This page gives an overview of the how-to guides. How-to guides address various common tasks one might want to do in a finite element program. Many of the guides are extensions, or build on top of, the tutorials and, therefore, some familiarity with Ferrite is assumed.
This guide builds on top of Tutorial 1: Heat equation and discusses various post processsing techniques with the goal of visualizing primary fields (the finite element solution) and secondary quantities (e.g. fluxes, stresses, etc.). Concretely, this guide answers:
- How to visualize data from quadrature points?
- How to evaluate the finite element solution, or secondary quantities, in arbitrary points of the domain?
This guide modifies Tutorial 2: Linear elasticity such that the program is using multi-threading to parallelize the assembly procedure. Concretely this shows how to use grid coloring and "scratch values" in order to use multi-threading without running into race-conditions.