experimental minimum_chatter_time
experimental minimum_chatter_time
use a single shared path variable
use a single shared path variable
Add the ability to choose the file path for the stats file based on w…
Add the ability to choose the file path for the stats file based on w…
Pull request merge
oops, don't need nupkg files
oops, don't need nupkg files
[1.18 for real now] link the discord
[1.18 for real now] link the discord
minor fix - don't assume enter key anymore
minor fix - don't assume enter key anymore
move choco icon to a separate CDN
move choco icon to a separate CDN
add option for persistent stats data
add option for persistent stats data
add an easier input for other keys
add an easier input for other keys
add an "Other Settings" tab with measure mode on it
add an "Other Settings" tab with measure mode on it
bump copyright date to 2024
bump copyright date to 2024
fix error when doubleclicking grid headers
fix error when doubleclicking grid headers
mouse forward/backward need to block Up, not just Down.
mouse forward/backward need to block Up, not just Down.