diff --git a/docs/feature/ios_test_plans.md b/docs/feature/ios_test_plans.md
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+# Flow
+Flow starts by parsing .xctestrun file.
+Search for: `__xctestrun_metadata__` key.
+ FormatVersion
+ 1
+- **FormatVersion: `1` -** old version of .xctestrun
+- **FormatVersion: `2` -** the newest version with test plans
+- If format is different than 1 or 2 throw an error.
+### FormatVersion: 1
+Any other key than metadata should have corresponding **TestTarget** dictionary. In example below `EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests` has a **TestTarget** dictionary.
+ EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests
+ BlueprintName
+ EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests
+ ...
+ __xctestrun_metadata__
+ FormatVersion
+ 1
+### FormatVersion: 2
+In this version, XML contains two keys: `TestConfigurations` and `TestPlan` in addition to `__xctestrun_metadata__`.
+`TestPlan` is just dictionary containing basic informations about current **TestPlan.** We can ignore it.
+`TestConfigurations` is an array of different test configurations. Test configuration contains name property and array of TestTargets.
+ Name
+ pl
+ TestTargets
+ BlueprintName
+ UITests
+ BlueprintName
+ SecondUITests
+Each configuration may contain different Environment Variables, languages, regions or any other properties. Those properties are stored under TestTarget.
+Currently **FTL** doesn't support specifying TestConfiguration for test execution.
+If there is more than one configuration FTL will probably choose one arbitrarily.
+For now Flank will allow specifying which test configuration should run with `only-test-configuration` argument.
+# Running test plan locally
+## Build Xcode project
+To build example project run command below.
+xcodebuild build-for-testing \
+-allowProvisioningUpdates \
+-project "FlankMultiTestTargetsExample.xcodeproj" \
+-scheme "AllTests" \ #Scheme should have test plans enabled
+-derivedDataPath "build_testplan_device" \
+-sdk iphoneos | xcpretty
+This command will generate directory: **Debug-iphoneos** containing binaries and .xctestrun file for each TestPlan.
+In this example scheme `AllTests` has have only one test plan: **AllTests** with two test configurations: `pl` and `en`.
+**Test Plan** contains two **Test Targets: `UITests` and `SecondUITests`**
+Outputted .xctestrun should looks like this:
+ TestConfigurations
+ Name
+ en
+ TestTargets
+ BlueprintName
+ UITests
+ TestLanguage
+ en
+ TestRegion
+ GB
+ BlueprintName
+ SecondUITests
+ TestLanguage
+ en
+ TestRegion
+ GB
+ Name
+ pl
+ TestTargets
+ BlueprintName
+ UITests
+ TestLanguage
+ pl
+ TestRegion
+ PL
+ BlueprintName
+ SecondUITests
+ TestLanguage
+ pl
+ TestRegion
+ PL
+ TestPlan
+ IsDefault
+ Name
+ AllTests
+ __xctestrun_metadata__
+ FormatVersion
+ 2
+## Running tests on a local device
+After generating binaries and .xctestrun file we can run tests using command.
+xcodebuild test-without-building \
+-xctestrun "build_testplan_device/Build/Products/testrun.xctestrun" \
+-destination "platform=iOS,id=00008030-000209DC1A50802E" \
+-only-test-configuration pl | xcpretty
+Option: `-only-test-configuration pl` allows to specify which test configuration should Xcode run.
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