: UVFluxNet_574nm adding export: UVFluxNet_380nm adding export: UVFluxNet_333nm adding export: UVFluxNet_316nm adding export: UVFluxNet_310nm adding export: UVFluxNet_303nm adding export: UVFluxNet_295nm adding export: UVFluxNet_277nm adding export: UVFluxNet_267nm adding export: UVFluxNet_261nm adding export: UVFluxNet_214nm adding export: UVFluxNet_211nm adding export: UVFluxNet_208nm adding export: UVFluxNet_202nm adding export: UVFluxNet_196nm adding export: UVFluxNet_193nm adding export: UVFluxNet_191nm adding export: UVFluxNet_187nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_574nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_380nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_333nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_316nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_310nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_303nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_295nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_277nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_267nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_261nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_214nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_211nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_208nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_202nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_196nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_193nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_191nm adding export: UVFluxDirect_187nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_574nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_380nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_333nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_316nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_310nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_303nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_295nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_277nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_267nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_261nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_214nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_211nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_208nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_202nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_196nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_193nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_191nm adding export: UVFluxDiffuse_187nm adding export: KppIntCounts adding export: KppJacCounts adding export: KppTotSteps adding export: KppAccSteps adding export: KppRejSteps adding export: KppLuDecomps adding export: KppSubsts adding export: KppSmDecomps adding export: AirMassColumnFull adding export: LossOHbyCH4columnTrop adding export: LossOHbyMCFcolumnTrop adding export: OHwgtByAirMassColumnFull adding export: Met_CMFMC adding export: Met_PEDGE adding export: Met_PEDGEDRY adding export: Met_PFICU adding export: Met_PFILSAN adding export: Met_PFLCU adding export: Met_PFLLSAN adding export: Prod_Ox adding export: Loss_Ox adding export: Prod_SO4 adding export: Prod_CO adding export: Prod_H2O2 adding export: ProdBCPIfromBCPO adding export: ProdOCPIfromOCPO adding export: ProdSO4fromH2O2inCloud adding export: ProdSO4fromO2inCloudMetal adding export: ProdSO4fromO3inCloud adding export: ProdSO4fromO3inSeaSalt adding export: ProdSO4fromHOBrInCloud adding export: ProdSO4fromSRO3 adding export: ProdSO4fromSRHOBr adding export: ProdSO4fromO3s adding export: Loss_CH4 adding export: Loss_CO adding export: LossHNO3onSeaSalt adding export: ProdCOfromCH4 adding export: ProdCOfromNMVOC adding export: SpeciesConc_RCOOH adding export: SpeciesConc_O2 adding export: SpeciesConc_N2 adding export: SpeciesConc_H2 adding export: SpeciesConc_O adding export: SpeciesConc_OH adding export: SpeciesConc_HO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_O1D adding export: SpeciesConc_MO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_MCO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_CH2OO adding export: SpeciesConc_B3O2 adding export: SpeciesConc_R4O2 adding export: SpeciesConc_OTHRO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_ATO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_MACRNO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_IHOO1 adding export: SpeciesConc_IHOO4 adding export: SpeciesConc_INO2D adding export: SpeciesConc_INO2B adding export: SpeciesConc_A3O2 adding export: SpeciesConc_IDHNBOO adding export: SpeciesConc_PIO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_CH3CHOO adding export: SpeciesConc_IEPOXBOO adding export: SpeciesConc_IEPOXAOO adding export: SpeciesConc_KO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_LIMO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_RCO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_IHPNBOO adding export: SpeciesConc_ETO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_OLND adding export: SpeciesConc_OLNN adding export: SpeciesConc_PO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_MACR1OO adding export: SpeciesConc_MCROHOO adding export: SpeciesConc_MVKOHOO adding export: SpeciesConc_PRN1 adding export: SpeciesConc_R4N1 adding export: SpeciesConc_ICHOO adding export: SpeciesConc_IHPOO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_IHPNDOO adding export: SpeciesConc_IHPOO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_IHPOO1 adding export: SpeciesConc_H adding export: SpeciesConc_ISOPNOO1 adding export: SpeciesConc_IDHNDOO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_IDHNDOO1 adding export: SpeciesConc_ROH adding export: SpeciesConc_ISOPNOO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_ICNOO adding export: SpeciesConc_IDNOO adding export: SpeciesConc_C4HVP2 adding export: SpeciesConc_C4HVP1 adding export: SpeciesConc_INA adding export: SpeciesConc_HPALD2OO adding export: SpeciesConc_HPALD1OO adding export: SpeciesConc_XRO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_N adding export: SpeciesConc_TRO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_BrO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_PH2O2 adding export: SpeciesConc_LCH4 adding export: SpeciesConc_PSO4 adding export: SpeciesConc_LCO adding export: SpeciesConc_PCO adding export: SpeciesConc_LOX adding export: SpeciesConc_POX adding export: SpeciesConc_LXRO2N adding export: SpeciesConc_LXRO2H adding export: SpeciesConc_LTRO2N adding export: SpeciesConc_LTRO2H adding export: SpeciesConc_NAP adding export: SpeciesConc_NRO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_LNRO2N adding export: SpeciesConc_LNRO2H adding export: SpeciesConc_LISOPNO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_LISOPOH adding export: SpeciesConc_LBrO2N adding export: SpeciesConc_LBrO2H adding export: SpeciesConc_CO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_XYLE adding export: SpeciesConc_TOLU adding export: SpeciesConc_SOAS adding export: SpeciesConc_SOAP adding export: SpeciesConc_SOAIE adding export: SpeciesConc_SOAGX adding export: SpeciesConc_SO4s adding export: SpeciesConc_SO4 adding export: SpeciesConc_SO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_SALCCL adding export: SpeciesConc_SALCAL adding export: SpeciesConc_SALC adding export: SpeciesConc_SALACL adding export: SpeciesConc_SALAAL adding export: SpeciesConc_SALA adding export: SpeciesConc_RP adding export: SpeciesConc_RIPD adding export: SpeciesConc_RIPC adding export: SpeciesConc_RIPB adding export: SpeciesConc_RIPA adding export: SpeciesConc_RCHO adding export: SpeciesConc_RB3P adding export: SpeciesConc_RA3P adding export: SpeciesConc_R4P adding export: SpeciesConc_R4N2 adding export: SpeciesConc_PYAC adding export: SpeciesConc_PRPN adding export: SpeciesConc_PRPE adding export: SpeciesConc_PROPNN adding export: SpeciesConc_PPN adding export: SpeciesConc_PP adding export: SpeciesConc_PIP adding export: SpeciesConc_PHEN adding export: SpeciesConc_pFe adding export: SpeciesConc_PAN adding export: SpeciesConc_OIO adding export: SpeciesConc_OCS adding export: SpeciesConc_OCPO adding export: SpeciesConc_OCPI adding export: SpeciesConc_OClO adding export: SpeciesConc_O3 adding export: SpeciesConc_NPRNO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_NO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_NO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_NPHEN adding export: SpeciesConc_NO adding export: SpeciesConc_NITs adding export: SpeciesConc_NIT adding export: SpeciesConc_NH4 adding export: SpeciesConc_NH3 adding export: SpeciesConc_N2O5 adding export: SpeciesConc_N2O adding export: SpeciesConc_MVKPC adding export: SpeciesConc_MVKN adding export: SpeciesConc_MVKHP adding export: SpeciesConc_MVKHCB adding export: SpeciesConc_MVKHC adding export: SpeciesConc_MVKDH adding export: SpeciesConc_MVK adding export: SpeciesConc_MTPO adding export: SpeciesConc_MTPA adding export: SpeciesConc_MSA adding export: SpeciesConc_MPN adding export: SpeciesConc_MPAN adding export: SpeciesConc_MP adding export: SpeciesConc_MONITU adding export: SpeciesConc_MONITS adding export: SpeciesConc_MONITA adding export: SpeciesConc_MOH adding export: SpeciesConc_MGLY adding export: SpeciesConc_MENO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_MEK adding export: SpeciesConc_MCRHP adding export: SpeciesConc_MCRHNB adding export: SpeciesConc_MCRHN adding export: SpeciesConc_MCRENOL adding export: SpeciesConc_MCRDH adding export: SpeciesConc_MAP adding export: SpeciesConc_MACR1OOH adding export: SpeciesConc_MACR adding export: SpeciesConc_LVOCOA adding export: SpeciesConc_LVOC adding export: SpeciesConc_LIMO adding export: SpeciesConc_ITHN adding export: SpeciesConc_ITCN adding export: SpeciesConc_ISOP adding export: SpeciesConc_ISALC adding export: SpeciesConc_ISALA adding export: SpeciesConc_IPRNO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_IONO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_IONO adding export: SpeciesConc_IONITA adding export: SpeciesConc_IO adding export: SpeciesConc_INPD adding export: SpeciesConc_INPB adding export: SpeciesConc_INO adding export: SpeciesConc_INDIOL adding export: SpeciesConc_IHN4 adding export: SpeciesConc_IHN3 adding export: SpeciesConc_IHN2 adding export: SpeciesConc_IHN1 adding export: SpeciesConc_IEPOXD adding export: SpeciesConc_IEPOXB adding export: SpeciesConc_IEPOXA adding export: SpeciesConc_IDN adding export: SpeciesConc_IDHPE adding export: SpeciesConc_IDHDP adding export: SpeciesConc_IDCHP adding export: SpeciesConc_IDC adding export: SpeciesConc_ICPDH adding export: SpeciesConc_ICN adding export: SpeciesConc_ICl adding export: SpeciesConc_ICHE adding export: SpeciesConc_IBr adding export: SpeciesConc_I2O4 adding export: SpeciesConc_I2O3 adding export: SpeciesConc_I2O2 adding export: SpeciesConc_I2 adding export: SpeciesConc_I adding export: SpeciesConc_HPETHNL adding export: SpeciesConc_HPALD4 adding export: SpeciesConc_HPALD3 adding export: SpeciesConc_HPALD2 adding export: SpeciesConc_HPALD1 adding export: SpeciesConc_HONIT adding export: SpeciesConc_HOI adding export: SpeciesConc_HOCl adding export: SpeciesConc_HOBr adding export: SpeciesConc_HNO4 adding export: SpeciesConc_HNO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_HNO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_HMS adding export: SpeciesConc_HMML adding export: SpeciesConc_HMHP adding export: SpeciesConc_HI adding export: SpeciesConc_HCOOH adding export: SpeciesConc_HCl adding export: SpeciesConc_HCFC22 adding export: SpeciesConc_HCFC142B adding export: SpeciesConc_HCFC141B adding export: SpeciesConc_HCFC123 adding export: SpeciesConc_HC5A adding export: SpeciesConc_HBr adding export: SpeciesConc_HAC adding export: SpeciesConc_H2O2 adding export: SpeciesConc_H2O adding export: SpeciesConc_H2402 adding export: SpeciesConc_H1301 adding export: SpeciesConc_H1211 adding export: SpeciesConc_GLYX adding export: SpeciesConc_GLYC adding export: SpeciesConc_ETP adding export: SpeciesConc_ETNO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_ETHP adding export: SpeciesConc_ETHN adding export: SpeciesConc_ETHLN adding export: SpeciesConc_EOH adding export: SpeciesConc_DST4 adding export: SpeciesConc_DST3 adding export: SpeciesConc_DST2 adding export: SpeciesConc_DST1 adding export: SpeciesConc_DMS adding export: SpeciesConc_CO adding export: SpeciesConc_ClOO adding export: SpeciesConc_ClO adding export: SpeciesConc_ClNO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_ClNO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_Cl2O2 adding export: SpeciesConc_Cl2 adding export: SpeciesConc_Cl adding export: SpeciesConc_CLOCK adding export: SpeciesConc_CHCl3 adding export: SpeciesConc_CHBr3 adding export: SpeciesConc_CH4 adding export: SpeciesConc_CH3I adding export: SpeciesConc_CH3Cl adding export: SpeciesConc_CH3CCl3 adding export: SpeciesConc_CH3Br adding export: SpeciesConc_CH2O adding export: SpeciesConc_CH2ICl adding export: SpeciesConc_CH2IBr adding export: SpeciesConc_CH2I2 adding export: SpeciesConc_CH2Cl2 adding export: SpeciesConc_CH2Br2 adding export: SpeciesConc_CFC12 adding export: SpeciesConc_CFC115 adding export: SpeciesConc_CFC114 adding export: SpeciesConc_CFC113 adding export: SpeciesConc_CFC11 adding export: SpeciesConc_CCl4 adding export: SpeciesConc_C3H8 adding export: SpeciesConc_C2H6 adding export: SpeciesConc_C2H4 adding export: SpeciesConc_C2H2 adding export: SpeciesConc_BZPAN adding export: SpeciesConc_BrSALC adding export: SpeciesConc_BrSALA adding export: SpeciesConc_BrO adding export: SpeciesConc_BrNO3 adding export: SpeciesConc_BrNO2 adding export: SpeciesConc_BrCl adding export: SpeciesConc_Br2 adding export: SpeciesConc_Br adding export: SpeciesConc_BENZ adding export: SpeciesConc_BCPO adding export: SpeciesConc_BCPI adding export: SpeciesConc_BALD adding export: SpeciesConc_ATOOH adding export: SpeciesConc_AONITA adding export: SpeciesConc_ALK4 adding export: SpeciesConc_ALD2 adding export: SpeciesConc_AERI adding export: SpeciesConc_ACTA adding export: SpeciesConc_ACET adding export: SpeciesConc_TSOG3 adding export: SpeciesConc_TSOG2 adding export: SpeciesConc_TSOG1 adding export: SpeciesConc_TSOG0 adding export: SpeciesConc_TSOA3 adding export: SpeciesConc_TSOA2 adding export: SpeciesConc_TSOA1 adding export: SpeciesConc_TSOA0 adding export: SpeciesConc_ASOG3 adding export: SpeciesConc_ASOG2 adding export: SpeciesConc_ASOG1 adding export: SpeciesConc_ASOAN adding export: SpeciesConc_ASOA3 adding export: SpeciesConc_ASOA2 adding export: SpeciesConc_ASOA1 adding export: Chem_IsorropAeropHAccum adding export: Chem_IsorropAeropHCoarse adding export: Chem_IsorropHplusAccum adding export: Chem_IsorropHplusCoarse adding export: Chem_IsorropAeroH2OAccum adding export: Chem_IsorropAeroH2OCoarse adding export: Chem_IsorropSulfate adding export: Chem_IsorropNitrateAccum adding export: Chem_IsorropNitrateCoarse adding export: Chem_IsorropChlorideAccum adding export: Chem_IsorropChlorideCoarse adding export: Chem_IsorropBisulfate adding export: Chem_pHCloud adding export: Chem_isCloud adding export: Chem_SSAlkAccumMode adding export: Chem_SSAlkCoarseMode adding export: Chem_HSO3AQ adding export: Chem_SO3AQ adding export: Chem_fupdateHOBr adding export: Chem_GammaN2O5overall adding export: Chem_GammaN2O5fine adding export: Chem_YieldClNO2fine adding export: Met_AD adding export: Met_AIRDEN adding export: Met_AIRVOL adding export: Met_ALBD adding export: Met_AREAM2 adding export: Met_AVGW adding export: Met_BXHEIGHT adding export: Met_ChemGridLev adding export: Met_CLDF adding export: Met_CLDFRC adding export: Met_CLDTOPS adding export: Met_DELP adding export: Met_DELPDRY adding export: Met_DQRCU adding export: Met_DQRLSAN adding export: Met_DTRAIN adding export: Met_EFLUX adding export: Met_FRCLND adding export: Met_FRLAKE adding export: Met_FRLAND adding export: Met_FRLANDIC adding export: Met_FROCEAN adding export: Met_FRSEAICE adding export: Met_FRSNO adding export: Met_GWETROOT adding export: Met_GWETTOP adding export: Met_HFLUX adding export: Met_LAI adding export: Met_LWI adding export: Met_PARDR adding export: Met_PARDF adding export: Met_PBLTOPL adding export: Met_PBLH adding export: Met_PHIS adding export: Met_PMID adding export: Met_PMIDDRY adding export: Met_PRECANV adding export: Met_PRECCON adding export: Met_PRECLSC adding export: Met_PRECTOT adding export: Met_PS1DRY adding export: Met_PS1WET adding export: Met_PS2DRY adding export: Met_PS2WET adding export: Met_PSC2WET adding export: Met_PSC2DRY adding export: Met_QI adding export: Met_QL adding export: Met_OMEGA adding export: Met_OPTD adding export: Met_REEVAPCN adding export: Met_REEVAPLS adding export: Met_SLP adding export: Met_SNODP adding export: Met_SNOMAS adding export: Met_SPHU adding export: Met_SPHU1 adding export: Met_SPHU2 adding export: Met_SUNCOS adding export: Met_SUNCOSmid adding export: Met_SWGDN adding export: Met_T adding export: Met_TAUCLI adding export: Met_TAUCLW adding export: Met_THETA adding export: Met_TMPU1 adding export: Met_TMPU2 adding export: Met_TO3 adding export: Met_TropHt adding export: Met_TropLev adding export: Met_TropP adding export: Met_TS adding export: Met_TSKIN adding export: Met_TV adding export: Met_U adding export: Met_U10M adding export: Met_USTAR adding export: Met_UVALBEDO adding export: Met_V adding export: Met_V10M adding export: Met_Z0 adding export: FracOfTimeInTrop adding export: WetLossConv_SOAS adding export: WetLossConv_SOAIE adding export: WetLossConv_SOAGX adding export: WetLossConv_SO4s adding export: WetLossConv_SO4 adding export: WetLossConv_SO2 adding export: WetLossConv_SALCCL adding export: WetLossConv_SALCAL adding export: WetLossConv_SALC adding export: WetLossConv_SALACL adding export: WetLossConv_SALAAL adding export: WetLossConv_SALA adding export: WetLossConv_RP adding export: WetLossConv_RIPD adding export: WetLossConv_RIPC adding export: WetLossConv_RIPB adding export: WetLossConv_RIPA adding export: WetLossConv_RB3P adding export: WetLossConv_RA3P adding export: WetLossConv_R4P adding export: WetLossConv_R4N2 adding export: WetLossConv_PYAC adding export: WetLossConv_PRPN adding export: WetLossConv_PRPE adding export: WetLossConv_PROPNN adding export: WetLossConv_PPN adding export: WetLossConv_PP adding export: WetLossConv_pFe adding export: WetLossConv_PAN adding export: WetLossConv_OCPO adding export: WetLossConv_OCPI adding export: WetLossConv_NITs adding export: WetLossConv_NIT adding export: WetLossConv_NH4 adding export: WetLossConv_NH3 adding export: WetLossConv_MVKPC adding export: WetLossConv_MVKN adding export: WetLossConv_MVKHP adding export: WetLossConv_MVKHCB adding export: WetLossConv_MVKHC adding export: WetLossConv_MVKDH adding export: WetLossConv_MVK adding export: WetLossConv_MTPO adding export: WetLossConv_MTPA adding export: WetLossConv_MSA adding export: WetLossConv_MPN adding export: WetLossConv_MPAN adding export: WetLossConv_MP adding export: WetLossConv_MONITU adding export: WetLossConv_MONITS adding export: WetLossConv_MONITA adding export: WetLossConv_MOH adding export: WetLossConv_MGLY adding export: WetLossConv_MEK adding export: WetLossConv_MCRHP adding export: WetLossConv_MCRHNB adding export: WetLossConv_MCRHN adding export: WetLossConv_MCRENOL adding export: WetLossConv_MCRDH adding export: WetLossConv_MAP adding export: WetLossConv_MACR1OOH adding export: WetLossConv_LVOCOA adding export: WetLossConv_LVOC adding export: WetLossConv_LIMO adding export: WetLossConv_ITHN adding export: WetLossConv_ITCN adding export: WetLossConv_ISALC adding export: WetLossConv_ISALA adding export: WetLossConv_IONO2 adding export: WetLossConv_IONO adding export: WetLossConv_IONITA adding export: WetLossConv_INPD adding export: WetLossConv_INPB adding export: WetLossConv_INDIOL adding export: WetLossConv_IHN4 adding export: WetLossConv_IHN3 adding export: WetLossConv_IHN2 adding export: WetLossConv_IHN1 adding export: WetLossConv_IEPOXD adding export: WetLossConv_IEPOXB adding export: WetLossConv_IEPOXA adding export: WetLossConv_IDN adding export: WetLossConv_IDHPE adding export: WetLossConv_IDHDP adding export: WetLossConv_IDCHP adding export: WetLossConv_ICPDH adding export: WetLossConv_ICN adding export: WetLossConv_ICl adding export: WetLossConv_ICHE adding export: WetLossConv_IBr adding export: WetLossConv_I2O4 adding export: WetLossConv_I2O3 adding export: WetLossConv_I2O2 adding export: WetLossConv_I2 adding export: WetLossConv_HPETHNL adding export: WetLossConv_HONIT adding export: WetLossConv_HOI adding export: WetLossConv_HOCl adding export: WetLossConv_HOBr adding export: WetLossConv_HNO3 adding export: WetLossConv_HMS adding export: WetLossConv_HMML adding export: WetLossConv_HMHP adding export: WetLossConv_HI adding export: WetLossConv_HCOOH adding export: WetLossConv_HCl adding export: WetLossConv_HC5A adding export: WetLossConv_HBr adding export: WetLossConv_HAC adding export: WetLossConv_H2O2 adding export: WetLossConv_GLYX adding export: WetLossConv_GLYC adding export: WetLossConv_ETP adding export: WetLossConv_ETHP adding export: WetLossConv_ETHN adding export: WetLossConv_ETHLN adding export: WetLossConv_EOH adding export: WetLossConv_DST4 adding export: WetLossConv_DST3 adding export: WetLossConv_DST2 adding export: WetLossConv_DST1 adding export: WetLossConv_CH2O adding export: WetLossConv_BrSALC adding export: WetLossConv_BrSALA adding export: WetLossConv_BrCl adding export: WetLossConv_Br2 adding export: WetLossConv_BCPO adding export: WetLossConv_BCPI adding export: WetLossConv_ATOOH adding export: WetLossConv_ALD2 adding export: WetLossConv_AERI adding export: WetLossConv_ACTA adding export: WetLossConv_TSOG3 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOG2 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOG1 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOG0 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOA3 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOA2 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOA1 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOA0 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOG3 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOG2 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOG1 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOAN adding export: WetLossConv_ASOA3 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOA2 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOA1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SOAS adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SOAIE adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SOAGX adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SO4s adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SO4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SO2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALCCL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALCAL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALACL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALAAL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RIPD adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RIPC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RIPB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RIPA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RB3P adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RA3P adding export: WetLossConvFrac_R4P adding export: WetLossConvFrac_R4N2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PYAC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PRPN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PRPE adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PROPNN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PPN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_pFe adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PAN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_OCPO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_OCPI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_NITs adding export: WetLossConvFrac_NIT adding export: WetLossConvFrac_NH4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_NH3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKPC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKHCB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKHC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKDH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVK adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MTPO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MTPA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MSA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MPN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MPAN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MONITU adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MONITS adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MONITA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MGLY adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MEK adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRHNB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRHN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRENOL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRDH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MAP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MACR1OOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_LVOCOA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_LVOC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_LIMO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ITHN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ITCN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ISALC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ISALA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IONO2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IONO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IONITA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_INPD adding export: WetLossConvFrac_INPB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_INDIOL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IHN4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IHN3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IHN2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IHN1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXD adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IDN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IDHPE adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IDHDP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IDCHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ICPDH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ICN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ICl adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ICHE adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IBr adding export: WetLossConvFrac_I2O4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_I2O3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_I2O2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_I2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HPETHNL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HONIT adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HOI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HOCl adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HOBr adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HNO3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HMS adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HMML adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HMHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HCOOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HCl adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HC5A adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HBr adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HAC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_H2O2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_GLYX adding export: WetLossConvFrac_GLYC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ETP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ETHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ETHN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ETHLN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_EOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_DST4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_DST3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_DST2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_DST1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_CH2O adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BrSALC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BrSALA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BrCl adding export: WetLossConvFrac_Br2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BCPO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BCPI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ATOOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ALD2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_AERI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ACTA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOG3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOG2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOG1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOG0 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOA3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOA2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOA1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOA0 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOG3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOG2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOG1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOAN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOA3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOA2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOA1 adding export: WetLossLS_SOAS adding export: WetLossLS_TSOG3 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOG2 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOG1 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOG0 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOA3 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOA2 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOA1 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOA0 adding export: WetLossLS_SOAIE adding export: WetLossLS_SOAGX adding export: WetLossLS_SO4s adding export: WetLossLS_SO4 adding export: WetLossLS_SO2 adding export: WetLossLS_SALCCL adding export: WetLossLS_SALCAL adding export: WetLossLS_SALC adding export: WetLossLS_SALACL adding export: WetLossLS_SALAAL adding export: WetLossLS_SALA adding export: WetLossLS_RP adding export: WetLossLS_RIPD adding export: WetLossLS_RIPC adding export: WetLossLS_RIPB adding export: WetLossLS_RIPA adding export: WetLossLS_RB3P adding export: WetLossLS_RA3P adding export: WetLossLS_R4P adding export: WetLossLS_R4N2 adding export: WetLossLS_PYAC adding export: WetLossLS_PRPN adding export: WetLossLS_PRPE adding export: WetLossLS_PROPNN adding export: WetLossLS_PPN adding export: WetLossLS_PP adding export: WetLossLS_pFe adding export: WetLossLS_PAN adding export: WetLossLS_OCPO adding export: WetLossLS_OCPI adding export: WetLossLS_NITs adding export: WetLossLS_NIT adding export: WetLossLS_NH4 adding export: WetLossLS_NH3 adding export: WetLossLS_MVKPC adding export: WetLossLS_MVKN adding export: WetLossLS_MVKHP adding export: WetLossLS_MVKHCB adding export: WetLossLS_MVKHC adding export: WetLossLS_MVKDH adding export: WetLossLS_MVK adding export: WetLossLS_MTPO adding export: WetLossLS_MTPA adding export: WetLossLS_MSA adding export: WetLossLS_MPN adding export: WetLossLS_MPAN adding export: WetLossLS_MP adding export: WetLossLS_MONITU adding export: WetLossLS_MONITS adding export: WetLossLS_MONITA adding export: WetLossLS_MOH adding export: WetLossLS_MGLY adding export: WetLossLS_MEK adding export: WetLossLS_MCRHP adding export: WetLossLS_MCRHNB adding export: WetLossLS_MCRHN adding export: WetLossLS_MCRENOL adding export: WetLossLS_MCRDH adding export: WetLossLS_MAP adding export: WetLossLS_MACR1OOH adding export: WetLossLS_LVOCOA adding export: WetLossLS_LVOC adding export: WetLossLS_LIMO adding export: WetLossLS_ITHN adding export: WetLossLS_ITCN adding export: WetLossLS_ISALC adding export: WetLossLS_ISALA adding export: WetLossLS_IONO2 adding export: WetLossLS_IONO adding export: WetLossLS_IONITA adding export: WetLossLS_INPD adding export: WetLossLS_INPB adding export: WetLossLS_INDIOL adding export: WetLossLS_IHN4 adding export: WetLossLS_IHN3 adding export: WetLossLS_IHN2 adding export: WetLossLS_IHN1 adding export: WetLossLS_IEPOXD adding export: WetLossLS_IEPOXB adding export: WetLossLS_IEPOXA adding export: WetLossLS_IDN adding export: WetLossLS_IDHPE adding export: WetLossLS_IDHDP adding export: WetLossLS_IDCHP adding export: WetLossLS_ICPDH adding export: WetLossLS_ICN adding export: WetLossLS_ICl adding export: WetLossLS_ICHE adding export: WetLossLS_IBr adding export: WetLossLS_I2O4 adding export: WetLossLS_I2O3 adding export: WetLossLS_I2O2 adding export: WetLossLS_I2 adding export: WetLossLS_HPETHNL adding export: WetLossLS_HONIT adding export: WetLossLS_HOI adding export: WetLossLS_HOCl adding export: WetLossLS_HOBr adding export: WetLossLS_HNO3 adding export: WetLossLS_HMS adding export: WetLossLS_HMML adding export: WetLossLS_HMHP adding export: WetLossLS_HI adding export: WetLossLS_HCOOH adding export: WetLossLS_HCl adding export: WetLossLS_HC5A adding export: WetLossLS_HBr adding export: WetLossLS_HAC adding export: WetLossLS_H2O2 adding export: WetLossLS_GLYX adding export: WetLossLS_GLYC adding export: WetLossLS_ETP adding export: WetLossLS_ETHP adding export: WetLossLS_ETHN adding export: WetLossLS_ETHLN adding export: WetLossLS_EOH adding export: WetLossLS_DST4 adding export: WetLossLS_DST3 adding export: WetLossLS_DST2 adding export: WetLossLS_DST1 adding export: WetLossLS_CH2O adding export: WetLossLS_BrSALC adding export: WetLossLS_BrSALA adding export: WetLossLS_BrCl adding export: WetLossLS_Br2 adding export: WetLossLS_BCPO adding export: WetLossLS_BCPI adding export: WetLossLS_ATOOH adding export: WetLossLS_ASOG3 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOG2 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOG1 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOAN adding export: WetLossLS_ASOA3 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOA2 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOA1 adding export: WetLossLS_ALD2 adding export: WetLossLS_AERI adding export: WetLossLS_ACTA Reading entire HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc Reading HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc adding HEMCO export: EmisACET_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisACET_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisACET_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisACET_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_PlantDecay adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPO_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPO_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisBENZ_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisBENZ_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisBENZ_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisBENZ_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2Br2_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2I2_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2ICl_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2IBr_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisCH3I_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCHBr3_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisCO2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisCO2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisCO2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisCO2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisDMS_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisDST1_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisDST1_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisDST1_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisDST2_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisDST3_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisDST4_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_PlantDecay adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisETNO3_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisH2O_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisHCOOH_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisHCOOH_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisHCOOH_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisHNO3_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisHONO_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisISOP_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisISOP_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisLIMO_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisMACR_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMACR_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisMEK_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMEK_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisMEK_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisMEK_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisMENO3_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPA_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPA_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPA_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPO_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisNAP_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisNAP_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisNAP_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Seabirds adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Lightning adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Soil adding HEMCO export: EmisNO2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisNO2_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisNO2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisO3_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPO_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPO_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmispFe_Total adding HEMCO export: EmispFe_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmispFe_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG1_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG1_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG1_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisRCHO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisRCHO_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisSALA_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALAAL_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALACL_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALC_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALCAL_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALCCL_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_VolcErupt adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_VolcDegas adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisSO4_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisSO4_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisSO4_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisSO4_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAS_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisTOLU_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisTOLU_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisTOLU_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisTOLU_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisXYLE_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisXYLE_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisXYLE_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisXYLE_Ship adding HEMCO export: HcoLightningFlashRate_Total adding HEMCO export: HcoLightningFlashRate_IntraCld adding HEMCO export: HcoLightningFlashRate_CldGround adding HEMCO export: HcoConvectiveCloudTopHeight adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_ALK4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_BCPI adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_BCPO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_BENZ adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_C2H2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_C2H4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_CH2O adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_CO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_MOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_ROH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_HCOOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_MEK adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_NO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_OCPI adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_OCPO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_pFe adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_POG1 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_POG2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_SO4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_TOLU adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_XYLE adding HEMCO export: InvGEIAnatural_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvSEABIRDS_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvC2H62010_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvXIAO_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvLIANG_CH2Br2 adding HEMCO export: InvLIANG_CHBr3 adding HEMCO export: InvORDONEZ_CH2I2 adding HEMCO export: InvORDONEZ_CH2ICl adding HEMCO export: InvORDONEZ_CH2IBr adding HEMCO export: InvORDONEZ_CH3I adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_ALK4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_BCPI adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_BCPO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_BENZ adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_C2H2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_C2H4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_CH2O adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_CO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_HCOOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_MEK adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_pFe adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_OCPI adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_OCPO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_SO4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_TOLU adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_XYLE adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_ACET adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_ALK4 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_BCPI adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_CH2O adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_CO adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_HONO adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_MACR adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_NO adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_NO2 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_OCPI adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_RCHO adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_SO4 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvPLANTDECAY_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvPLANTDECAY_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvAFCID_DST1 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_ACET adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_DMS adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_ETNO3 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_MENO3 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_MOH adding HEMCO export: InvPARANOX_HNO3 adding HEMCO export: InvPARANOX_NO adding HEMCO export: InvPARANOX_NO2 adding HEMCO export: InvPARANOX_O3 adding HEMCO export: InvLIGHTNOX_NO adding HEMCO export: InvSOILNOX_NO adding HEMCO export: InvDEAD_DST1 adding HEMCO export: InvDEAD_DST2 adding HEMCO export: InvDEAD_DST3 adding HEMCO export: InvDEAD_DST4 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_BrSALA adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_BrSALC adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALA adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALC adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALAAL adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALACL adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALCAL adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALCCL adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_ISOP adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_LIMO adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_MTPA adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_MTPO adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_SOAS adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_ACET adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_ACET_MONO adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_ACET_MBOX adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_ACET_DIRECT adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_MOH adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_APIN adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_BPIN adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_SABI adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_MYRC adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_CARE adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_OCIM adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_OMON adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_MONX adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_FARN adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_BCAR adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_OSQT adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_MBOX adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_FAXX adding HEMCO export: InvMEGAN_AAXX adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_ACET adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_ALK4 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_BCPI adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_BCPO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_BENZ adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_CH2O adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_CO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_MEK adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_MOH adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_MTPA adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_NAP adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_NO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_OCPI adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_OCPO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_POG1 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_POG2 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_TOLU adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_XYLE adding HEMCO export: InvVOLCANOerupt_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvVOLCANOdegas_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvIODINE_HOI adding HEMCO export: InvIODINE_I2 Character Resource Parameter: DYCORE:OFF NOTE from PE 0: MPP_DOMAINS_SET_STACK_SIZE: stack size set to 32768. &MPP_IO_NML HEADER_BUFFER_VAL=16384 , GLOBAL_FIELD_ON_ROOT_PE=T, IO_CLOCKS_ON=F, SHUFFLE=0 , DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 , CF_COMPLIANCE=F, / NOTE from PE 0: MPP_IO_SET_STACK_SIZE: stack size set to 131072. NOTE from PE 0: MPP_DOMAINS_SET_STACK_SIZE: stack size set to 20000000. Integer*4 Resource Parameter: NX:2 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: NY:6 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: IM:24 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: JM:144 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: RUN_DT:600 For k_split (remapping)= 1 n_split is set to 02 for resolution-dt=0025x0025x6- 600.000 Using n_zfilter : 000 Using n_sponge : 001 Using non_ortho : T Starting PEs : 12 Starting Threads : 1 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 12 12 Y-AXIS = 24 NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. ncnst= 0 num_prog= 0 pnats= 0 dnats= 0 num_family= 0 Grid distance at face edge (km)= 326768.43532825337 RADIUS (m): 0.63710000000000E+07 PI: 0.31415926535898E+01 MAX AREA (m*m): 0.21280966055028E+12 MIN AREA (m*m): 0.95959708752603E+11 GLOBAL AREA (m*m): 0.51006447190982E+15 IDEAL GLOBAL AREA (m*m): 0.51006447190979E+15 Cubed-Sphere Grid Stats : 25 x 25 x 6 Grid Length : min: 326768.44 max: 461715.98 avg: 386515.92 min/max: 0.71 Deviation from Orthogonal : min: 0.00 max: 28.13 avg: 8.60 Aspect Ratio : min: 1.00 max: 1.08 avg: 1.03 Grid_init 72 1 100.00000000000000 Hybrid Sigma-P: minimum allowable surface pressure (hpa)= 14.888888888889058 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817260 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817289 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817156 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817253 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817327 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817309 da_max/da_min= 2.2176980663721220 da_max_c/da_min_c= 2.2606506684909289 Divergence damping Coefficients For small dt= 300.00000000000000 External mode del-2 (m**2/s)= 6284027.9018087257 Internal mode del-2 SMAG dimensionless coeff= 0.0000000000000000 Internal mode del-2 background diff= 0.0000000000000000 Internal mode del-4 background diff= 0.16000000000000000 Vorticity del-4 (m**4/s)= 0.0000000000000000 tracer del-2 diff= 0.0000000000000000 Vorticity del-4 (m**4/s)= 0.0000000000000000 beta= 0.0000000000000000 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHPctmEnvMAPL_GenericInitialize= 1.228E+05 0.000E+00 GCHPctmEnv: INFO: Configured to expect 'bottom-up' meteorological data from 'ExtData' Real*4 Resource Parameter: GCHPchem_DT:1200.000000 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: GCHPchem_REFERENCE_TIME:1000 Character Resource Parameter: GCHPchem_INTERNAL_RESTART_FILE:gchp_restart.nc4 Character Resource Parameter: MAPL_ENABLE_BOOTSTRAP:YES Using parallel NetCDF for file: gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: ARCHV_DRY_TOTN in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: ARCHV_WET_TOTN in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: AREA in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: AeroH2O_SNA in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: DEP_RESERVOIR in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: DRYPERIOD in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: GCCTROPP in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: GWET_PREV in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: JNO2 in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: JOH in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: LAI_PREVDAY in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: ORVCSESQ in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: PARDF_DAVG in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: PARDR_DAVG in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: PFACTOR in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: STATE_PSC in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: T_DAVG in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: T_PREVDAY in gchp_restart.nc4 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHPchemMAPL_GenericInitialize= 1.244E+05 0.000E+00 =============================================================================== G E O S - C H E M U S E R I N P U T READ_INPUT_FILE: Opening ./geoschem_config.yml SIMULATION SETTINGS ------------------- Simulation name : fullchem CHEM_INPUTS directory : ./ChemDir/ Species database file : ./species_database.yml Turn on debug output : F TIMESTEP SETTINGS ----------------- Transport/Convection [sec] : 600 Chemistry/Emissions [sec] : 1200 RRTMG rad transfer [sec] : 0 TRANSPORT SETTINGS ------------------ Turn on transport? : F CONVECTION SETTINGS ------------------- Turn on cloud convection? : F PBL MIXING SETTINGS ------------------- Turn on PBL mixing? : F Turn on non-local PBL? : F AEROSOL SETTINGS ---------------- Online SULFATE AEROSOLS? : T Metal catalyzed SO2 ox.? : T Online CARBON AEROSOLS? : T Brown Carbon Aerosol? : F BC Absorption Enhancement? : T Hydrophilic BC AE factor : 1.50 Hydrophobic BC AE factor : 1.00 Online COMPLEX SOA? : T Semivolatile POA? : F Online DUST AEROSOLS? : T Acid uptake on dust? : F Online SEA SALT AEROSOLS? : T Accum SEA SALT radii [um] : 0.01 - 0.50 Coarse SEA SALT radii [um] : 0.50 - 8.00 MARINE ORGANIC AEROSOLS? : F Settle strat. aerosols? : T Online SOLID PSC aerosols? : T Allow hom. NAT nucleation? : F NAT supercooling requirement: 3.00K Ice supersaturation req. : 20.00K Perform PSC het. chemistry? : T Use strat. aerosol OD? : T DRY DEPOSITION SETTINGS ----------------------- Turn on dry deposition? : F Dry dep over full PBL? : T Turn on CO2 effect? : F CO2 level : 600.00 CO2 reference level : 380.00 RIX scaling factor : 1.00 WET DEPOSITION SETTINGS ----------------------- Turn on wet deposition? : F CHEMISTRY SETTINGS ------------------ Turn on chemistry? : F Use linear. mesospheric chem: T => Use Linoz for O3? : T Online strat. H2O? : T Use robust strat H2O BC? : T GAMMA HO2 : 0.20 PHOTOLYSIS SETTINGS ------------------- FAST-JX input directory : /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/ Online ozone for FAST-JX? : T Ozone from met for FAST-JX? : T TOMS/SBUV ozone for FAST-JX?: F Photolyse nitrate aerosol? : F JNITs scaling of JHNO3 : 0.000 JNIT scaling of JHNO3 : 0.000 JNIT(s) channel A (HONO) : 66.667 JNIT(s) channel B (NO2) : 33.333 NOTE ABOUT OVERHEAD O3 FOR FAST-JX: Online O3 from GEOS-Chem will be used to weight the O3 column within the chemistry grid and O3 from met or TOMS will be used outside the chemistry grid. RRTMG SETTINGS -------------- AOD output wavelength (nm) : 550.0 Turn on radiation? : F Consider longwave? : F Consider shortwave? : F Clear-sky flux? : F All-sky flux? : F OBSPACK SETTINGS ---------------- Turn on ObsPack diagnostic? : F Suppress logfile output? : F ObsPack input file : UNKNOWN ObsPack output file : UNKNOWN LINOZ (LINOZ_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/Linoz_200910/Linoz_March2007.dat 11 linoz chem tables - 40d int., w/ rxn175, +CH4,N2O,CFC11,CFC12 LLM climatol Linoz Data: O3 climatology : z*=10, 12, ..., 58 2.700E-08 1.083E-05 Linoz Data: Temperature climatology : z*=10, 12, ..., 58 1.859E+02 2.904E+02 Linoz Data: Column O3 above box climalology : z*=10, 12, ..., 58 7.538E-02 3.770E+02 Linoz Data: P-L O3 climatology (mr/s): z*=10, 12, ..., 58 -1.590E-10 2.835E-11 Linoz Data: d(P-L)/dO3 (1/s) : z*=10, 12, ..., 58 -8.386E-04 7.556E-09 Linoz Data: d(P-L)/dT (mr/K) : z*=10, 12, ..., 58 -5.742E-12 4.615E-14 Linoz Data: d(P-L)/d(column O3) (mr/DU) : z*=10, 12, ..., 58 -1.921E-12 5.038E-10 $$ Finished Reading Linoz Data $$ TIMESTEPS SETTINGS ------------------ Chemistry Timestep [sec] : 1200 Convection Timestep [sec] : 600 Dynamics Timestep [sec] : 600 Emission Timestep [sec] : 1200 Unit Conv Timestep [sec] : 600 Diagnostic Timestep [sec] : 0 Radiation Timestep [sec] : 0 ADVECTED SPECIES MENU ------------------------------------------------ # Species Name 1 ACET 2 ACTA 3 AERI 4 ALD2 5 ALK4 6 ASOA1 7 ASOA2 8 ASOA3 9 ASOAN 10 ASOG1 11 ASOG2 12 ASOG3 13 AONITA 14 AROMP4 15 AROMP5 16 ATOOH 17 BALD 18 BCPI 19 BCPO 20 BENZ 21 BENZP 22 Br 23 Br2 24 BrCl 25 BrNO2 26 BrNO3 27 BrO 28 BrSALA 29 BrSALC 30 BZCO3H 31 BZPAN 32 C2H2 33 C2H4 34 C2H6 35 C3H8 36 CCl4 37 CFC11 38 CFC113 39 CFC114 40 CFC115 41 CFC12 42 CH2Br2 43 CH2Cl2 44 CH2I2 45 CH2IBr 46 CH2ICl 47 CH2O 48 CH3Br 49 CH3CCl3 50 CH3Cl 51 CH3I 52 CH4 53 CHBr3 54 CHCl3 55 Cl 56 Cl2 57 Cl2O2 58 ClNO2 59 ClNO3 60 ClO 61 ClOO 62 CLOCK 63 CO 64 CSL 65 DMS 66 DST1 67 DST2 68 DST3 69 DST4 70 EOH 71 ETHLN 72 ETHN 73 ETHP 74 ETNO3 75 ETP 76 GLYC 77 GLYX 78 H1211 79 H1301 80 H2402 81 H2O 82 H2O2 83 HAC 84 HBr 85 HC5A 86 HCFC123 87 HCFC141b 88 HCFC142b 89 HCFC22 90 HCl 91 HCOOH 92 HI 93 HMHP 94 HMML 95 HMS 96 HNO2 97 HNO3 98 HNO4 99 HOBr 100 HOCl 101 HOI 102 HONIT 103 HPALD1 104 HPALD2 105 HPALD3 106 HPALD4 107 HPETHNL 108 I 109 I2 110 I2O2 111 I2O3 112 I2O4 113 IBr 114 ICHE 115 ICl 116 ICN 117 ICPDH 118 IDC 119 IDCHP 120 IDHDP 121 IDHPE 122 IDN 123 IEPOXA 124 IEPOXB 125 IEPOXD 126 IHN1 127 IHN2 128 IHN3 129 IHN4 130 INDIOL 131 INO 132 INPB 133 INPD 134 IO 135 IONITA 136 IONO 137 IONO2 138 IPRNO3 139 ISALA 140 ISALC 141 ISOP 142 ITCN 143 ITHN 144 LIMO 145 LVOC 146 LVOCOA 147 MACR 148 MACR1OOH 149 MAP 150 MCRDH 151 MCRENOL 152 MCRHN 153 MCRHNB 154 MCRHP 155 MCT 156 MEK 157 MENO3 158 MGLY 159 MOH 160 MONITA 161 MONITS 162 MONITU 163 MP 164 MPAN 165 MPN 166 MSA 167 MTPA 168 MTPO 169 MVK 170 MVKDH 171 MVKHC 172 MVKHCB 173 MVKHP 174 MVKN 175 MVKPC 176 N2O 177 N2O5 178 NH3 179 NH4 180 NIT 181 NITs 182 NO 183 NO2 184 NO3 185 NPHEN 186 NPRNO3 187 O3 188 OClO 189 OCPI 190 OCPO 191 OCS 192 OIO 193 PAN 194 pFe 195 PHEN 196 PIP 197 PP 198 PPN 199 PROPNN 200 PRPE 201 PRPN 202 PYAC 203 R4N2 204 R4P 205 RA3P 206 RB3P 207 RCHO 208 RIPA 209 RIPB 210 RIPC 211 RIPD 212 RP 213 SALA 214 SALAAL 215 SALACL 216 SALC 217 SALCAL 218 SALCCL 219 SO2 220 SO4 221 SO4s 222 SOAGX 223 SOAIE 224 SOAP 225 SOAS 226 TOLU 227 TSOA0 228 TSOA1 229 TSOA2 230 TSOA3 231 TSOG0 232 TSOG1 233 TSOG2 234 TSOG3 235 XYLE Registered variables contained within the State_Chm object: =============================================================================== CHEM_JNO2 | Surface J-values for | xy | 1 CHEM_JOH | Surface J-values for | xy | 1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_TSOG3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_TSOG2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_TSOG1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_TSOG0 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_TSOA3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_TSOA2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_TSOA1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_TSOA0 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SOAS | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SOAIE | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SOAGX | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SO4S | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SO4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SO2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SALCCL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SALCAL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SALC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SALACL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SALAAL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_SALA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_RP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_RIPD | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_RIPC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_RIPB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_RIPA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_RB3P | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_RA3P | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_R4P | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_R4N2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_PYAC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_PRPN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_PROPNN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_PPN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_PP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_PHEN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_PFE | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_PAN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_OCPO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_OCPI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_O3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_NPRNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_NPHEN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_NO2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_NITS | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_NIT | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_NH4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_NH3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_N2O5 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MVKPC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MVKN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MVKHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MVKHCB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MVKHC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MVKDH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MVK | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MTPO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MTPA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MSA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MPAN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MONITU | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MONITS | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MONITA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MGLY | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MENO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MCT | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MCRHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MCRHNB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MCRHN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MCRENOL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MCRDH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MAP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MACR1OOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_MACR | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_LVOCOA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_LVOC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_LIMO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ITHN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ITCN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ISALC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ISALA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IPRNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IONO2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IONO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IONITA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_INPD | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_INPB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_INDIOL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IHN4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IHN3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IHN2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IHN1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IEPOXD | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IEPOXB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IEPOXA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IDN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IDHPE | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IDHDP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IDCHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IDC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ICPDH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ICN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ICL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ICHE | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_IBR | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_I2O4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_I2O3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_I2O2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_I2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HPETHNL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HPALD4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HPALD3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HPALD2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HPALD1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HONIT | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HOI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HOCL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HOBR | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HMS | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HMML | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HMHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HCOOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HCL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HC5A | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HBR | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_HAC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_H2O2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_GLYX | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_GLYC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ETP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ETNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ETHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ETHN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ETHLN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_EOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_DST4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_DST3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_DST2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_DST1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_CSL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_CLOO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_CLO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_CLNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_CLNO2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_CL2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_CH2O | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BZPAN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BZCO3H | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BRSALC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BRSALA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BRNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BRCL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BR2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BENZP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BCPO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BCPI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_BALD | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ATOOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_AROMP5 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_AROMP4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_AONITA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ASOG3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ASOG2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ASOG1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ASOAN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ASOA3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ASOA2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ASOA1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ALD2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_AERI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ACTA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPVEL_ACET | Dry deposition veloc | xy | m s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_TSOG3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_TSOG2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_TSOG1 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_TSOG0 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_TSOA3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_TSOA2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_TSOA1 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_TSOA0 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SOAS | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SOAIE | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SOAGX | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SO4S | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SO4 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SO2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SALCCL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SALCAL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SALC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SALACL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SALAAL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_SALA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_RP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_RIPD | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_RIPC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_RIPB | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_RIPA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_RB3P | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_RA3P | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_R4P | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_R4N2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_PYAC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_PRPN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_PROPNN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_PPN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_PP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_PHEN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_PFE | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_PAN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_OCPO | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_OCPI | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_O3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_NPRNO3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_NPHEN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_NO2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_NITS | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_NIT | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_NH4 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_NH3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_N2O5 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MVKPC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MVKN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MVKHP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MVKHCB | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MVKHC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MVKDH | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MVK | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MTPO | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MTPA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MSA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MPAN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MONITU | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MONITS | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MONITA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MOH | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MGLY | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MENO3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MCT | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MCRHP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MCRHNB | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MCRHN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MCRENOL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MCRDH | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MAP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MACR1OOH | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_MACR | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_LVOCOA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_LVOC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_LIMO | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ITHN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ITCN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ISALC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ISALA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IPRNO3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IONO2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IONO | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IONITA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_INPD | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_INPB | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_INDIOL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IHN4 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IHN3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IHN2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IHN1 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IEPOXD | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IEPOXB | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IEPOXA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IDN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IDHPE | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IDHDP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IDCHP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IDC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ICPDH | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ICN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ICL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ICHE | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_IBR | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_I2O4 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_I2O3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_I2O2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_I2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HPETHNL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HPALD4 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HPALD3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HPALD2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HPALD1 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HONIT | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HOI | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HOCL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HOBR | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HNO3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HMS | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HMML | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HMHP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HI | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HCOOH | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HCL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HC5A | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HBR | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_HAC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_H2O2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_GLYX | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_GLYC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ETP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ETNO3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ETHP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ETHN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ETHLN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_EOH | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_DST4 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_DST3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_DST2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_DST1 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_CSL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_CLOO | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_CLO | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_CLNO3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_CLNO2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_CL2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_CH2O | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BZPAN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BZCO3H | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BRSALC | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BRSALA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BRNO3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BRCL | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BR2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BENZP | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BCPO | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BCPI | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_BALD | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ATOOH | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_AROMP5 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_AROMP4 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_AONITA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ASOG3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ASOG2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ASOG1 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ASOAN | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ASOA3 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ASOA2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ASOA1 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ALD2 | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_AERI | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ACTA | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPFREQ_ACET | Dry deposition frequ | xy | s-1 CHEM_SALINITY | Salinity | xy | PSU CHEM_IODIDE | Surface iodide conce | xy | nM CHEM_PHCLOUD | Cloud pH | xyz C | 1 CHEM_SO2AFTERCHEM | SO2 after sulfate ch | xyz C | mol mol-1 CHEM_H2O2AFTERCHEM | H2O2 after sulfate c | xyz C | mol mol-1 CHEM_KHETISLAHOBRHBR | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLAHOBRHCL | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLAHOCLHBR | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLAHOCLHCL | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLABRNO3HCL | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLABRNO3H2O | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLACLNO3HBR | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLACLNO3HCL | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLACLNO3H2O | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLAN2O5HCL | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_KHETISLAN2O5H2O | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | 1 CHEM_STATEPSC | Polar stratospheric | xyz C | count CHEM_KPPHVALUE | H-value for Rosenbro | xyz C | 1 CHEM_WETDEPNITROGEN | Wet deposited nitrog | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 CHEM_DRYDEPNITROGEN | Dry deposited nitrog | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 CHEM_FUPDATEHOCL | Correction factor fo | xyz C | 1 CHEM_FUPDATEHOBR | Correction factor fo | xyz C | 1 CHEM_SO3AQ | Cloud sulfite concen | xyz C | mol L-1 CHEM_HSO3AQ | Cloud bisulfite conc | xyz C | mol L-1 CHEM_SSALKCOARSEMODE | Sea salt alkalinity, | xyz C | 1 CHEM_SSALKACCUMMODE | Sea salt alkalinity, | xyz C | 1 CHEM_ISCLOUD | Cloud presence | xyz C | 1 CHEM_ORVCSESQ | Sesquiterpenes mass | xyz C | kg CHEM_QLXPHCLOUD | Cloud pH * Met_QL | xyz C | 1 CHEM_ISORROPBISULFATE | ISORROPIA Bisulfate | xyz C | mol L-1 CHEM_ISORROPCHLORIDECOARSE | ISORROPIA chloride c | xyz C | mol/L CHEM_ISORROPCHLORIDEACCUM | ISORROPIA chloride c | xyz C | mol/L CHEM_ISORROPNITRATECOARSE | ISORROPIA nitrate co | xyz C | mol L-1 CHEM_ISORROPNITRATEACCUM | ISORROPIA nitrate co | xyz C | mol L-1 CHEM_ISORROPSULFATE | ISORROPIA sulfate co | xyz C | mol L-1 CHEM_ISORROPAEROH2OCOARSE | ISORROPIA aerosol wa | xyz C | ug m-3 CHEM_ISORROPAEROH2OACCUM | ISORROPIA aerosol wa | xyz C | ug m-3 CHEM_ISORROPHPLUSCOARSE | ISORROPIA H+ concent | xyz C | mol L-1 CHEM_ISORROPHPLUSACCUM | ISORROPIA H+ concent | xyz C | mol L-1 CHEM_ISORROPAEROPHCOARSE | ISORROPIA aerosol pH | xyz C | 1 CHEM_ISORROPAEROPHACCUM | ISORROPIA aerosol pH | xyz C | 1 CHEM_OMOCOPOA | OM:OC ratio for OPOA | xy | 1 CHEM_OMOCPOA | OM:OC ratio for POA | xy | 1 CHEM_OMOC | OM:OC ratio as read | xy | 1 CHEM_YIELDCLNO2FINE | Production yield coe | xyz C | l CHEM_GAMMAN2O5FINE | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | l CHEM_GAMMAN2O5OVERALL | Sticking coefficient | xyz C | l CHEM_ACLRADI | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_ACLAREA | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_SOILDUST7 | Dust aerosol concent | xyz C | kg/m3 CHEM_SOILDUST6 | Dust aerosol concent | xyz C | kg/m3 CHEM_SOILDUST5 | Dust aerosol concent | xyz C | kg/m3 CHEM_SOILDUST4 | Dust aerosol concent | xyz C | kg/m3 CHEM_SOILDUST3 | Dust aerosol concent | xyz C | kg/m3 CHEM_SOILDUST2 | Dust aerosol concent | xyz C | kg/m3 CHEM_SOILDUST1 | Dust aerosol concent | xyz C | kg/m3 CHEM_AEROH2OICEI | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OBGSULF | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OSSC | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OSSA | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OOC | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OBC | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OSNA | Sulfur-nitrogen-ammo | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OMDUST7 | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OMDUST6 | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OMDUST5 | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OMDUST4 | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OMDUST3 | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OMDUST2 | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_AEROH2OMDUST1 | Aerosol H2O content | xyz C | cm3(H2O) cm-3(air) CHEM_WETAERORADIICEI | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIBGSULF | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADISSC | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADISSA | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIOC | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIBC | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADISULF | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIMDUST7 | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIMDUST6 | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIMDUST5 | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIMDUST4 | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIMDUST3 | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIMDUST2 | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAERORADIMDUST1 | Wet aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_WETAEROAREAICEI | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREABGSULF | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREASSC | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREASSA | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREAOC | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREABC | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREASULF | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREAMDUST7 | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREAMDUST6 | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREAMDUST5 | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREAMDUST4 | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREAMDUST3 | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREAMDUST2 | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_WETAEROAREAMDUST1 | Wet aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AERORADIICEI | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIBGSULF | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADISSC | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADISSA | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIOC | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIBC | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADISULF | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIMDUST7 | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIMDUST6 | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIMDUST5 | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIMDUST4 | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIMDUST3 | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIMDUST2 | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AERORADIMDUST1 | Dry aerosol radius f | xyz C | cm CHEM_AEROAREAICEI | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREABGSULF | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREASSC | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREASSA | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREAOC | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREABC | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREASULF | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREAMDUST7 | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREAMDUST6 | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREAMDUST5 | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREAMDUST4 | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREAMDUST3 | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREAMDUST2 | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 CHEM_AEROAREAMDUST1 | Dry aerosol area for | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 ############################################################################### Allocating the following fields of the State_Diag object: =============================================================================== State_Diag%SpeciesConc is registered as: SpeciesConc State_Diag%FracOfTimeInTrop is registered as: FracOfTimeInTrop State_Diag%DryDep is registered as: DryDep State_Diag%DryDepVel is registered as: DryDepVel State_Diag%CloudConvFlux is registered as: CloudConvFlux State_Diag%WetLossConvFrac is registered as: WetLossConvFrac State_Diag%WetLossConv is registered as: WetLossConv State_Diag%WetLossLS is registered as: WetLossLS State_Diag%Jval is registered as: Jval State_Diag%JvalO3O1D is registered as: JvalO3O1D State_Diag%JvalO3O3P is registered as: JvalO3O3P State_Diag%UvFluxDiffuse is registered as: UvFluxDiffuse State_Diag%UVFluxDirect is registered as: UVFluxDirect State_Diag%UVFluxNet is registered as: UVFluxNet State_Diag%HO2concAfterChem is registered as: HO2concAfterChem State_Diag%O1DconcAfterChem is registered as: O1DconcAfterChem State_Diag%O3PconcAfterChem is registered as: O3PconcAfterChem State_Diag%ProdSO4fromHOBrInClou is registered as: ProdSO4fromHOBrInCloud State_Diag%ProdSO4fromSRHOBr is registered as: ProdSO4fromSRHOBr State_Diag%AerMassASOA is registered as: AerMassASOA