diff --git a/fix.sh b/fix.sh
index 6b69892..2b4e8a0 100755
--- a/fix.sh
+++ b/fix.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script for fixing hardcoded icons. Written and maintained on GitHub
# at https://github.com/Foggalong/hardcode-fixer - addtions welcome!
@@ -10,185 +10,622 @@
# a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
# If not, see .
-# Version info
-date=201709040 # [year][month][date][extra]
-# Locations
- "$userhome/.local/share/applications/kde4/"
- "$(sudo -u $username xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)/"
- "/usr/share/applications/"
- "/usr/share/applications/kde4/"
- "/usr/local/share/applications/"
- "/usr/local/share/applications/kde4/")
-# Allows timeout when launched via 'Run in Terminal'
-function gerror() { sleep 3; exit 1; }
-# Fix Launcher
-function fix_launch() {
- launcher=$1
- name=$2
- icon=$3
- type=$4
- # Check if already fixed, if not create marked launcher copy
- local_version="$local_apps$name.desktop"
- if [ -f "$local_version" ]; then
- line=$(head -n 1 $local_version)
- if [[ $line == "# HC"* ]]; then
- return
- else
- cp "$local_version" "$local_version.old"
- sed -i '1i# HC:Local' "$local_version"
- fi
- else
- cp "$launcher" "$local_version"
- sed -i '1i# HC:Global' "$local_version"
- fi
- echo -n "$type: Fixing $name..."
- # Making copy of needed icon and determining new icon name
- if [[ $type == "H" ]]; then
- new_icon=$(echo ${name} | sed -e 's/\ /_/' ) # | sed -e 's/\./_/' )
- ext=$(echo ${icon} | sed -e 's/.*\.//' )
- cp $icon $local_icon$new_icon.$ext
- elif [[ $type == "S" ]]; then
- exec=$(grep '^Exec=' ${file} | sed -e 's/.*Exec=//' )
- new_icon=steam_icon_$(echo $exec | sed -e 's/steam\ steam:\/\/rungameid\/*//' )
- cp $steam_icon "$local_icon$new_icon.png"
- fi
- sed -i "s|Icon=${icon}.*|Icon=${new_icon}|g" $local_version
- echo " done"
-# Deals with the flags
-if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- mode="fix"
- case $1 in
- -r|--revert)
- echo "This will undo all changes previously made."
- while true; do
- read -r -p "Are you sure you want to continue? " answer
- case $answer in
- [Yy]* ) mode="revert"; break;;
- [Nn]* ) exit;;
- * ) echo "Please answer [Y/y]es or [N/n]o.";;
- esac
- done;;
- -h|--help)
- echo -e \
- "Usage: ./$(basename -- $0) [OPTION]\n" \
- "\rFixes hardcoded icons of installed applications.\n\n" \
- "\rCurrently supported options:\n" \
- "\r -r, --revert \t\t Reverts any changes made.\n" \
- "\r -h, --help \t\t Displays this help menu.\n" \
- "\r -v, --version \t Displays program version.\n"
- exit 0 ;;
- -v|--version)
- echo -e "$(basename -- $0) $date\n"
- exit 0 ;;
- *)
- echo -e "$(basename -- $0): invalid option -- '$1'"
- echo -e "Try '$(basename -- $0) --help' for more information."
- gerror
- esac
+if test -z "$BASH_VERSION"; then
+ printf "Error: this script only works in bash.\n" >&2
+ exit 1
-# TODO this entire 40+ LOC is just for checking for updates. should this still be here?
-# Verifies if 'curl' is installed
-if ! type "curl" >> /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo -e \
- "$0: This script requires 'curl' to be installed\n" \
- "\rto fetch the required files and check for updates.\n" \
- "\rPlease install it and rerun this script."
