Releases: FlightControl-Master/MOOSE
MOOSE patch 2.4.12
Fixed a problem in the method SET_BASE:FindNearestObjectFromPointVec2( PointVec2 )
MOOSE patch 2.4.11
Fixed a problem in DESIGNATE improving the auto lase function. Also the method to set the lase duration is now working correctly.
MOOSE patch 2.4.10
Changed the default lase duration for designations to 120 seconds. A new method has been added to change the lase duration yourself.
Use DESIGNATE_Object:SetLaseDuration( seconds )
MOOSE patch 2.4.9
Fixed problems with A2A_GCICAP. And also fixed an error when planes are not visible from start, that the logic would not crash at start when there were unlimited resources assigned to the squadron.
Pls refer to this A2A dispatcher mission for a demonstration of the new method :SetVisible
Note that you can only use this method when using the AI_A2A_DISPATCHER, not when using AI_A2A_GCICAP.
MOOSE patch 2.4.8
This implements a long wanted function in the AI_A2A_DISPATCHER, namely the visibility of airplanes at the airbases.
Planes can now be spawned "uncontrolled", thus visible, before they take off into the air and assigned a task.
So, the amount of resources allocated to the airbase is visible.
A new method has been added that does this functionality, it is called :SetSquadronVisible( "squadronname" )
Enjoy. I will still need to update the documentation, but will do this for the next release.
MOOSE patch 2.4.7
Fixing reported issue #1035 concerning refuelling using AI_A2A_DISPATCHER. After refuel the plane now correctly resumes with CAP or PATROL activities.
MOOSE patch 2.4.6
Ensuring that inactive carriers get activated when an AI cargo dispatch command is triggered. This is an important fix.
MOOSE patch 2.4.5
With the help of @gunterlund we've been working together to make the defense experience of APCs and Trucks transporting cargo more fun. Now boarded infantry will unboard when enemies are within combat radius, and will engage the enemy. That is, they will approach the enemy actively. Once the enemy is destroyed, the infantry will board back into the APCs or trucks, and will continue its route.
Also debugged and tested the infantry cargo.
Also fixed a bug related to the InAir modification earlier. Now the native InAir DCS API will be called for planes, ships and ground vehicles. For helicopters, the InAir will be evaluated based on velocity and height off the ground. This to be able to board infantry stationed on roofs of buildings... Thanks @shadowze for your tests on that matter :-)
MOOSE patch 2.4.4
Fixed the most silly typo in the existing code base, I've done in my career, which cause quite some defects within the tasking system. Luckily @TracerFacer found the issue with his squad, and reported it. So thanks @TracerFacer and all your patience and dedication :-)
Great mission by the way you guys have!
This patch also includes a couple of new methods on POSITIONABLE and UTILS.
MOOSE patch 2.4.3
Added the long-due feature for AI_A2A_DISPATCHER on the airbase capture event.
When an airbase is captured, it will stop CAP and GCI for the squadron(s) located at the airbase.