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Lint anything by combining the power of scripts & regular expressions. With built-in support for matching and non-matching examples validation & autocorrect replacement. Replaces SwiftLint custom rules & works for/with other languages as well! 🎉
Via Homebrew:
To install AnyLint the first time, run these commands:
brew tap Flinesoft/AnyLint
brew install anylint
To update it to the latest version, run this instead:
brew upgrade anylint
Via Mint:
To install AnyLint or update to the latest version, run this command:
mint install Flinesoft/AnyLint
To initialize AnyLint in a project, run:
anylint --init blank
This will create the Swift script file anylint.yml
with something like the following contents:
- id: Readme
hint: 'Each project should have a file, explaining how to use or contribute to the project.'
regex: '^README\.md$'
violateIfNoMatchesFound: true
matchingExamples: ['']
nonMatchingExamples: ['README.markdown', '', '']
- id: ReadmeTopLevelTitle
hint: 'The file should only contain a single top level title.'
regex: '(^|\n)#[^#](.*\n)*\n#[^#]'
includeFilter: ['^README\.md$']
- |
# Title
## Subtitle
Lorem ipsum
# Other Title
## Other Subtitle
- |
# Title
## Subtitle
Lorem ipsum #1 and # 2.
## Other Subtitle
### Other Subsubtitle
- id: ReadmeTypoLicense
hint: 'ReadmeTypoLicense: Misspelled word `license`.'
regex: '([\s#]L|l)isence([\s\.,:;])'
matchingExamples: [' lisence:', '## Lisence\n']
nonMatchingExamples: [' license:', '## License\n']
includeFilters: ['^README\.md$']
autoCorrectReplacement: '$1icense$2'
- { before: ' lisence:', after: ' license:' }
- { before: '## Lisence\n', after: '## License\n' }
- id: 'ReadmePath'
hint: 'The README file should be named exactly ``.'
regex: '^(.*/)?([Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Mm][Ee]\.markdown|readme\.md|Readme\.md|ReadMe\.md)$'
matchingExamples: ['README.markdown', '', '']
nonMatchingExamples: ['', '', '', 'api/']
autoCorrectReplacement: '$'
- { before: 'api/', after: 'api/' }
- { before: '', after: '' }
- { before: 'README.markdown', after: '' }
Having this configuration file, you can now run anylint
to run your lint checks. By default, if any check fails, the entire command fails and reports the violation reason. To learn more about how to configure your own checks, see the Configuration section below.
If you want to create and run multiple configuration files or if you want a different name or location for the default config file, you can pass the --path
option, which can be used multiple times as well like this:
Initializes the configuration files at the given locations:
anylint --init blank --path Sources/anylint.yml --path Tests/anylint.yml
Runs the lint checks for both configuration files:
anylint --path Sources/anylint.yml --path Tests/anylint.yml
There are also several flags you can pass to anylint
: Fails on warnings as well. (By default, the command only fails on errors.)-x
: Prints warnings & errors in a format to be reported right within Xcodes left sidebar.-l
: Runs only validations formatchingExamples
: Prints the current tool version. (Does not run any lint checks.)-d
: Logs much more detailed information about what AnyLint is doing for debugging purposes.
AnyLint provides three different kinds of lint checks:
: Matches the contents of a text file to a given regex.CheckFilePaths
: Matches the file paths of the current directory to a given regex.CustomScripts
: Allows to write custom scripts in any language to do other kinds of checks. (TODO)
Several examples of lint checks can be found in the anylint.yml
file of this very project.
Independent from the method used, there are a few types specified in the AnyLint package you should know of.