- gerror
+if [ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -lt 4 ]; then
+ printf "Error: this script requires bash version >= 4\n" >&2
+ exit 1
-# Checks for having internet access
-if eval "curl -sk https://github.com/" >> /dev/null 2>&1; then
- : # pass
- echo -e \
- "No internet connection available. This script\n" \
- "\rrequires internet access to connect to GitHub\n" \
- "\rto check for updates and download 'to-fix' info."
- gerror
+set -o errexit
+set -o noclobber
+set -o pipefail
-# Check for newer version of fix.sh
-new_date=$(curl -sk "${git_locate}"/fix.sh | grep "date=[0-9]\{9\}" | sed "s/[^0-9]//g")
-if [ "$date" -lt "$new_date" ]; then
- echo -e \
- "You're running an out of date version of\n" \
- "\rthe script. Please download the latest\n" \
- "\rverison from the GitHub page or update\n" \
- "\rvia your package manager. If you continue\n" \
- "\rwithout updating you may run into problems."
- while true; do
- read -r -p "Would you like to [e]xit, or [c]ontinue?" answer
- case $answer in
- [Ee]* ) exit;;
- [Cc]* ) break;;
- * ) echo "Please answer [e]xit or [c]ontinue";;
- esac
- done
+shopt -s globstar # enable **/*.deskop path expansion
+unset GREP_OPTIONS # avoid mess up
+readonly SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename -- "$0")"
+readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname -- "$0")"
+readonly -a ARGS=( "$@" )
-if [ "$mode" == "fix" ]; then
- # Iterate over all the launcher locations
- for location in ${app_dirs[@]}; do
- # Iterate over the files in those locations
- for file in ${location}*; do
- # Check if the file is a launcher
- if [[ ${file} == *.desktop ]]; then
- name=$(echo ${file} | sed -e 's/.*\///' | sed -e 's/\.desktop//' )
- icon=$(grep '^Icon=' ${file} | sed -e 's/.*Icon=//' )
- # Check for signs of hardcoding
- if [[ $icon == *"/"* ]]; then
- # What to do if the icon line is standard hardcoded
- fix_launch ${file} ${name} ${icon} "H"
- elif [[ $icon == "steam" ]] && [[ ${name} != "steam" ]]; then
- # What to do if it's using the generic Steam icon
- fix_launch ${file} ${name} ${icon} "S"
- # elif [[ $icon = *"."* ]]; then
- # # What to do if it's extension hardcoded
- # fix_launch ${file} ${name} ${icon} "E"
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
-elif [ "$mode" == "revert" ]; then
- for file in ${local_apps}*; do
- if [[ ${file} == *.desktop ]]; then
- # Check if launcher is product of hc-fix
- line=$(head -n 1 $file)
- name=$(echo ${file} | sed -e 's/.*\///' | sed -e 's/\.desktop//' )
- if [[ $line == "# HC:"* ]]; then
- echo -n "Reverting $name..."