State_Diag%AerMassINDIOL is registered as: AerMassINDIOL State_Diag%AerMassLVOCOA is registered as: AerMassLVOCOA State_Diag%AerMassOPOA is registered as: AerMassOPOA State_Diag%AerMassPOA is registered as: AerMassPOA State_Diag%AerMassSOAGX is registered as: AerMassSOAGX State_Diag%AerMassSOAIE is registered as: AerMassSOAIE State_Diag%AerMassTSOA is registered as: AerMassTSOA State_Diag%BetaNO is registered as: BetaNO State_Diag%TotalBiogenicOA is registered as: TotalBiogenicOA State_Diag%KppIntCounts is registered as: KppIntCounts State_Diag%KppJacCounts is registered as: KppJacCounts State_Diag%KppTotSteps is registered as: KppTotSteps State_Diag%KppAccSteps is registered as: KppAccSteps State_Diag%KppRejSteps is registered as: KppRejSteps State_Diag%KppLuDecomps is registered as: KppLuDecomps State_Diag%KppSubsts is registered as: KppSubsts State_Diag%KppSmDecomps is registered as: KppSmDecomps State_Diag%OHconcAfterChem is registered as: OHconcAfterChem State_Diag%AirMassColumnFull is registered as: AirMassColumnFull State_Diag%OHwgtByAirMassColumnF is registered as: OHwgtByAirMassColumnFull State_Diag%LossOHbyCH4columnTrop is registered as: LossOHbyCH4columnTrop State_Diag%LossOHbyMCFcolumnTrop is registered as: LossOHbyMCFcolumnTrop State_Diag%AODDust is registered as: AODDust State_Diag%AODDust550nm is registered as: AODDust550nm State_Diag%AODHyg550nm is registered as: AODHyg550nm State_Diag%AODSOAfromAqIsoprene5 is registered as: AODSOAfromAqIsoprene550nm State_Diag%AODStratLiquidAer550n is registered as: AODStratLiquidAer550nm State_Diag%AODPolarStratCloud550 is registered as: AODPolarStratCloud550nm State_Diag%AerHygroscopicGrowth is registered as: AerHygroscopicGrowth State_Diag%AerSurfAreaDust is registered as: AerSurfAreaDust State_Diag%AerSurfAreaHyg is registered as: AerSurfAreaHyg State_Diag%AerNumDensityStratLiq is registered as: AerNumDensityStratLiquid State_Diag%AerNumDensityStratPar is registered as: AerNumDensityStratParticulate State_Diag%AerAqueousVolume is registered as: AerAqueousVolume State_Diag%AerSurfAreaStratLiqui is registered as: AerSurfAreaStratLiquid State_Diag%AerSurfAreaPolarStrat is registered as: AerSurfAreaPolarStratCloud State_Diag%ProdBCPIfromBCPO is registered as: ProdBCPIfromBCPO State_Diag%ProdOCPIfromOCPO is registered as: ProdOCPIfromOCPO State_Diag%ProdSO4fromH2O2inClou is registered as: ProdSO4fromH2O2inCloud State_Diag%ProdSO4fromO3inCloud is registered as: ProdSO4fromO3inCloud State_Diag%ProdSO4fromO2inCloudM is registered as: ProdSO4fromO2inCloudMetal State_Diag%ProdSO4fromO3inSeaSal is registered as: ProdSO4fromO3inSeaSalt State_Diag%ProdSO4fromSRO3 is registered as: ProdSO4fromSRO3 State_Diag%ProdSO4fromO3s is registered as: ProdSO4fromO3s State_Diag%LossHNO3onSeaSalt is registered as: LossHNO3onSeaSalt State_Diag%AerMassBC is registered as: AerMassBC State_Diag%AerMassNH4 is registered as: AerMassNH4 State_Diag%AerMassNIT is registered as: AerMassNIT State_Diag%AerMassSAL is registered as: AerMassSAL State_Diag%AerMassSO4 is registered as: AerMassSO4 State_Diag%PM25 is registered as: PM25 State_Diag%PM10 is registered as: PM10 State_Diag%TotalOA is registered as: TotalOA State_Diag%TotalOC is registered as: TotalOC State_Diag%Loss is registered as: Loss State_Diag%Prod is registered as: Prod State_Diag%ProdCOfromCH4 is registered as: ProdCOfromCH4 State_Diag%ProdCOfromNMVOC is registered as: ProdCOfromNMVOC Registered variables contained within the State_Diag object: =============================================================================== PRODCOFROMNMVOC | Porduction of CO by | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 PRODCOFROMCH4 | Production of CO by | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 PROD_H2O2 | Chemical production | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 PROD_SO4 | Chemical production | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 PROD_CO | Chemical production | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 PROD_OX | Chemical production | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 LOSS_CH4 | Chemical loss of CH4 | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 LOSS_CO | Chemical loss of CO | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 LOSS_OX | Chemical loss of Ox | xyz C | molec cm-3 s-1 TOTALOC | Sum of all organic c | xyz C | ug m-3 TOTALOA | Sum of all organic a | xyz C | ug m-3 PM10 | Particulate matter w | xyz C | ug m-3 PM25 | Particulate matter w | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSSO4 | Mass of sulfate aero | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSSAL | Mass of total seasal | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSNIT | Mass of inorganic ni | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSNH4 | Mass of NH4 aerosol | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSBC | Mass of black carbon | xyz C | ug C m-3 LOSSHNO3ONSEASALT | Loss of HNO3 on sea | xyz C | kg s-1 PRODSO4FROMO3S | Production of SO4 fr | xyz C | kg S s-1 PRODSO4FROMSRO3 | Production of SO4 by | xyz C | kg S s-1 PRODSO4FROMO3INSEASALT | Production of SO4 fr | xyz C | kg S s-1 PRODSO4FROMO2INCLOUDMETAL | Production of SO4 fr | xyz C | kg S PRODSO4FROMO3INCLOUD | Production of SO4 fr | xyz C | kg S s-1 PRODSO4FROMH2O2INCLOUD | Production of SO4 fr | xyz C | kg S s-1 PRODOCPIFROMOCPO | Production of hydrop | xyz C | kg PRODBCPIFROMBCPO | Production of hydrop | xyz C | kg AERSURFAREAPOLARSTRATCLOUD | Polar stratospheric | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 AERSURFAREASTRATLIQUID | Stratospheric liquid | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 AERAQUEOUSVOLUME | Aqueous aerosol volu | xyz C | cm3 cm-3 AERNUMDENSITYSTRATPARTICULATE | Stratospheric partic | xyz C | # cm-3 AERNUMDENSITYSTRATLIQUID | Stratospheric liquid | xyz C | # cm-3 AERSURFAREAHYG_SALC | Surface area of aero | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 AERSURFAREAHYG_SALA | Surface area of aero | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 AERSURFAREAHYG_OCPI | Surface area of aero | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 AERSURFAREAHYG_BCPI | Surface area of aero | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 AERSURFAREAHYG_SO4 | Surface area of aero | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 AERSURFAREADUST | Surface area of mine | xyz C | cm2 cm-3 AERHYGROSCOPICGROWTH_SALC | Hygroscopic growth o | xyz C | 1 AERHYGROSCOPICGROWTH_SALA | Hygroscopic growth o | xyz C | 1 AERHYGROSCOPICGROWTH_OCPI | Hygroscopic growth o | xyz C | 1 AERHYGROSCOPICGROWTH_BCPI | Hygroscopic growth o | xyz C | 1 AERHYGROSCOPICGROWTH_SO4 | Hygroscopic growth o | xyz C | 1 AODPOLARSTRATCLOUD550NM | Polar stratospheric | xyz C | 1 AODSTRATLIQUIDAER550NM | Stratospheric liquid | xyz C | 1 AODSOAFROMAQISOPRENE550NM | Optical depth for SO | xyz C | 1 AODHYG550NM_SALC | Optical depth for hy | xyz C | 1 AODHYG550NM_SALA | Optical depth for hy | xyz C | 1 AODHYG550NM_OCPI | Optical depth for hy | xyz C | 1 AODHYG550NM_BCPI | Optical depth for hy | xyz C | 1 AODHYG550NM_SO4 | Optical depth for hy | xyz C | 1 AODDUST550NM_BIN7 | Optical depth for du | xyz C | 1 AODDUST550NM_BIN6 | Optical depth for du | xyz C | 1 AODDUST550NM_BIN5 | Optical depth for du | xyz C | 1 AODDUST550NM_BIN4 | Optical depth for du | xyz C | 1 AODDUST550NM_BIN3 | Optical depth for du | xyz C | 1 AODDUST550NM_BIN2 | Optical depth for du | xyz C | 1 AODDUST550NM_BIN1 | Optical depth for du | xyz C | 1 AODDUST | Optical depth for mi | xyz C | 1 LOSSOHBYMCFCOLUMNTROP | Loss rate of methyl | xy | molec cm-3 LOSSOHBYCH4COLUMNTROP | Loss rate of methane | xy | molec cm-3 OHWGTBYAIRMASSCOLUMNFULL | Airmass-weighted OH | xy | kg air kg OH m-3 AIRMASSCOLUMNFULL | Air mass, full-atmos | xy | kg OHCONCAFTERCHEM | OH concentration imm | xyz C | molec cm-3 KPPSMDECOMPS | Number of KPP singul | xyz C | count KPPSUBSTS | Number of KPP forwar | xyz C | count KPPLUDECOMPS | Number of KPP LU-dec | xyz C | count KPPREJSTEPS | Number of rejected K | xyz C | count KPPACCSTEPS | Number of accepted K | xyz C | count KPPTOTSTEPS | Total number of KPP | xyz C | count KPPJACCOUNTS | Number of times KPP | xyz C | count KPPINTCOUNTS | Number of calls to K | xyz C | count TOTALBIOGENICOA | Sum of all biogenic | xyz C | ug m-3 BETANO | Beta NO branching ra | xyz C | ug C m-3 AERMASSTSOA | Mass of aerosol prod | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSSOAIE | Mass of aerosol-phas | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSSOAGX | Mass of aerosol-phas | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSPOA | Mass of lumped aeros | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSOPOA | Mass of lumped aeros | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSLVOCOA | Mass of aerosol-phas | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSINDIOL | Aerosol mass of gene | xyz C | ug m-3 AERMASSASOA | Mass of aerosol prod | xyz C | ug m-3 PRODSO4FROMSRHOBR | Production of SO4 fr | xyz C | kg S s-1 PRODSO4FROMHOBRINCLOUD | Production of SO4 fr | xyz C | kg S s-1 O3PCONCAFTERCHEM | O3P concentration im | xyz C | molec cm-3 O1DCONCAFTERCHEM | O1D concentration im | xyz C | molec cm-3 HO2CONCAFTERCHEM | HO2 concentration im | xyz C | mol mol-1 UVFLUXNET_187NM | Net UV flux in bin 1 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_191NM | Net UV flux in bin 1 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_193NM | Net UV flux in bin 1 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_196NM | Net UV flux in bin 1 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_202NM | Net UV flux in bin 2 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_208NM | Net UV flux in bin 2 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_211NM | Net UV flux in bin 2 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_214NM | Net UV flux in bin 2 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_261NM | Net UV flux in bin 2 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_267NM | Net UV flux in bin 2 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_277NM | Net UV flux in bin 2 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_295NM | Net UV flux in bin 2 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_303NM | Net UV flux in bin 3 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_310NM | Net UV flux in bin 3 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_316NM | Net UV flux in bin 3 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_333NM | Net UV flux in bin 3 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_380NM | Net UV flux in bin 3 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXNET_574NM | Net UV flux in bin 5 | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_187NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_191NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_193NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_196NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_202NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_208NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_211NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_214NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_261NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_267NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_277NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_295NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_303NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_310NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_316NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_333NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_380NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIRECT_574NM | Direct UV flux in bi | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_187NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_191NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_193NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_196NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_202NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_208NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_211NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_214NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_261NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_267NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_277NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_295NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_303NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_310NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_316NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_333NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_380NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 UVFLUXDIFFUSE_574NM | Diffuse UV flux in b | xyz C | W m-2 JVALO3O3P | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVALO3O1D | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ACET | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ALD2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ATOOH | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_BR2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_BRCL | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_BRNO2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_BRNO3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_BRO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CCL4 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CFC11 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CFC113 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CFC114 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CFC115 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CFC12 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH2BR2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH2CL2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH2I2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH2IBR | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH2ICL | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH2O | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH3BR | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH3CCL3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH3CL | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CH3I | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CHBR3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CHCL3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CL2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CL2O2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CLNO2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CLNO3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CLO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_CLOO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ETHLN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ETHP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ETNO3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ETP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_GLYC | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_GLYX | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_H1211 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_H1301 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_H2402 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_H2O2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HAC | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HC5A | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HCFC123 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HCFC141B | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HCFC142B | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HCFC22 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HMHP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HNO2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HNO3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HNO4 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HOBR | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HOCL | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HOI | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HONIT | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HPALD1 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HPALD2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HPALD3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HPALD4 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_HPETHNL | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_I2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_I2O2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_I2O3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_I2O4 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IBR | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ICL | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ICN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ICPDH | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IDCHP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IDHDP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IDHPE | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IDN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IHN1 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IHN2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IHN3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IHN4 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_INO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_INPB | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_INPD | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IONO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IONO2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_IPRNO3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ITCN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_ITHN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MACR | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MACR1OOH | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MAP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MCRENOL | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MCRHN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MCRHNB | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MCRHP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MEK | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MENO3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MGLY | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MONITS | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MONITU | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MPAN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MPN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MVK | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MVKHC | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MVKHCB | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MVKHP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MVKN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_MVKPC | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_N2O | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_N2O5 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_NIT | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_NITS | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_NO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_NO2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_NO3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_NPRNO3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_O3 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_OCLO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_OCS | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_OIO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_PAN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_PIP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_PP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_PROPNN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_PRPN | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_PYAC | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_R4N2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_R4P | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_RA3P | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_RB3P | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_RCHO | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_RIPA | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_RIPB | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_RIPC | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_RIPD | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_RP | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_SO4 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 JVAL_O2 | Photolysis rate for | xyz C | s-1 WETLOSSLS_ACTA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_AERI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ALD2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ASOA1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ASOA2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ASOA3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ASOAN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ASOG1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ASOG2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ASOG3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ATOOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_BCPI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_BCPO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_BR2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_BRCL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_BRSALA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_BRSALC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_CH2O | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_DST1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_DST2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_DST3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_DST4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_EOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ETHLN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ETHN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ETHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ETP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_GLYC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_GLYX | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_H2O2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HAC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HBR | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HC5A | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HCL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HCOOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HMHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HMML | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HMS | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HNO3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HOBR | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HOCL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HOI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HONIT | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_HPETHNL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_I2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_I2O2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_I2O3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_I2O4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IBR | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ICHE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ICL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ICN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ICPDH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IDCHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IDHDP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IDHPE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IDN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IEPOXA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IEPOXB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IEPOXD | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IHN1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IHN2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IHN3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IHN4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_INDIOL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_INPB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_INPD | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IONITA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IONO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_IONO2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ISALA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ISALC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ITCN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_ITHN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_LIMO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_LVOC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_LVOCOA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MACR1OOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MAP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MCRDH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MCRENOL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MCRHN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MCRHNB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MCRHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MEK | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MGLY | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MONITA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MONITS | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MONITU | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MPAN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MPN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MSA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MTPA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MTPO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MVK | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MVKDH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MVKHC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MVKHCB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MVKHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MVKN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_MVKPC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_NH3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_NH4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_NIT | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_NITS | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_OCPI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_OCPO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_PAN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_PFE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_PP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_PPN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_PROPNN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_PRPE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_PRPN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_PYAC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_R4N2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_R4P | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_RA3P | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_RB3P | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_RIPA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_RIPB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_RIPC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_RIPD | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_RP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SALA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SALAAL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SALACL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SALC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SALCAL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SALCCL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SO2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SO4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SO4S | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SOAGX | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SOAIE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_TSOA0 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_TSOA1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_TSOA2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_TSOA3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_TSOG0 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_TSOG1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_TSOG2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_TSOG3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSLS_SOAS | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ASOA1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ASOA2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ASOA3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ASOAN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ASOG1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ASOG2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ASOG3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_TSOA0 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_TSOA1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_TSOA2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_TSOA3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_TSOG0 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_TSOG1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_TSOG2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_TSOG3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ACTA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_AERI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ALD2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ATOOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_BCPI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_BCPO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_BR2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_BRCL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_BRSALA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_BRSALC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_CH2O | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_DST1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_DST2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_DST3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_DST4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_EOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ETHLN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ETHN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ETHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ETP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_GLYC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_GLYX | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_H2O2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HAC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HBR | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HC5A | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HCL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HCOOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HMHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HMML | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HMS | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HNO3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HOBR | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HOCL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HOI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HONIT | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_HPETHNL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_I2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_I2O2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_I2O3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_I2O4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IBR | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ICHE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ICL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ICN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ICPDH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IDCHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IDHDP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IDHPE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IDN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IEPOXA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IEPOXB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IEPOXD | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IHN1 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IHN2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IHN3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IHN4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_INDIOL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_INPB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_INPD | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IONITA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IONO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_IONO2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ISALA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ISALC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ITCN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_ITHN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_LIMO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_LVOC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_LVOCOA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MACR1OOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MAP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MCRDH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MCRENOL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MCRHN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MCRHNB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MCRHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MEK | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MGLY | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MOH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MONITA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MONITS | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MONITU | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MPAN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MPN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MSA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MTPA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MTPO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MVK | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MVKDH | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MVKHC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MVKHCB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MVKHP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MVKN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_MVKPC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_NH3 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_NH4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_NIT | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_NITS | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_OCPI | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_OCPO | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_PAN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_PFE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_PP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_PPN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_PROPNN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_PRPE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_PRPN | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_PYAC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_R4N2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_R4P | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_RA3P | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_RB3P | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_RIPA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_RIPB | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_RIPC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_RIPD | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_RP | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SALA | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SALAAL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SALACL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SALC | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SALCAL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SALCCL | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SO2 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SO4 | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SO4S | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SOAGX | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SOAIE | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONV_SOAS | Loss of soluble spec | xyz C | kg s-1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ASOA1 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ASOA2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ASOA3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ASOAN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ASOG1 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ASOG2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ASOG3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_TSOA0 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_TSOA1 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_TSOA2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_TSOA3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_TSOG0 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_TSOG1 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_TSOG2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_TSOG3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ACTA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_AERI | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ALD2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ATOOH | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_BCPI | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_BCPO | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_BR2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_BRCL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_BRSALA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_BRSALC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_CH2O | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_DST1 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_DST2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_DST3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_DST4 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_EOH | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ETHLN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ETHN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ETHP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ETP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_GLYC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_GLYX | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_H2O2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HAC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HBR | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HC5A | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HCL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HCOOH | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HI | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HMHP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HMML | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HMS | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HNO3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HOBR | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HOCL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HOI | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HONIT | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_HPETHNL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_I2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_I2O2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_I2O3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_I2O4 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IBR | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ICHE | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ICL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ICN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ICPDH | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IDCHP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IDHDP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IDHPE | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IDN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IEPOXA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IEPOXB | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IEPOXD | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IHN1 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IHN2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IHN3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IHN4 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_INDIOL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_INPB | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_INPD | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IONITA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IONO | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_IONO2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ISALA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ISALC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ITCN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_ITHN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_LIMO | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_LVOC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_LVOCOA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MACR1OOH | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MAP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MCRDH | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MCRENOL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MCRHN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MCRHNB | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MCRHP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MEK | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MGLY | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MOH | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MONITA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MONITS | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MONITU | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MPAN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MPN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MSA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MTPA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MTPO | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MVK | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MVKDH | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MVKHC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MVKHCB | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MVKHP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MVKN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_MVKPC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_NH3 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_NH4 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_NIT | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_NITS | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_OCPI | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_OCPO | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_PAN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_PFE | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_PP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_PPN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_PROPNN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_PRPE | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_PRPN | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_PYAC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_R4N2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_R4P | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_RA3P | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_RB3P | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_RIPA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_RIPB | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_RIPC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_RIPD | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_RP | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SALA | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SALAAL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SALACL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SALC | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SALCAL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SALCCL | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SO2 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SO4 | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SO4S | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SOAGX | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SOAIE | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 WETLOSSCONVFRAC_SOAS | Fraction of soluble | xyz C | 1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ASOA1 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ASOA2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ASOA3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ASOAN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ASOG1 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ASOG2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ASOG3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TSOA0 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TSOA1 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TSOA2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TSOA3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TSOG0 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TSOG1 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TSOG2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TSOG3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ACET | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ACTA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_AERI | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ALD2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ALK4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ATOOH | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BCPI | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BCPO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BENZ | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BR | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BR2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BRCL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BRNO2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BRNO3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BRO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BRSALA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_BRSALC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_C2H2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_C2H4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_C2H6 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_C3H8 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CCL4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CFC11 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CFC113 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CFC114 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CFC115 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CFC12 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH2BR2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH2CL2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH2I2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH2IBR | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH2ICL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH2O | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH3BR | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH3CCL3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH3CL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH3I | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CH4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CHBR3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CHCL3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CL2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CL2O2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CLNO2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CLNO3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CLO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CLOO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_CO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_DMS | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_DST1 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_DST2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_DST3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_DST4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_EOH | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ETHLN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ETHN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ETHP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ETNO3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ETP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_GLYC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_GLYX | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_H1211 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_H1301 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_H2402 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_H2O | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_H2O2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HAC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HBR | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HC5A | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HCFC123 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HCFC141B | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HCFC142B | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HCFC22 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HCL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HCOOH | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HI | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HMHP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HMML | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HMS | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HNO2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HNO3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HNO4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HOBR | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HOCL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HOI | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HONIT | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HPALD1 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HPALD2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HPALD3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HPALD4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_HPETHNL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_I | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_I2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_I2O2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_I2O3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_I2O4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IBR | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ICHE | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ICL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ICN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ICPDH | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IDC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IDCHP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IDHDP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IDHPE | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IDN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IEPOXA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IEPOXB | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IEPOXD | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IHN1 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IHN2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IHN3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IHN4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_INDIOL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_INO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_INPB | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_INPD | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IONITA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IONO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IONO2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_IPRNO3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ISALA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ISALC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ISOP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ITCN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_ITHN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_LIMO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_LVOC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_LVOCOA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MACR | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MACR1OOH | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MAP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MCRDH | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MCRENOL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MCRHN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MCRHNB | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MCRHP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MEK | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MENO3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MGLY | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MOH | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MONITA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MONITS | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MONITU | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MPAN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MPN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MSA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MTPA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MTPO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MVK | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MVKDH | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MVKHC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MVKHCB | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MVKHP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MVKN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_MVKPC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_N2O | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_N2O5 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_NH3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_NH4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_NIT | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_NITS | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_NO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_NO2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_NO3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_NPRNO3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_O3 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_OCLO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_OCPI | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_OCPO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_OCS | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_OIO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PAN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PFE | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PIP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PPN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PROPNN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PRPE | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PRPN | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_PYAC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_R4N2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_R4P | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_RA3P | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_RB3P | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_RCHO | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_RIPA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_RIPB | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_RIPC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_RIPD | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_RP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SALA | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SALAAL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SALACL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SALC | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SALCAL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SALCCL | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SO2 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SO4 | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SO4S | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SOAGX | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SOAIE | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SOAP | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_SOAS | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_TOLU | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 CLOUDCONVFLUX_XYLE | Mass change due to c | xyz C | kg s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ASOA1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ASOA2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ASOA3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ASOAN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ASOG1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ASOG2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ASOG3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_TSOA0 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_TSOA1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_TSOA2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_TSOA3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_TSOG0 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_TSOG1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_TSOG2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_TSOG3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ACET | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ACTA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_AERI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ALD2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ATOOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_BCPI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_BCPO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_BR2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_BRCL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_BRNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_BRSALA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_BRSALC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_CH2O | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_CL2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_CLNO2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_CLNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_CLO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_CLOO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_DST1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_DST2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_DST3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_DST4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_EOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ETHLN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ETHN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ETHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ETNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ETP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_GLYC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_GLYX | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_H2O2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HAC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HBR | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HC5A | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HCL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HCOOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HMHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HMML | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HMS | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HOBR | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HOCL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HOI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HONIT | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HPALD1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HPALD2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HPALD3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HPALD4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_HPETHNL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_I2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_I2O2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_I2O3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_I2O4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IBR | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ICHE | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ICL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ICN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ICPDH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IDC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IDCHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IDHDP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IDHPE | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IDN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IEPOXA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IEPOXB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IEPOXD | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IHN1 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IHN2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IHN3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IHN4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_INDIOL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_INPB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_INPD | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IONITA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IONO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IONO2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_IPRNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ISALA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ISALC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ITCN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_ITHN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_LIMO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_LVOC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_LVOCOA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MACR | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MACR1OOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MAP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MCRDH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MCRENOL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MCRHN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MCRHNB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MCRHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MENO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MGLY | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MOH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MONITA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MONITS | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MONITU | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MPAN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MSA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MTPA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MTPO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MVK | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MVKDH | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MVKHC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MVKHCB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MVKHP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MVKN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_MVKPC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_N2O5 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_NH3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_NH4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_NIT | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_NITS | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_NO2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_NPRNO3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_O3 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_OCPI | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_OCPO | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_PAN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_PFE | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_PP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_PPN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_PROPNN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_PRPN | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_PYAC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_R4N2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_R4P | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_RA3P | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_RB3P | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_RIPA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_RIPB | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_RIPC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_RIPD | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_RP | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SALA | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SALAAL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SALACL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SALC | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SALCAL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SALCCL | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SO2 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SO4 | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SO4S | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SOAGX | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SOAIE | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEPVEL_SOAS | Dry deposition veloc | xy | cm s-1 DRYDEP_ASOA1 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ASOA2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ASOA3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ASOAN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ASOG1 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ASOG2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ASOG3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_TSOA0 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_TSOA1 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_TSOA2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_TSOA3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_TSOG0 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_TSOG1 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_TSOG2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_TSOG3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ACET | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ACTA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_AERI | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ALD2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ATOOH | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_BCPI | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_BCPO | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_BR2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_BRCL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_BRNO3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_BRSALA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_BRSALC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_CH2O | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_CL2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_CLNO2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_CLNO3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_CLO | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_CLOO | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_DST1 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_DST2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_DST3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_DST4 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_EOH | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ETHLN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ETHN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ETHP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ETNO3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ETP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_GLYC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_GLYX | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_H2O2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HAC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HBR | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HC5A | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HCL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HCOOH | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HI | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HMHP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HMML | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HMS | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HNO3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HOBR | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HOCL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HOI | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HONIT | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HPALD1 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HPALD2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HPALD3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HPALD4 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_HPETHNL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_I2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_I2O2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_I2O3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_I2O4 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IBR | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ICHE | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ICL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ICN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ICPDH | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IDC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IDCHP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IDHDP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IDHPE | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IDN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IEPOXA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IEPOXB | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IEPOXD | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IHN1 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IHN2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IHN3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IHN4 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_INDIOL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_INPB | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_INPD | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IONITA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IONO | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IONO2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_IPRNO3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ISALA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ISALC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ITCN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_ITHN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_LIMO | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_LVOC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_LVOCOA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MACR | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MACR1OOH | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MAP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MCRDH | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MCRENOL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MCRHN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MCRHNB | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MCRHP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MENO3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MGLY | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MOH | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MONITA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MONITS | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MONITU | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MPAN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MSA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MTPA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MTPO | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MVK | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MVKDH | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MVKHC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MVKHCB | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MVKHP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MVKN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_MVKPC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_N2O5 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_NH3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_NH4 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_NIT | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_NITS | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_NO2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_NPRNO3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_O3 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_OCPI | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_OCPO | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_PAN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_PFE | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_PP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_PPN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_PROPNN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_PRPN | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_PYAC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_R4N2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_R4P | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_RA3P | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_RB3P | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_RIPA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_RIPB | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_RIPC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_RIPD | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_RP | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SALA | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SALAAL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SALACL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SALC | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SALCAL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SALCCL | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SO2 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SO4 | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SO4S | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SOAGX | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SOAIE | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 DRYDEP_SOAS | Dry deposition flux | xy | molec cm-2 s-1 FRACOFTIMEINTROP | Fraction of time spe | xyz C | 1 SPECIESCONC_ASOA1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ASOA2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ASOA3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ASOAN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ASOG1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ASOG2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ASOG3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TSOA0 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TSOA1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TSOA2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TSOA3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TSOG0 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TSOG1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TSOG2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TSOG3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ACET | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ACTA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_AERI | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ALD2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ALK4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_AONITA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ATOOH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BALD | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BCPI | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BCPO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BENZ | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BR | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BR2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BRCL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BRNO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BRNO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BRO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BRSALA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BRSALC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BZPAN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_C2H2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_C2H4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_C2H6 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_C3H8 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CCL4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CFC11 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CFC113 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CFC114 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CFC115 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CFC12 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH2BR2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH2CL2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH2I2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH2IBR | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH2ICL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH2O | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH3BR | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH3CCL3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH3CL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH3I | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CHBR3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CHCL3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CLOCK | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CL2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CL2O2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CLNO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CLNO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CLO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CLOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_DMS | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_DST1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_DST2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_DST3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_DST4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_EOH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ETHLN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ETHN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ETHP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ETNO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ETP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_GLYC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_GLYX | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_H1211 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_H1301 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_H2402 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_H2O | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_H2O2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HAC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HBR | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HC5A | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HCFC123 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HCFC141B | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HCFC142B | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HCFC22 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HCL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HCOOH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HI | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HMHP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HMML | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HMS | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HNO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HNO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HNO4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HOBR | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HOCL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HOI | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HONIT | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HPALD1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HPALD2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HPALD3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HPALD4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HPETHNL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_I | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_I2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_I2O2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_I2O3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_I2O4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IBR | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ICHE | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ICL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ICN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ICPDH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDCHP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDHDP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDHPE | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IEPOXA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IEPOXB | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IEPOXD | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHN1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHN2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHN3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHN4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_INDIOL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_INO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_INPB | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_INPD | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IONITA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IONO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IONO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IPRNO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ISALA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ISALC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ISOP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ITCN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ITHN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LIMO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LVOC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LVOCOA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MACR | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MACR1OOH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MAP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MCRDH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MCRENOL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MCRHN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MCRHNB | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MCRHP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MEK | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MENO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MGLY | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MOH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MONITA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MONITS | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MONITU | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MPAN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MPN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MSA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MTPA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MTPO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MVK | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MVKDH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MVKHC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MVKHCB | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MVKHP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MVKN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MVKPC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_N2O | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_N2O5 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NH3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NH4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NIT | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NITS | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NPHEN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NPRNO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_O3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OCLO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OCPI | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OCPO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OCS | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OIO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PAN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PFE | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PHEN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PIP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PPN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PROPNN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PRPE | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PRPN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PYAC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_R4N2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_R4P | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RA3P | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RB3P | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RCHO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RIPA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RIPB | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RIPC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RIPD | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SALA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SALAAL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SALACL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SALC | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SALCAL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SALCCL | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SO4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SO4S | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SOAGX | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SOAIE | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SOAP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_SOAS | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TOLU | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_XYLE | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LBRO2H | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LBRO2N | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LISOPOH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LISOPNO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LNRO2H | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LNRO2N | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NRO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_NAP | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LTRO2H | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LTRO2N | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LXRO2H | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LXRO2N | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_POX | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LOX | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PCO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LCO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PSO4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LCH4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PH2O2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_BRO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_TRO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_N | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_XRO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HPALD1OO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HPALD2OO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_INA | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_C4HVP1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_C4HVP2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDNOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ICNOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ISOPNOO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ROH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDHNDOO1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDHNDOO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ISOPNOO1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_H | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHPOO1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHPOO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHPNDOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHPOO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ICHOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_R4N1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PRN1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MVKOHOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MCROHOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MACR1OO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OLNN | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OLND | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ETO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHPNBOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RCO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_LIMO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_KO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IEPOXAOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IEPOXBOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH3CHOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_PIO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IDHNBOO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_A3O2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_INO2B | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_INO2D | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHOO4 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_IHOO1 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MACRNO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_ATO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OTHRO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_R4O2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_B3O2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_CH2OO | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MCO3 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_MO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_O1D | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_HO2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_OH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_O | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_H2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_N2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_O2 | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry SPECIESCONC_RCOOH | Dry mixing ratio of | xyz C | mol mol-1 dry Registered variables contained within the State_Met object: =============================================================================== MET_LOCALSOLARTIME | Local solar time | xy | hours MET_XLAINATIVE72 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE71 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE70 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE69 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE68 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE67 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE66 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE65 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE64 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE63 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE62 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE61 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE60 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE59 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE58 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE57 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE56 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE55 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE54 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE53 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE52 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE51 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE50 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE49 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE48 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE47 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE46 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE45 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE44 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE43 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE42 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE41 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE40 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE39 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE38 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE37 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE36 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE35 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE34 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE33 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE32 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE31 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE30 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE29 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE28 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE27 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE26 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE25 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE24 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE23 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE22 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE21 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE20 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE19 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE18 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE17 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE16 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE15 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE14 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE13 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE12 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE11 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE10 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE09 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE08 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE07 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE06 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE05 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE04 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE03 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE02 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE01 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAINATIVE00 | Average LAI per Olso | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI272 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI271 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI270 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI269 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI268 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI267 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI266 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI265 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI264 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI263 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI262 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI261 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI260 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI259 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI258 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI257 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI256 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI255 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI254 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI253 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI252 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI251 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI250 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI249 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI248 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI247 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI246 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI245 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI244 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI243 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI242 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI241 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI240 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI239 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI238 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI237 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI236 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI235 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI234 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI233 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI232 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI231 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI230 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI229 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI228 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI227 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI226 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI225 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI224 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI223 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI222 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI221 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI220 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI219 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI218 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI217 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI216 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI215 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI214 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI213 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI212 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI211 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI210 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI209 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI208 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI207 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI206 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI205 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI204 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI203 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI202 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI201 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI200 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI72 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI71 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI70 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI69 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI68 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI67 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI66 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI65 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI64 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI63 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI62 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI61 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI60 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI59 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI58 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI57 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI56 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI55 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI54 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI53 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI52 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI51 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI50 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI49 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI48 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI47 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI46 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI45 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI44 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI43 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI42 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI41 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI40 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI39 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI38 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI37 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI36 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI35 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI34 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI33 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI32 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI31 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI30 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI29 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI28 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI27 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI26 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI25 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI24 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI23 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI22 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI21 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI20 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI19 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI18 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI17 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI16 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI15 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI14 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI13 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI12 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI11 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI10 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI09 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI08 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI07 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI06 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI05 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI04 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI03 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI02 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI01 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_XLAI00 | MODIS LAI for each O | xy | m2 m-2 MET_V | North-south componen | xyz C | m s-1 MET_U | East-west component | xyz C | m s-1 MET_TV | Virtual temperature | xyz C | K MET_TMPU2 | Instantaneous temper | xyz C | K MET_TMPU1 | Instantaneous temper | xyz C | K MET_THETA | Potential temperatur | xyz C | K MET_TAUCLW | Optical depth of H2O | xyz C | 1 MET_TAUCLI | Optical depth of ice | xyz C | 1 MET_T | Temperature | xyz C | K MET_SPHUPREV | Previous State_Met%S | xyz C | g kg-1 MET_SPHU2 | Instantaneous specif | xyz C | g kg-1 MET_SPHU1 | Instantaneous specif | xyz C | g kg-1 MET_SPHU | Specific humidity (w | xyz C | g kg-1 MET_RH | Relative humidity | xyz C | % MET_REEVAPLS | Evaporation of large | xyz C | kg MET_REEVAPCN | Evaporation of conve | xyz C | kg kg-1 s-1 MET_QL | Water mixing ratio ( | xyz C | kg kg-1 MET_QI | Ice mixing ratio (w/ | xyz C | kg kg-1 MET_PMIDDRY | Pressure (w/r/t dry | xyz C | hPa MET_PMID | Pressure (w/r/t mois | xyz C | hPa MET_PFLLSAN | Downward flux of liq | xyz E | kg m-2 s-1 MET_PFLCU | Downward flux of liq | xyz E | kg m-2 s-1 MET_PFILSAN | Downwared flux of ic | xyz E | kg m-2 s-1 MET_PFICU | Downward flux of ice | xyz E | kg m-2 s-1 MET_PEDGEDRY | Pressure (w/r/t dry | xyz E | hPa MET_PEDGE | Pressure (w/r/t mois | xyz E | hPa MET_OPTD | Visible optical dept | xyz C | 1 MET_OMEGA | Updraft velocity | xyz C | Pa s-1 MET_MAIRDEN | Moist air density | xyz C | kg m-3 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC72 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC71 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC70 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC69 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC68 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC67 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC66 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC65 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC64 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC63 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC62 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC61 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC60 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC59 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC58 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC57 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC56 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC55 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC54 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC53 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC52 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC51 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC50 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC49 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC48 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC47 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC46 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC45 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC44 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC43 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC42 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC41 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC40 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC39 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC38 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC37 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC36 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC35 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC34 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC33 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC32 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC31 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC30 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC29 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC28 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC27 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC26 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC25 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC24 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC23 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC22 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC21 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC20 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC19 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC18 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC17 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC16 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC15 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC14 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC13 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC12 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC11 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC10 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC09 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC08 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC07 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC06 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC05 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC04 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC03 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC02 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC01 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_LANDTYPEFRAC00 | Olson fraction per l | xy | 1 MET_IUSE72 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE71 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE70 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE69 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE68 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE67 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE66 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE65 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE64 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE63 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE62 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE61 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE60 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE59 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE58 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE57 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE56 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE55 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE54 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE53 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE52 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE51 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE50 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE49 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE48 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE47 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE46 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE45 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE44 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE43 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE42 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE41 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE40 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE39 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE38 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE37 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE36 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE35 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE34 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE33 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE32 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE31 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE30 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE29 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE28 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE27 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE26 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE25 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE24 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE23 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE22 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE21 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE20 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE19 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE18 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE17 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE16 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE15 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE14 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE13 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE12 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE11 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE10 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE09 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE08 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE07 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE06 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE05 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE04 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE03 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE02 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE01 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_IUSE00 | Fraction (per mil) o | xy | o/oo MET_ILAND72 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND71 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND70 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND69 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND68 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND67 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND66 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND65 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND64 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND63 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND62 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND61 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND60 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND59 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND58 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND57 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND56 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND55 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND54 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND53 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND52 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND51 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND50 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND49 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND48 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND47 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND46 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND45 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND44 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND43 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND42 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND41 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND40 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND39 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND38 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND37 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND36 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND35 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND34 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND33 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND32 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND31 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND30 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND29 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND28 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND27 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND26 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND25 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND24 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND23 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND22 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND21 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND20 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND19 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND18 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND17 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND16 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND15 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND14 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND13 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND12 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND11 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND10 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND09 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND08 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND07 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND06 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND05 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND04 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND03 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND02 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND01 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_ILAND00 | Olson land type indi | xy | 1 MET_DTRAIN | Detrainment flux | xyz C | kg m-2 s-1 MET_DQRLSAN | Production rate of l | xyz C | kg kg-1 s-1 MET_DQRCU | Production rate of c | xyz C | kg kg-1 s-1 MET_FUNDERPBLTOP | Fraction of box unde | xyz C | 1 MET_FOFPBL | Fraction of PBL | xyz C | 1 MET_DPDRYPREV | Previous State_Met%D | xyz C | hPa MET_DELPDRY | Delta-pressure acros | xyz C | hPa MET_DELP | Delta-pressure acros | xyz C | hPa MET_CMFMC | Cloud mass flux | xyz E | kg m-2 s-1 MET_CLDF | 3-D cloud fraction | xyz C | 1 MET_BXHEIGHT | Grid box height (w/r | xyz C | m MET_AVGW | Water vapor mixing r | xyz C | vol vol-1 MET_AIRVOL | Volume of dry air in | xyz C | m3 MET_AIRNUMDEN | Dry air density | xyz C | molec cm-3 MET_AIRDEN | Dry air density | xyz C | kg m-3 MET_AD | Dry air mass | xyz C | kg MET_Z0 | Surface roughness he | xy | m MET_V10M | North-south wind at | xy | m s-1 MET_UVALBEDO | Ultraviolet surface | xy | 1 MET_USTAR | Friction velocity | xy | m s-1 MET_U10M | East-west wind at 10 | xy | m s-1 MET_TSKIN | Surface skin tempera | xy | K MET_TS | Surface temperature | xy | K MET_TROPP | Tropopause pressure | xy | hPa MET_TROPHT | Tropopause height | xy | km MET_TROPLEV | GEOS-Chem level wher | xy | 1 MET_TO3 | Total overhead ozone | xy | dobsons MET_SWGDN | Incident shortwave r | xy | W m-2 MET_SUNCOSSUM | Sum of Cosine of sol | xy | 1 MET_SUNCOSMID | Cosine of solar zeni | xy | 1 MET_SUNCOS | Cosine of solar zeni | xy | 1 MET_SNOMAS | Snow mass | xy | kg m-2 MET_SNODP | Snow depth | xy | m MET_SLP | Sea level pressure | xy | hPa MET_SEAICE90 | Sea ice coverage 90- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE80 | Sea ice coverage 80- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE70 | Sea ice coverage 70- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE60 | Sea ice coverage 60- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE50 | Sea ice coverage 50- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE40 | Sea ice coverage 40- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE30 | Sea ice coverage 30- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE20 | Sea ice coverage 20- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE10 | Sea ice coverage 10- | xy | 1 MET_SEAICE00 | Sea ice coverage 00- | xy | 1 MET_QV2M | Specific humidity at | xy | kg kg-1 MET_PSC2DRY | Dry interpolated sur | xy | hPa MET_PS2DRY | Dry surface pressure | xy | hPa MET_PS1DRY | Dry surface pressure | xy | hPa MET_PSC2WET | Wet interpolated sur | xy | hPa MET_PS2WET | Wet surface pressure | xy | hPa MET_PS1WET | Wet surface pressure | xy | hPa MET_PRECTOT | Total precipitation | xy | mm day-1 MET_PRECLSC | Large-scale precipit | xy | kg m-2 s-1 MET_PRECCON | Convective precipita | xy | mm day-1 MET_PRECANV | Anvil precipitation | xy | kg m-2 s-1 MET_PHIS | Surface geopotential | xy | m2 s-1 MET_PBLTHICK | Planetary boundary l | xy | hPa MET_PBLTOPM | Planetary boundary l | xy | m MET_PBLTOPL | Planetary boundary l | xy | layer MET_PBLTOPHPA | Planetary boundary l | xy | hPa MET_PBLH | Planetary boundary l | xy | m MET_PARDF | Diffuse photosynthet | xy | W m-2 MET_PARDR | Direct photosyntheti | xy | W m-2 MET_MODISLAI | Daily LAI computed f | xy | m2 m-2 MET_LWI | Land-water-ice indic | xy | 1 MET_LAI | Leaf area index from | xy | m2 m-2 MET_IREG | Number of Olson land | xy | 1 MET_HFLUX | Sensible heat flux | xy | W m-2 MET_GWETTOP | Top soil moisture | xy | 1 MET_GWETROOT | Root soil wetness | xy | 1 MET_FRSNO | Fraction of snow on | xy | 1 MET_FRSEAICE | Fraction of sea ice | xy | 1 MET_FROCEAN | Fraction of ocean | xy | 1 MET_FRLANDIC | Fraction of land ice | xy | 1 MET_FRLAND | Fraction of land | xy | 1 MET_FRLAKE | Fraction of lake | xy | 1 MET_FRCLND | Olson land fraction | xy | 1 MET_FLASHDENS | Lightning flash dens | xy | km-2 s-1 MET_EFLUX | Latent heat flux | xy | W m-2 MET_CONVDEPTH | Convective cloud dep | xy | m MET_CLDTOPS | Maximum cloud top he | xy | level MET_CLDFRC | Column cloud fractio | xy | 1 MET_CHEMGRIDLEV | Highest level of the | xy | 1 MET_AREAM2 | Surface area of grid | xy | m2 MET_ALBD | Visible surface albe | xy | 1 Initializing Fast-JX v7.0 standalone CTM code. FAST-JX (RD_XXX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/FJX_spec.dat UCI FJX v6.8c JPL10+2013 fixes: Q1d, Acetone! others, derived fort10-2013b.x 18 x-sect: 1 O2 3 180.00 260.00 300.00 x-sect: 2 O3 3 218.00 258.00 298.00 x-sect: 3 O3(1D) 3 200.00 260.00 320.00 x-sect: 4 NO x 1 298.00 x-sect: 5 H2SO4 x 1 298.00 x-sect: 6 H2COa 2 223.00 298.00 x-sect: 7 H2COb 2 223.00 298.00 x-sect: 8 H2O2 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 9 CH3OOH 1 298.00 x-sect: 10 NO2 2 200.00 294.00 x-sect: 11 NO3 2 190.00 298.00 x-sect: 12 N2O5 2 233.00 300.00 x-sect: 13 HNO2 1 300.00 x-sect: 14 HNO3 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 15 HNO4 1 300.00 x-sect: 16 ClNO3a 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 17 ClNO3b 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 18 ClNO2 2 210.00 296.00 x-sect: 19 Br2 1 298.00 x-sect: 20 BrNO2 1 298.00 x-sect: 21 Cl2 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 22 HOCl 1 300.00 x-sect: 23 OClO 1 204.00 x-sect: 24 ClOO 1 298.00 x-sect: 25 Cl2O2 1 250.00 x-sect: 26 ClO 1 300.00 x-sect: 27 BrO 1 300.00 x-sect: 28 BrNO3 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 29 HOBr 1 300.00 x-sect: 30 BrCl 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 31 N2O x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 32 CFCl3 x 2 220.00 298.00 x-sect: 33 CF2Cl2 x 2 220.00 300.00 x-sect: 34 F113 x 2 210.00 300.00 x-sect: 35 F114 x 2 210.00 300.00 x-sect: 36 F115 x 1 300.00 x-sect: 37 CCl4 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 38 CH3Cl x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 39 MeCCl3 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 40 CH2Cl2 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 41 CHF2Cl x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 42 F123 x 2 210.00 295.00 x-sect: 43 F141b x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 44 F142b x 2 210.00 298.00 x-sect: 45 CH3Br x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 46 H1211 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 47 H1301 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 48 H2402 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 49 CH2Br2 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 50 CHBr3 2 260.00 296.00 x-sect: 51 CF3I 2 243.00 300.00 x-sect: 52 OCS 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 53 HAC 1 298.00 x-sect: 54 PAN 2 250.00 298.00 x-sect: 55 CH3NO3 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 56 ActAld p 3 177.00 566.00 999.00 x-sect: 57 MeVK p 3 177.00 566.00 999.00 x-sect: 58 MeAcr 1 298.00 x-sect: 59 GlyAld 1 298.00 x-sect: 60 MEKeto p 2 177.00 999.00 x-sect: 61 PrAld 1 298.00 x-sect: 62 MGlyxl p 3 177.00 566.00 999.00 x-sect: 63 Glyxla p 2 177.00 999.00 x-sect: 64 Glyxlb p 2 177.00 999.00 x-sect: 65 Glyxlc p 2 177.00 999.00 x-sect: 66 Acet-a p 3 177.00 566.00 999.00 x-sect: 67 Acet-b 3 235.00 260.00 298.00 x-sect: 68 ONIT1 1 298.00 x-sect: 69 MPN 1 298.00 x-sect: 70 ETHLN 1 298.00 x-sect: 71 PROPNN 1 298.00 x-sect: 72 MVKN 1 298.00 x-sect: 73 MACRN 1 298.00 x-sect: 74 NITP 1 298.00 x-sect: 75 HPALD1 1 298.00 x-sect: 76 HPALD2 1 298.00 x-sect: 77 PrAldP 1 298.00 x-sect: 78 ICN 1 298.00 x-sect: 79 MACRNP 1 298.00 x-sect: 80 MVKCN 1 298.00 x-sect: 81 ENOL 1 298.00 x-sect: 82 ONIT2 1 298.00 x-sect: 83 HP2 1 298.00 x-sect: 84 HMHP 1 298.00 x-sect: 85 CH3I 2 210.00 298.00 x-sect: 86 CH2I2 2 273.00 298.00 x-sect: 87 CH2ICl 2 223.00 298.00 x-sect: 88 CH2IBr 2 273.00 298.00 x-sect: 89 I2 1 295.00 x-sect: 90 HOI 1 298.00 x-sect: 91 IO 1 298.00 x-sect: 92 OIO 1 298.00 x-sect: 93 INO 1 298.00 x-sect: 94 IONO 1 298.00 x-sect: 95 IONO2 1 298.00 x-sect: 96 I2O2 1 298.00 x-sect: 97 I2O3 1 298.00 x-sect: 98 ICl 1 298.00 x-sect: 99 IBr 1 298.00 x-sect:100 MENO3 2 240.00 298.00 x-sect:101 ETNO3 2 240.00 298.00 x-sect:102 IPRNO3 2 240.00 298.00 x-sect:103 NPRNO3 1 298.00 x-sect:104 BALD 1 298.00 FAST-JX (RD_MIE): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/jv_spec_mie.dat jv_spec_mie.dat: Aerosol optical properties at 5 wavelengths (clh, 01/30/10), Aerosol optical: r-eff/rho/Q(@wavel): 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 RAYLE = Rayleigh phase 1 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 1 Qext =123.5000123.5000 39.1000 7.7000 1.0000 ISOTR = isotropic 2 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 2 Qext = 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 ABSRB = fully absorbing 'soot', wavelength indep. 