Many parameters in the above mentioned lint check methods are of Regex
type. A Regex
can be initialized in several ways:
- Using a String:
let regex = Regex(#"(foo|bar)[0-9]+"#) // => /(foo|bar)[0-9]+/
let regexWithOptions = Regex(#"(foo|bar)[0-9]+"#, options: [.ignoreCase, .dotMatchesLineSeparators, .anchorsMatchLines]) // => /(foo|bar)[0-9]+/im
- Using a String Literal:
let regex: Regex = #"(foo|bar)[0-9]+"# // => /(foo|bar)[0-9]+/
let regexWithOptions: Regex = #"(foo|bar)[0-9]+\im"# // => /(foo|bar)[0-9]+/im
- Using a Dictionary Literal: (use for named capture groups)
let regex: Regex = ["key": #"foo|bar"#, "num": "[0-9]+"] // => /(?<key>foo|bar)(?<num>[0-9]+)/
let regexWithOptions: Regex = ["key": #"foo|bar"#, "num": "[0-9]+", #"\"#: "im"] // => /(?<key>foo|bar)(?<num>[0-9]+)/im
Note that we recommend using raw strings (#"foo"#
instead of "foo"
) for all regexes to get rid of double escaping backslashes (e.g. \\s
becomes \s
). This also allows for testing regexes in online regex editors like Rubular first and then copy & pasting from them without any additional escaping (except for {
& }
, replace with \{
& \}
Regex Options
Specifying Regex options in literals is done via the \
separator as shown in the examples above. The available options are:
: Any specified characters will both match uppercase and lowercase variants.m
: All appearances of.
in regexes will also match newlines (which are not matched against by default).
The .anchorsMatchLines
option is always activated on literal usage as we strongly recommend it. It ensures that ^
can be used to match the start of a line and $
for the end of a line. By default they would match the start & end of the entire string. If that's actually what you want, you can still use \A
and \z
for that. This makes the default literal Regex behavior more in line with sites like Rubular.
A Check
contains the basic information about a lint check. It consists of:
: The identifier of your lint check. For example:EmptyTodo
: The hint explaining the cause of the violation or the steps to fix it.severity
: The severity of violations. One oferror
. Default:error
While there is an initializer available, we recommend using a String Literal instead like so:
// accepted structure: <id>(@<severity>): <hint>
let check: Check = "ReadmePath: The README file should be named exactly ``."
let checkCustomSeverity: Check = "ReadmePath@warning: The README file should be named exactly ``."
An AutoCorrection
contains an example before
and after
string to validate that a given autocorrection rule behaves correctly.
It can be initialized in two ways, either with the default initializer:
let example: AutoCorrection = AutoCorrection(before: "Lisence", after: "License")
Or using a Dictionary literal:
let example: AutoCorrection = ["before": "Lisence", "after": "License"]
AnyLint has rich support for checking the contents of a file using a regex. The design follows the approach "make simple things simple and hard things possible". Thus, let's explain the checkFileContents
method with a simple and a complex example.
In its simplest form, the method just requires a check
and a regex
// MARK: EmptyTodo
try Lint.checkFileContents(
check: "EmptyTodo: TODO comments should not be empty.",
regex: #"// TODO: *\n"#
But we strongly recommend to always provide also:
: Array of strings expected to match the given string forregex
: Array of strings not matching the given string forregex
: Array ofRegex
objects to include to the file paths to check.
The first two will be used on each run of AnyLint to check if the provided regex
actually works as expected. If any of the matchingExamples
doesn't match or if any of the nonMatchingExamples
does match, the entire AnyLint command will fail early. This a built-in validation step to help preventing a lot of issues and increasing your confidence on the lint checks.
The third one is recommended because it increases the performance of the linter. Only files at paths matching at least one of the provided regexes will be checked. If not provided, all files within the current directory will be read recursively for each check, which is inefficient.
Here's the recommended minimum example:
// MARK: - Variables
let swiftSourceFiles: Regex = #"Sources/.*\.swift"#
let swiftTestFiles: Regex = #"Tests/.*\.swift"#
// MARK: - Checks
// MARK: empty_todo
try Lint.checkFileContents(
check: "EmptyTodo: TODO comments should not be empty.",
regex: #"// TODO: *\n"#,
matchingExamples: ["// TODO:\n"],
nonMatchingExamples: ["// TODO: not yet implemented\n"],
includeFilters: [swiftSourceFiles, swiftTestFiles]
There's 3 more parameters you can optionally set if needed:
: Array ofRegex
objects to exclude from the file paths to check.autoCorrectReplacement
: Replacement string which can reference any capture groups in theregex
: Example structs withbefore
for autocorrection validation.repeatIfAutoCorrected
: Repeat check if at least one auto-correction was applied in last run. Defaults tofalse
The excludeFilters
can be used alternatively to the includeFilters
or alongside them. If used alongside, exclusion will take precedence over inclusion.