- icon=$(grep '^Icon=' ${file} | sed -e 's/.*Icon=//' )
- if [[ $line == "# HC:Global" ]]; then
- rm $file
- elif [[ $line == "# HC:Local" ]]; then
- mv -f "$file.old" $file
- fi
- rm $local_icon$icon.*
- echo " done"
- fi
- fi
- done
+readonly PROGNAME="hardcode-fixer"
+declare -i VERSION=201711130 # [year][month][date][extra]
+# date=999999990 # deprecate the previous version
+# Import XDG user dirs variables
+if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/user-dirs.dirs" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/user-dirs.dirs"
+# Get data directories from XDG_DATA_DIRS variable and
+# convert colon-separated list into bash array
+IFS=: read -ra DATA_DIRS <<< "${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share}"
+# default values of options
+declare -i NO_DOWNLOAD="${NO_DOWNLOAD:-0}"
+declare -i VERBOSE="${VERBOSE:-0}"
+msg() {
+ printf "%s: %b\n" "$PROGNAME" "$*" >&2
+verbose() {
+ [ "$VERBOSE" -eq 1 ] || return 0
+ msg "INFO:" "$*"
+warn() {
+ msg "WARNING:" "$*"
+err() {
+ msg "ERROR:" "$*"
+fatal() {
+ msg "FATAL:" "$*"
+ exit 1
+_is_hardcoded() {
+ # returns true if Icon contains a path
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ LANG=C grep -q '^Icon=.*/.*' -- "$desktop_file"
+_is_hardcoded_steam_app() {
+ # returns true if it's a Steam launcher and Icon equals 'steam'
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ local icon_name
+ if LANG=C grep -q 'steam://run' -- "$desktop_file"; then
+ icon_name="$(get_icon_name "$desktop_file")"
+ if [ "$icon_name" = "steam" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 1
+_is_update_available() {
+ # returns true if the upstream version is greater than current
+ local -i upstream_version
+ upstream_version="$(get_upstream_version)"
+ if [ "$VERSION" -lt "$upstream_version" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+_has_marker() {
+ # returns true if desktop file has a marker
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ LANG=C grep -q '^X-HardcodeFixer-Marker=' -- "$desktop_file"
+get_app_name() {
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ awk -F= '/^Name/ { print $2; exit }' "$desktop_file"
+get_icon_name() {
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ awk -F= '/^Icon/ { print $2; exit }' "$desktop_file"
+get_steam_app_id() {
+ # returns id of the Steam app
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ sed -n '/^Exec/ s/.*\/\([0-9]\+\)/\1/p' "$desktop_file"
+get_steam_icon_name() {
+ # returns name of the Steam icon (steam_icon_ID)
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ printf 'steam_icon_%s' "$(get_steam_app_id "$desktop_file")"
+set_icon_name() {
+ # changes an icon for the desktop entry
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ local icon_name="$2"
+ sed -i -e "/^Icon=/c \
+ Icon=${icon_name}
+ " "$desktop_file"
+get_marker_value() {
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ awk -F= '/^X-HardcodeFixer-Marker/ { print $2; exit }' "$desktop_file"
+set_marker_value() {
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ local marker_value="$2"
+ # add after Icon
+ sed -i -e "/^Icon=/a \
+ X-HardcodeFixer-Marker=${marker_value}
+ " "$desktop_file"
+icon_lookup() {
+ # looks for icon in dirs in the list and returns absolute path to the icon
+ local icon_name="$1"
+ local data_dir icons_dir icon_path
+ for data_dir in \
+ "${DATA_DIRS[@]}" \
+ "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"
+ do
+ for icons_dir in \
+ "$data_dir/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps" \
+ "$data_dir/icons/hicolor" \
+ "$data_dir/icons" \
+ "$data_dir/pixmaps"
+ do
+ for icon_path in "$icons_dir/$icon_name".*; do
+ [ -f "$icon_path" ] || continue
+ printf '%s' "$icon_path"
+ return 0 # only the first match
+ done
+ done
+ done
+get_icon_path() {
+ # returns absolute path to the icon
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ local icon_value icon_path
+ icon_value="$(get_icon_name "$desktop_file")"
+ if [ "${icon_value:0:1}" = "/" ]; then
+ # it's absolute path
+ icon_path="$icon_value"
+ else
+ icon_path="$(icon_lookup "$icon_value")"
+ fi
+ printf '%s' "$icon_path"
+get_upstream_version() {
+ download_file "$UPSTREAM_URL/fix.sh" 2> /dev/null \
+ | LANG=C grep -o 'VERSION=[0-9]\+' \
+ | head -1 \
+ | tr -cd '[:digit:]'
+get_from_db() {
+ # returns icon name if found it
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ local app_name
+ [ -f "$DB_FILE" ] || return 1
+ app_name="$(get_app_name "$desktop_file")"
+ awk -F, -v app_name="$app_name" '
+ $1 == app_name {
+ print $4
+ exit
+ }
+ ' "$DB_FILE"
+copy_icon_file() {
+ local icon_path="$1"
+ local icon_name="$2"
+ local icon_ext="${icon_path##*.}"
+ if [ ! -f "$icon_path" ]; then
+ warn "Failed to copy '$icon_name' icon." \
+ "File '$icon_path' does not exist."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$LOCAL_ICONS_DIR"
+ case "$icon_ext" in
+ png|svg|svgz|xpm)
+ cp -f "$icon_path" "$LOCAL_ICONS_DIR/${icon_name}.${icon_ext}"
+ ;;
+ gif|ico|jpg|jpeg)
+ if ! command -v convert > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ warn "imagemagick is not installed." \
+ "Icon '${icon_name}.${icon_ext}' cannot be converted."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ verbose "Converting '${icon_name}.${icon_ext}' to" \
+ "'${icon_name}.png' ..."