3 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 3 Qext = 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 S_Bkg = backgrnd stratospheric sulfate (n=1.46, log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=.6) 4 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 4 Qext = 2.7541 2.7541 2.4017 1.6454 0.7449 S_Vol = volcanic stratospheric sulfate (n=1.46, log-norm: r=.08um/sigma=.8) 5 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 5 Qext = 2.6437 2.6437 2.5603 2.2221 1.5319 W_H01 = water haze (H1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=0.1um / alpha=2) 6 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 6 Qext = 2.8438 2.8438 2.3497 1.4037 0.5034 W_H04 = water haze (H1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=0.4um / alpha=2) 7 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 7 Qext = 2.2995 2.2995 2.4743 2.6719 2.9565 W_C02 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=2.0um / alpha=6) 8 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 8 Qext = 2.1410 2.1410 2.1778 2.2287 2.3071 W_C04 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=4.0um / alpha=6) 9 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 9 Qext = 2.0835 2.0835 2.1064 2.1345 2.1922 W_C08 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=8.0um / alpha=6) 10 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 10 Qext = 2.0539 2.0539 2.0643 2.0883 2.1236 W_C13 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=13.3um / alpha=6) 11 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 11 Qext = 2.0440 2.0440 2.0529 2.0716 2.0978 W_L06 = water cloud (Lacis) (n=1.335, r-mode=5.5um / alpha=11/3) 12 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 12 Qext = 2.0616 2.0616 2.0747 2.1005 2.1423 Ice-H = hexagonal ice cloud (Mishchenko) 13 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 13 Qext = 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 Ice-I = irregular ice cloud (Mishchenko) 14 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 14 Qext = 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 Mdust 0.15 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 15 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 15 Qext = 4.0154 4.0154 3.0582 1.2133 0.2195 Mdust 0.25 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 16 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 16 Qext = 2.6560 2.6560 3.9669 3.2556 1.1019 Mdust 0.4 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 17 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 17 Qext = 2.6071 2.6071 2.1923 3.9815 2.9227 Mdust 0.8 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 18 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 18 Qext = 2.3459 2.3459 2.3417 2.4688 3.3741 Mdust 1.5 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 19 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 19 Qext = 2.1925 2.1925 2.2457 2.3919 2.6314 Mdust 2.5 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 20 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 20 Qext = 2.1427 2.1427 2.1881 2.1559 2.3282 Mdust 4.0 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 21 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 21 Qext = 2.1045 2.1045 2.1191 2.2094 2.3429 S00(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=00 (n@550=1.53-0.01i log-norm: r=.07um/sigma=1.6) 22 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 22 Qext = 2.3328 2.3328 1.6118 0.7484 0.2108 S50(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=50 (n@550=1.44 0.00i log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.6) 23 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 23 Qext = 2.4175 2.4175 1.7099 0.8352 0.2488 S70(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=70 (n@550=1.41 0.00i log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.6) 24 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 24 Qext = 2.4852 2.4852 1.7947 0.8963 0.2751 S80(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=80 (n@550=1.40 0.00i log-norm: r=.10um/sigma=1.6) 25 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 25 Qext = 2.5571 2.5571 1.8800 0.9653 0.3040 S90(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=90 (n@550=1.38 0.00i log-norm: r=.11um/sigma=1.6) 26 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 26 Qext = 2.6967 2.6967 2.0587 1.1172 0.3730 S95(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=95 (n@550=1.36 0.00i log-norm: r=.13um/sigma=1.6) 27 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 27 Qext = 2.8355 2.8355 2.2825 1.3212 0.4720 S99(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=99 (n@550=1.34 0.00i log-norm: r=.18um/sigma=1.6) 28 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 28 Qext = 2.9980 2.9980 2.7329 1.8669 0.7986 BC00(rvm) Black C, RH=00 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 29 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 29 Qext = 0.9543 0.9543 0.6229 0.3282 0.1694 BC50(rvm) Black C, RH=50 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 30 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 30 Qext = 0.9543 0.9543 0.6229 0.3282 0.1694 BC70(rvm) Black C, RH=70 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 31 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 31 Qext = 0.9543 0.9543 0.6229 0.3282 0.1694 BC80(rvm) Black C, RH=80 (n@550=1.57-.25i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 32 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 32 Qext = 0.8137 0.8137 0.5268 0.2744 0.1397 BC90(rvm) Black C, RH=90 (n@550=1.48-.16i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 33 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 33 Qext = 0.7281 0.7281 0.4607 0.2321 0.1137 BC95(rvm) Black C, RH=95 (n@550=1.45-.13i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 34 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 34 Qext = 0.7045 0.7045 0.4397 0.2169 0.1034 BC99(rvm) Black C, RH=99 (n@550=1.39-.06i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 35 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 35 Qext = 0.7031 0.7031 0.4181 0.1882 0.0776 OC00(rvm) Organic C, RH=00 (n@550=1.53-.006i log-norm: r_g=.07um/sigma=1.6) 36 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 36 Qext = 2.4567 2.4567 1.7461 0.8395 0.2405 OC50(rvm) Organic C, RH=50 (n@550=1.46-.004i log-norm: r_g=.08um/sigma=1.6) 37 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 37 Qext = 2.3664 2.3664 1.6538 0.7904 0.2297 OC70(rvm) Organic C, RH=70 (n@550=1.44-.003i log-norm: r_g=.08um/sigma=1.6) 38 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 38 Qext = 2.3617 2.3617 1.6499 0.7916 0.2319 OC80(rvm) Organic C, RH=80 (n@550=1.43-.003i log-norm: r_g=.09um/sigma=1.6) 39 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 39 Qext = 2.3693 2.3693 1.6588 0.8003 0.2364 OC90(rvm) Organic C, RH=90 (n@550=1.41-.002i log-norm: r_g=.09um/sigma=1.6) 40 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 40 Qext = 2.4065 2.4065 1.7001 0.8328 0.2506 OC95(rvm) Organic C, RH=95 (n@550=1.39-.002i log-norm: r_g=.10um/sigma=1.6) 41 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 41 Qext = 2.4733 2.4733 1.7758 0.8901 0.2747 OC99(rvm) Organic C, RH=99 (n@550=1.36-.001i log-norm: r_g=.12um/sigma=1.6) 42 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 42 Qext = 2.6732 2.6732 2.0282 1.0918 0.3631 SSa00(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=00 (n@550=1.50 log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.5) 43 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 43 Qext = 2.5412 2.5412 1.6772 0.7067 0.1570 SSa50(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=50 (n@550=1.37 log-norm: r=.14um/sigma=1.5) 44 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 44 Qext = 2.9302 2.9302 2.2339 1.1660 0.3550 SSa70(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=70 (n@550=1.36 log-norm: r=.15um/sigma=1.5) 45 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 45 Qext = 3.0398 3.0398 2.4455 1.3697 0.4508 SSa80(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=80 (n@550=1.35 log-norm: r=.17um/sigma=1.5) 46 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 46 Qext = 3.1035 3.1035 2.6193 1.5557 0.5476 SSa90(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=90 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=.20um/sigma=1.5) 47 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 47 Qext = 3.1322 3.1322 2.9072 1.9502 0.7818 SSa95(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=95 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=.25um/sigma=1.5) 48 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 48 Qext = 3.0158 3.0158 3.0937 2.4069 1.1240 SSa99(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=99 (n@550=1.33 log-norm: r=.41um/sigma=1.5) 49 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 49 Qext = 2.4962 2.4962 2.8177 3.0999 2.2905 SSc00(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=00 (n@550=1.50 log-norm: r=0.4um/sigma=1.8) 50 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 50 Qext = 2.3435 2.3435 2.4489 2.6771 2.8998 SSc50(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=50 (n@550=1.37 log-norm: r=0.6um/sigma=1.8) 51 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 51 Qext = 2.2492 2.2492 2.3182 2.4842 2.7678 SSc70(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=70 (n@550=1.36 log-norm: r=0.7um/sigma=1.8) 52 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 52 Qext = 2.2293 2.2293 2.2898 2.4343 2.7189 SSc80(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=80 (n@550=1.35 log-norm: r=0.8um/sigma=1.8) 53 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 53 Qext = 2.2140 2.2140 2.2684 2.3962 2.6723 SSc90(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=90 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=1.0um/sigma=1.8) 54 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 54 Qext = 2.1887 2.1887 2.2336 2.3331 2.5766 SSc95(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=95 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=1.2um/sigma=1.8) 55 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 55 Qext = 2.1641 2.1641 2.2020 2.2780 2.4698 SSc99(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=99 (n@550=1.33 log-norm: r=2.0um/sigma=1.8) 56 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 56 Qext = 2.1146 2.1146 2.1402 2.1865 2.2787 FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/so4.dat so4 RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/soot.dat soot RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/org.dat org RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/ssa.dat ssa RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/ssc.dat ssc RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/h2so4.dat h2so4 RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/h2so4.dat h2so4 RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/dust.dat dust RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat Optics read for all wavelengths successfully N WAVELENGTHS: 1 WAVELENGTH REQUESTED: 550.00000000000000 WAVELENGTH REQUIRED: 1 ********************************* Using Aerosol type: 3 ABSRB = fully absorbing 'soot', wavelength indep. Using Aerosol type: 10 W_C08 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=8.0um / alpha=6) Using Aerosol type: 14 Ice-I = irregular ice cloud (Mishchenko) Using Aerosol type: 15 Mdust 0.15 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 16 Mdust 0.25 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 17 Mdust 0.4 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 18 Mdust 0.8 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 19 Mdust 1.5 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 20 Mdust 2.5 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 21 Mdust 4.0 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 22 S00(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=00 (n@550=1.53-0.01i log-norm: r=.07um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 23 S50(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=50 (n@550=1.44 0.00i log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 24 S70(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=70 (n@550=1.41 0.00i log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 25 S80(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=80 (n@550=1.40 0.00i log-norm: r=.10um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 26 S90(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=90 (n@550=1.38 0.00i log-norm: r=.11um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 29 BC00(rvm) Black C, RH=00 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 30 BC50(rvm) Black C, RH=50 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 31 BC70(rvm) Black C, RH=70 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 32 BC80(rvm) Black C, RH=80 (n@550=1.57-.25i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 33 BC90(rvm) Black C, RH=90 (n@550=1.48-.16i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 36 OC00(rvm) Organic C, RH=00 (n@550=1.53-.006i log-norm: r_g=.07um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 37 OC50(rvm) Organic C, RH=50 (n@550=1.46-.004i log-norm: r_g=.08um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 38 OC70(rvm) Organic C, RH=70 (n@550=1.44-.003i log-norm: r_g=.08um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 39 OC80(rvm) Organic C, RH=80 (n@550=1.43-.003i log-norm: r_g=.09um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 40 OC90(rvm) Organic C, RH=90 (n@550=1.41-.002i log-norm: r_g=.09um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 43 SSa00(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=00 (n@550=1.50 log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 44 SSa50(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=50 (n@550=1.37 log-norm: r=.14um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 45 SSa70(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=70 (n@550=1.36 log-norm: r=.15um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 46 SSa80(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=80 (n@550=1.35 log-norm: r=.17um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 47 SSa90(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=90 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=.20um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 50 SSc00(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=00 (n@550=1.50 log-norm: r=0.4um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 51 SSc50(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=50 (n@550=1.37 log-norm: r=0.6um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 52 SSc70(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=70 (n@550=1.36 log-norm: r=0.7um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 53 SSc80(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=80 (n@550=1.35 log-norm: r=0.8um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 54 SSc90(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=90 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=1.0um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 4 S_Bkg = backgrnd stratospheric sulfate (n=1.46, log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=.6) Using Aerosol type: 14 Ice-I = irregular ice cloud (Mishchenko) FAST-JX (RD_PROF_NC): Opening ./ChemDir/FastJ_201204/fastj.jv_atms_dat.nc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Opening file : fastj.jv_atms_dat.nc %% in directory : ./ChemDir/FastJ_201204/ %% %% Successfully read T [K] %% Successfully read O3 [ppm] %% Successfully closed file! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FAST-JX (RD_JS_JX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/FJX_j2j.dat <--J-value data from chemistry code: id#, reaction, factor/fastJX/code(a6) Photochemistry Scheme with 166 J-values 1 O2 PHOTON O O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 1 O2 2 O3 PHOTON O2 O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 2 O3 3 O3 PHOTON O2 O(1D) 1.000 mapped to FJX: 3 O3(1D) 4 H2O PHOTON OH H 0.000 no mapping onto fast-JX H2O 5 HO2 PHOTON OH O 0.000 no mapping onto fast-JX HO2 6 NO PHOTON N O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 4 NO 7 CH2O PHOTON H HO2 CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 6 H2COa 8 CH2O PHOTON CO H2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 7 H2COb 9 H2O2 PHOTON OH OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 8 H2O2 10 MP PHOTON CH2O HO2 OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 11 NO2 PHOTON NO O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 10 NO2 12 NO3 PHOTON NO2 O 0.886 mapped to FJX: 11 NO3 13 NO3 PHOTON NO O2 0.114 mapped to FJX: 11 NO3 14 N2O5 PHOTON NO2 NO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 12 N2O5 15 HNO2 PHOTON NO OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 13 HNO2 16 HNO3 PHOTON NO2 OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 14 HNO3 17 HNO4 PHOTON OH NO3 0.050 mapped to FJX: 15 HNO4 18 HNO4 PHOTON NO2 HO2 0.950 mapped to FJX: 15 HNO4 19 ClNO3 PHOTON Cl NO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 16 ClNO3a 20 ClNO3 PHOTON ClO NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 17 ClNO3b 21 ClNO2 PHOTON Cl NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 18 ClNO2 22 Cl2 PHOTON Cl Cl 1.000 mapped to FJX: 21 Cl2 23 Br2 PHOTON Br Br 1.000 mapped to FJX: 19 Br2 24 HOCl PHOTON Cl OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 22 HOCl 25 OClO PHOTON ClO O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 23 OClO 26 Cl2O2 PHOTON Cl Cl O2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 25 Cl2O2 27 ClO PHOTON Cl O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 26 ClO 28 BrO PHOTON Br O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 27 BrO 29 BrNO3 PHOTON Br NO3 0.850 mapped to FJX: 28 BrNO3 30 BrNO3 PHOTON BrO NO2 0.150 mapped to FJX: 28 BrNO3 31 BrNO2 PHOTON Br NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 20 BrNO2 32 HOBr PHOTON Br OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 29 HOBr 33 BrCl PHOTON Br Cl 1.000 mapped to FJX: 30 BrCl 34 OCS PHOTON SO2 CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 52 OCS 35 SO2 PHOTON SO O 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX SO2 36 N2O PHOTON N2 O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 31 N2O 37 CFC11 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 32 CFCl3 38 CFC12 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 33 CF2Cl2 39 CFC113 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 34 F113 40 CFC114 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 35 F114 41 CFC115 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 36 F115 42 CCl4 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 37 CCl4 43 CH3Cl PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 38 CH3Cl 44 CH3CCl3 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 39 MeCCl3 45 CH2Cl2 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 40 CH2Cl2 46 HCFC22 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 41 CHF2Cl 47 HCFC123 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 42 F123 48 HCFC141b PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 43 F141b 49 HCFC142b PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 44 F142b 50 CH3Br PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 45 CH3Br 51 H1211 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 46 H1211 52 H12O2 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 46 H1211 53 H1301 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 47 H1301 54 H2402 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 48 H2402 55 CH2Br2 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 49 CH2Br2 56 CHBr3 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 50 CHBr3 58 CF3I PHOTON I PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 51 CF3I 59 PAN PHOTON CH3C(O)O2 NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 54 PAN 60 R4N2 PHOTON CH3O NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 55 CH3NO3 61 ALD2 PHOTON CH3 HCO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 56 ActAld 62 ALD2 PHOTON CH4 CO 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX ActAlx 63 MVK PHOTON PRPE CO 0.600 mapped to FJX: 57 MeVK 64 MVK PHOTON MCO3 CH2O CO HO2 0.200 mapped to FJX: 57 MeVK 65 MVK PHOTON MO2 RCO3 0.200 mapped to FJX: 57 MeVK 66 MACR PHOTON CO HO2 CH2O MCO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 58 MeAcr 67 MACR PHOTON IMAO3 OH HO2 MCO3 MRO2 CO 0.000 mapped to FJX: 58 MeAcr 68 GLYC PHOTON CH2O HO2 OH CO MOH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 59 GlyAld 69 MEK PHOTON MCO3 EtO2 MO2 RCO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 60 MEKeto 70 RCHO PHOTON EtO2 HO2 CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 61 PrAld 71 MGLY PHOTON MCO3 CO HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 62 MGlyxl 72 GLYX PHOTON HO2 HO2 CO CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 63 Glyxla 73 GLYX PHOTON H2 CO CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 64 Glyxlb 74 GLYX PHOTON CH2O CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 65 Glyxlc 75 HAC PHOTON MeCO3 HCHO HO2 0.600 mapped to FJX: 53 HAC 76 ACET PHOTON MCO3 MO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 66 Acet-a 77 ACET PHOTON MO2 MO2 CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 67 Acet-b 78 IDN PHOTON MVK MACR CH2O NO2 GLYC ICN... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 82 ONIT2 79 PRPN PHOTON OH HO2 RCHO NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 80 ETP PHOTON OH HO2 ALD2 0.500 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 81 RA3P PHOTON OH HO2 RCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 82 RB3P PHOTON OH HO2 ACET 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 83 R4P PHOTON OH HO2 RCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 84 PP PHOTON OH HO2 ALD2 CH2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 85 RP PHOTON OH HO2 ALD2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 86 HMHP PHOTON OH OH CH2O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 84 HMHP 87 HPETHNL PHOTON OH CO HO2 CH2O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 88 PYAC PHOTON MCO3 CO2 HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 62 MGlyxl 89 PROPNN PHOTON NO2 CH2O MCO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 71 PROPNN 90 MVKHC PHOTON CO HO2 CH2O MCO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 62 MGlyxl 91 MVKHCB PHOTON GLYX HO2 MCO3 CO MGLY 1.000 mapped to FJX: 61 PrAld 92 MVKHP PHOTON MCO3 GLYC OH HO2 CH2O MGLY 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 93 MVKPC PHOTON OH CO MGLY HO2 GLYX MCO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 94 MCRENOL PHOTON CO PYAC OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 81 ENOL 95 MCRHP PHOTON OH CO HO2 HAC CH2O MGLY 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 96 MACR1OOH PHOTON OH CO2 MO2 CH2O MCO3 MACR1OOH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 97 ATOOH PHOTON OH HO2 RCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 98 R4N2 PHOTON NO2 ACET MEK MO2 HO2 ALD2... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 55 CH3NO3 99 MAP PHOTON OH MO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 100 SO4 PHOTON SO2 OH OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 5 H2SO4 101 ClOO PHOTON Cl O2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 24 ClOO 102 O3 PHOTON O2 O(1D) 1.000 mapped to FJX: 3 O3(1D) 103 MPN PHOTON HO2 NO3 HCHO 0.050 mapped to FJX: 69 MPN 104 MPN PHOTON MO2 NO2 0.950 mapped to FJX: 69 MPN 105 PIP PHOTON RCHO OH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 8 H2O2 106 ICN PHOTON NO2 CO OH HO2 IDC MVKPC... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 78 ICN 107 ETHLN PHOTON NO2 CH2O CO HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 70 ETHLN 108 MVKN PHOTON MCO3 GLYC NO2 ETHLN HO2 OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 72 MVKN 109 MCRHN PHOTON HAC CO HO2 NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 73 MACRN 110 MCRHNB PHOTON PROPNN OH CO HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 79 MACRNP 111 MONITS PHOTON MEK NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 112 MONITU PHOTON RCHO NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 113 HONIT PHOTON HAC NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 114 I2 PHOTON I I 1.000 mapped to FJX: 89 I2 115 HOI PHOTON I OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 90 HOI 116 IO PHOTON I O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 91 IO 117 OIO PHOTON I O2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 92 OIO 118 INO PHOTON I NO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 93 INO 119 IONO PHOTON I NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 94 IONO 120 IONO2 PHOTON I NO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 95 IONO2 121 I2O2 PHOTON I OIO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 96 I2O2 122 CH3I PHOTON I PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 85 CH3I 123 CH2I2 PHOTON I I PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 86 CH2I2 124 CH2ICl PHOTON I Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 87 CH2ICl 125 CH2IBr PHOTON I Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 88 CH2IBr 126 I2O4 PHOTON OIO OIO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 96 I2O2 127 I2O3 PHOTON OIO IO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 97 I2O3 128 IBr PHOTON I Br 1.000 mapped to FJX: 99 IBr 129 ICl PHOTON I Cl 1.000 mapped to FJX: 98 ICl 130 NITs PHOTON HNO2 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX 131 NITs PHOTON NO2 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX 132 NIT PHOTON HNO2 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX 133 NIT PHOTON NO2 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX 134 MENO3 PHOTON NO2 HO2 HCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 100 MENO3 135 ETNO3 PHOTON NO2 HO2 ALD2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 101 ETNO3 136 IPRNO3 PHOTON NO2 HO2 ACET 1.000 mapped to FJX: 102 IPRNO3 137 NPRNO3 PHOTON NO2 HO2 RCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 103 NPRNO3 138 RIPA PHOTON MVK CH2O OH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 139 RIPB PHOTON MACR CH2O OH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 140 RIPC PHOTON OH HO2 HC5A 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 141 RIPD PHOTON OH HO2 HC5A 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 142 HPALD1 PHOTON CO OH HO2 IDC MVKPC MCRENOL... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 75 HPALD1 143 HPALD2 PHOTON CO OH HO2 IDC MVKPC MCRENOL... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 76 HPALD2 144 HPALD3 PHOTON CO OH HO2 MVK 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 145 HPALD4 PHOTON CO OH HO2 MACR 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 146 IHN1 PHOTON NO2 HC5A HO2 MVKHP CO OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 147 IHN2 PHOTON NO2 MVK HO2 CH2O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 148 IHN3 PHOTON NO2 MACR HO2 CH2O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 149 IHN4 PHOTON NO2 HC5A HO2 MCRHP CO OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 150 INPB PHOTON NO2 CH2O MVK MACR OH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 74 NITP 151 INPD PHOTON OH HO2 ICN INA 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 152 INPD PHOTON NO2 IHOO1 IHOO4 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 153 ICPDH PHOTON CO HO2 OH MCRHP MVKDH MCRDH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 61 PrAld 154 ICPDH PHOTON OH HO2 CH2O MVKHCB HAC GLYX... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 155 IDHDP PHOTON OH GLYC HAC ICPDH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 83 HP2 156 IDHPE PHOTON OH HO2 MGLY GLYC GLYX HAC 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 157 IDCHP PHOTON OH HO2 CO MVKHC MVKHCB MVKPC 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 158 ITHN PHOTON OH HO2 CH2O MCRHN GLYC HAC... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 159 ITHN PHOTON NO2 HAC HO2 HPETHNL OH GLYC... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 160 ITCN PHOTON MGLY OH NO2 GLYC 1.000 mapped to FJX: 79 MACRNP 161 ITCN PHOTON MVKHP MCRHP CO NO2 HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 61 PrAld 162 ETHP PHOTON ETO OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 163 BALD PHOTON BENZO2 HO2 CO 0.060 mapped to FJX: 104 BALD 164 BZCO3H PHOTON BENZO2 OH CO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 165 BENZP PHOTON BENZO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 166 NPHEN PHOTON HNO2 CO CO2 AROMP4 HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 71 PROPNN =============================================================================== Photo rxn flags saved for use in PHOTRATE_ADJ: RXN_O2 [ O2 + hv -> O + O ] = 1 RXN_O3_1 [ O3 + hv -> O2 + O ] = 2 RXN_O3_2a [ O3 + hv -> O2 + O(1D) #1 ] = 102 RXN_JNITSa [ NITS + hv -> HNO2 ] = 130 RXN_JNITSb [ NITS + hv -> NO2 ] = 131 RXN_JNITa [ NIT + hv -> HNO2 ] = 132 RXN_JNITb [ NIT + hv -> NO2 ] = 133 RXN_H2SO4 [ SO4 + hv -> SO2 + OH + OH ] = 100 RXN_NO2 [ NO2 + hv -> NO + O ] = 11 =============================================================================== O2 : 1 141 1.0000 O3 : 2 143 1.0000 O3 : 3 120 1.0000 NO : 6 115 1.0000 CH2O : 7 23 1.0000 CH2O : 8 23 1.0000 H2O2 : 9 45 1.0000 MP : 10 102 1.0000 NO2 : 11 116 1.0000 NO3 : 12 117 0.8860 NO3 : 13 117 0.1140 N2O5 : 14 112 1.0000 HNO2 : 15 53 1.0000 HNO3 : 16 54 1.0000 HNO4 : 17 55 0.0500 HNO4 : 18 55 0.9500 ClNO3 : 19 33 1.0000 ClNO3 : 20 33 1.0000 ClNO2 : 21 32 1.0000 Cl2 : 22 30 1.0000 Br2 : 23 6 1.0000 HOCl : 24 57 1.0000 OClO : 25 121 1.0000 Cl2O2 : 26 31 1.0000 ClO : 27 34 1.0000 BrO : 28 10 1.0000 BrNO3 : 29 9 0.8500 BrNO3 : 30 9 0.1500 BrNO2 : 31 8 1.0000 HOBr : 32 56 1.0000 BrCl : 33 7 1.0000 OCS : 34 122 1.0000 N2O : 36 111 1.0000 CFC11 : 37 13 1.0000 CFC12 : 38 17 1.0000 CFC113 : 39 14 1.0000 CFC114 : 40 15 1.0000 CFC115 : 41 16 1.0000 CCl4 : 42 12 1.0000 CH3Cl : 43 26 1.0000 CH3CCl3 : 44 25 1.0000 CH2Cl2 : 45 19 1.0000 HCFC22 : 46 51 1.0000 HCFC123 : 47 48 1.0000 HCFC141b : 48 49 1.0000 HCFC142b : 49 50 1.0000 CH3Br : 50 24 1.0000 H1211 : 51 42 1.0000 H1301 : 53 43 1.0000 H2402 : 54 44 1.0000 CH2Br2 : 55 18 1.0000 CHBr3 : 56 28 1.0000 PAN : 59 124 1.0000 R4N2 : 60 130 1.0000 ALD2 : 61 2 1.0000 ALD2 : 62 2 1.0000 MVK : 63 105 0.6000 MVK : 64 105 0.2000 MVK : 65 105 0.2000 MACR : 66 90 1.0000 MACR : 67 90 0.0000 GLYC : 68 40 1.0000 MEK : 69 97 1.0000 RCHO : 70 134 1.0000 MGLY : 71 99 1.0000 GLYX : 72 41 1.0000 GLYX : 73 41 1.0000 GLYX : 74 41 1.0000 HAC : 75 46 0.6000 ACET : 76 1 1.0000 ACET : 77 1 1.0000 IDN : 78 76 1.0000 PRPN : 79 128 1.0000 ETP : 80 39 0.5000 RA3P : 81 132 1.0000 RB3P : 82 133 1.0000 R4P : 83 131 1.0000 PP : 84 126 1.0000 RP : 85 139 1.0000 HMHP : 86 52 1.0000 HPETHNL : 87 64 1.0000 PYAC : 88 129 1.0000 PROPNN : 89 127 1.0000 MVKHC : 90 106 1.0000 MVKHCB : 91 107 1.0000 MVKHP : 92 108 1.0000 MVKPC : 93 110 1.0000 MCRENOL : 94 93 1.0000 MCRHP : 95 96 1.0000 MACR1OOH : 96 91 1.0000 ATOOH : 97 3 1.0000 R4N2 : 98 130 1.0000 MAP : 99 92 1.0000 SO4 : 100 140 1.0000 ClOO : 101 35 1.0000 O3 : 102 142 1.0000 MPN : 103 104 0.0500 MPN : 104 104 0.9500 PIP : 105 125 1.0000 ICN : 106 71 1.0000 ETHLN : 107 36 1.0000 MVKN : 108 109 1.0000 MCRHN : 109 94 1.0000 MCRHNB : 110 95 1.0000 MONITS : 111 100 1.0000 MONITU : 112 101 1.0000 HONIT : 113 59 1.0000 I2 : 114 65 1.0000 HOI : 115 58 1.0000 IO : 116 84 1.0000 OIO : 117 123 1.0000 INO : 118 81 1.0000 IONO : 119 85 1.0000 IONO2 : 120 86 1.0000 I2O2 : 121 66 1.0000 CH3I : 122 27 1.0000 CH2I2 : 123 20 1.0000 CH2ICl : 124 22 1.0000 CH2IBr : 125 21 1.0000 I2O4 : 126 68 1.0000 I2O3 : 127 67 1.0000 IBr : 128 69 1.0000 ICl : 129 70 1.0000 NITs : 130 114 1.0000 NITs : 131 114 1.0000 NIT : 132 113 1.0000 NIT : 133 113 1.0000 MENO3 : 134 98 1.0000 ETNO3 : 135 38 1.0000 IPRNO3 : 136 87 1.0000 NPRNO3 : 137 119 1.0000 RIPA : 138 135 1.0000 RIPB : 139 136 1.0000 RIPC : 140 137 1.0000 RIPD : 141 138 1.0000 HPALD1 : 142 60 1.0000 HPALD2 : 143 61 1.0000 HPALD3 : 144 62 1.0000 HPALD4 : 145 63 1.0000 IHN1 : 146 77 1.0000 IHN2 : 147 78 1.0000 IHN3 : 148 79 1.0000 IHN4 : 149 80 1.0000 INPB : 150 82 1.0000 INPD : 151 83 1.0000 INPD : 152 83 1.0000 ICPDH : 153 72 1.0000 ICPDH : 154 72 1.0000 IDHDP : 155 74 1.0000 IDHPE : 156 75 1.0000 IDCHP : 157 73 1.0000 ITHN : 158 89 1.0000 ITHN : 159 89 1.0000 ITCN : 160 88 1.0000 ITCN : 161 88 1.0000 ETHP : 162 37 1.0000 BALD : 163 4 0.0600 BZCO3H : 164 11 1.0000 BENZP : 165 5 1.0000 NPHEN : 166 118 1.0000 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% HEMCO: Harmonized Emissions Component %%%%% %%%%% You are using HEMCO version 3.5.1 %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reading settings & switches of HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % WARNING: Activate chemistry is set to false in % % geoschem_config.yml so chemistry data will not be % % read by HEMCO(hco_interface_gc_mod.F90) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Switches read from HEMCO_Config.rc: EMISSIONS : T LightNOx : T %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using HEMCO 3.5.1 HEMCO precision (hp) is set to is 8-byte real (aka REAL*8) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading fields of HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registering HEMCO species: Species ACET Species ACTA Species AERI Species ALD2 Species ALK4 Species ASOA1 Species ASOA2 Species ASOA3 Species ASOAN Species ASOG1 Species ASOG2 Species ASOG3 Species AONITA Species AROMP4 Species AROMP5 Species ATOOH Species BALD Species BCPI Species BCPO Species BENZ Species BENZP Species Br Species Br2 Species BrCl Species BrNO2 Species BrNO3 Species BrO Species BrSALA Species BrSALC Species BZCO3H Species BZPAN Species C2H2 Species C2H4 Species C2H6 Species C3H8 Species CCl4 Species CFC11 Species CFC113 Species CFC114 Species CFC115 Species CFC12 Species CH2Br2 Species CH2Cl2 Species CH2I2 Species CH2IBr Species CH2ICl Species CH2O Species CH3Br Species CH3CCl3 Species CH3Cl Species CH3I Species CH4 Species CHBr3 Species CHCl3 Species Cl Species Cl2 Species Cl2O2 Species ClNO2 Species ClNO3 Species ClO Species ClOO Species CLOCK Species CO Species CSL Species DMS Species DST1 Species DST2 Species DST3 Species DST4 Species EOH Species ETHLN Species ETHN Species ETHP Species ETNO3 Species ETP Species GLYC Species GLYX Species H1211 Species H1301 Species H2402 Species H2O Species H2O2 Species HAC Species HBr Species HC5A Species HCFC123 Species HCFC141b Species HCFC142b Species HCFC22 Species HCl Species HCOOH Species HI Species HMHP Species HMML Species HMS Species HNO2 Species HNO3 Species HNO4 Species HOBr Species HOCl Species HOI Species HONIT Species HPALD1 Species HPALD2 Species HPALD3 Species HPALD4 Species HPETHNL Species I Species I2 Species I2O2 Species I2O3 Species I2O4 Species IBr Species ICHE Species ICl Species ICN Species ICPDH Species IDC Species IDCHP Species IDHDP Species IDHPE Species IDN Species IEPOXA Species IEPOXB Species IEPOXD Species IHN1 Species IHN2 Species IHN3 Species IHN4 Species INDIOL Species INO Species INPB Species INPD Species IO Species IONITA Species IONO Species IONO2 Species IPRNO3 Species ISALA Species ISALC Species ISOP Species ITCN Species ITHN Species LIMO Species LVOC Species LVOCOA Species MACR Species MACR1OOH Species MAP Species MCRDH Species MCRENOL Species MCRHN Species MCRHNB Species MCRHP Species MCT Species MEK Species MENO3 Species MGLY Species MOH Species MONITA Species MONITS Species MONITU Species MP Species MPAN Species MPN Species MSA Species MTPA Species MTPO Species MVK Species MVKDH Species MVKHC Species MVKHCB Species MVKHP Species MVKN Species MVKPC Species N2O Species N2O5 Species NH3 Species NH4 Species NIT Species NITs Species NO Species NO2 Species NO3 Species NPHEN Species NPRNO3 Species O3 Species OClO Species OCPI Species OCPO Species OCS Species OIO Species PAN Species pFe Species PHEN Species PIP Species PP Species PPN Species PROPNN Species PRPE Species PRPN Species PYAC Species R4N2 Species R4P Species RA3P Species RB3P Species RCHO Species RIPA Species RIPB Species RIPC Species RIPD Species RP Species SALA Species SALAAL Species SALACL Species SALC Species SALCAL Species SALCCL Species SO2 Species SO4 Species SO4s Species SOAGX Species SOAIE Species SOAP Species SOAS Species TOLU Species TSOA0 Species TSOA1 Species TSOA2 Species TSOA3 Species TSOG0 Species TSOG1 Species TSOG2 Species TSOG3 Species XYLE Species SESQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use ParaNOx ship emissions (extension module) - Use the following species: (MW, emitted as HEMCO ID) NO : 30.01 182 NO2 : 46.01 183 O3 : 48.00 187 HNO3: 63.01 97 HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_02ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_02ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_06ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_06ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_10ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_10ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_14ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_14ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_18ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_18ms.txt HEMCO (LIGHTNOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/LIGHTNOX/v2014-07/light_dist.ott2010.dat HEMCO (LIGHTNOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/LIGHTNOX/v2014-07/light_dist.ott2010.dat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use lightning NOx emissions (extension module) - Use species NO-> 182 - Use GEOS-5 flash rates: F - Use scalar scale factor: 1.00000000 - Use gridded scale field: none Use emissions extension `Volcano`: - use the following species (Name, HcoID, Scaling relative to kgS): SO2, 219 , 2.00125003 Apply scale field: none - Emissions data source is AeroCom - Emit eruptive emissions as category 51 - Emit degassing emissions as category 52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use air-sea flux emissions (extension module) - Use species: - DMS 65 - ACET 1 - MOH 159 - ALD2 4 - MENO3 157 - ETNO3 74 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use soil NOx emissions (extension module) - NOx species : NO 182 - NOx scale factor : 1.00000000 - NOx scale field : none - Use fertilizer NOx : T - Fertilizer scale factor: 6.7999999999999996E-003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use DEAD dust emissions (extension module) Use the following species (Name: HcoID): DST1: 66 DST2: 67 DST3: 68 DST4: 69 Global mass flux tuning factor: 5.9999999999999995E-004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use sea salt aerosol emissions (extension module) Accumulation aerosol: SALA: 213 - size range : 1.0000000000000000E-002 0.50000000000000000 Coarse aerosol : SALC: 216 - size range : 1.0000000000000000E-002 0.50000000000000000 - wind scale factor: 1.0000000000000000 - Arctic Snow Salinity on FYI (psu): 0.10000000000000001 - Arctic Snow Salinity on MYI (psu): 5.0000000000000003E-002 - Antarctic Snow Salinity on FYI (psu): 2.9999999999999999E-002 - Antarctic Snow Salinity on FYI (psu): 1.4999999999999999E-002 - Arctic Snow age (days): 3.0000000000000000 - Antarctic Snow age(days): 1.5000000000000000 - Number of particle per snowflake: 5.0000000000000000 Accumulation Chloride: SALACL: 215 Coarse Chloride: SALCCL: 218 Accumulation Alkalinity: SALAAL: 214 Coarse Alkalinity: SALCAL: 217 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use MEGAN biogenic emissions (extension module) - Use offline biogenic VOCs? F - Use the following species: Isoprene = ISOP 141 Acetone = ACET 1 PRPE = PRPE 200 C2H4 = C2H4 33 ALD2 = ALD2 4 MOH = MOH 159 EOH = EOH 70 MTPA = MTPA 167 MTPO = MTPO 168 LIMO = LIMO 144 SESQ = SESQ 236 SOAP = SOAP 224 SOAS = SOAS 225 --> Isoprene scale factor is 1.0000000000000000 --> Use CO2 inhibition on isoprene option T --> Global atmospheric CO2 concentration : 390.00000000000000 ppmv --> Normalize LAI by PFT: T --> Isoprene to SOA-Precursor 1.4999999999999999E-002 --> Isoprene direct to SOA (Simple) 1.4999999999999999E-002 --> Monoterpene to SOA-Precursor 4.4091712946118980E-002 --> Monoterpene direct to SOA (Simple) 4.4091712946118980E-002 --> Othrterpene to SOA-Precursor 5.0000000000000003E-002 --> Othrterpene direct to SOA (Simple) 5.0000000000000003E-002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use GFED extension - Use GFED-4 : T - Use daily scale factors : F - Use hourly scale factors: F - Hydrophilic OC fraction : 0.500000000 - Hydrophilic BC fraction : 0.200000003 - POG1 fraction : 0.490000010 - SOAP fraction : 1.30000003E-02 - Emit GFED species NO as model species NO --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species CO as model species CO --> Will use scale factor: 1.04999995 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species ALK4 as model species ALK4 --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species ACET as model species ACET --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species MEK as model species MEK --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species ALD2 as model species ALD2 --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species PRPE as model species PRPE --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species C2H2 as model species C2H2 --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species C2H4 as model species C2H4 --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species C3H8 as model species C3H8 --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species CH2O as model species CH2O --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species C2H6 as model species C2H6 --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species SO2 as model species SO2 --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species NH3 as model species NH3 --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species BC as model species BCPO --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species BC as model species BCPI --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species OC as model species OCPO --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species OC as model species OCPI --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species MTPA as model species MTPA --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species BENZ as model species BENZ --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species TOLU as model species TOLU --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species XYLE as model species XYLE --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species EOH as model species EOH --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species MOH as model species MOH --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none - Emit GFED species SOAP as model species SOAP --> Will use scale factor: 1.00000000 --> Will use scale field : none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use inorganic iodine emissions (extension module) HOI: HOI 101 I2: I2 109 =============================================================================== U N I F I E D C H E M I S T R Y Routines written by SEBASTIAN D. EASTHAM =============================================================================== UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_12.dat ACET (via GMI rates) ACTA (via GMI rates) ALD2 (via GMI rates) ALK4 (via GMI rates) C2H6 (via GMI rates) C3H8 (via GMI rates) CCl4 (via GMI rates) CFC113 (via GMI rates) CFC114 (via GMI rates) CFC115 (via GMI rates) CH2O (via GMI rates) CH3CCl3 (via GMI rates) CH3Cl (via GMI rates) CH4 (via GMI rates) CO (via GMI rates) Cl (via GMI rates) Cl2 (via GMI rates) Cl2O2 (via GMI rates) ClO (via GMI rates) EOH (via GMI rates) ETP (via GMI rates) GLYC (via GMI rates) GLYX (via GMI rates) H2402 (via GMI rates) H2O (via GMI rates) H2O2 (via GMI rates) HAC (via GMI rates) HCFC141b (via GMI rates) HCFC142b (via GMI rates) HCFC22 (via GMI rates) HCOOH (via GMI rates) HCl (via GMI rates) HNO2 (via GMI rates) HNO3 (via GMI rates) HNO4 (via GMI rates) HOCl (via GMI rates) ISOP (via GMI rates) MACR (via GMI rates) MAP (via GMI rates) MEK (via GMI rates) MGLY (via GMI rates) MOH (via GMI rates) MP (via GMI rates) MVK (via GMI rates) N2O5 (via GMI rates) O3 (via Linoz) OClO (via GMI rates) PAN (via GMI rates) PP (via GMI rates) PPN (via GMI rates) PRPE (via GMI rates) PRPN (via GMI rates) R4N2 (via GMI rates) R4P (via GMI rates) RA3P (via GMI rates) RB3P (via GMI rates) RCHO (via GMI rates) RP (via GMI rates) RIPA (via GMI rates) RIPB (via GMI rates) RIPD (via GMI rates) CHBr3 (from GMI OH) CH2Br2 (from GMI OH) CH3Br (from GMI OH) Mem/Swap Used (MB) at DYNAMICSMAPL_GenericInitialize= 1.285E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHPMAPL_GenericInitialize= 1.286E+05 0.000E+00 oserver is not split EXPSRC: EXPID: OutputDir/GEOSChem Descr: GEOS-Chem_devel DisableSubVmChecks: F Reading HISTORY RC Files: ------------------------- NOT using buffer I/O for file: HISTORY.rc NOT using buffer I/O for file: AerosolMass.