If autoCorrectReplacement
is provided, AnyLint will automatically replace matches of regex
with the given replacement string. Capture groups are supported, both in numbered style (([a-z]+)(\d+)
=> $1$2
) and named group style ((?<alpha>[a-z])(?<num>\d+)
=> $alpha$num
). When provided, we strongly recommend to also provide autoCorrectExamples
for validation. Like for matchingExamples
/ nonMatchingExamples
the entire command will fail early if one of the examples doesn't correct from the before
string to the expected after
Caution: When using the
parameter, be sure to double-check that your regex doesn't match too much content. Additionally, we strongly recommend to commit your changes regularly to have some backup.
Here's a full example using all parameters at once:
// MARK: - Variables
let swiftSourceFiles: Regex = #"Sources/.*\.swift"#
let swiftTestFiles: Regex = #"Tests/.*\.swift"#
// MARK: - Checks
// MARK: empty_method_body
try Lint.checkFileContents(
check: "EmptyMethodBody: Don't use whitespaces for the body of empty methods.",
regex: [
"declaration": #"func [^\(\s]+\([^{]*\)"#,
"spacing": #"\s*"#,
"body": #"\{\s+\}"#
matchingExamples: [
"func foo2bar() { }",
"func foo2bar(x: Int, y: Int) { }",
"func foo2bar(\n x: Int,\n y: Int\n) {\n \n}",
nonMatchingExamples: [
"func foo2bar() {}",
"func foo2bar(x: Int, y: Int) {}"
includeFilters: [swiftSourceFiles],
excludeFilters: [swiftTestFiles],
autoCorrectReplacement: "$declaration {}",
autoCorrectExamples: [
["before": "func foo2bar() { }", "after": "func foo2bar() {}"],
["before": "func foo2bar(x: Int, y: Int) { }", "after": "func foo2bar(x: Int, y: Int) {}"],
["before": "func foo2bar()\n{\n \n}", "after": "func foo2bar() {}"],
Note that when autoCorrectReplacement
produces a replacement string that exactly matches the matched string of regex
, then no violation will be reported. This enables us to provide more generic regex
patterns that also match the correct string without actually reporting a violation for the correct one. For example, using the regex if\s*\(([^)]+)\)\s*\{
to check whitespaces around braces after if
statement would report a violation for all of the following examples:
if(x == 5) { /* some code */ }
if (x == 5){ /* some code */ }
if(x == 5){ /* some code */ }
if (x == 5) { /* some code */ }
The problem is that the last example actually is our expected formatting and should not violate. By providing an autoCorrectReplacement
of if ($1) {
, we can fix that as the replacement would be equal to the matched string, so no violation would be reported for the last example and all the others would be auto-corrected – just what we want. 🎉
(The alternative would be to split the check to two separate ones, one fore checking the prefix and one the suffix whitespacing – not so beautiful as this blows up our lint.swift
configuration file very quickly.)
While the includeFilters
and excludeFilters
arguments in the config file can be used to skip checks on specified files, sometimes it's necessary to make exceptions and specify that within the files themselves. For example this can become handy when there's a check which works 99% of the time, but there might be the 1% of cases where the check is reporting false positives.
For such cases, there are 2 ways to skip checks within the files themselves:
AnyLint.skipHere: <Check.ID>
: Will skip the specified check(s) on the same line and the next line.
var x: Int = 5 // AnyLint.skipHere: MinVarNameLength
// or
// AnyLint.skipHere: MinVarNameLength
var x: Int = 5
AnyLint.skipInFile: <All or Check.ID>
: Will skipAll
or specificed check(s) in the entire file.
