Flow starts by parsing .xctestrun file.
Search for: __xctestrun_metadata__
- FormatVersion:
- old version of .xctestrun - FormatVersion:
- the newest version with test plans - If format is different than 1 or 2 throw an error.
Any other key than metadata should have corresponding TestTarget dictionary. In example below EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests
has a TestTarget dictionary.
<plist version="1.0">
<dict> <!-- TestTarget -->
In this version, XML contains two keys: TestConfigurations
and TestPlan
in addition to __xctestrun_metadata__
is just a dictionary containing basic informations about current TestPlan. We can ignore it. So it's excluded from example xml below.
is an array of different test configurations. Test configuration contains name property and array of TestTargets.
<plist version="1.0">
<string>pl</string> <!-- Name property -->
<array> <!-- TestConfigurations -->
<!-- Test target and Test configuration properties go here -->
<!-- Test target and Test configuration properties go here -->
Each configuration may contain different Environment Variables, languages, regions or any other properties. Those properties are stored under TestTarget.
Currently FTL doesn't support specifying TestConfiguration for test execution.
If there is more than one configuration FTL will probably choose one arbitrarily.
For now Flank will allow specifying which test configuration should run with only-test-configuration
To build example project run command below.
xcodebuild build-for-testing \
-allowProvisioningUpdates \
-project "FlankMultiTestTargetsExample.xcodeproj" \
-scheme "AllTests" \ #Scheme should have test plans enabled
-derivedDataPath "build_testplan_device" \
-sdk iphoneos | xcpretty
This command will generate directory: Debug-iphoneos containing binaries and .xctestrun file for each TestPlan.
In this example scheme AllTests
has have only one test plan: AllTests with two test configurations: pl
and en
Test Plan contains two Test Targets: UITests
and SecondUITests
Outputted .xctestrun should looks like this:
<plist version="1.0">
<key>TestTargets</key> <!-- Test Targets for `en` test configuration -->
<string>GB</string> <!-- Language and region -->
<!-- ... Other properties -->
<string>GB</string> <!-- Language and region -->
<!-- ... Other properties -->
<key>TestTargets</key> <!-- Test Targets for `pl` test configuration -->
<string>PL</string> <!-- Language and region -->
<!-- ... Other properties -->
<string>PL</string> <!-- Language and region -->
<!-- ... Other properties -->
After generating binaries and .xctestrun file we can run tests using command.
xcodebuild test-without-building \
-xctestrun "build_testplan_device/Build/Products/testrun.xctestrun" \
-destination "platform=iOS,id=00008030-000209DC1A50802E" \
-only-test-configuration pl | xcpretty
Option: -only-test-configuration pl
allows to specify which test configuration should Xcode run.