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Module exometer_probe

Interface library for managing probes.

Behaviours: exometer_entry.

This module defines the exometer_probe behaviour.
Required callback functions: behaviour/0, probe_init/3, probe_terminate/1, probe_setopts/3, probe_update/2, probe_get_value/2, probe_get_datapoints/1, probe_reset/1, probe_sample/1, probe_handle_msg/2, probe_code_change/3.


This library contains the main API for accessing all probes executing in exometer.

All exported functions in the exomter_probe module are invoked by the exometer module; a developer will not have to call exometer_probe functions directly.

A probe is an implementation of the exometer_probe behavior which runs in its own process in order to collect data to be handled and reported by exometer. The implementation will be invoked through the exomoeter_probe module, which, as stated above, in its turn is invoked by the exometer module.

A custom exometer probe is invoked by mapping a type to the module name of the custom exometer probe module. All metrics created with the given type will trigger the invocation of the new probe module. See Configuring type - entry maps for details on how to setup such maps.

If the data can be collected at a high speed, and without blocking, an exometer_entry implementation can be used instead to do the gathering in-process.

A probe is created throgh the exomter_probe:new/3 call, which in its turn is called by exometer:new/3. During probe creation, a new process is spawned to handle the probe and call its implementation. While the created process is not a gen_server, it behaves similarly and provides a state to all implementation calls.

Once running, the probe collects data from a subsystem, such as /proc, sysfs, and netlink, through timer-based calls to Mod:probe_sample/1 or explicit calls to Mod:probe_update/2.

A probe implementation can support any number of data points, where each data point is a specifric sample from the probe. For example, a probe that measures network traffic would have rx_packets, tx_packets, errors, dropped, and other data points reported by ifconfig(8) and ip(8).

Values are retrieved from the probe through the Mod:probe_get_value/2 call, which specifies the data points to be returned. The probe is expected to gather the given data points and return them to the caller.

The following functions are to be implemented and exported by a probe implementation.

The Mod:behaviour/0 function for an entry implementation should return the atom probe. This function will be involved by the exometer system in order to determine if a callback is an entry or a probe.

The Mod:probe_init/3 function is invoked as follows:

       probe_init(Name, Type, Options)

The implementation shall initiate the probe, create the necessary state, and return it for future access through Mod:probe_update/2, Mod:probe_sample/1 and Mod:probe_get_value/2 calls.

The arguments are as follows:

  • Name Specifies the name of the metric to be created as a list of atoms.

  • Type Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new/3 call (before it was translated by the type - exometer probe map). It can be used if several different types are mapped to the same probe module.

  • Options Specifies an option list that contains additional setup directives to the probe. The actual options to support are a combination of the standard options, described below, and probe specific options processed by Mod:probe_init/3.

Standard options are processed directly by new/3, before Mod:probe_init/3 is called, and are as follows:

  • {priority, P} Will be forwarded by the probe's process to erlang:process_flag/2.

  • {min_heap_size, S} Will be forwarded by the probe's process to erlang:process_flag/2.

  • {min_bin_vheap_size, S} Will be forwarded by the probe's process to erlang:process_flag/2.

  • {sensitive, true | false} Will be forwarded by the probe's process to erlang:process_flag/2.

  • {sample_interval, t} Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, that exometer_probe:sample/1. should be invoked at.

The Mod:probe_init/3 implementation is invoked by exometer:new/3, which calls exometer_probe:new/3, which invokes the probe implementation..

The Mod:probe_init/3 function shall return {ok, State} where State is a tuple that will be provided as a the State argument to all future probe implementation calls for the metric.

If the sample_interval option has been specified in Opts, Mod:probe_sample/2 will be invoked immediately after Mod:probe_init/2 returns to retrieve a first sample. After that, Mod:probe_sample/2 will repeatedly will be called by the probe process at the millisecond-specified interval.

Should Mod:probe_init/3 return antyhing else but {ok, State}, invoking new/3 call will fail.

The Mod:probe_terminate/1 function is invoked as follows:


The custom probe shall release any resources associated with the given state and return ok.

The arguments are as follows:

  • State The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequentially modified by other probe implementation calls.

The Mod:probe_terminate/1 implementation is invoked by exometer:delete/1, which calls exometer_probe:delete/3, which invokes the probe implementation.

The Mod:probe_setopts/2 function is invoked as follows:

       probe_setopts(Entry, Opts, State)

The Mod:probe_setopts/4 implementation is invoked by exometer:setopts/3, which calls exometer_probe:setopts/3, which invokes the probe implementation.

The implementation of this function shall modify the options of a probe. The setopts/3 function, which will process standard options before invoking Mod:probe_setopts/4 with the remaining options. See the documentation for Mod:probe_init/3 for details.

The arguments are as follows:

  • Entry The (opaque) exometer entry record. See exometer_info for information on how to inspect the data structure.

  • Opts The probe-specific options to be processed.

  • Status The new status of the entry.

  • State The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequently modified by other probe implementation calls.

This function shall return {ok, NewState} where NewState is the modified probe state that incorporates the new options.

The Mod:probe_update/2 function is invoked as follows:

       probe_update(Value, State)

Incorporate a new value into the metric maintained by the metric.

The arguments are as follows:

  • Value The value to integrate.

  • State The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequentially modified by other probe implementation calls.

This function can be called outside the periodic Mod:probe_sample/1/ call to have the probe process a value given in Value.

The Mod:probe_update/2 implementation is invoked by exometer:update/2, which calls exometer_probe:update/4, which invokes the probe implementation.

Once processed, Mod:probe_update/2 shall return {ok, NewState}, where NewState contains the new probe state with the processed value.

