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Experimentation Journal: External materialization

Experiment Metadata

Background and Context

As part of the Radiant project, several key technologies were identified as good candidates to power the data platform.

The experiment therefore as the following constraints:

  • Use dbt to transform data.
  • Use StarRocks as the data warehouse technology.
  • Leverage external Iceberg as the data lake format.

Previous related experiments

Problem Statement


  • Q1: Can we materialize a table in the external catalog (i.e. Iceberg table) ?

Q1. External Materialization

The following materialization pattern has been covered in Experiment #1.

  1. starrocks to starrocks: OK (Covered in Experiment #1)
  2. iceberg to starrocks: OK (Covered in Experiment #1)
  3. starrocks to iceberg: ??
  4. iceberg to iceberg: ??

Question Q1 therefore covers items 3 and 4.


Experiment Design


Given the constraints and context, perform the following:

  1. Identify the source dataset.
  2. Load the source data into a StarRocks table.
  3. Run dbt build (combination of run and test) to transform the data and test it.

Data flows

As part of the Q1, the following data flows will be modeled:

  1. StarRocks --> Iceberg
  2. Iceberg --> Iceberg (only if previous step is successful)

Tools and Resources

Environment & Tools

Experimental files located in radiant/experiments/exp002

The following diagram presents the local experimental setup.

A docker-compose.yml file was used to specify required services.


The experimental stack is composed of the following tech/tools:


Re-use a sample of the dbt tutorial's Jaffle Shop data as the raw data to be loaded into Iceberg tables.

We use the following files:

  • raw_customers.csv
  • raw_orders.csv
  • raw_payments.csv


A replacement macro for generate_schema_name was necessary to make sure we can override the schema in the dbt_project.yml configuration.

{% macro generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) -%}
    {%- if custom_schema_name is none -%}
        {{ target.schema }}
    {%- else -%}
        {{ custom_schema_name | trim }}
    {%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro %}

Without this macro, dbt infers the following schema automatically: exp002_external_materialization_iceberg which is not what we need. This macro is located in the experiment_2/macros directory.

Then, to override the schema we need to set ip in the dbt_profile.yml (or in the model itself) like the following:

      materialized: table
      +schema: iceberg.jaffle_shop  # <-- Here!


dbt run produced the following logs.

16:03:43  Running with dbt=1.8.9
16:03:43  Registered adapter: starrocks=1.7.0
16:03:43  Found 5 models, 3 seeds, 20 data tests, 3 sources, 420 macros
16:03:44  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='dev')
16:03:44  1 of 5 START sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_customers  [RUN]
16:03:44  1 of 5 OK created sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_customers  [SUCCESS 0 in 0.20s]
16:03:44  2 of 5 START sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_orders  [RUN]
16:03:44  2 of 5 OK created sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_orders  [SUCCESS 0 in 0.11s]
16:03:44  3 of 5 START sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_payments  [RUN]
16:03:44  3 of 5 OK created sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_payments  [SUCCESS 0 in 0.11s]
16:03:44  4 of 5 START sql table model iceberg.jaffle_shop.customers ..................... [RUN]
16:06:47  4 of 5 OK created sql table model iceberg.jaffle_shop.customers ................ [SUCCESS 100 in 183.05s]
16:06:47  5 of 5 START sql table model iceberg.jaffle_shop.orders ........................ [RUN]
16:06:48  5 of 5 OK created sql table model iceberg.jaffle_shop.orders ................... [SUCCESS 99 in 0.53s]
16:06:48  Finished running 3 view models, 2 table models in 0 hours 3 minutes and 4.43 seconds (184.43s).
16:06:48  Completed successfully
16:06:48  Done. PASS=5 WARN=0 ERROR=0 SKIP=0 TOTAL=5


Executing the following SQL on StarRocks:

SELECT * FROM iceberg.jaffle_shop.orders;

to confirm that the iceberg table was written and can be read again from StarRocks.