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: Aerosols.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: CloudConvFlux.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: ConcAfterChem.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: DryDep.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: Emissions.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: JValues.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: Metrics.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: KppDiags.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: LevelEdgeDiags.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: ProdLoss.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: SpeciesConc.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: StateChm.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: StateMet.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: WetLossConv.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: WetLossLS.rcx Setting history alarm for species 1 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 2 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 3 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 4 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 5 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 6 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 7 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 8 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 9 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 10 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 11 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 12 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 13 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 14 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 15 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Setting history alarm for species 16 RingTime: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: AerosolMass Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: Aerosols Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: CloudConvFlux Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: ConcAfterChem Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: DryDep Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: Emissions Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: JValues Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: Metrics Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: KppDiags Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: LevelEdgeDiags Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: ProdLoss Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: SpeciesConc Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: StateChm Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: StateMet Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: WetLossConv Freq: 00060000 Dur: 00060000 TM: -1 Collection: WetLossLS Independent Output Export States: --------------------------------- 1 GCHPchem Initializing Output Stream: AerosolMass --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 1368 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: AerMassBC AerMassINDIOL AerMassLVOCOA AerMassNH4 AerMassNIT AerMassPOA AerMassSAL AerMassSO4 AerMassSOAGX AerMassSOAIE PM25 PM10 TotalOA TotalOC AerMassASOA AerMassOPOA AerMassTSOA BetaNO TotalBiogenicOA Initializing Output Stream: Aerosols --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 7200 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: AODHygWL1_SO4 AODHygWL1_BCPI AODHygWL1_OCPI AODHygWL1_SALA AODHygWL1_SALC AODDust AODDustWL1_bin1 AODDustWL1_bin2 AODDustWL1_bin3 AODDustWL1_bin4 AODDustWL1_bin5 AODDustWL1_bin6 AODDustWL1_bin7 AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL1 AODStratLiquidAerWL1 AODPolarStratCloudWL1 AerHygroscopicGrowth_SO4 AerHygroscopicGrowth_BCPI AerHygroscopicGrowth_OCPI AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALA AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALC AerNumDensityStratLiquid AerNumDensityStratParticulate AerAqueousVolume AerSurfAreaDust AerSurfAreaHyg_SO4 AerSurfAreaHyg_BCPI AerSurfAreaHyg_OCPI AerSurfAreaHyg_SALA AerSurfAreaHyg_SALC AerSurfAreaStratLiquid AerSurfAreaPolarStratCloud Chem_AeroAreaMDUST1 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST2 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST3 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST4 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST5 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST6 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST7 Chem_AeroAreaSULF Chem_AeroAreaBC Chem_AeroAreaOC Chem_AeroAreaSSA Chem_AeroAreaSSC Chem_AeroAreaBGSULF Chem_AeroAreaICEI Chem_AeroRadiMDUST1 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST2 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST3 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST4 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST5 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST6 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST7 Chem_AeroRadiSULF Chem_AeroRadiBC Chem_AeroRadiOC Chem_AeroRadiSSA Chem_AeroRadiSSC Chem_AeroRadiBGSULF Chem_AeroRadiICEI Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST1 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST2 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST3 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST4 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST5 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST6 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST7 Chem_WetAeroAreaSULF Chem_WetAeroAreaBC Chem_WetAeroAreaOC Chem_WetAeroAreaSSA Chem_WetAeroAreaSSC Chem_WetAeroAreaBGSULF Chem_WetAeroAreaICEI Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST1 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST2 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST3 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST4 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST5 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST6 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST7 Chem_WetAeroRadiSULF Chem_WetAeroRadiBC Chem_WetAeroRadiOC Chem_WetAeroRadiSSA Chem_WetAeroRadiSSC Chem_WetAeroRadiBGSULF Chem_WetAeroRadiICEI Chem_StatePSC Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5H2O Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5HCl Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3H2O Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HCl Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HBr Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3H2O Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3HCl Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHCl Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHBr Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHCl Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHBr Initializing Output Stream: CloudConvFlux --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 16056 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: CloudConvFlux_XYLE CloudConvFlux_TOLU CloudConvFlux_SOAS CloudConvFlux_SOAP CloudConvFlux_SOAIE CloudConvFlux_SOAGX CloudConvFlux_SO4s CloudConvFlux_SO4 CloudConvFlux_SO2 CloudConvFlux_SALCCL CloudConvFlux_SALCAL CloudConvFlux_SALC CloudConvFlux_SALACL CloudConvFlux_SALAAL CloudConvFlux_SALA CloudConvFlux_RP CloudConvFlux_RIPD CloudConvFlux_RIPC CloudConvFlux_RIPB CloudConvFlux_RIPA CloudConvFlux_RCHO CloudConvFlux_RB3P CloudConvFlux_RA3P CloudConvFlux_R4P CloudConvFlux_R4N2 CloudConvFlux_PYAC CloudConvFlux_PRPN CloudConvFlux_PRPE CloudConvFlux_PROPNN CloudConvFlux_PPN CloudConvFlux_PP CloudConvFlux_PIP CloudConvFlux_pFe CloudConvFlux_PAN CloudConvFlux_OIO CloudConvFlux_OCS CloudConvFlux_OCPO CloudConvFlux_OCPI CloudConvFlux_OClO CloudConvFlux_O3 CloudConvFlux_NPRNO3 CloudConvFlux_NO3 CloudConvFlux_NO2 CloudConvFlux_NO CloudConvFlux_NITs CloudConvFlux_NIT CloudConvFlux_NH4 CloudConvFlux_NH3 CloudConvFlux_N2O5 CloudConvFlux_N2O CloudConvFlux_MVKPC CloudConvFlux_MVKN CloudConvFlux_MVKHP CloudConvFlux_MVKHCB CloudConvFlux_MVKHC CloudConvFlux_MVKDH CloudConvFlux_MVK CloudConvFlux_MTPO CloudConvFlux_MTPA CloudConvFlux_MSA CloudConvFlux_MPN CloudConvFlux_MPAN CloudConvFlux_MP CloudConvFlux_MONITU CloudConvFlux_MONITS CloudConvFlux_MONITA CloudConvFlux_MOH CloudConvFlux_MGLY CloudConvFlux_MENO3 CloudConvFlux_MEK CloudConvFlux_MCRHP CloudConvFlux_MCRHNB CloudConvFlux_MCRHN CloudConvFlux_MCRENOL CloudConvFlux_MCRDH CloudConvFlux_MAP CloudConvFlux_MACR1OOH CloudConvFlux_MACR CloudConvFlux_LVOCOA CloudConvFlux_LVOC CloudConvFlux_LIMO CloudConvFlux_ITHN CloudConvFlux_ITCN CloudConvFlux_ISOP CloudConvFlux_ISALC CloudConvFlux_ISALA CloudConvFlux_IPRNO3 CloudConvFlux_IONO2 CloudConvFlux_IONO CloudConvFlux_IONITA CloudConvFlux_IO CloudConvFlux_INPD CloudConvFlux_INPB CloudConvFlux_INO CloudConvFlux_INDIOL CloudConvFlux_IHN4 CloudConvFlux_IHN3 CloudConvFlux_IHN2 CloudConvFlux_IHN1 CloudConvFlux_IEPOXD CloudConvFlux_IEPOXB CloudConvFlux_IEPOXA CloudConvFlux_IDN CloudConvFlux_IDHPE CloudConvFlux_IDHDP CloudConvFlux_IDCHP CloudConvFlux_IDC CloudConvFlux_ICPDH CloudConvFlux_ICN CloudConvFlux_ICl CloudConvFlux_ICHE CloudConvFlux_IBr CloudConvFlux_I2O4 CloudConvFlux_I2O3 CloudConvFlux_I2O2 CloudConvFlux_I2 CloudConvFlux_I CloudConvFlux_HPETHNL CloudConvFlux_HPALD4 CloudConvFlux_HPALD3 CloudConvFlux_HPALD2 CloudConvFlux_HPALD1 CloudConvFlux_HONIT CloudConvFlux_HOI CloudConvFlux_HOCl CloudConvFlux_HOBr CloudConvFlux_HNO4 CloudConvFlux_HNO3 CloudConvFlux_HNO2 CloudConvFlux_HMS CloudConvFlux_HMML CloudConvFlux_HMHP CloudConvFlux_HI CloudConvFlux_HCOOH CloudConvFlux_HCl CloudConvFlux_HCFC22 CloudConvFlux_HCFC142B CloudConvFlux_HCFC141B CloudConvFlux_HCFC123 CloudConvFlux_HC5A CloudConvFlux_HBr CloudConvFlux_HAC CloudConvFlux_H2O2 CloudConvFlux_H2O CloudConvFlux_H2402 CloudConvFlux_H1301 CloudConvFlux_H1211 CloudConvFlux_GLYX CloudConvFlux_GLYC CloudConvFlux_ETP CloudConvFlux_ETNO3 CloudConvFlux_ETHP CloudConvFlux_ETHN CloudConvFlux_ETHLN CloudConvFlux_EOH CloudConvFlux_DST4 CloudConvFlux_DST3 CloudConvFlux_DST2 CloudConvFlux_DST1 CloudConvFlux_DMS CloudConvFlux_CO CloudConvFlux_ClOO CloudConvFlux_ClO CloudConvFlux_ClNO3 CloudConvFlux_ClNO2 CloudConvFlux_Cl2O2 CloudConvFlux_Cl2 CloudConvFlux_Cl CloudConvFlux_CHCl3 CloudConvFlux_CHBr3 CloudConvFlux_CH4 CloudConvFlux_CH3I CloudConvFlux_CH3Cl CloudConvFlux_CH3CCl3 CloudConvFlux_CH3Br CloudConvFlux_CH2O CloudConvFlux_CH2ICl CloudConvFlux_CH2IBr CloudConvFlux_CH2I2 CloudConvFlux_CH2Cl2 CloudConvFlux_CH2Br2 CloudConvFlux_CFC12 CloudConvFlux_CFC115 CloudConvFlux_CFC114 CloudConvFlux_CFC113 CloudConvFlux_CFC11 CloudConvFlux_CCl4 CloudConvFlux_C3H8 CloudConvFlux_C2H6 CloudConvFlux_C2H4 CloudConvFlux_C2H2 CloudConvFlux_BrSALC CloudConvFlux_BrSALA CloudConvFlux_BrO CloudConvFlux_BrNO3 CloudConvFlux_BrNO2 CloudConvFlux_BrCl CloudConvFlux_Br2 CloudConvFlux_Br CloudConvFlux_BENZ CloudConvFlux_BCPO CloudConvFlux_BCPI CloudConvFlux_ATOOH CloudConvFlux_ALK4 CloudConvFlux_ALD2 CloudConvFlux_AERI CloudConvFlux_ACTA CloudConvFlux_ACET CloudConvFlux_TSOG3 CloudConvFlux_TSOG2 CloudConvFlux_TSOG1 CloudConvFlux_TSOG0 CloudConvFlux_TSOA3 CloudConvFlux_TSOA2 CloudConvFlux_TSOA1 CloudConvFlux_TSOA0 CloudConvFlux_ASOG3 CloudConvFlux_ASOG2 CloudConvFlux_ASOG1 CloudConvFlux_ASOAN CloudConvFlux_ASOA3 CloudConvFlux_ASOA2 CloudConvFlux_ASOA1 Initializing Output Stream: ConcAfterChem --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 288 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: OHconcAfterChem HO2concAfterChem O1DconcAfterChem O3PconcAfterChem Initializing Output Stream: DryDep --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 326 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: DryDep_SOAS DryDep_SOAIE DryDep_SOAGX DryDep_SO4s DryDep_SO4 DryDep_SO2 DryDep_SALCCL DryDep_SALCAL DryDep_SALC DryDep_SALACL DryDep_SALAAL DryDep_SALA DryDep_RP DryDep_RIPD DryDep_RIPC DryDep_RIPB DryDep_RIPA DryDep_RB3P DryDep_RA3P DryDep_R4P DryDep_R4N2 DryDep_PYAC DryDep_PRPN DryDep_PROPNN DryDep_PPN DryDep_PP DryDep_pFe DryDep_PAN DryDep_OCPO DryDep_OCPI DryDep_O3 DryDep_NPRNO3 DryDep_NO2 DryDep_NITs DryDep_NIT DryDep_NH4 DryDep_NH3 DryDep_N2O5 DryDep_MVKPC DryDep_MVKN DryDep_MVKHP DryDep_MVKHCB DryDep_MVKHC DryDep_MVKDH DryDep_MVK DryDep_MTPO DryDep_MTPA DryDep_MSA DryDep_MPAN DryDep_MONITU DryDep_MONITS DryDep_MONITA DryDep_MOH DryDep_MGLY DryDep_MENO3 DryDep_MCRHP DryDep_MCRHNB DryDep_MCRHN DryDep_MCRENOL DryDep_MCRDH DryDep_MAP DryDep_MACR1OOH DryDep_MACR DryDep_LVOCOA DryDep_LVOC DryDep_LIMO DryDep_ITHN DryDep_ITCN DryDep_ISALC DryDep_ISALA DryDep_IPRNO3 DryDep_IONO2 DryDep_IONO DryDep_IONITA DryDep_INPD DryDep_INPB DryDep_INDIOL DryDep_IHN4 DryDep_IHN3 DryDep_IHN2 DryDep_IHN1 DryDep_IEPOXD DryDep_IEPOXB DryDep_IEPOXA DryDep_IDN DryDep_IDHPE DryDep_IDHDP DryDep_IDCHP DryDep_IDC DryDep_ICPDH DryDep_ICN DryDep_ICl DryDep_ICHE DryDep_IBr DryDep_I2O4 DryDep_I2O3 DryDep_I2O2 DryDep_I2 DryDep_HPETHNL DryDep_HPALD4 DryDep_HPALD3 DryDep_HPALD2 DryDep_HPALD1 DryDep_HONIT DryDep_HOI DryDep_HOCl DryDep_HOBr DryDep_HNO3 DryDep_HMS DryDep_HMML DryDep_HMHP DryDep_HI DryDep_HCOOH DryDep_HCl DryDep_HC5A DryDep_HBr DryDep_HAC DryDep_H2O2 DryDep_GLYX DryDep_GLYC DryDep_ETP DryDep_ETNO3 DryDep_ETHP DryDep_ETHN DryDep_ETHLN DryDep_EOH DryDep_DST4 DryDep_DST3 DryDep_DST2 DryDep_DST1 DryDep_ClOO DryDep_ClO DryDep_ClNO3 DryDep_ClNO2 DryDep_Cl2 DryDep_CH2O DryDep_BrSALC DryDep_BrSALA DryDep_BrNO3 DryDep_BrCl DryDep_Br2 DryDep_BCPO DryDep_BCPI DryDep_ATOOH DryDep_ALD2 DryDep_AERI DryDep_ACTA DryDep_ACET DryDep_TSOG3 DryDep_TSOG2 DryDep_TSOG1 DryDep_TSOG0 DryDep_TSOA3 DryDep_TSOA2 DryDep_TSOA1 DryDep_TSOA0 DryDep_ASOG3 DryDep_ASOG2 DryDep_ASOG1 DryDep_ASOAN DryDep_ASOA3 DryDep_ASOA2 DryDep_ASOA1 DryDepVel_SOAS DryDepVel_SOAIE DryDepVel_SOAGX DryDepVel_SO4s DryDepVel_SO4 DryDepVel_SO2 DryDepVel_SALCCL DryDepVel_SALCAL DryDepVel_SALC DryDepVel_SALACL DryDepVel_SALAAL DryDepVel_SALA DryDepVel_RP DryDepVel_RIPD DryDepVel_RIPC DryDepVel_RIPB DryDepVel_RIPA DryDepVel_RB3P DryDepVel_RA3P DryDepVel_R4P DryDepVel_R4N2 DryDepVel_PYAC DryDepVel_PRPN DryDepVel_PROPNN DryDepVel_PPN DryDepVel_PP DryDepVel_pFe DryDepVel_PAN DryDepVel_OCPO DryDepVel_OCPI DryDepVel_O3 DryDepVel_NPRNO3 DryDepVel_NO2 DryDepVel_NITs DryDepVel_NIT DryDepVel_NH4 DryDepVel_NH3 DryDepVel_N2O5 DryDepVel_MVKPC DryDepVel_MVKN DryDepVel_MVKHP DryDepVel_MVKHCB DryDepVel_MVKHC DryDepVel_MVKDH DryDepVel_MVK DryDepVel_MTPO DryDepVel_MTPA DryDepVel_MSA DryDepVel_MPAN DryDepVel_MONITU DryDepVel_MONITS DryDepVel_MONITA DryDepVel_MOH DryDepVel_MGLY DryDepVel_MENO3 DryDepVel_MCRHP DryDepVel_MCRHNB DryDepVel_MCRHN DryDepVel_MCRENOL DryDepVel_MCRDH DryDepVel_MAP DryDepVel_MACR1OOH DryDepVel_MACR DryDepVel_LVOCOA DryDepVel_LVOC DryDepVel_LIMO DryDepVel_ITHN DryDepVel_ITCN DryDepVel_ISALC DryDepVel_ISALA DryDepVel_IPRNO3 DryDepVel_IONO2 DryDepVel_IONO DryDepVel_IONITA DryDepVel_INPD DryDepVel_INPB DryDepVel_INDIOL DryDepVel_IHN4 DryDepVel_IHN3 DryDepVel_IHN2 DryDepVel_IHN1 DryDepVel_IEPOXD DryDepVel_IEPOXB DryDepVel_IEPOXA DryDepVel_IDN DryDepVel_IDHPE DryDepVel_IDHDP DryDepVel_IDCHP DryDepVel_IDC DryDepVel_ICPDH DryDepVel_ICN DryDepVel_ICl DryDepVel_ICHE DryDepVel_IBr DryDepVel_I2O4 DryDepVel_I2O3 DryDepVel_I2O2 DryDepVel_I2 DryDepVel_HPETHNL DryDepVel_HPALD4 DryDepVel_HPALD3 DryDepVel_HPALD2 DryDepVel_HPALD1 DryDepVel_HONIT DryDepVel_HOI DryDepVel_HOCl DryDepVel_HOBr DryDepVel_HNO3 DryDepVel_HMS DryDepVel_HMML DryDepVel_HMHP DryDepVel_HI DryDepVel_HCOOH DryDepVel_HCl DryDepVel_HC5A DryDepVel_HBr DryDepVel_HAC DryDepVel_H2O2 DryDepVel_GLYX DryDepVel_GLYC DryDepVel_ETP DryDepVel_ETNO3 DryDepVel_ETHP DryDepVel_ETHN DryDepVel_ETHLN DryDepVel_EOH DryDepVel_DST4 DryDepVel_DST3 DryDepVel_DST2 DryDepVel_DST1 DryDepVel_ClOO DryDepVel_ClO DryDepVel_ClNO3 DryDepVel_ClNO2 DryDepVel_Cl2 DryDepVel_CH2O DryDepVel_BrSALC DryDepVel_BrSALA DryDepVel_BrNO3 DryDepVel_BrCl DryDepVel_Br2 DryDepVel_BCPO DryDepVel_BCPI DryDepVel_ATOOH DryDepVel_ALD2 DryDepVel_AERI DryDepVel_ACTA DryDepVel_ACET DryDepVel_TSOG3 DryDepVel_TSOG2 DryDepVel_TSOG1 DryDepVel_TSOG0 DryDepVel_TSOA3 DryDepVel_TSOA2 DryDepVel_TSOA1 DryDepVel_TSOA0 DryDepVel_ASOG3 DryDepVel_ASOG2 DryDepVel_ASOG1 DryDepVel_ASOAN DryDepVel_ASOA3 DryDepVel_ASOA2 DryDepVel_ASOA1 Initializing Output Stream: Emissions --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 10012 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: EmisACET_Total EmisACET_BioBurn EmisACET_Biogenic EmisACET_Ocean EmisALD2_Total EmisALD2_Anthro EmisALD2_BioBurn EmisALD2_Biogenic EmisALD2_Ocean EmisALD2_PlantDecay EmisALD2_Ship EmisALK4_Total EmisALK4_Aircraft EmisALK4_Anthro EmisALK4_BioBurn EmisALK4_Ship EmisBCPI_Total EmisBCPI_Aircraft EmisBCPI_Anthro EmisBCPI_BioBurn EmisBCPI_Ship EmisBCPO_Total EmisBCPO_Anthro EmisBCPO_BioBurn EmisBCPO_Ship EmisBENZ_Total EmisBENZ_Anthro EmisBENZ_BioBurn EmisBENZ_Ship EmisC2H2_Total EmisC2H2_Anthro EmisC2H2_BioBurn EmisC2H2_Ship EmisC2H4_Total EmisC2H4_Anthro EmisC2H4_BioBurn EmisC2H4_Biogenic EmisC2H4_Ship EmisC2H6_Total EmisC2H6_Aircraft EmisC2H6_Anthro EmisC2H6_BioBurn EmisC2H6_Ship EmisC3H8_Total EmisC3H8_Aircraft EmisC3H8_Anthro EmisC3H8_BioBurn EmisC3H8_Ship EmisCH2Br2_Ocean EmisCH2I2_Ocean EmisCH2ICl_Ocean EmisCH2IBr_Ocean EmisCH2O_Total EmisCH2O_Aircraft EmisCH2O_Anthro EmisCH2O_BioBurn EmisCH2O_Ship EmisCH3I_Ocean EmisCHBr3_Ocean EmisCO_Total EmisCO_Aircraft EmisCO_Anthro EmisCO_BioBurn EmisCO_Ship EmisCO2_Total EmisCO2_Anthro EmisCO2_BioBurn EmisCO2_Ship EmisDMS_Ocean EmisDST1_Total EmisDST1_Anthro EmisDST1_Natural EmisDST2_Natural EmisDST3_Natural EmisDST4_Natural EmisEOH_Total EmisEOH_Anthro EmisEOH_BioBurn EmisEOH_Biogenic EmisEOH_PlantDecay EmisEOH_Ship EmisETNO3_Ocean EmisH2O_Aircraft EmisHCOOH_Total EmisHCOOH_Anthro EmisHCOOH_Ship EmisHNO3_Ship EmisHONO_Aircraft EmisISOP_Total EmisISOP_Biogenic EmisLIMO_Biogenic EmisMACR_Total EmisMACR_Aircraft EmisMEK_Total EmisMEK_Anthro EmisMEK_BioBurn EmisMEK_Ship EmisMENO3_Ocean EmisMOH_Total EmisMOH_Anthro EmisMOH_BioBurn EmisMOH_Biogenic EmisMOH_Ocean EmisMOH_Ship EmisMTPA_Total EmisMTPA_BioBurn EmisMTPA_Biogenic EmisMTPO_Biogenic EmisNAP_Total EmisNAP_Anthro EmisNAP_BioBurn EmisNH3_Total EmisNH3_Anthro EmisNH3_BioBurn EmisNH3_Natural EmisNH3_Seabirds EmisNH3_Ship EmisNO_Total EmisNO_Aircraft EmisNO_Anthro EmisNO_BioBurn EmisNO_Lightning EmisNO_Ship EmisNO_Soil EmisNO2_Total EmisNO2_Aircraft EmisNO2_Ship EmisO3_Ship EmisOCPI_Total EmisOCPI_Aircraft EmisOCPI_Anthro EmisOCPI_BioBurn EmisOCPI_Ship EmisOCPO_Total EmisOCPO_Anthro EmisOCPO_BioBurn EmisOCPO_Ship EmispFe_Total EmispFe_Anthro EmispFe_Ship EmisPOG1_Total EmisPOG1_Anthro EmisPOG1_BioBurn EmisPOG2_Total EmisPOG2_Anthro EmisPOG2_BioBurn EmisPRPE_Total EmisPRPE_Aircraft EmisPRPE_Anthro EmisPRPE_BioBurn EmisPRPE_Biogenic EmisPRPE_Ship EmisRCHO_Total EmisRCHO_Aircraft EmisSALA_Natural EmisSALAAL_Natural EmisSALACL_Natural EmisSALC_Natural EmisSALCAL_Natural EmisSALCCL_Natural EmisSO2_Total EmisSO2_Aircraft EmisSO2_Anthro EmisSO2_BioBurn EmisSO2_VolcErupt EmisSO2_VolcDegas EmisSO2_Ship EmisSO4_Total EmisSO4_Aircraft EmisSO4_Anthro EmisSO4_Ship EmisSOAP_Total EmisSOAP_Aircraft EmisSOAP_Anthro EmisSOAP_Biogenic EmisSOAP_BioBurn EmisSOAP_Ship EmisSOAS_Biogenic EmisTOLU_Total EmisTOLU_Anthro EmisTOLU_BioBurn EmisTOLU_Ship EmisXYLE_Total EmisXYLE_Anthro EmisXYLE_BioBurn EmisXYLE_Ship HcoLightningFlashRate_Total HcoLightningFlashRate_IntraCld HcoLightningFlashRate_CldGround HcoConvectiveCloudTopHeight InvCEDS_ALD2 InvCEDS_ALK4 InvCEDS_BCPI InvCEDS_BCPO InvCEDS_BENZ InvCEDS_C2H2 InvCEDS_C2H4 InvCEDS_C2H6 InvCEDS_C3H8 InvCEDS_CH2O InvCEDS_CO InvCEDS_MOH InvCEDS_EOH InvCEDS_ROH InvCEDS_HCOOH InvCEDS_MEK InvCEDS_NH3 InvCEDS_NO InvCEDS_OCPI InvCEDS_OCPO InvCEDS_pFe InvCEDS_POG1 InvCEDS_POG2 InvCEDS_PRPE InvCEDS_SO2 InvCEDS_SO4 InvCEDS_SOAP InvCEDS_TOLU InvCEDS_XYLE InvGEIAnatural_NH3 InvSEABIRDS_NH3 InvC2H62010_C2H6 InvXIAO_C3H8 InvLIANG_CH2Br2 InvLIANG_CHBr3 InvORDONEZ_CH2I2 InvORDONEZ_CH2ICl InvORDONEZ_CH2IBr InvORDONEZ_CH3I InvCEDSship_ALD2 InvCEDSship_ALK4 InvCEDSship_BCPI InvCEDSship_BCPO InvCEDSship_BENZ InvCEDSship_C2H2 InvCEDSship_C2H4 InvCEDSship_C2H6 InvCEDSship_C3H8 InvCEDSship_CH2O InvCEDSship_CO InvCEDSship_EOH InvCEDSship_HCOOH InvCEDSship_MEK InvCEDSship_NH3 InvCEDSship_pFe InvCEDSship_PRPE InvCEDSship_OCPI InvCEDSship_OCPO InvCEDSship_SO2 InvCEDSship_SO4 InvCEDSship_SOAP InvCEDSship_TOLU InvCEDSship_XYLE InvAEIC_ACET InvAEIC_ALD2 InvAEIC_ALK4 InvAEIC_BCPI InvAEIC_C2H6 InvAEIC_C3H8 InvAEIC_CH2O InvAEIC_CO InvAEIC_HONO InvAEIC_MACR InvAEIC_NO InvAEIC_NO2 InvAEIC_OCPI InvAEIC_PRPE InvAEIC_RCHO InvAEIC_SO2 InvAEIC_SO4 InvAEIC_SOAP InvPLANTDECAY_ALD2 InvPLANTDECAY_EOH InvAFCID_DST1 InvSeaFlux_ACET InvSeaFlux_ALD2 InvSeaFlux_DMS InvSeaFlux_ETNO3 InvSeaFlux_MENO3 InvSeaFlux_MOH InvPARANOX_HNO3 InvPARANOX_NO InvPARANOX_NO2 InvPARANOX_O3 InvLIGHTNOX_NO InvSOILNOX_NO InvDEAD_DST1 InvDEAD_DST2 InvDEAD_DST3 InvDEAD_DST4 InvSeaSalt_BrSALA InvSeaSalt_BrSALC InvSeaSalt_SALA InvSeaSalt_SALC InvSeaSalt_SALAAL InvSeaSalt_SALACL InvSeaSalt_SALCAL InvSeaSalt_SALCCL InvMEGAN_ALD2 InvMEGAN_EOH InvMEGAN_ISOP InvMEGAN_LIMO InvMEGAN_MTPA InvMEGAN_MTPO InvMEGAN_PRPE InvMEGAN_SOAP InvMEGAN_SOAS InvMEGAN_ACET InvMEGAN_ACET_MONO InvMEGAN_ACET_MBOX InvMEGAN_ACET_DIRECT InvMEGAN_MOH InvMEGAN_APIN InvMEGAN_BPIN InvMEGAN_SABI InvMEGAN_MYRC InvMEGAN_CARE InvMEGAN_OCIM InvMEGAN_OMON InvMEGAN_MONX InvMEGAN_FARN InvMEGAN_BCAR InvMEGAN_OSQT InvMEGAN_MBOX InvMEGAN_FAXX InvMEGAN_AAXX InvGFED_ACET InvGFED_ALD2 InvGFED_ALK4 InvGFED_BCPI InvGFED_BCPO InvGFED_BENZ InvGFED_C2H6 InvGFED_C3H8 InvGFED_CH2O InvGFED_CO InvGFED_EOH InvGFED_MEK InvGFED_MOH InvGFED_MTPA InvGFED_NAP InvGFED_NH3 InvGFED_NO InvGFED_OCPI InvGFED_OCPO InvGFED_POG1 InvGFED_POG2 InvGFED_PRPE InvGFED_SO2 InvGFED_SOAP InvGFED_TOLU InvGFED_XYLE InvVOLCANOerupt_SO2 InvVOLCANOdegas_SO2 InvIODINE_HOI InvIODINE_I2 Initializing Output Stream: JValues --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 13896 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: JvalO3O3P JvalO3O1D Jval_O2 Jval_SO4 Jval_RP Jval_RIPD Jval_RIPC Jval_RIPB Jval_RIPA Jval_RCHO Jval_RB3P Jval_RA3P Jval_R4P Jval_R4N2 Jval_PYAC Jval_PRPN Jval_PROPNN Jval_PP Jval_PIP Jval_PAN Jval_OIO Jval_OCS Jval_OClO Jval_O3 Jval_NPRNO3 Jval_NO3 Jval_NO2 Jval_NO Jval_NITs Jval_NIT Jval_N2O5 Jval_N2O Jval_MVKPC Jval_MVKN Jval_MVKHP Jval_MVKHCB Jval_MVKHC Jval_MVK Jval_MPN Jval_MPAN Jval_MP Jval_MONITU Jval_MONITS Jval_MGLY Jval_MENO3 Jval_MEK Jval_MCRHP Jval_MCRHNB Jval_MCRHN Jval_MCRENOL Jval_MAP Jval_MACR1OOH Jval_MACR Jval_ITHN Jval_ITCN Jval_IPRNO3 Jval_IONO2 Jval_IONO Jval_IO Jval_INPD Jval_INPB Jval_INO Jval_IHN4 Jval_IHN3 Jval_IHN2 Jval_IHN1 Jval_IDN Jval_IDHPE Jval_IDHDP Jval_IDCHP Jval_ICPDH Jval_ICN Jval_ICl Jval_IBr Jval_I2O4 Jval_I2O3 Jval_I2O2 Jval_I2 Jval_HPETHNL Jval_HPALD4 Jval_HPALD3 Jval_HPALD2 Jval_HPALD1 Jval_HONIT Jval_HOI Jval_HOCl Jval_HOBr Jval_HNO4 Jval_HNO3 Jval_HNO2 Jval_HMHP Jval_HCFC22 Jval_HCFC142b Jval_HCFC141b Jval_HCFC123 Jval_HC5A Jval_HAC Jval_H2O2 Jval_H2402 Jval_H1301 Jval_H1211 Jval_GLYX Jval_GLYC Jval_ETP Jval_ETNO3 Jval_ETHP Jval_ETHLN Jval_ClOO Jval_ClO Jval_ClNO3 Jval_ClNO2 Jval_Cl2O2 Jval_Cl2 Jval_CHCl3 Jval_CHBr3 Jval_CH3I Jval_CH3Cl Jval_CH3CCl3 Jval_CH3Br Jval_CH2O Jval_CH2ICl Jval_CH2IBr Jval_CH2I2 Jval_CH2Cl2 Jval_CH2Br2 Jval_CFC12 Jval_CFC115 Jval_CFC114 Jval_CFC113 Jval_CFC11 Jval_CCl4 Jval_BrO Jval_BrNO3 Jval_BrNO2 Jval_BrCl Jval_Br2 Jval_ATOOH Jval_ALD2 Jval_ACET UVFluxNet_574nm UVFluxNet_380nm UVFluxNet_333nm UVFluxNet_316nm UVFluxNet_310nm UVFluxNet_303nm UVFluxNet_295nm UVFluxNet_277nm UVFluxNet_267nm UVFluxNet_261nm UVFluxNet_214nm UVFluxNet_211nm UVFluxNet_208nm UVFluxNet_202nm UVFluxNet_196nm UVFluxNet_193nm UVFluxNet_191nm UVFluxNet_187nm UVFluxDirect_574nm UVFluxDirect_380nm UVFluxDirect_333nm UVFluxDirect_316nm UVFluxDirect_310nm UVFluxDirect_303nm UVFluxDirect_295nm UVFluxDirect_277nm UVFluxDirect_267nm UVFluxDirect_261nm UVFluxDirect_214nm UVFluxDirect_211nm UVFluxDirect_208nm UVFluxDirect_202nm UVFluxDirect_196nm UVFluxDirect_193nm UVFluxDirect_191nm UVFluxDirect_187nm UVFluxDiffuse_574nm UVFluxDiffuse_380nm UVFluxDiffuse_333nm UVFluxDiffuse_316nm UVFluxDiffuse_310nm UVFluxDiffuse_303nm UVFluxDiffuse_295nm UVFluxDiffuse_277nm UVFluxDiffuse_267nm UVFluxDiffuse_261nm UVFluxDiffuse_214nm UVFluxDiffuse_211nm UVFluxDiffuse_208nm UVFluxDiffuse_202nm UVFluxDiffuse_196nm UVFluxDiffuse_193nm UVFluxDiffuse_191nm UVFluxDiffuse_187nm Initializing Output Stream: Metrics --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 4 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: AirMassColumnFull LossOHbyCH4columnTrop LossOHbyMCFcolumnTrop OHwgtByAirMassColumnFull Initializing Output Stream: KppDiags --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 576 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: KppIntCounts KppJacCounts KppTotSteps KppAccSteps KppRejSteps KppLuDecomps KppSubsts KppSmDecomps Initializing Output Stream: LevelEdgeDiags --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 511 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: Met_CMFMC Met_PEDGE Met_PEDGEDRY Met_PFICU Met_PFILSAN Met_PFLCU Met_PFLLSAN Initializing Output Stream: ProdLoss --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 1440 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: Prod_Ox Loss_Ox Prod_SO4 Prod_CO Prod_H2O2 ProdBCPIfromBCPO ProdOCPIfromOCPO ProdSO4fromH2O2inCloud ProdSO4fromO2inCloudMetal ProdSO4fromO3inCloud ProdSO4fromO3inSeaSalt ProdSO4fromHOBrInCloud ProdSO4fromSRO3 ProdSO4fromSRHOBr ProdSO4fromO3s Loss_CH4 Loss_CO LossHNO3onSeaSalt ProdCOfromCH4 ProdCOfromNMVOC Initializing Output Stream: SpeciesConc --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 22320 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: SpeciesConc_RCOOH SpeciesConc_O2 SpeciesConc_N2 SpeciesConc_H2 SpeciesConc_O SpeciesConc_OH SpeciesConc_HO2 SpeciesConc_O1D SpeciesConc_MO2 SpeciesConc_MCO3 SpeciesConc_CH2OO SpeciesConc_B3O2 SpeciesConc_R4O2 SpeciesConc_OTHRO2 SpeciesConc_ATO2 SpeciesConc_MACRNO2 SpeciesConc_IHOO1 SpeciesConc_IHOO4 SpeciesConc_INO2D SpeciesConc_INO2B SpeciesConc_A3O2 SpeciesConc_IDHNBOO SpeciesConc_PIO2 SpeciesConc_CH3CHOO SpeciesConc_IEPOXBOO SpeciesConc_IEPOXAOO SpeciesConc_KO2 SpeciesConc_LIMO2 SpeciesConc_RCO3 SpeciesConc_IHPNBOO SpeciesConc_ETO2 SpeciesConc_OLND SpeciesConc_OLNN SpeciesConc_PO2 SpeciesConc_MACR1OO SpeciesConc_MCROHOO SpeciesConc_MVKOHOO SpeciesConc_PRN1 SpeciesConc_R4N1 SpeciesConc_ICHOO SpeciesConc_IHPOO3 SpeciesConc_IHPNDOO SpeciesConc_IHPOO2 SpeciesConc_IHPOO1 SpeciesConc_H SpeciesConc_ISOPNOO1 SpeciesConc_IDHNDOO2 SpeciesConc_IDHNDOO1 SpeciesConc_ROH SpeciesConc_ISOPNOO2 SpeciesConc_ICNOO SpeciesConc_IDNOO SpeciesConc_C4HVP2 SpeciesConc_C4HVP1 SpeciesConc_INA SpeciesConc_HPALD2OO SpeciesConc_HPALD1OO SpeciesConc_XRO2 SpeciesConc_N SpeciesConc_TRO2 SpeciesConc_BrO2 SpeciesConc_PH2O2 SpeciesConc_LCH4 SpeciesConc_PSO4 SpeciesConc_LCO SpeciesConc_PCO SpeciesConc_LOX SpeciesConc_POX SpeciesConc_LXRO2N SpeciesConc_LXRO2H SpeciesConc_LTRO2N SpeciesConc_LTRO2H SpeciesConc_NAP SpeciesConc_NRO2 SpeciesConc_LNRO2N SpeciesConc_LNRO2H SpeciesConc_LISOPNO3 SpeciesConc_LISOPOH SpeciesConc_LBrO2N SpeciesConc_LBrO2H SpeciesConc_CO2 SpeciesConc_XYLE SpeciesConc_TOLU SpeciesConc_SOAS SpeciesConc_SOAP SpeciesConc_SOAIE SpeciesConc_SOAGX SpeciesConc_SO4s SpeciesConc_SO4 SpeciesConc_SO2 SpeciesConc_SALCCL SpeciesConc_SALCAL SpeciesConc_SALC SpeciesConc_SALACL SpeciesConc_SALAAL SpeciesConc_SALA SpeciesConc_RP SpeciesConc_RIPD SpeciesConc_RIPC SpeciesConc_RIPB SpeciesConc_RIPA SpeciesConc_RCHO SpeciesConc_RB3P SpeciesConc_RA3P SpeciesConc_R4P SpeciesConc_R4N2 SpeciesConc_PYAC SpeciesConc_PRPN SpeciesConc_PRPE SpeciesConc_PROPNN SpeciesConc_PPN SpeciesConc_PP SpeciesConc_PIP SpeciesConc_PHEN SpeciesConc_pFe SpeciesConc_PAN SpeciesConc_OIO SpeciesConc_OCS SpeciesConc_OCPO SpeciesConc_OCPI SpeciesConc_OClO SpeciesConc_O3 SpeciesConc_NPRNO3 SpeciesConc_NO3 SpeciesConc_NO2 SpeciesConc_NPHEN SpeciesConc_NO SpeciesConc_NITs SpeciesConc_NIT SpeciesConc_NH4 SpeciesConc_NH3 SpeciesConc_N2O5 SpeciesConc_N2O SpeciesConc_MVKPC SpeciesConc_MVKN SpeciesConc_MVKHP SpeciesConc_MVKHCB SpeciesConc_MVKHC SpeciesConc_MVKDH SpeciesConc_MVK SpeciesConc_MTPO SpeciesConc_MTPA SpeciesConc_MSA SpeciesConc_MPN SpeciesConc_MPAN SpeciesConc_MP SpeciesConc_MONITU SpeciesConc_MONITS SpeciesConc_MONITA SpeciesConc_MOH SpeciesConc_MGLY SpeciesConc_MENO3 SpeciesConc_MEK SpeciesConc_MCRHP SpeciesConc_MCRHNB SpeciesConc_MCRHN SpeciesConc_MCRENOL SpeciesConc_MCRDH SpeciesConc_MAP SpeciesConc_MACR1OOH SpeciesConc_MACR SpeciesConc_LVOCOA SpeciesConc_LVOC SpeciesConc_LIMO SpeciesConc_ITHN SpeciesConc_ITCN SpeciesConc_ISOP SpeciesConc_ISALC SpeciesConc_ISALA SpeciesConc_IPRNO3 SpeciesConc_IONO2 SpeciesConc_IONO SpeciesConc_IONITA SpeciesConc_IO SpeciesConc_INPD SpeciesConc_INPB SpeciesConc_INO SpeciesConc_INDIOL SpeciesConc_IHN4 SpeciesConc_IHN3 SpeciesConc_IHN2 SpeciesConc_IHN1 SpeciesConc_IEPOXD SpeciesConc_IEPOXB SpeciesConc_IEPOXA SpeciesConc_IDN SpeciesConc_IDHPE SpeciesConc_IDHDP SpeciesConc_IDCHP SpeciesConc_IDC SpeciesConc_ICPDH SpeciesConc_ICN SpeciesConc_ICl SpeciesConc_ICHE SpeciesConc_IBr SpeciesConc_I2O4 SpeciesConc_I2O3 SpeciesConc_I2O2 SpeciesConc_I2 SpeciesConc_I SpeciesConc_HPETHNL SpeciesConc_HPALD4 SpeciesConc_HPALD3 SpeciesConc_HPALD2 SpeciesConc_HPALD1 SpeciesConc_HONIT SpeciesConc_HOI SpeciesConc_HOCl SpeciesConc_HOBr SpeciesConc_HNO4 SpeciesConc_HNO3 SpeciesConc_HNO2 SpeciesConc_HMS SpeciesConc_HMML SpeciesConc_HMHP SpeciesConc_HI SpeciesConc_HCOOH SpeciesConc_HCl SpeciesConc_HCFC22 SpeciesConc_HCFC142B SpeciesConc_HCFC141B SpeciesConc_HCFC123 SpeciesConc_HC5A SpeciesConc_HBr SpeciesConc_HAC SpeciesConc_H2O2 SpeciesConc_H2O SpeciesConc_H2402 SpeciesConc_H1301 SpeciesConc_H1211 SpeciesConc_GLYX SpeciesConc_GLYC SpeciesConc_ETP SpeciesConc_ETNO3 SpeciesConc_ETHP SpeciesConc_ETHN SpeciesConc_ETHLN SpeciesConc_EOH SpeciesConc_DST4 SpeciesConc_DST3 SpeciesConc_DST2 SpeciesConc_DST1 SpeciesConc_DMS SpeciesConc_CO SpeciesConc_ClOO SpeciesConc_ClO SpeciesConc_ClNO3 SpeciesConc_ClNO2 SpeciesConc_Cl2O2 SpeciesConc_Cl2 SpeciesConc_Cl SpeciesConc_CLOCK SpeciesConc_CHCl3 SpeciesConc_CHBr3 SpeciesConc_CH4 SpeciesConc_CH3I SpeciesConc_CH3Cl SpeciesConc_CH3CCl3 SpeciesConc_CH3Br SpeciesConc_CH2O SpeciesConc_CH2ICl SpeciesConc_CH2IBr SpeciesConc_CH2I2 SpeciesConc_CH2Cl2 SpeciesConc_CH2Br2 SpeciesConc_CFC12 SpeciesConc_CFC115 SpeciesConc_CFC114 SpeciesConc_CFC113 SpeciesConc_CFC11 SpeciesConc_CCl4 SpeciesConc_C3H8 SpeciesConc_C2H6 SpeciesConc_C2H4 SpeciesConc_C2H2 SpeciesConc_BZPAN SpeciesConc_BrSALC SpeciesConc_BrSALA SpeciesConc_BrO SpeciesConc_BrNO3 SpeciesConc_BrNO2 SpeciesConc_BrCl SpeciesConc_Br2 SpeciesConc_Br SpeciesConc_BENZ SpeciesConc_BCPO SpeciesConc_BCPI SpeciesConc_BALD SpeciesConc_ATOOH SpeciesConc_AONITA SpeciesConc_ALK4 SpeciesConc_ALD2 SpeciesConc_AERI SpeciesConc_ACTA SpeciesConc_ACET SpeciesConc_TSOG3 SpeciesConc_TSOG2 SpeciesConc_TSOG1 SpeciesConc_TSOG0 SpeciesConc_TSOA3 SpeciesConc_TSOA2 SpeciesConc_TSOA1 SpeciesConc_TSOA0 SpeciesConc_ASOG3 SpeciesConc_ASOG2 SpeciesConc_ASOG1 SpeciesConc_ASOAN SpeciesConc_ASOA3 SpeciesConc_ASOA2 SpeciesConc_ASOA1 Initializing Output Stream: StateChm --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 1584 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: Chem_IsorropAeropHAccum Chem_IsorropAeropHCoarse Chem_IsorropHplusAccum Chem_IsorropHplusCoarse Chem_IsorropAeroH2OAccum Chem_IsorropAeroH2OCoarse Chem_IsorropSulfate Chem_IsorropNitrateAccum Chem_IsorropNitrateCoarse Chem_IsorropChlorideAccum Chem_IsorropChlorideCoarse Chem_IsorropBisulfate Chem_pHCloud Chem_isCloud Chem_SSAlkAccumMode Chem_SSAlkCoarseMode Chem_HSO3AQ Chem_SO3AQ Chem_fupdateHOBr Chem_GammaN2O5overall Chem_GammaN2O5fine Chem_YieldClNO2fine Initializing Output Stream: StateMet --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 2354 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: Met_AD Met_AIRDEN Met_AIRVOL Met_ALBD Met_AREAM2 Met_AVGW Met_BXHEIGHT Met_ChemGridLev Met_CLDF Met_CLDFRC Met_CLDTOPS Met_DELP Met_DELPDRY Met_DQRCU Met_DQRLSAN Met_DTRAIN Met_EFLUX Met_FRCLND Met_FRLAKE Met_FRLAND Met_FRLANDIC Met_FROCEAN Met_FRSEAICE Met_FRSNO Met_GWETROOT Met_GWETTOP Met_HFLUX Met_LAI Met_LWI Met_PARDR Met_PARDF Met_PBLTOPL Met_PBLH Met_PHIS Met_PMID Met_PMIDDRY Met_PRECANV Met_PRECCON Met_PRECLSC Met_PRECTOT Met_PS1DRY Met_PS1WET Met_PS2DRY Met_PS2WET Met_PSC2WET Met_PSC2DRY Met_QI Met_QL Met_OMEGA Met_OPTD Met_REEVAPCN Met_REEVAPLS Met_SLP Met_SNODP Met_SNOMAS Met_SPHU Met_SPHU1 Met_SPHU2 Met_SUNCOS Met_SUNCOSmid Met_SWGDN Met_T Met_TAUCLI Met_TAUCLW Met_THETA Met_TMPU1 Met_TMPU2 Met_TO3 Met_TropHt Met_TropLev Met_TropP Met_TS Met_TSKIN Met_TV Met_U Met_U10M Met_USTAR Met_UVALBEDO Met_V Met_V10M Met_Z0 FracOfTimeInTrop Initializing Output Stream: WetLossConv --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 21168 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: WetLossConv_SOAS WetLossConv_SOAIE WetLossConv_SOAGX WetLossConv_SO4s WetLossConv_SO4 WetLossConv_SO2 WetLossConv_SALCCL WetLossConv_SALCAL WetLossConv_SALC WetLossConv_SALACL WetLossConv_SALAAL WetLossConv_SALA WetLossConv_RP WetLossConv_RIPD WetLossConv_RIPC WetLossConv_RIPB WetLossConv_RIPA WetLossConv_RB3P WetLossConv_RA3P WetLossConv_R4P WetLossConv_R4N2 WetLossConv_PYAC WetLossConv_PRPN WetLossConv_PRPE WetLossConv_PROPNN WetLossConv_PPN WetLossConv_PP WetLossConv_pFe WetLossConv_PAN WetLossConv_OCPO WetLossConv_OCPI WetLossConv_NITs WetLossConv_NIT WetLossConv_NH4 WetLossConv_NH3 WetLossConv_MVKPC WetLossConv_MVKN WetLossConv_MVKHP WetLossConv_MVKHCB WetLossConv_MVKHC WetLossConv_MVKDH WetLossConv_MVK WetLossConv_MTPO WetLossConv_MTPA WetLossConv_MSA WetLossConv_MPN WetLossConv_MPAN WetLossConv_MP WetLossConv_MONITU WetLossConv_MONITS WetLossConv_MONITA WetLossConv_MOH WetLossConv_MGLY WetLossConv_MEK WetLossConv_MCRHP WetLossConv_MCRHNB WetLossConv_MCRHN WetLossConv_MCRENOL WetLossConv_MCRDH WetLossConv_MAP WetLossConv_MACR1OOH WetLossConv_LVOCOA WetLossConv_LVOC WetLossConv_LIMO WetLossConv_ITHN WetLossConv_ITCN WetLossConv_ISALC WetLossConv_ISALA WetLossConv_IONO2 WetLossConv_IONO WetLossConv_IONITA WetLossConv_INPD WetLossConv_INPB WetLossConv_INDIOL WetLossConv_IHN4 WetLossConv_IHN3 WetLossConv_IHN2 WetLossConv_IHN1 WetLossConv_IEPOXD WetLossConv_IEPOXB WetLossConv_IEPOXA WetLossConv_IDN WetLossConv_IDHPE WetLossConv_IDHDP WetLossConv_IDCHP WetLossConv_ICPDH WetLossConv_ICN WetLossConv_ICl WetLossConv_ICHE WetLossConv_IBr WetLossConv_I2O4 WetLossConv_I2O3 WetLossConv_I2O2 WetLossConv_I2 WetLossConv_HPETHNL WetLossConv_HONIT WetLossConv_HOI WetLossConv_HOCl WetLossConv_HOBr WetLossConv_HNO3 WetLossConv_HMS WetLossConv_HMML WetLossConv_HMHP WetLossConv_HI WetLossConv_HCOOH WetLossConv_HCl WetLossConv_HC5A WetLossConv_HBr WetLossConv_HAC WetLossConv_H2O2 WetLossConv_GLYX WetLossConv_GLYC WetLossConv_ETP WetLossConv_ETHP WetLossConv_ETHN WetLossConv_ETHLN WetLossConv_EOH WetLossConv_DST4 WetLossConv_DST3 WetLossConv_DST2 WetLossConv_DST1 WetLossConv_CH2O WetLossConv_BrSALC WetLossConv_BrSALA WetLossConv_BrCl WetLossConv_Br2 WetLossConv_BCPO WetLossConv_BCPI WetLossConv_ATOOH WetLossConv_ALD2 WetLossConv_AERI WetLossConv_ACTA WetLossConv_TSOG3 WetLossConv_TSOG2 WetLossConv_TSOG1 WetLossConv_TSOG0 WetLossConv_TSOA3 WetLossConv_TSOA2 WetLossConv_TSOA1 WetLossConv_TSOA0 WetLossConv_ASOG3 WetLossConv_ASOG2 WetLossConv_ASOG1 WetLossConv_ASOAN WetLossConv_ASOA3 WetLossConv_ASOA2 WetLossConv_ASOA1 WetLossConvFrac_SOAS WetLossConvFrac_SOAIE WetLossConvFrac_SOAGX WetLossConvFrac_SO4s WetLossConvFrac_SO4 WetLossConvFrac_SO2 WetLossConvFrac_SALCCL WetLossConvFrac_SALCAL WetLossConvFrac_SALC WetLossConvFrac_SALACL WetLossConvFrac_SALAAL WetLossConvFrac_SALA WetLossConvFrac_RP WetLossConvFrac_RIPD WetLossConvFrac_RIPC WetLossConvFrac_RIPB WetLossConvFrac_RIPA WetLossConvFrac_RB3P WetLossConvFrac_RA3P WetLossConvFrac_R4P WetLossConvFrac_R4N2 WetLossConvFrac_PYAC WetLossConvFrac_PRPN WetLossConvFrac_PRPE WetLossConvFrac_PROPNN WetLossConvFrac_PPN WetLossConvFrac_PP WetLossConvFrac_pFe WetLossConvFrac_PAN WetLossConvFrac_OCPO WetLossConvFrac_OCPI WetLossConvFrac_NITs WetLossConvFrac_NIT WetLossConvFrac_NH4 WetLossConvFrac_NH3 WetLossConvFrac_MVKPC WetLossConvFrac_MVKN WetLossConvFrac_MVKHP WetLossConvFrac_MVKHCB WetLossConvFrac_MVKHC WetLossConvFrac_MVKDH WetLossConvFrac_MVK WetLossConvFrac_MTPO WetLossConvFrac_MTPA WetLossConvFrac_MSA WetLossConvFrac_MPN WetLossConvFrac_MPAN WetLossConvFrac_MP WetLossConvFrac_MONITU WetLossConvFrac_MONITS WetLossConvFrac_MONITA WetLossConvFrac_MOH WetLossConvFrac_MGLY WetLossConvFrac_MEK WetLossConvFrac_MCRHP WetLossConvFrac_MCRHNB WetLossConvFrac_MCRHN WetLossConvFrac_MCRENOL WetLossConvFrac_MCRDH WetLossConvFrac_MAP WetLossConvFrac_MACR1OOH WetLossConvFrac_LVOCOA WetLossConvFrac_LVOC WetLossConvFrac_LIMO WetLossConvFrac_ITHN WetLossConvFrac_ITCN WetLossConvFrac_ISALC WetLossConvFrac_ISALA WetLossConvFrac_IONO2 WetLossConvFrac_IONO WetLossConvFrac_IONITA WetLossConvFrac_INPD WetLossConvFrac_INPB WetLossConvFrac_INDIOL WetLossConvFrac_IHN4 WetLossConvFrac_IHN3 WetLossConvFrac_IHN2 WetLossConvFrac_IHN1 WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXD WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXB WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXA WetLossConvFrac_IDN WetLossConvFrac_IDHPE WetLossConvFrac_IDHDP WetLossConvFrac_IDCHP WetLossConvFrac_ICPDH WetLossConvFrac_ICN WetLossConvFrac_ICl WetLossConvFrac_ICHE WetLossConvFrac_IBr WetLossConvFrac_I2O4 WetLossConvFrac_I2O3 WetLossConvFrac_I2O2 WetLossConvFrac_I2 WetLossConvFrac_HPETHNL WetLossConvFrac_HONIT WetLossConvFrac_HOI WetLossConvFrac_HOCl WetLossConvFrac_HOBr WetLossConvFrac_HNO3 WetLossConvFrac_HMS WetLossConvFrac_HMML WetLossConvFrac_HMHP WetLossConvFrac_HI WetLossConvFrac_HCOOH WetLossConvFrac_HCl WetLossConvFrac_HC5A WetLossConvFrac_HBr WetLossConvFrac_HAC WetLossConvFrac_H2O2 WetLossConvFrac_GLYX WetLossConvFrac_GLYC WetLossConvFrac_ETP WetLossConvFrac_ETHP WetLossConvFrac_ETHN WetLossConvFrac_ETHLN WetLossConvFrac_EOH WetLossConvFrac_DST4 WetLossConvFrac_DST3 WetLossConvFrac_DST2 WetLossConvFrac_DST1 WetLossConvFrac_CH2O WetLossConvFrac_BrSALC WetLossConvFrac_BrSALA WetLossConvFrac_BrCl WetLossConvFrac_Br2 WetLossConvFrac_BCPO WetLossConvFrac_BCPI WetLossConvFrac_ATOOH WetLossConvFrac_ALD2 WetLossConvFrac_AERI WetLossConvFrac_ACTA WetLossConvFrac_TSOG3 WetLossConvFrac_TSOG2 WetLossConvFrac_TSOG1 WetLossConvFrac_TSOG0 WetLossConvFrac_TSOA3 WetLossConvFrac_TSOA2 WetLossConvFrac_TSOA1 WetLossConvFrac_TSOA0 WetLossConvFrac_ASOG3 WetLossConvFrac_ASOG2 WetLossConvFrac_ASOG1 WetLossConvFrac_ASOAN WetLossConvFrac_ASOA3 WetLossConvFrac_ASOA2 WetLossConvFrac_ASOA1 Initializing Output Stream: WetLossLS --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 10584 Deflate: 0 Frequency: 60000 Acc_Interval: 60000 Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: 60000 XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: WetLossLS_SOAS WetLossLS_TSOG3 WetLossLS_TSOG2 WetLossLS_TSOG1 WetLossLS_TSOG0 WetLossLS_TSOA3 WetLossLS_TSOA2 WetLossLS_TSOA1 WetLossLS_TSOA0 WetLossLS_SOAIE WetLossLS_SOAGX WetLossLS_SO4s WetLossLS_SO4 WetLossLS_SO2 WetLossLS_SALCCL WetLossLS_SALCAL WetLossLS_SALC WetLossLS_SALACL WetLossLS_SALAAL WetLossLS_SALA WetLossLS_RP WetLossLS_RIPD WetLossLS_RIPC WetLossLS_RIPB WetLossLS_RIPA WetLossLS_RB3P WetLossLS_RA3P WetLossLS_R4P WetLossLS_R4N2 WetLossLS_PYAC WetLossLS_PRPN WetLossLS_PRPE WetLossLS_PROPNN WetLossLS_PPN WetLossLS_PP WetLossLS_pFe WetLossLS_PAN WetLossLS_OCPO WetLossLS_OCPI WetLossLS_NITs WetLossLS_NIT WetLossLS_NH4 WetLossLS_NH3 WetLossLS_MVKPC WetLossLS_MVKN WetLossLS_MVKHP WetLossLS_MVKHCB WetLossLS_MVKHC WetLossLS_MVKDH WetLossLS_MVK WetLossLS_MTPO WetLossLS_MTPA WetLossLS_MSA WetLossLS_MPN WetLossLS_MPAN WetLossLS_MP WetLossLS_MONITU WetLossLS_MONITS WetLossLS_MONITA WetLossLS_MOH WetLossLS_MGLY WetLossLS_MEK WetLossLS_MCRHP WetLossLS_MCRHNB WetLossLS_MCRHN WetLossLS_MCRENOL WetLossLS_MCRDH WetLossLS_MAP WetLossLS_MACR1OOH WetLossLS_LVOCOA WetLossLS_LVOC WetLossLS_LIMO WetLossLS_ITHN WetLossLS_ITCN WetLossLS_ISALC WetLossLS_ISALA WetLossLS_IONO2 WetLossLS_IONO WetLossLS_IONITA WetLossLS_INPD WetLossLS_INPB WetLossLS_INDIOL WetLossLS_IHN4 WetLossLS_IHN3 WetLossLS_IHN2 WetLossLS_IHN1 WetLossLS_IEPOXD WetLossLS_IEPOXB WetLossLS_IEPOXA WetLossLS_IDN WetLossLS_IDHPE WetLossLS_IDHDP WetLossLS_IDCHP WetLossLS_ICPDH WetLossLS_ICN WetLossLS_ICl WetLossLS_ICHE WetLossLS_IBr WetLossLS_I2O4 WetLossLS_I2O3 WetLossLS_I2O2 WetLossLS_I2 WetLossLS_HPETHNL WetLossLS_HONIT WetLossLS_HOI WetLossLS_HOCl WetLossLS_HOBr WetLossLS_HNO3 WetLossLS_HMS WetLossLS_HMML WetLossLS_HMHP WetLossLS_HI WetLossLS_HCOOH WetLossLS_HCl WetLossLS_HC5A WetLossLS_HBr WetLossLS_HAC WetLossLS_H2O2 WetLossLS_GLYX WetLossLS_GLYC WetLossLS_ETP WetLossLS_ETHP WetLossLS_ETHN WetLossLS_ETHLN WetLossLS_EOH WetLossLS_DST4 WetLossLS_DST3 WetLossLS_DST2 WetLossLS_DST1 WetLossLS_CH2O WetLossLS_BrSALC WetLossLS_BrSALA WetLossLS_BrCl WetLossLS_Br2 WetLossLS_BCPO WetLossLS_BCPI WetLossLS_ATOOH WetLossLS_ASOG3 WetLossLS_ASOG2 WetLossLS_ASOG1 WetLossLS_ASOAN WetLossLS_ASOA3 WetLossLS_ASOA2 WetLossLS_ASOA1 WetLossLS_ALD2 WetLossLS_AERI WetLossLS_ACTA Mem/Swap Used (MB) at HISTMAPL_GenericInitialize= 1.353E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at EXTDATAMAPL_GenericInitialize= 1.353E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.401E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Character Resource Parameter: EXCLUDE_ADVECTION_TRACERS:NO AdvCore is Advecting the following 235 tracers in FV3: SPC_ACET SPC_ACTA SPC_AERI SPC_ALD2 SPC_ALK4 SPC_ASOA1 SPC_ASOA2 SPC_ASOA3 SPC_ASOAN SPC_ASOG1 SPC_ASOG2 SPC_ASOG3 SPC_AONITA SPC_AROMP4 SPC_AROMP5 SPC_ATOOH SPC_BALD SPC_BCPI SPC_BCPO SPC_BENZ SPC_BENZP SPC_Br SPC_Br2 SPC_BrCl SPC_BrNO2 SPC_BrNO3 SPC_BrO SPC_BrSALA SPC_BrSALC SPC_BZCO3H SPC_BZPAN SPC_C2H2 SPC_C2H4 SPC_C2H6 SPC_C3H8 SPC_CCl4 SPC_CFC11 SPC_CFC113 SPC_CFC114 SPC_CFC115 SPC_CFC12 SPC_CH2Br2 SPC_CH2Cl2 SPC_CH2I2 SPC_CH2IBr SPC_CH2ICl SPC_CH2O SPC_CH3Br SPC_CH3CCl3 SPC_CH3Cl SPC_CH3I SPC_CH4 SPC_CHBr3 SPC_CHCl3 SPC_Cl SPC_Cl2 SPC_Cl2O2 SPC_ClNO2 SPC_ClNO3 SPC_ClO SPC_ClOO SPC_CLOCK SPC_CO SPC_CSL SPC_DMS SPC_DST1 SPC_DST2 SPC_DST3 SPC_DST4 SPC_EOH SPC_ETHLN SPC_ETHN SPC_ETHP SPC_ETNO3 SPC_ETP SPC_GLYC SPC_GLYX SPC_H1211 SPC_H1301 SPC_H2402 SPC_H2O SPC_H2O2 SPC_HAC SPC_HBr SPC_HC5A SPC_HCFC123 SPC_HCFC141b SPC_HCFC142b SPC_HCFC22 SPC_HCl SPC_HCOOH SPC_HI SPC_HMHP SPC_HMML SPC_HMS SPC_HNO2 SPC_HNO3 SPC_HNO4 SPC_HOBr SPC_HOCl SPC_HOI SPC_HONIT SPC_HPALD1 SPC_HPALD2 SPC_HPALD3 SPC_HPALD4 SPC_HPETHNL SPC_I SPC_I2 SPC_I2O2 SPC_I2O3 SPC_I2O4 SPC_IBr SPC_ICHE SPC_ICl SPC_ICN SPC_ICPDH SPC_IDC SPC_IDCHP SPC_IDHDP SPC_IDHPE SPC_IDN SPC_IEPOXA SPC_IEPOXB SPC_IEPOXD SPC_IHN1 SPC_IHN2 SPC_IHN3 SPC_IHN4 SPC_INDIOL SPC_INO SPC_INPB SPC_INPD SPC_IO SPC_IONITA SPC_IONO SPC_IONO2 SPC_IPRNO3 SPC_ISALA SPC_ISALC SPC_ISOP SPC_ITCN SPC_ITHN SPC_LIMO SPC_LVOC SPC_LVOCOA SPC_MACR SPC_MACR1OOH SPC_MAP SPC_MCRDH SPC_MCRENOL SPC_MCRHN SPC_MCRHNB SPC_MCRHP SPC_MCT SPC_MEK SPC_MENO3 SPC_MGLY SPC_MOH SPC_MONITA SPC_MONITS SPC_MONITU SPC_MP SPC_MPAN SPC_MPN SPC_MSA SPC_MTPA SPC_MTPO SPC_MVK SPC_MVKDH SPC_MVKHC SPC_MVKHCB SPC_MVKHP SPC_MVKN SPC_MVKPC SPC_N2O SPC_N2O5 SPC_NH3 SPC_NH4 SPC_NIT SPC_NITs SPC_NO SPC_NO2 SPC_NO3 SPC_NPHEN SPC_NPRNO3 SPC_O3 SPC_OClO SPC_OCPI SPC_OCPO SPC_OCS SPC_OIO SPC_PAN SPC_pFe SPC_PHEN SPC_PIP SPC_PP SPC_PPN SPC_PROPNN SPC_PRPE SPC_PRPN SPC_PYAC SPC_R4N2 SPC_R4P SPC_RA3P SPC_RB3P SPC_RCHO SPC_RIPA SPC_RIPB SPC_RIPC SPC_RIPD SPC_RP SPC_SALA SPC_SALAAL SPC_SALACL SPC_SALC SPC_SALCAL SPC_SALCCL SPC_SO2 SPC_SO4 SPC_SO4s SPC_SOAGX SPC_SOAIE SPC_SOAP SPC_SOAS SPC_TOLU SPC_TSOA0 SPC_TSOA1 SPC_TSOA2 SPC_TSOA3 SPC_TSOG0 SPC_TSOG1 SPC_TSOG2 SPC_TSOG3 SPC_XYLE Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Initializing land type fractions from Olson imports Doing warm GEOS-Chem restart Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_NO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_NO2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_HONO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_CO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_SO2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_BCPI HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_OCPI HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_ACET TIMEZONES (i.e. OFFSETS FROM UTC) WERE READ FROM A FILE Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc --- Initialize surface boundary conditions from input file --- --> CCl4 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CCl4 --> CFC11 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CFC11 --> CFC113 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CFC113 --> CFC114 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CFC114 --> CFC115 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CFC115 --> CFC12 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CFC12 --> CH2Cl2 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CH2Cl2 --> CH3Br will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CH3Br --> CH3CCl3 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CH3CCl3 --> CH3Cl will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CH3Cl --> CHCl3 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_CHCl3 --> H1211 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_H1211 --> H1301 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_H1301 --> H2402 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_H2402 --> HCFC141b will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_HCFC141b --> HCFC142b will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_HCFC142b --> HCFC22 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_HCFC22 --> N2O will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_N2O --> OCS will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_OCS --> H2 will use prescribed surface boundary conditions from field SfcVMR_H2 --- Finished initializing surface boundary conditions --- --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Setting history variable pointers to GC and Export States Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 8.8 8.8 441.