+ convert "$icon_path" -alpha on -background none -thumbnail 48x48 \
+ -flatten "$LOCAL_ICONS_DIR/${icon_name}.png"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ warn "'${icon_name}.${icon_ext}' has invalid icon format."
+ return 1
+ esac
+download_file() {
+ local url="$1"
+ local file="${2:--}" # it's not a typo, output to stdout by default
+ local cmd
+ local -i exit_code=0
+ if command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ wget --no-check-certificate -q -O "$file" "$url" \
+ || cmd="wget" exit_code="$?"
+ elif command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ curl -sk -o "$file" "$url" \
+ || cmd="curl" exit_code="$?"
+ else
+ fatal "Fail to download '$url'.\n" \
+ "\r This script requires 'wget' to be installed\n" \
+ "\r to fetch the required files and check for updates.\n" \
+ "\r Please install it and rerun this script."
+ fi
+ if [ "$exit_code" -ne 0 ]; then
+ err "Fail to download '$url' ($cmd returns exit code $exit_code)."
+ fi
+ return "$exit_code"
+translate_from_app_name() {
+ # converts app name to icon name
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ # 1. remove text between parentheses
+ # 2. replace spaces with hyphens
+ # 3. replace two or more hyphens by one
+ # 4. to lowercase
+ # 5. delete invalid characters
+ get_app_name "$desktop_file" \
+ | sed \
+ -e 's/[ ]([^)]\+)//g' \
+ -e 's/[ ]/-/g' \
+ -e 's/-\+/-/g' \
+ | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \
+ | tr -cd '[:alnum:]-_'
+backup_desktop_file() {
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ local dir_name base_name backup_file
+ dir_name="$(dirname "$desktop_file")"
+ base_name="$(basename "$desktop_file")"
+ backup_file="${dir_name}/.${base_name}.orig"
+ if [ -f "$backup_file" ]; then
+ err "Backup file already exists."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ cp "$desktop_file" "$backup_file"
+restore_desktop_file() {
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ local dir_name base_name backup_file
+ dir_name="$(dirname "$desktop_file")"
+ base_name="$(basename "$desktop_file")"
+ backup_file="${dir_name}/.${base_name}.orig"
+ if [ -f "$backup_file" ]; then
+ mv -f "$backup_file" "$desktop_file"
+ else
+ err "Fail to find the backup file."
+ return 1
+ fi
+fix_hardcoded_app() {
+ local desktop_file="$1"
+ local method="$2"
+ local app_name icon_path new_icon_name desktop_file_name local_desktop_file
+ app_name="$(get_app_name "$desktop_file")"
+ icon_path="$(get_icon_path "$desktop_file")"
+ new_icon_name="$(get_from_db "$desktop_file")"
+ case "$method" in
+ global)
+ desktop_file_name="$(basename "$desktop_file")"
+ local_desktop_file="$LOCAL_APPS_DIR/$desktop_file_name"
+ if [ -e "$local_desktop_file" ]; then
+ verbose "'$app_name' already exists in local apps. Skipping."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$LOCAL_APPS_DIR"
+ cp "$desktop_file" "$local_desktop_file"
+ desktop_file="$local_desktop_file"
+ ;;
+ local)
+ backup_desktop_file "$desktop_file"
+ ;;
+ steam)
+ backup_desktop_file "$desktop_file"
+ new_icon_name="$(get_steam_icon_name "$desktop_file")"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ err "illegal method -- '$method'"
+ return 1
+ esac
+ if [ -z "$new_icon_name" ]; then
+ new_icon_name="$(translate_from_app_name "$desktop_file")"
+ fi
+ msg "Fixing '$app_name' [$method] ..."