The Mod:probe_get_value/2 function is invoked as follows:

       probe_get_value(DataPoints, State)

The Mod:probe_get_value/2 implementation shall retrieve the value of one or more data points from the probe.

The arguments are as follows:

  • DataPoints List of data point atoms to retrieve values for.

  • State The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequentially modified by other probe implementation calls.

The Mod:probe_get_value/2 implementation is invoked by exometer:get_value/2, which calls exometer_probe:get_value/4, which invokes the probe implementation.

If exometer:get_value/2 is invoked with default as a single data point, the probe's Mod:probe_get_datapoints/1 function will be called to retrieve all data points supported by the probe implementation. Mod:probe_get_value/2 will then be called with the returned set of data points provided as an argument.

This function shall return the value of all data points provided in DataPoints, given that they are supported.

The list in the returned tuple shall have the format:

       [{ DP, Val}, ...]

Where DP one of the data points in the DataPoints argument, and Val is the value of that data point.

If one of the argument-provided data points are not supported by the probe, the tuple returned for that data point shall be { DP, {error, undefined}.

For example, if the provided DataPoint argument is set to [ min, max, xyzzy ], and only min and max are supported by the probe, the returned list shall look like below:

       [{ min, 0.1265 }, { max, 3338.21 }, { xyzzy, { error, unsupported } ]

The Mod:probe_get_value/2 implementation shall return {ok, List}, where List is the list of data points and their values described above. No new state is returned by this function.

The Mod:probe_get_datapoints/1 function is invoked as follows:


The Mod:probe_get_datapoints/1 shall return a list with all data points supported by the probe

The arguments are as follows:

  • State The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequentially modified by other probe implementation calls.

The Mod:probe_get_datapoints/1 implementation is invoked by exometer:info/2, which calls exometer_probe:get_datapoints/3, which invokes the probe implementation.

In cases where exometer:get_value/2 is called with default as a single data point, Mod:probe_get_datapoints/1 is also called to retrieve a list of all supported data points, which is then forwarded to Mod:probe_get_value/2.

The implementation of Mod:probe_get_datapoints/1 shall return {ok, DpList}, where DpList is a list of data point atoms supported by the probe.

The Mod:probe_reset/1 function is invoked as follows:


The Mod:probe_reset/1 shall reset the state of the probe to its initial state.

The arguments are as follows:

  • State The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequentially modified by other probe implementation calls.

The Mod:probe_reset/1 implementation is invoked by exometer:reset/1, which calls exometer_probe:reset/3, which invokes the probe implementation.

The implementation of Mod:probe_reset/1 shall return {ok, NewState}, where NewState contains the reset state of the probe.

The Mod:probe_sample/1 function is invoked as follows:


The Mod:probe_sample/1 implementation shall sample data from the subsystem the probe is integrated with.

The arguments are as follows:

  • State The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequentially modified by other probe implementation calls.

When invoked, Mod:probe_sample/1 is expected to interface the sub-system (/proc, /sysfs, etc) monitored by the probe, extract the relevant data from it, and return an updated probe state that incorporates the extracted data.

The Mod:probe_sample/1 function is invoked by the probe thread at intervals specified by the {sample_interval, Intv} option provided to exometer_probe:new/3. If this option is missing, or set to infinity, Mod:probe_sample/1 will never be called.

The implementation of Mod:probe_sample/1 shall return {ok, NewState}, where NewState contains the new state of the probe with the sampled data integrated into it.

The Mod:probe_handle_msg/2 function is invoked as follows:

       probe_handle_msg(Msg, State)

The Mod:probe_handle_msg/1 is invoked to process messages received by the probe process.

The arguments are as follows:

  • State The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequentially modified by other probe implementation calls.

  • Msg The probe state, originally returned by Mod:probe_init/3 and subsequentially modified by other probe implementation calls.

The implementation of this function will be called by the probe's process when it receives a message that is not recognized by the internal receive loop.

The implementation of Mod:probe_handle_msg/2 shall return {ok, NewState}, where NewState contains the new state of the probe that reflects the processed message.

Probes are supervised by the exometer_admin process, and can be restarted after a crash. Restart parameters are provided via the option {restart, Params}, where Params is a list of {Frequency, Action} tuples. Frequency is either {Count, MilliSecs} or '_', and the corresponding Action :: restart | disable | delete will be performed if the frequency of restarts falls within the given limit.

For example, [{{3, 1000}, restart}] will allow 3 restarts within a 1-second window. The matching is performed from top to bottom, and the first matching pattern is acted upon. If no matching pattern is found, the default action is delete. A pattern {'_', Action} acts as a catch-all, and should be put last in the list.

It is also possible to specify {{Count, '_'}, Action}, which means that a total of Count restarts is permitted, regardless of how far apart they are. The count is reset after each restart.


    {restart, [{{3,1000}, restart},   % up to 3 restarts within 1 sec
               {{4,'_'} , disable},   % a total of up to 4 restarts
               {'_'     , delete}]}   % anything else

Function Index


Function Details


behaviour() -> any()


delete(Name, Type, Pid) -> any()


get_datapoints(Name, Type, Pid) -> any()


get_value(Name, Type, Pid) -> any()


get_value(Name, Type, Pid, DataPoints) -> any()


new(Name, Type, Opts) -> any()


reset(Name, Type, Pid) -> any()


restart(Name, Module, Error, SpawnOpts) -> any()


sample(Name, Type, Pid) -> any()


setopts(Exometer_entry, Opts, Status) -> any()


update(Name, Value, Type, Pid) -> any()