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:42:00 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 4143.0 2090.8 3944.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:20 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1891.1 918.4 1156.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:44 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1923.2 2090.3 3940.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:43 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1568.0 914.2 1149.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:53 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1627.2 2069.0 3866.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:50 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1308.6 607.3 1145.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:02 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1369.7 2098.9 3949.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:59 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1296.3 920.0 1157.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:02 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1345.2 2099.9 3954.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:59 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1288.4 918.2 1155.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:01 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1329.0 2099.0 3948.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:59 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1232.8 666.5 1153.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:03 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1269.4 2130.7 3944.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:01 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1237.1 924.7 1156.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:02 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1268.8 2128.3 3941.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:00 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1239.7 919.7 1156.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:01 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.632E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1151.9 526.6 3923.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:05 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : F DoDryDep : F DoEmis : T DoTend : T DoTurb : F DoChem : F DoWetDep : F Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 --- Add emissions and drydep to tracers Tendency time step [s]: 1200.0000000000000 --- Fluxes applied to tracers! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 847.1 147.3 1152.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:28 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 872.7 2117.2 3897.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:25 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 873.7 905.5 1125.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:24 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 896.3 2025.6 3615.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:21 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 894.9 876.5 1082.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:21 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 916.5 2118.2 3916.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:18 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 900.7 643.4 1154.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:19 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 920.6 2120.4 3951.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:16 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 920.3 924.3 1154.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:16 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 938.8 2132.1 3940.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:14 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 937.9 926.1 1156.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:13 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 955.3 2131.8 3947.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:11 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 937.8 610.8 1098.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:12 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 952.1 1851.6 3343.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:10 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 950.7 921.5 1150.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:10 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 966.1 2133.1 3948.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:08 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 964.2 917.0 1141.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:07 35.4% : 38.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.633E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.634E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.634E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.634E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.634E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.634E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.634E+05 0.000E+00 Writing: 1368 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.AerosolMass.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 7200 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Aerosols.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 16056 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.CloudConvFlux.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 288 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.ConcAfterChem.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 326 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.DryDep.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 10012 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Emissions.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 13896 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.JValues.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 4 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Metrics.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 576 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.KppDiags.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 511 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.LevelEdgeDiags.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 1440 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.ProdLoss.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 22320 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 1584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateChm.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 2354 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateMet.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 21168 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossConv.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 10584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossLS.20190701_0000z.nc4 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 706.2 68.2 3556.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:31 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.656E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 638.6 144.1 1064.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:40 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 650.5 2127.4 3926.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:37 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 655.2 921.7 1151.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:36 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 666.5 2101.8 3861.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:33 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 671.0 924.3 1155.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:32 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 681.8 2090.4 3879.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:29 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 680.3 628.3 1150.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:29 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 690.8 2119.8 3909.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:26 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 694.5 920.2 1153.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:25 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.657E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.655E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 704.4 2032.7 3881.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:23 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.647E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.634E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.628E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.628E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 703.1 654.8 976.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:22 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 712.9 2121.3 3935.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:20 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.622E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 711.1 638.6 1144.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:20 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 720.5 2115.9 3907.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:18 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 723.4 922.0 1152.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:17 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 732.6 2124.1 3924.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:15 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 735.3 924.9 1155.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:14 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 730.0 531.4 3892.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:13 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.623E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 675.1 133.8 1141.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:19 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 683.3 2117.3 3914.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:17 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 686.3 922.8 1152.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:16 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 694.3 2117.6 3911.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:14 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 697.1 921.7 1151.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:13 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 704.8 2123.5 3919.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:11 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 703.1 617.8 1152.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:10 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 710.6 2118.9 3915.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:09 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 713.1 923.3 1153.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:08 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 720.5 2121.9 3920.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:06 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 722.8 923.4 1153.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:05 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 729.9 2068.4 3912.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:04 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 728.8 670.8 1112.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:03 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 735.8 2111.2 3879.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:01 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 737.8 921.7 1151.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:00 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 744.6 2125.0 3921.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:59 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 746.6 923.3 1153.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:58 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 Writing: 1368 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.AerosolMass.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 7200 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Aerosols.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 16056 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.CloudConvFlux.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 288 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.ConcAfterChem.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 326 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.DryDep.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 10012 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Emissions.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 13896 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.JValues.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 4 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Metrics.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 576 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.KppDiags.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 511 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.LevelEdgeDiags.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 1440 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.ProdLoss.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 22320 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 1584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateChm.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 2354 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateMet.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 21168 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossConv.20190701_0600z.nc4 Writing: 10584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossLS.20190701_0600z.nc4 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 657.6 69.6 3897.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:05 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 626.7 143.3 1096.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:07 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 632.6 2112.1 3918.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:06 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 635.2 921.7 1151.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:05 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 641.0 2114.7 3901.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:03 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 643.5 921.8 1152.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:02 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 649.2 2112.2 3898.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:00 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 649.6 684.5 1150.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:00 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 655.1 2113.4 3902.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:58 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 657.2 894.6 1112.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:57 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 662.7 2112.8 3907.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:56 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 664.7 896.3 1111.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:55 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 670.1 2072.3 3782.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:53 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 670.0 670.1 1115.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:52 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 675.2 2067.6 3746.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:51 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 677.2 918.4 1147.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:50 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 682.1 1883.5 3321.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:49 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 684.0 918.4 1148.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:48 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 684.1 702.4 3614.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:47 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 657.4 146.0 1075.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:48 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 662.1 1967.3 3925.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:47 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 663.9 897.5 1120.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:46 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 668.5 1910.1 3915.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:44 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 670.4 923.1 1154.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:43 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 674.8 1833.6 3898.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:42 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 674.5 656.0 1144.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:41 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 679.2 2112.3 3903.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:40 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.643E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 680.9 924.2 1155.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:39 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 685.5 2115.8 3923.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:38 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 686.7 850.4 1099.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:37 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 691.2 2105.0 3913.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:36 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 690.7 647.6 1064.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:35 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 695.1 2092.0 3867.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:34 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 696.4 878.8 1148.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:33 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 700.8 2123.0 3921.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:32 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 702.3 917.4 1146.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:31 35.4% : 38.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.642E+05 0.000E+00 Writing: 1368 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.AerosolMass.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 7200 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Aerosols.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 16056 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.CloudConvFlux.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 288 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.ConcAfterChem.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 326 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.DryDep.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 10012 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Emissions.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 13896 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.JValues.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 4 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Metrics.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 576 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.KppDiags.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 511 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.LevelEdgeDiags.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 1440 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.ProdLoss.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 22320 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 1584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateChm.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 2354 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateMet.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 21168 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossConv.20190701_1200z.nc4 Writing: 10584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossLS.20190701_1200z.nc4 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 648.1 70.1 3903.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:33 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 628.1 145.5 1089.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:33 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 632.1 2078.5 3845.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:32 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 633.8 920.1 1151.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:31 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 637.7 2085.1 3909.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:30 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 639.4 921.4 1154.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:29 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 643.3 2112.1 3909.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:27 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 643.6 683.1 1151.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:27 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 647.4 2106.2 3903.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:25 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 649.0 921.8 1154.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:24 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 652.8 2106.3 3898.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:23 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 654.3 920.6 1150.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:22 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 658.0 2108.8 3905.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:21 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 658.1 672.1 1122.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:20 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 661.8 2103.9 3906.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:19 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 663.2 916.3 1144.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:18 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 666.9 2105.4 3899.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:17 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 668.3 917.5 1148.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:17 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 668.3 681.3 3815.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:16 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 650.1 146.8 1096.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:15 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 653.5 2100.1 3896.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:14 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 655.0 918.2 1151.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:13 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 658.3 2005.7 3611.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:12 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 659.7 914.7 1146.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:11 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 662.9 1887.9 3905.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:10 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 663.0 681.6 1151.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:09 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 666.3 2059.8 3779.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:09 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 667.6 917.3 1150.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:08 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 670.9 2046.0 3749.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:07 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 672.2 916.4 1148.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:06 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 675.4 2091.3 3897.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:05 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 675.0 623.6 1098.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:04 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 678.2 2110.7 3912.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:03 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 679.4 921.4 1154.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:02 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 682.6 2093.6 3916.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:01 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, before chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, before Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at gchp_chunk_run, after Emissions_Run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at Chem_GridCompMod, after chunk_run= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 683.8 915.6 1153.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:00 35.4% : 39.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GCHPctmEnv:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after Advection:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, before GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHP, after GEOS-Chem:= 1.660E+05 0.000E+00 Writing: 1368 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.AerosolMass.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 7200 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Aerosols.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 16056 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.CloudConvFlux.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 288 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.ConcAfterChem.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 326 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.DryDep.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 10012 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Emissions.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 13896 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.JValues.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 4 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Metrics.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 576 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.KppDiags.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 511 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.LevelEdgeDiags.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 1440 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.ProdLoss.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 22320 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 1584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateChm.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 2354 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateMet.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 21168 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossConv.20190701_1800z.nc4 Writing: 10584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossLS.20190701_1800z.nc4 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 644.6 70.2 3868.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:00 35.4% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Times for component Min Mean Max PE # cycles ============================ ============================ ============================ ============= ======== Name % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive max min ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ------ GCHPctmEnv | 0.02 1.94 0.00 | 0.02 1.94 0.00 | 0.02 1.94 0.00 | 00002 00011 | 291 --SetService | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 0.02 0.00 0.00 | 0.09 0.00 0.00 | 00000 00010 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00000 00010 | 1 --Initialize | 0.04 0.01 0.00 | 0.04 0.01 0.00 | 0.04 0.01 0.00 | 00011 00004 | 1 ----generic | 0.44 0.01 0.01 | 0.45 0.01 0.01 | 0.45 0.01 0.01 | 00009 00002 | 1 ----INITIALIZE | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.04 0.00 0.00 | 00000 00003 | 1 --Record | 0.02 0.00 0.00 | 0.02 0.00 0.00 | 0.02 0.00 0.00 | 00010 00008 | 144 ----generic | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 00010 00003 | 144 --Run | 0.02 1.92 0.00 | 0.02 1.93 0.00 | 0.02 1.93 0.00 | 00000 00006 | 144 ----GenRunMine | 0.10 1.92 0.00 | 0.10 1.93 0.00 | 0.11 1.93 0.00 | 00010 00008 | 144 ------RUN | 99.35 1.92 1.92 | 99.33 1.92 1.92 | 99.21 1.93 1.93 | 00006 00000 | 144 --Finalize | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00005 00004 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00007 00009 | 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEMCO 3.5.1 FINISHED. Warnings (level 1 or lower): 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEMCO::Finalize... OK. Chem::State_Chm Finalize... OK. Chem::State_Diag Finalize... OK. Chem::State_Grid Finalize... OK. Chem::State_Met Finalize... OK. Chem::Input_Opt Finalize... OK. Character Resource Parameter: GCHPchem_INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_FILE:gcchem_internal_checkpoint Character Resource Parameter: GCHPchem_INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:pnc4 Using parallel NetCDF for file: gcchem_internal_checkpoint Times for component Min Mean Max PE # cycles ============================ ============================ ============================ ============= ======== Name % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive max min ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ------ GCHPchem | 0.00 57.56 0.00 | 0.00 57.96 0.00 | 0.00 58.46 0.00 | 00005 00009 | 291 --SetService | 0.68 0.39 0.39 | 0.69 0.40 0.40 | 0.74 0.44 0.44 | 00000 00009 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00006 00002 | 1 --Initialize | 0.00 20.37 0.00 | 0.00 20.37 0.00 | 0.00 20.37 0.00 | 00010 00001 | 1 ----INITIALIZE | 13.46 20.37 7.67 | 13.23 20.37 7.67 | 12.97 20.37 7.67 | 00000 00009 | 1 ------generic | 22.29 12.70 12.70 | 21.91 12.70 12.70 | 21.47 12.70 12.70 | 00010 00007 | 1 --Record | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00007 00003 | 144 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00001 00008 | 144 --Run | 0.00 34.53 0.00 | 0.00 34.68 0.00 | 0.00 34.81 0.00 | 00010 00002 | 144 ----GenRunMine | 13.04 34.53 7.43 | 13.07 34.67 7.58 | 13.03 34.81 7.71 | 00005 00010 | 144 ------RUN | 2.63 27.10 1.50 | 2.80 27.10 1.62 | 3.08 27.10 1.82 | 00010 00005 | 72 --------CP_BFRE | 0.16 0.09 0.09 | 0.17 0.10 0.10 | 0.17 0.10 0.10 | 00005 00007 | 72 --------DO_CHEM | 20.45 25.18 11.65 | 20.29 25.38 11.76 | 20.13 25.50 11.90 | 00011 00002 | 72 ----------GC_EMIS | 10.27 5.85 5.85 | 10.31 5.98 5.98 | 10.25 6.06 6.06 | 00007 00010 | 72 ----------GC_FLUXES | 8.31 4.74 4.74 | 8.33 4.83 4.83 | 8.36 4.95 4.95 | 00000 00010 | 72 ----------GC_DIAGN | 4.84 2.76 2.76 | 4.86 2.82 2.82 | 4.82 2.85 2.85 | 00009 00000 | 72 --------CP_AFTR | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00010 00009 | 72 --Finalize | 0.01 2.21 0.00 | 0.01 2.51 0.00 | 0.01 2.95 0.01 | 00007 00006 | 1 ----generic | 3.87 2.20 2.20 | 4.32 2.50 2.50 | 4.97 2.94 2.94 | 00000 00002 | 1 ----------------------------------------------------- Block User time System Time Total Time GID ----------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 247.8084 0.0000 247.8084 0 Times for component Min Mean Max PE # cycles ============================ ============================ ============================ ============= ======== Name % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive max min ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ------ DYNAMICS | 0.00 9.83 0.00 | 0.00 10.17 0.00 | 0.01 10.56 0.00 | 00006 00009 | 291 --SetService | 1.24 0.12 0.12 | 1.54 0.16 0.16 | 1.63 0.17 0.17 | 00006 00000 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00011 00009 | 1 --Initialize | 0.00 0.01 0.00 | 0.00 0.01 0.00 | 0.00 0.01 0.00 | 00001 00000 | 1 ----INITIALIZE | 0.01 0.01 0.00 | 0.02 0.01 0.00 | 0.02 0.01 0.00 | 00003 00000 | 1 ------generic | 0.13 0.01 0.01 | 0.12 0.01 0.01 | 0.12 0.01 0.01 | 00005 00000 | 1 --Record | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00008 00009 | 144 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00010 00007 | 144 --Run | 0.00 9.57 0.00 | 0.00 9.68 0.00 | 0.00 9.76 0.00 | 00008 00006 | 144 ----GenRunMine | 0.02 9.57 0.00 | 0.03 9.68 0.00 | 0.03 9.76 0.00 | 00008 00000 | 144 ------RUN | 98.58 9.57 9.57 | 95.17 9.68 9.68 | 91.42 9.76 9.76 | 00001 00008 | 144 --Finalize | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 3.10 0.32 0.32 | 6.77 0.72 0.72 | 00008 00000 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00002 00007 | 1 Times for component Min Mean Max PE # cycles ============================ ============================ ============================ ============= ======== Name % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive max min ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ------ GCHP | 0.00 74.98 0.00 | 0.00 74.99 0.00 | 0.00 75.00 0.00 | 00011 00009 | 291 --SetService | 0.75 0.60 0.55 | 0.75 0.61 0.56 | 0.75 0.63 0.57 | 00005 00003 | 1 ----generic | 0.07 0.05 0.05 | 0.07 0.05 0.05 | 0.08 0.06 0.06 | 00005 00009 | 1 --Initialize | 0.18 21.36 0.14 | 0.19 21.37 0.15 | 0.21 21.38 0.16 | 00001 00005 | 1 ----GCHPctmEnv | 0.01 0.01 0.01 | 0.01 0.01 0.01 | 0.01 0.01 0.01 | 00000 00007 | 1 ----GCHPchem | 27.61 20.37 20.37 | 27.16 20.37 20.37 | 26.74 20.37 20.37 | 00000 00009 | 1 ----DYNAMICS | 0.02 0.01 0.01 | 0.02 0.01 0.01 | 0.02 0.01 0.01 | 00003 00000 | 1 ----generic | 1.12 0.83 0.83 | 1.10 0.83 0.83 | 1.09 0.83 0.83 | 00011 00007 | 1 --Record | 0.00 0.01 0.00 | 0.00 0.01 0.00 | 0.00 0.01 0.00 | 00004 00001 | 144 ----GCHPctmEnv | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00001 00009 | 144 ----GCHPchem | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00001 00009 | 144 ----DYNAMICS | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00008 00009 | 144 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00006 00007 | 144 --Run | 0.00 50.03 0.00 | 0.00 50.05 0.00 | 0.00 50.05 0.00 | 00005 00006 | 144 ----GenRunMine | 0.00 50.03 0.00 | 0.00 50.05 0.00 | 0.00 50.05 0.00 | 00000 00011 | 144 ------RUN | 4.79 50.03 3.53 | 5.00 50.05 3.75 | 5.20 50.05 3.96 | 00010 00005 | 144 --------GCHPctmEnv | 2.61 1.93 1.93 | 2.57 1.93 1.93 | 2.53 1.93 1.93 | 00006 00000 | 144 --------DYNAMICS | 12.98 9.58 9.58 | 12.91 9.68 9.68 | 12.82 9.77 9.77 | 00001 00008 | 144 --------GCHPchem | 46.81 34.53 34.53 | 46.24 34.68 34.68 | 45.70 34.81 34.81 | 00005 00010 | 144 --Finalize | 0.00 2.95 0.00 | 0.00 2.95 0.00 | 0.00 2.95 0.00 | 00007 00011 | 1 ----GCHPctmEnv | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00000 00009 | 1 ----GCHPchem | 3.02 2.23 2.23 | 3.51 2.63 2.63 | 3.87 2.95 2.95 | 00000 00004 | 1 ----DYNAMICS | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.42 0.32 0.32 | 0.95 0.72 0.72 | 00004 00000 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00011 00004 | 1 Times for component Min Mean Max PE # cycles ============================ ============================ ============================ ============= ======== Name % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive max min ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ------ HIST | 0.00 56.08 0.00 | 0.00 56.24 0.00 | 0.00 56.66 0.00 | 00009 00002 | 147 --SetService | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00009 00007 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00004 00011 | 1 --Initialize | 17.81 9.97 9.97 | 17.73 9.98 9.97 | 17.58 9.98 9.98 | 00000 00001 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.02 0.01 0.01 | 0.02 0.01 0.01 | 00002 00000 | 1 --Run | 0.00 46.09 0.00 | 0.00 46.26 0.00 | 0.00 46.68 0.00 | 00011 00002 | 144 ----GenRunMine | 0.01 46.09 0.00 | 0.01 46.26 0.00 | 0.01 46.67 0.01 | 00000 00004 | 144 ------Couplers | 28.85 16.15 16.15 | 29.01 16.31 16.31 | 29.48 16.74 16.74 | 00004 00010 | 144 ------I/O | 0.00 29.90 0.00 | 0.00 29.94 0.00 | 0.00 29.98 0.00 | 00008 00006 | 144 --------IO Create | 0.23 0.13 0.13 | 0.32 0.18 0.18 | 0.36 0.20 0.20 | 00001 00010 | 144 --------IO Write | 0.00 29.72 0.00 | 0.00 29.76 0.00 | 0.00 29.84 0.00 | 00002 00005 | 432 ----------IO Post | 53.09 29.72 29.72 | 52.91 29.76 29.76 | 52.55 29.83 29.83 | 00010 00005 | 144 ----------IO Wait | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00002 00003 | 144 ----------IO Write | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00002 00000 | 144 --Finalize | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00010 00003 | 1 ----generic | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 00008 00001 | 1 Times for component Min Mean Max PE # cycles ============================ ============================ ============================ ============= ======== Name % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive max min ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ------ EXTDATA | 0.00 111.97 0.00 | 0.00 112.11 0.00 | 0.00 112.34 0.00 | 00007 00003 | 147 --SetService | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00006 00007 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00003 00008 | 1 --Initialize | 0.00 10.62 0.00 | 0.00 10.64 0.00 | 0.00 10.64 0.00 | 00006 00005 | 1 ----Initialize | 9.56 10.62 10.62 | 9.48 10.64 10.62 | 9.38 10.64 10.62 | 00001 00010 | 1 ------generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.01 0.01 0.01 | 0.02 0.02 0.02 | 00006 00001 | 1 --Run | 0.00 101.34 0.00 | 0.00 101.47 0.00 | 0.00 101.69 0.00 | 00006 00004 | 144 ----GenRunMine | 0.01 101.34 0.01 | 0.01 101.47 0.01 | 0.01 101.69 0.01 | 00011 00005 | 144 ------Run | 0.00 101.33 0.00 | 0.00 101.47 0.00 | 0.00 101.69 0.00 | 00005 00010 | 144 --------Read_Loop | 0.57 100.82 0.63 | 0.63 100.95 0.71 | 0.77 101.17 0.87 | 00001 00010 | 144 ----------CheckUpd | 0.45 0.50 0.50 | 0.46 0.52 0.52 | 0.48 0.55 0.55 | 00002 00000 | 100944 ----------Bracket | 0.97 1.08 1.08 | 0.97 1.09 1.09 | 0.97 1.10 1.10 | 00001 00010 | 1813 ----------Swap | 0.01 0.02 0.02 | 0.02 0.02 0.02 | 0.02 0.02 0.02 | 00001 00003 | 9893 ----------PRead | 0.00 98.52 0.00 | 0.00 98.61 0.00 | 0.00 98.72 0.00 | 00005 00009 | 144 ------------CreateCFIO | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00000 00011 | 144 ------------prefetch | 38.97 43.30 43.30 | 38.64 43.32 43.32 | 38.26 43.33 43.33 | 00001 00010 | 144 ------------IclientDone | 17.38 19.32 19.32 | 17.44 19.55 19.55 | 17.75 20.11 20.11 | 00008 00010 | 144 ------------read-prefetch | 31.62 35.14 35.14 | 31.88 35.74 35.74 | 31.86 36.08 36.08 | 00010 00008 | 144 --------Interpolate | 0.45 0.50 0.50 | 0.46 0.52 0.52 | 0.48 0.55 0.55 | 00005 00010 | 144 --Finalize | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00011 00004 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00008 00006 | 1 NOT using buffer I/O for file: cap_restart Report on process: 0 Inclusive Exclusive ================ ================ Name #-cycles T (sec) % T (sec) % -------- --------- ------ --------- ------ All 1 248.548 100.00 0.245 0.10 --SetService 1 0.629 0.25 0.013 0.01 ----GCHP 1 0.616 0.25 0.058 0.02 ------GCHPctmEnv 1 0.002 0.00 0.002 0.00 ------GCHPchem 1 0.436 0.18 0.436 0.18 ------DYNAMICS 1 0.120 0.05 0.120 0.05 ----HIST 1 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 ----EXTDATA 1 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 --Initialize 1 42.683 17.17 0.707 0.28 ----GCHP 1 21.364 8.60 0.970 0.39 ------GCHPctmEnv 1 0.010 0.00 0.010 0.00 ------GCHPchem 1 20.371 8.20 20.371 8.20 ------DYNAMICS 1 0.014 0.01 0.014 0.01 ----HIST 1 9.980 4.02 9.980 4.02 ----EXTDATA 1 10.632 4.28 10.632 4.28 --Run 1 202.022 81.28 4.395 1.77 ----EXTDATA 144 101.350 40.78 101.350 40.78 ----GCHP 288 50.066 20.14 3.778 1.52 ------GCHPctmEnv 288 1.926 0.77 1.926 0.77 ------GCHPchem 288 34.663 13.95 34.663 13.95 ------DYNAMICS 288 9.699 3.90 9.699 3.90 ----HIST 288 46.211 18.59 46.211 18.59 --Finalize 1 2.969 1.19 0.008 0.00 ----GCHP 1 2.954 1.19 0.002 0.00 ------GCHPctmEnv 1 0.003 0.00 0.003 0.00 ------GCHPchem 1 2.947 1.19 2.947 1.19 ------DYNAMICS 1 0.002 0.00 0.002 0.00 ----HIST 1 0.004 0.00 0.004 0.00 ----EXTDATA 1 0.003 0.00 0.003 0.00 Restart symlink gchp_restart.nc4 set to ./Restarts/GEOSChem.Restart.20190702_0000z.c24.nc4