Releases: GAMS-dev/studio
Releases · GAMS-dev/studio
Version 0.12.4
- improved robustness of glb parser
- added "What's new" menu entry to show latest changes of Studio
- changed appearance of log tabs on macOS to be more consistent with main tabs
- added missing extension for file filter in open/add file dialogs
- added possible fix for stale lock file leading to a freeze and crash
- improved Studio startup time when many tabs are open
- fixed possibility to insert certain characters in read only files
- fixed new gms file not marked as main
For detailed information please check
Version 0.12.3
- added tab setting awareness to editors (closes #1089)
- do not check the bitness of a GAMS system if no GAMS system was found before in order to avoid misleading error messages
- fixed crash when replacing file that is not known to studio
- Find Next/Previous shortcut (Shift+)F3 now also works when result view is focussed
- remember search widget postion while studio is running (back to default on restart)
Solver Option Editor
- raise exception and do not open solver option editor when OPT library is not available
For detailed information please check
Version 0.12.2
- renamed Option Editor to Parameter Editor to better distinguish solver options and gams parameters
- fixed bug where not all scratch directories where deleted
- disabled unused default menu entries on macOS
- added save of command line parameters when exiting studio
- improved behavior of focussing main editor (CTRL+E) for gdx, lxi, opt, ref files
- improved keyboard navigation when using CTRL+J, -E, Arrow Keys, Tab, and Enter to jump around widgets and make selections
- changed default file filter for open and save dialogs (#1035)
- improved wording and logic for new file dialog (#1080)
- improved discovery of online help documentation for gams version used
- fixed search gets stuck in solver option editor when using Find Next/Prev (#1074)
- fixed cursor jumping behavior when using "Replace"
Solver Option Editor
- removed message box when there is a problem opening solver option file
- improved select all action in solver option editor
- fixed Studio menu entry "Select All" not working for solver option editor
- selectAll table view when tree view is in focus
- fixed capitalization for context menu
For detailed information please check
Version 0.12.1
- changed focus main editor shortcut to CTRL+E (there was a collision on macOS)
- added file associations and icons for .gms and .gdx files on macOS
- fixed potential issue with doubled entries in project explorer on windows systems (#1053)
- added dialog for GAMS return code 110 (too many scratch dirs) (#254)
- added menu entry to delete scratch directories in current working directory (#254)
Solver Option Editor
- fixed crash when using one of the following shortcuts: CTRL+C, CTRL+A or CTRL+F
GDX Viewer
- performance improvements for GDX Viewer table view adjust columns (#1034)
- fixed possible crash related to table view (#1048)
Code Editor
- fixed issue where error highlighting would not update when clicking on the scrollbar (#1056)
- fixed crash in search dialog when pressing return the first time (#1058)
For detailed information please check
Version 0.12.0
- added GAMS Solver Option Editor (requires GAMS 27.0)
- fixed crash when running studio with --ignore-settings and double clicking a word (fixes #1031)
- fixed freeze when exiting studio during startup procedure
- added Ctrl+H to focus main editor
- added Ctrl+Shift+G to focus logs
- added Esc to close several widgets
- added icons to toolbar to show/hide project explorer, logs, and help
- adjusted row height of all tables to be equal (#1002)
- discarded file stays marked as modified (fixes #1018)
- fixed cursor not jumping to first match on first try in lst file (fixes #1039)
For detailed information please check
Version 0.11.3
- fixed status bar cursor position not updating in lst files
GDX Viewer
- added column auto-shrink for table view
- added shortcut for auto-shrink (Ctrl+R)
- many improvements and bug fixes to highlighting of search results
- general fixes of bugs, crashes, etc.
- added shortcut Ctrl+Enter for "Search All"
- improved tab order in search dialog. now repolace textfield comes right after search textfield
- added ability to replace in more than one file at a time. there is a safety dialog showing how many files are being affected and the user can start a search to find all matches being affected.
- Find Next/Previous now respects all search options and will jump to the next file if there are also matches
- lst files now also have a match counter when stepping through with Find Next/Previous
- results view now supports enter key to select and jump to a result
- changed position of search dialog
- minor layout adjustments to search dialog
For detailed information please check
Version 0.11.2
- added Drag and Drop in GDX Table View
- fixed performance issue with very long lines (see #1008)
- fixed shortcut ctrl+shift+home not working as expected (see #1009)
For detailed information please check
Version 0.11.1
- improved picking of default editor font on macOS and Linux
- forced light application theme on macOS
- fixed possible crash related to About GAMS dialog
- performance improvements when writing log to disk
- performance improvements for syntax highlighting
- fixed search in files with non-default codec
- several minor bugfixes related to the search
For detailed information please check
Version 0.11.0
- fixed flickering of Studio when resizing
- added "open anyway" to warning dialog for large files
- changed icon of all editable non-GAMS files (prior that was only for txt files)
- further syntax highlighter improvements
- improved performance of error highlighting when editing a file contaning many
- fixed highlighting of word under cursor when stepping through certain search results
For detailed information please check
Version 0.10.7
- fixed color of links in log
- fixed studio window being larger than screen after closed in maximized state
- fixed creation of multiple log files for a longer gms run
- renamed second settings tab ("Editor" > "Editor & Log")
- changed "save" to do a "save as" if file is read only
- added deactivation of save action in toolbar for welcome page
- fixed extended option editor show/hide tooltip
- removed auto-closing of search results page
- fixed filetype going missing when (lst)file has no extension
- fixed generation of default lst file when group name contained dots
- added warning popup when trying to open a >50mb file in edit mode
Command Line Parameters
- added better support for wdir and cdir command line parameters
- added support for "lf" and "filestem" command line parameters
- improved syntax highlighter
- improved behavior of Home key, cursor now jumps in front of first non-whitespace character on first press and to the beginning of a line on second press
- fixed bad alloc after long periods of searching with Find Next/Prev