diff --git a/docs/tutorial.rst~ b/docs/tutorial.rst~
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index b23a7e7..0000000
--- a/docs/tutorial.rst~
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-.. _tutorial:
-This tutorial will demonstrate all the functionality found in Momoko. It's assumed
-a working PostgreSQL database is avaiable and dll examples are in the context of a
-webaplication. Not everything is explained.\, because Momoko just wraps Psycopg2
-and this means the `Psycopg2 documentation`_ must be used along with Momoko's.
-Here's the code that's needed for this tutorial. Each example will replace parts
-or extend upon this code. The code is kept simple and minimal, its purpose is just
-to demonstrate Momoko's functionality. Here goes::
- from tornado import gen
- from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
- from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
- from tornado.options import parse_command_line, asynchronous
- import psycopg2
- import momoko
- class BaseHandler(RequestHandler):
- @property
- def db(self):
- return self.application.db
- class TutorialHandler(BaseHandler):
- def get(self):
- self.write('Some text here!')
- self.finish()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parse_command_line()
- application = Application([
- (r'/', TutorialHandler)
- ], debug=True)
- application.db = momoko.Pool(
- dsn='dbname=your_db user=your_user password=very_secret_password '
- 'host=localhost port=5432',
- size=1
- )
- http_server = HTTPServer(application)
- http_server.listen(8888, 'localhost')
- IOLoop.instance().start()
-For more information about all the parameters passed to ``momoko.Pool`` see
-:py:class:`momoko.Pool` in the API documentation.
-:py:meth:`~momoko.Pool.execute`, :py:meth:`~momoko.Pool.callproc`, :py:meth:`~momoko.Pool.transaction`
-and :py:meth:`~momoko.Pool.mogrify` are methods of :py:class:`momoko.Pool` and
-can be used to query the database. Well, ``mogrify`` not really, it's used to
-escape strings, but t needs a connection. All these methods, except ``mogrify``,
-return a cursor or an exception object. All of the described retrieval methods in
-Psycopg2's documentation like fetchone_, fetchmany_, fetchall_, etc. can be used
-to fetch the results.
-All of the example will be using `tornado.gen`_ instead of callbacks, because callbacks
-are fairly simple and doesn't require as much explanation. Here's one example using a
- class TutorialHandler(BaseHandler):
- @asynchronous
- def get(self):
- self.db.execute('SELECT 1;', callback=self._done)
- def _done(self, cursor, error):
- self.write('Results: %r' % (cursor.fetchall(),))
- self.finish()
-The callback only need to accept two parameters. The first one is the cursor and
-the second is the exception object. The exception object is ``None`` when no error
-occurs and it contains an instance of one of Psycopg2's exceptions_ when an error
-did occur. That's all there's to know when using callbacks.
-Instead of using `tornado.gen`_ directly (or using plain callbacks) Momoko provides
-subclasses of Task_, Wait_ and WaitAll_ that have some advantages. These are
-:py:class:`~momoko.Op`, :py:class:`~momoko.WaitOp` and :py:class:`~momoko.WaitAllOps`.
-These three classes only give a cursor back and raise an exception when something
-goes wrong. Here's an example using :py:class:`~momoko.Op`::
- class TutorialHandler(BaseHandler):
- @asynchronous
- @gen.engine
- def get(self):
- try:
- cursor = yield momoko.Op(self.db.execute, 'SELECT 1;')
- except (psycopg2.Warning, psycopg2.Error) as error:
- self.write(str(error))
- else:
- self.write('Results: %r' % (cursor.fetchall(),))
- self.finish()
-An example with :py:class:`~momoko.WaitOp`::
- class TutorialHandler(BaseHandler):
- @asynchronous
- @gen.engine
- def get(self):
- self.db.execute('SELECT 1;', callback=(yield gen.Callback('q1')))
- self.db.execute('SELECT 2;', callback=(yield gen.Callback('q2')))
- self.db.execute('SELECT 3;', callback=(yield gen.Callback('q3')))
- try:
- cursor1 = yield momoko.WaitOp('q1')
- cursor2 = yield momoko.WaitOp('q2')
- cursor3 = yield momoko.WaitOp('q3')
- except (psycopg2.Warning, psycopg2.Error) as error:
- self.write(str(error))
- else:
- self.write('Q1: %r
' % (cursor1.fetchall(),))
- self.write('Q2: %r
' % (cursor2.fetchall(),))
- self.write('Q3: %r
' % (cursor3.fetchall(),))
- self.finish()
-:py:class:`~momoko.WaitAllOps` can be used instead of three separate
-:py:class:`~momoko.WaitOp` calls::
- try:
- cursor1, cursor2, cursor3 = yield momoko.WaitAllOps(('q1', 'q2', 'q3'))
- except (psycopg2.Warning, psycopg2.Error) as error:
- self.write(str(error))
- else:
- self.write('Q1: %r
' % (cursor1.fetchall(),))
- self.write('Q2: %r
' % (cursor2.fetchall(),))
- self.write('Q3: %r
' % (cursor3.fetchall(),))
-All the above examples are using :py:meth:`~momoko.Pool.execute`, but are possible
-with :py:meth:`~momoko.Pool.callproc`, :py:meth:`~momoko.Pool.transaction` and
-:py:meth:`~momoko.Pool.mogrify` too.
-.. _Psycopg2 documentation: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/cursor.html
-.. _tornado.gen: http://www.tornadoweb.org/documentation/gen.html
-.. _fetchone: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/cursor.html#cursor.fetchone
-.. _fetchmany: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/cursor.html#cursor.fetchmany
-.. _fetchall: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/cursor.html#cursor.fetchall
-.. _Task: http://www.tornadoweb.org/documentation/gen.html#tornado.gen.Task
-.. _Wait: http://www.tornadoweb.org/documentation/gen.html#tornado.gen.Wait
-.. _WaitAll: http://www.tornadoweb.org/documentation/gen.html#tornado.gen.WaitAll
-.. _exceptions: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/module.html#exceptions