Version v1.1 introduces:
- The proper energy equation.
- Tabulated specific heat constant/cpTable.
- Tabulated thermal conductivity constant/kappaTable.
- Elastic solidification defined by constant/solidificationProperties.
Input specific heat J/kgK (kappaTable) at constant pressure for a list of temperatures in K. Input thermal conductivity in W/mK (kappaTable) at temperatures in K and pressures in Pa. Values outside of the provided range will be taken from the table edge.
Elastic shear modulus will be effected when viscosity surpasses the limit specified in the solidificationProperties dictionary. To control this according to temperature, change the TnoFlow temperature of the CrossWLF model. According to experience, elastic behavior should be limited to slow flow. This is effected with the shearRate limit, also given in the solidificationProperties. Not providing the solidificationProperties dictionary will make the solver skip the elastic calculation and only use the CrossWLF viscosity. The fvSchemes for elasticity must still be provided even though they are not used.
- Important bug fix for thermal conductivity.
- Parameter deltaTempInterp in crossWLF.
- Renamed lambda to kappa.
The bug fix for kappa was incorporated. This was needed for semi-crystalline simulation where Cv is significantly less than Cp (specific heat at constant pressure).
The parameter deltaTempInterp can now be chosen or left at 5K. It allows to make a gradual transition to the maximal viscosity on solidification.
The naming of constant thermal conductivity as lambda was changed to kappa.
- Bug fix. Thermal conductivity in the energy equation calculated properly.
- test/CrossWLF tests multiple temperatures and numerical parameters are corrected (see jupyter notebook).
- Bug fix. Proper material derivatives for pressure and elSigDev.
- Bug fix. Convegence possible at p = pMin (when cooling) due to new pAux field.
- Tutorials. Added the dogbone specimen case.
- OpenFOAM 5
- OpenFOAM 6
- OpenFOAM 7
- Fiber orientation.
auxiliary pressure field to balance the negative pressure during packing.- Calculation reordering to improve the restart behavior - work in progress.
- Remove debug fields
- Resolve the boundary value viscosity issue that caused restart problems:
- Remove T.poly, T.air.
- Rename strig to shrRate.
- Simplify the fiber code.
- Improve demo case stability.
- Replace shrRateLimEl (constant/solidificationProperties) with maxSolidCo (system/ControlDict). This restricts the Courant number in the solid to stabilize the solution.
- Write and read dgdt field to improve restart stability.
- Add pAuxRlx parameter to system/ControlDict to control stability when p=pMin. Default is 0.1 (before 0.5).
- Command line option -fillEnd to terminate at given fraction of filled cavity.