#! https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/447506072
CRNN to estimate the DOAs from a first-order Ambisonics (FOA) recording.
Input: features derived from the acoustic intensity vector
Consider a normalized expression of the acoustic intensity vector in each time-frequency bin and propose to use its coefficients as input features.
A. Ambisonics Format
The sound field is recorded by a spherical microphone array and converted into Ambisonics with an encoding matrix.
FOA corresponds to the coeff of the decomposition in the spherical harmonics of order 0 (channel W) and 1 (channels X, Y and Z)
W(t, f) \
X(t, f) \
Y(t, f) \
Z(t, f)
1 \
\sqrt{3} \cos \theta \cos \phi \
\sqrt{3} \sin \theta \cos \phi \
\sqrt{3} \sin \phi
\end{array}\right] p(t, f)
B. Acoustic Intensity
The active intensity vector
The active intensity vector disregarding the constant: $$ \mathbf{I}{\mathrm{a}}(t, f)=-\left[\begin{array}{l} \mathcal{R}\left{W(t, f) X^{}(t, f)\right} \ \mathcal{R}\left{W(t, f) Y^{}(t, f)\right} \ \mathcal{R}\left{W(t, f) Z^{}(t, f)\right} \end{array}\right] $$ The reactive intensity vector $I_r(t,f) = \mathcal{I}{p(t,f)v^(t,f)}$, represents dissipative local energy transfers. $$ \mathbf{I}{\mathrm{r}}(t, f)=-\left[\begin{array}{l} \mathcal{I}\left{W(t, f) X^{}(t, f)\right} \ \mathcal{I}\left{W(t, f) Y^{}(t, f)\right} \ \mathcal{I}\left{W(t, f) Z^{*}(t, f)\right} \end{array}\right] $$
A. Input Features
Propose to exploit both the active and reactive intensity vectors across all freq bins in the STFT domain as inputs to the neural network in a given time frame. Motivated by the fact that the active intensity relates more directly to the DOA and the reactive intensity indicates whether a given time-freq bin is dominated by direct sound from a single source, as opposed to overlapping sources or reverberation.
normalize the inputs in each tf bin regardless of the sound power: $$ \frac{-1}{C(t,f)}\left[\begin{array}{c} \mathbf{I}{\mathrm{a}}(t, f) \ \mathbf{I}{\mathrm{r}}(t, f) \end{array}\right] $$ B. Target Outputs and Training Cost
The target output of the CRNN is a binary vector of size
Train a specific neural network for each number of sources.
C. Network Architecture
T (num of frames): 25, F (num of freq bins): 513, C (num of feature channels): 6
Convolutional modules aim to extract spatial information from the inputs. (Convolve along freq)
The second part (2 BiLSTM and 2 FC) uses this information to estimate the DOAs.
D. From Framewise to Global DOA Estimation
Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) is a technique for determining which features in a particular input vector contribute most strongly to a neural network’s output.
STFT: win1024, hop 512
B. Training Procedure
Each network could be used to predict any number of sources, but training each network for a specific number of sources yielded better results.
neighborhood of the peak:
Nadam optimizer, initial lr 10e-3, 0.2 for the single-source network/0.3 for the two-source network dropout after conv block, FC and on the recurrent weights of the BiLSTM layers
early stopping with a patience of 20 epochs. 80/150 epochs for the single-source network and the two-source network.