40	33	2018-02-13	completed	14.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	14.0
72	30	2018-03-14	shipped	29.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	29.0
87	46	2018-03-27	placed	26.0	0.0	0.0	30.0	56.0
31	16	2018-02-02	completed	12.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	12.0


However, running a second time, yields the following:

18:22:44  Running with dbt=1.8.9
18:22:44  Registered adapter: starrocks=1.7.0
18:22:45  Unable to do partial parsing because change detected to override macro. Starting full parse.
18:22:46  [WARNING]: Deprecated functionality
The `tests` config has been renamed to `data_tests`. Please see for more
18:22:46  Found 5 models, 3 seeds, 20 data tests, 3 sources, 420 macros
18:22:46  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='dev')
18:22:46  1 of 5 START sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_customers  [RUN]
18:22:46  1 of 5 OK created sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_customers  [SUCCESS 0 in 0.21s]
18:22:46  2 of 5 START sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_orders  [RUN]
18:22:47  2 of 5 OK created sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_orders  [SUCCESS 0 in 0.17s]
18:22:47  3 of 5 START sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_payments  [RUN]
18:22:47  3 of 5 OK created sql view model exp002_external_materialization.stg_payments  [SUCCESS 0 in 0.13s]
18:22:47  4 of 5 START sql table model iceberg.jaffle_shop.customers ..................... [RUN]
18:22:47  4 of 5 ERROR creating sql table model iceberg.jaffle_shop.customers ............ [ERROR in 0.11s]
18:22:47  5 of 5 START sql table model iceberg.jaffle_shop.orders ........................ [RUN]
18:22:47  5 of 5 ERROR creating sql table model iceberg.jaffle_shop.orders ............... [ERROR in 0.04s]
18:22:47  Finished running 3 view models, 2 table models in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.89 seconds (0.89s).
18:22:47  Completed with 2 errors and 0 warnings:
18:22:47    Database Error in model customers (models/marts/customers.sql)
  1050 (42S01): Getting analyzing error. Detail message: Table 'customers' already exists.
  compiled code at target/run/exp002_external_materialization/models/marts/customers.sql
18:22:47    Database Error in model orders (models/marts/orders.sql)
  1050 (42S01): Getting analyzing error. Detail message: Table 'orders' already exists.
  compiled code at target/run/exp002_external_materialization/models/marts/orders.sql
18:22:47  Done. PASS=3 WARN=0 ERROR=2 SKIP=0 TOTAL=5


When functioning properly, dbt has the following sequence of operations:

(Some steps were ignored because they are relevant to the point being made here)

  1. Fetches table information.
  2. Rename (alter table) existing customers (or orders) to a backup table named customers__dbt_backup.
  3. Creates a new table named customers__dbt_tmp in which the new Customers model will be created.
  4. Rename (alter table) existing customers__dbt_tmp into customers.
  5. Drop customers__dbt_backup table which contains an earlier version of the newly created customers table.

However, in the current scenario pointing to iceberg schema, step 1 doesn't yield expected information.

The following query returns nothing, while it should return the existing table information:

      null as "database",
      tbl.table_name as name,
      tbl.table_schema as "schema",
      case when tbl.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' then 'table'
           when tbl.table_type = 'VIEW' and mv.table_name is null then 'view'
           when tbl.table_type = 'VIEW' and mv.table_name is not null then 'materialized_view'
           when tbl.table_type = 'SYSTEM VIEW' then 'system_view'
           else 'unknown' end as table_type
    from information_schema.tables tbl
    left join information_schema.materialized_views mv
    and tbl.TABLE_NAME = mv.TABLE_NAME
    where tbl.table_schema = 'iceberg.jaffle_shop'  # <-- Here!: tbl.table_schema should be `jaffle_shop` only. 

Following step 1, step 2 is not executed (no presence of this in the logs) and therefore the existing customers table is never renamed into its backup *_backup.

This causes the downstream create table to fail because the table already exists.


  • C1: We can materialize to external catalog once. If we re-run dbt run, the process will fail.
    • This is caused by dbt-starrocks not moving existing table into a backup table combined with the inability to correctly infer schema information.
    • This is due to a limitation of dbt-starrocks where external catalog is not supported by default for output.
    • It should be possible to achieve this by extending the dbt-starrocks plugin by updating existing macros or writing new macros to handle this specific case.

Therefore, configuration for writing to an external catalog is not supported out-of-the-box in dbt-starrocks.
