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Stealth: RTS game

2D RTS game built with SFML2

Università degli studi di Firenze

Made by Leonardo Fralini, Mattia Marilli and Edoardo Viviani

Special thanks to Samuel SLC who composed all the music


  • cmake v3.2
  • libsfml v2.5
  • Catch2 (submodule)
  • tinyxml2 (submodule)


$ git clone --recursive
$ mkdir Stealth/build && cd Stealth/build
$ cmake ../
$ make


Maps are built using Tiled, an open source tiled map editor, and exported in TMX (Tiled Map XML) format. Stealth loads all tiled maps resources from res/maps directory.

Tilesets must be included in the TMX file, and the map must contain the following objects:

  • A Layer Group named background
  • An Object Group named objects

All Tile Layers inside background are immutable and will be drawn on the background following their order.

Objects must use tiles that have these 2 collision objects defined:

  • A Rectangle with type cbox, which will represent the object collison box
  • A Point with type cx, which will store the y plane the object will be drawn

Objects can have properties specified in the 'custom property' tab of the TMX editor (tileset properties are ignored):

property name default value accepted values
destroyable false true, false
explosive false true, false