+ set_icon_name "$desktop_file" "$new_icon_name"
+ set_marker_value "$desktop_file" "$method"
+ copy_icon_file "$icon_path" "$new_icon_name"
+apply() {
+ local data_dir desktop_file
+ # do not download if $DB_FILE already set
+ if [ -z "$DB_FILE" ]; then
+ DB_FILE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/${PROGNAME}_db.csv"
+ else
+ verbose "Using '$DB_FILE' file."
+ fi
+ if [ "$NO_DOWNLOAD" -eq 0 ]; then
+ verbose "Checking for $PROGNAME update ..."
+ if _is_update_available; then
+ cat >&2 <<- EOF
+ You're running an out of date version of the script.
+ Please download the latest verison from the GitHub page
+ or update via your package manager. If you continue
+ without updating you may run into problems.
+ Press [ENTER] to continue or Ctrl-c to exit
+ # Wait for user to read the message
+ read -r < /dev/tty # don't read from stdin
+ fi
+ msg "Downloading DB ..."
+ download_file "$UPSTREAM_URL/tofix.csv" "${DB_FILE}.new" \
+ || warn "Will use the last saved database."
+ # Rename the file if download is successful
+ if [ -f "${DB_FILE}.new" ] && [ -s "${DB_FILE}.new" ]; then
+ mv -f "${DB_FILE}.new" "$DB_FILE"
+ else
+ rm -f "${DB_FILE}.new"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # exit if DB_FILE not exists or empty
+ if [ ! -f "$DB_FILE" ] || [ ! -s "$DB_FILE" ]; then
+ fatal "Database '$DB_FILE' not exists or empty."
+ fi
+ for desktop_file in \
+ "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/applications/*.desktop \
+ "${XDG_DESKTOP_DIR:-$HOME/Desktop}"/**/*.desktop
+ do
+ [ -f "$desktop_file" ] || continue
+ if _is_hardcoded "$desktop_file"; then
+ fix_hardcoded_app "$desktop_file" "local" || continue
+ elif _is_hardcoded_steam_app "$desktop_file"; then
+ fix_hardcoded_app "$desktop_file" "steam" || continue
+ fi
+ done
+ for data_dir in "${DATA_DIRS[@]}"; do
+ for desktop_file in "$data_dir"/applications/**/*.desktop; do
+ [ -f "$desktop_file" ] || continue
+ if _is_hardcoded "$desktop_file"; then
+ fix_hardcoded_app "$desktop_file" "global" || continue
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ msg "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Done!"
+revert() {
+ local app_name desktop_file icon_ext icon_name marker_value
+ for desktop_file in \
+ "$LOCAL_APPS_DIR"/*.desktop \
+ "${XDG_DESKTOP_DIR:-$HOME/Desktop}"/**/*.desktop
+ do
+ [ -f "$desktop_file" ] || continue
+ if _has_marker "$desktop_file"; then
+ app_name="$(get_app_name "$desktop_file")"
+ icon_name="$(get_icon_name "$desktop_file")"
+ marker_value="$(get_marker_value "$desktop_file")"
+ msg "Reverting '$app_name' ..."
+ case "$marker_value" in
+ global)
+ rm -f -- "$desktop_file"
+ ;;
+ local|steam)
+ restore_desktop_file "$desktop_file" || continue
+ ;;
+ *)
+ err "invalid marker value -- '$marker_value'"
+ continue
+ esac
+ for icon_ext in png svg svgz xpm; do
+ if [ -f "$LOCAL_ICONS_DIR/$icon_name.$icon_ext" ]; then
+ verbose "Removing '$icon_name.$icon_ext' ..."