// AnyLint.skipInFile: MinVarNameLength
var x: Int = 5
var y: Int = 5
// AnyLint.skipInFile: All
var x: Int = 5
var y: Int = 5
It is also possible to skip multiple checks at once in a line like so:
// AnyLint.skipHere: MinVarNameLength, LineLength, ColonWhitespaces
The checkFilePaths
method has all the same parameters like the checkFileContents
method, so please read the above section to learn more about them. There's only one difference and one additional parameter:
: Here, this will safely move the file using the path replacement.violateIfNoMatchesFound
: Will report a violation if no matches are found iftrue
. Default:false
As this method is about file paths and not file contents, the autoCorrectReplacement
actually also fixes the paths, which corresponds to moving files from the before
state to the after
state. Note that moving/renaming files here is done safely, which means that if a file already exists at the resulting path, the command will fail.
By default, checkFilePaths
will fail if the given regex
matches a file. If you want to check for the existence of a file though, you can set violateIfNoMatchesFound
to true
instead, then the method will fail if it does not match any file.
TODO: Update to new custom script format supporting all languages as long as they output Violation JOSN format.
AnyLint allows you to do any kind of lint checks (thus its name) as it gives you the full power of the Swift programming language and it's packages ecosystem. The customCheck
method needs to be used to profit from this flexibility. And it's actually the simplest of the three methods, consisting of only two parameters:
: Provides some general information on the lint check.customClosure
: Your custom logic which produces an array ofViolation
Note that the Violation
type just holds some additional information on the file, matched string, location in the file and applied autocorrection and that all these fields are optional. It is a simple struct used by the AnyLint reporter for more detailed output, no logic attached. The only required field is the Check
object which caused the violation.
If you want to use regexes in your custom code, you can learn more about how you can match strings with a Regex
object on the HandySwift docs (the project, the class was taken from) or read the code documentation comments.
When using the customCheck
, you might want to also include some Swift packages for easier file handling or running shell commands. You can do so by adding them at the top of the file like so:
import AnyLint // @Flinesoft
import ShellOut // @JohnSundell
Lint.logSummaryAndExit(arguments: CommandLine.arguments) {
// MARK: - Variables
let projectName: String = "AnyLint"
// MARK: - Checks
// MARK: LinuxMainUpToDate
try Lint.customCheck(check: "LinuxMainUpToDate: The tests in Tests/LinuxMain.swift should be up-to-date.") { check in
var violations: [Violation] = []
let linuxMainFilePath = "Tests/LinuxMain.swift"
let linuxMainContentsBeforeRegeneration = try! String(contentsOfFile: linuxMainFilePath)
let sourceryDirPath = ".sourcery"
try! shellOut(to: "sourcery", arguments: ["--sources", "Tests/\(projectName)Tests", "--templates", "\(sourceryDirPath)/LinuxMain.stencil", "--output", sourceryDirPath])
let generatedLinuxMainFilePath = "\(sourceryDirPath)/LinuxMain.generated.swift"
let linuxMainContentsAfterRegeneration = try! String(contentsOfFile: generatedLinuxMainFilePath)
// move generated file to LinuxMain path to update its contents
try! shellOut(to: "mv", arguments: [generatedLinuxMainFilePath, linuxMainFilePath])
if linuxMainContentsBeforeRegeneration != linuxMainContentsAfterRegeneration {
check: check,
filePath: linuxMainFilePath,
appliedAutoCorrection: AutoCorrection(
before: linuxMainContentsBeforeRegeneration,
after: linuxMainContentsAfterRegeneration
return violations
If you are using AnyLint for a project in Xcode, you can configure a build script to run it on each build. In order to do this select your target, choose the Build Phases
tab and click the + button on the top left corner of that pane. Select New Run Script Phase
and copy the following into the text box below the Shell: /bin/sh
of your new run script phase:
if which anylint > /dev/null; then
anylint -x
echo "warning: AnyLint not installed, download it from"
Next, make sure the AnyLint script runs before the steps Compiling Sources
by moving it per drag & drop, for example right after Dependencies
. You probably also want to rename it to somethng like AnyLint
Note: There's a known bug when the build script is used in non-macOS platforms targets.
