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Releases: GAM-team/GAM

GAM 7.02.11

24 Jan 00:05
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Updated gam report <ActivityApplicationName> to display id:<actor.profileId> in the emailAddress column
when is empty. This typically occurs when the actor is not in your workspace.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile to ignore ACLs referencing deleted user/groups.


Added option bydate to gam report <ActivityApplicationName> ... countsonly that provides an additional display option.

  • countsonly - Display a row per user across all dates with all event counts on one row
  • countsonly bydate - Display a row per user per date for all dates with any events with all events counts on the row
  • countsonly summary - Display a row per event with counts for each event summarized across users and dates

GAM 7.02.09

18 Jan 19:38
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  • 7.02.09

Added option clearresources to <EventUpdateAttribute> for use in gam <UserTypeEntity> update events
that allows clearing all resources from a user's calendar events. For example, to clear all resources from a user's future events:

gam user [email protected] update events primary matchfield attendeespattern after now clearresources

Added option resource <ResourceID> to <EventAttribute> for use in gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update events
that adds a resource to an event.

Added option removeresource <ResourceID> to <EventUpdateAttribute> for use in gam <UserTypeEntity> update events
that removes a resource from an event.

GAM 7.02.08

13 Jan 20:38
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  • 7.02.08

Fixed bug in gam print|show chromepolicies that caused a trap when neither
ou|orgunit <OrgUnitItem> nor group <GroupItem> was specified.

GAM 7.02.07

07 Jan 01:45
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  • 7.02.07

Updated gam delete|update chromepolicy to display the <AppID> or <PrinterID> (if specified)
in the command status messages.

GAM 7.02.06

04 Jan 19:49
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  • 7.02.06

Added option <JSONData> to gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update form that allows for
creation/modification of all fields in a form. <JSONData> is a list of form update requests.

GAM 7.02.05

28 Dec 04:06
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  • 7.02.05

Updated gam [<UserTypeEntity>] show shareddriveacls ... formatjson to not display this line
which interferes with the JSON output.

User: [email protected], Show N Shared Drives

GAM 7.02.04

26 Dec 18:06
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  • 7.02.04

Updated code to eliminate trap caused by bug introduced in 7.02.00 that occurs when an invalid domain or OU is specified.

Fixes issue #1733

GAM 7.02.03

18 Dec 17:11
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  • 7.02.03

Added option archive to gam <UserTypeEntity> update license <NewSKUID> from <OldSKUID> that causes GAM
to archive <UserTypeEntity> after updating their license to <NewSKUID>. This will be used when you want to
archive a user with a non-archivable license. The <NewSKUID> license is assigned to the user and it then converts
to the equivalent Archived User license when the user is archived.

<NewSKUID> must be one of the following SKUs:

Google-Apps-Unlimited - G Suite Business
1010020020 - Google Workspace Enterprise Plus
1010020025 - Google Workspace Business Plus
1010020026 - Google Workspace Enterprise Standard
1010020027 - Google Workspace Business Starter
1010020028 - Google Workspace Business Standard

GAM 7.02.02

17 Dec 19:11
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  • 7.02.02

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> archive messages <GroupItem> to retry the following unexpected error
that occurs after many messages have been successfully archived.
ERROR: 404: notFound - Unable to lookup group

  • 7.02.01

Added options locked and unlocked to gam update cigroups that allow locking/unlocking groups.

You'll have to do a gam oauth create and enable the following scope to use these options:

[*] 22)  Cloud Identity Groups API Beta (Enables group locking/unlocking)

cbcm-browser.<DeviceId> and chrome-os-device.<DeviceId> addresses can now be used in cigroup membership
commands without a leading id:.

GAM 7.02.00

07 Dec 01:19
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Improved the error message displayed for user service account access commands when:

  • The API is not enabled
  • The user does not exist
  • The user exists but is in a OU where the service is disabled