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Django-google-maps is a simple application that provides the basic hooks into google maps V3 api for use in django models from django version 1.3.

I'm using this to allow someone from the admin panels to type a freeform address, have the address geocoded on change and plotted on the map. If the location is not 100% correct, the user can drag the marker to the correct spot and the geo coordinates will update.


  • include the django_google_maps app in your
  • create a model that has both an address field and geolocation field
      from django.db import models
      from django_google_maps import fields as map_fields
      class Rental(models.Model):
          address = map_fields.AddressField(max_length=200)
          geolocation = map_fields.GeoLocationField(max_length=100)    
  • in the include the following as a formfield_override
        from django.contrib import admin
        from django_google_maps import widgets as map_widgets
        from django_google_maps import fields as map_fields
        class RentalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
            formfield_overrides = {
                map_fields.AddressField: {'widget': map_widgets.GoogleMapsAddressWidget},    

That should be all you need to get started. If you're not using Django 1.3 make sure that the static media is in a location that will be found and properly served. The assumed location is settings.STATIC_URL + 'django_google_maps/js/google-maps-admin.js',

I also like to make the geolocation field readonly in the admin so a user (myself) doesn't accidentally change it to a nonsensical value. There is validation on the field so you can't enter an incorrect value, but you could enter something that is not even close to the address you intended.

When you're displaying the address back to the user, just request the map using the geocoordinates that were saved in your model. Maybe sometime when I get around to it I'll see if I can create a method that will build that into the model.


Using the Google Maps API with django model admin







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