Refer to the Regex quick reference on which all apply for Swift as well:
In Swift, there are some differences to regexes in Ruby (which is based on) – take care when copying regexes:
- In Ruby, forward slashes (
) must be escaped (\/
), that's not necessary in Swift. - In Swift, curly braces (
) must be escaped (\{
), that's not necessary in Ruby.
Here are some advanced Regex features you might want to use or learn more about:
Back references can be used within regexes to match previous capture groups.
For example, you can make sure that the PR number and link match in
PR: [#100](
by using a capture group ((\d+)
) and a back reference (\1
) like in:\[#(\d+)\]\(https://[^)]+/pull/\1\)
. -
Negative & positive lookaheads & lookbehinds allow you to specify patterns with some limitations that will be excluded from the matched range. They are specified with
(positive lookahead),(?!PATTERN)
(negative lookahead),(?<=PATTERN)
(positive lookbehind) or(?<!PATTERN)
(negative lookbehind).For example, you could use the regex
- (?!None\.).*
to match any entry in
file except empty ones calledNone.
. -
Specifically you can use a lookbehind to make sure that the reported line of a regex spanning multiple lines only reports on the exact line where the developer needs to make a change, instead of one line before. That works because the pattern matched by a lookbehind is not considered part of the matching range.
For example, consider a regex violating if there's an empty line after an opening curly brace like so:
. This would match the lines offunc do() {\n\n return 5}
, but what you actually want is it to start matching on the empty newline like so:(?<={\n)\s*\n\s*\S
.See also #3
Please be aware that in YAML indentation (whitespaces) and newlines are actually important. Natively supported types are: String, Integer, Float, Bool and Date.
Strings (unlike in most other languages) don't need to be put between quotes, but can:
string1: This is without quotes.
string2: 'This is with single quotes.'
string3: "This is with double quotes."
Multi-line strings can be written by specifying |
and then a newline:
multiline1: |
This is a multi line string.
Newlines are going to be preserved.
By default, only one trailing newline is kept.
An additional +
or -
specified what to do with trailing newlines:
multiline2: |+
This will make sure both trailing newlines are kept (ends with ".\n\n").
multiline3: |-
This will ignore any trailing newlines and
will end with the last non-newline character (the following dot in this case -->).
Arrays can be written in two ways:
array1: [1, 2, 3]
- 1
- 2
- 3
Dictionaries, too, can be written in two similar ways:
array1: { key1: 1, key2: 2, key3: 3 }
- 1
- 2
- 3
Dictionaries and Arrays can be nested indefinitely. Dictionaries within Arrays are denoted with one -
before the keys:
leaf1: foo
leaf2: bar
array1: [a, b, c]
- [a, b, c]
- [x, y, z]
- level4dict1: a
level4dict2: b
level4dict3: c
You can also reuse Dictionaries defined earlier (at the top) down the file via <<: *
includeFilters: ['.*\.swift']
excludeFilters: ['.*\.generated\.swift']
- id: Check1
regex: 'a*b*'
<<: *swiftFileFilters
- id: Check2
regex: 'c*d*'
<<: *swiftFileFilters
AnyLint was brought to you by Cihat Gündüz in his free time. If you want to thank me and support the development of this project, please make a small donation on PayPal. In case you also like my other open source contributions and articles, please consider motivating me by becoming a sponsor on GitHub or a patron on Patreon.
Thank you very much for any donation, it really helps out a lot! 💯
Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open an issue on GitHub with your ideas or implement an idea yourself and post a pull request. If you want to contribute code, please try to follow the same syntax and semantic in your commit messages (see rationale here). Also, please make sure to add an entry to the
file which explains your change.
This library is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.