+ rm -- "$LOCAL_ICONS_DIR/$icon_name.$icon_ext"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ msg "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Done!"
+parse_opts() {
+ local opt cmd
+ local -a opts=()
+ local -a cmds=()
+ usage() {
+ local exit_code="${1:-0}"
+ cat >&2 <<- EOF
+ usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [command ...] [options]
+ commands:
+ -A, --apply fixes hardcoded icons of installed applications
+ -R, --revert reverts any changes made
+ -V, --version print $PROGNAME version and exit
+ -h, --help show this help
+ options:
+ -f, --csv-file read from the instead of downloading
+ -n, --no-download do not check for any updates
+ -v, --verbose be verbose
+ Long commands without double '--' are also allowed.
+ exit "$exit_code"
+ }
+ # Translate --gnu-long-options and commands to -g (short options)
+ for opt; do
+ case "$opt" in
+ --apply|apply) opts+=( -A ) ;;
+ --revert|revert) opts+=( -R ) ;;
+ --version|version) opts+=( -V ) ;;
+ --csv-file) opts+=( -f ) ;;
+ --help|help) opts+=( -h ) ;;
+ --no-download) opts+=( -n ) ;;
+ --verbose) opts+=( -v ) ;;
+ --[0-9a-Z]*)
+ err "illegal option -- '$opt'"
+ usage 128
+ ;;
+ *) opts+=( "$opt" )
+ esac
+ done
+ while getopts ":ARVf:hnv" opt "${opts[@]}"; do
+ case "$opt" in
+ A ) cmds+=( "apply" ) ;;
+ R ) cmds+=( "revert" ) ;;
+ V ) cmds+=( "version" ) ;;
+ f ) DB_FILE="$OPTARG" ;;
+ h ) usage 0 ;;
+ n ) NO_DOWNLOAD=1 ;;
+ v ) VERBOSE=1 ;;
+ : ) err "option requires an argument -- '-$OPTARG'"
+ usage 128
+ ;;
+ \?) err "illegal option -- '-$OPTARG'"
+ usage 128
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ for cmd in "${cmds[@]}"; do
+ case "$cmd" in
+ apply) apply ;;
+ revert) revert ;;
+ version)
+ printf "%s (version %s)\n" "$PROGNAME" "$VERSION"
+ if _is_update_available; then
+ msg "update is available."
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # display interactive menu, if no commands were passed
+ if [ "${#cmds[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ show_menu
+ fi
+show_menu() {
+ local menu_item
+ local -a menu_items=( "apply" "revert" "help" "quit" )
+ local PS3="($PROGNAME)> " # set custom prompt
+ cat >&2 <<- EOF
+ Welcome to $PROGNAME ($VERSION)!
+ Type 'help' to view a list of commands or enter
+ the number of the action you want to execute.
+ select menu_item in "${menu_items[@]}"; do
+ case "${menu_item:-$REPLY}" in
+ apply|[aA]*) apply ;;
+ revert|[rR]*) revert ;;
+ help|[hH]*)
+ cat >&2 <<- EOF
+ apply - fixes hardcoded icons of installed applications
+ revert - reverts any changes made
+ help - displays this help menu
+ clear - clear the screen
+ quit - quit $PROGNAME
+ ;;
+ clear|[cC]*) clear ;;
+ quit|[qQeE]*) exit 0 ;;
+ *) err "invalid command -- '$REPLY'"
+ esac
+ done < /dev/tty # don't read from stdin
+main() {
+ if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then
+ fatal "This script must be run as normal user."
+ fi
+ if [ "${#ARGS[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ parse_opts "${ARGS[@]}"
+ else
+ show_menu
+ fi
+exit 0