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Capture data every system clock cycle", + "name": "sys-DFF-verilog", + "version": "3", + "description": "System - D Flip-flop. Capture data every system clock cycle. Verilog implementation", "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", "image": 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"id": "16e78204-213e-4833-9096-89d735307ec2", + "id": "2947d492-028d-487a-83fa-b2f84a2e2d2f", "type": "basic.code", "data": { - "code": "assign o2 = i[2];\nassign o1 = i[1];\nassign o0 = i[0];", - "params": [], "ports": { "in": [ { - "name": "i", + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "rst" + }, + { + "name": "d", "range": "[2:0]", "size": 3 + }, + { + "name": "load" } ], "out": [ { - "name": "o2" - }, - { - "name": "o1" - }, - { - "name": "o0" + "name": "q", + "range": "[2:0]", + "size": 3 } ] - } + }, + "params": [ + { + "name": "INI" + } + ], + "code": "//-- Generic register with reset\n//-- Number of bits\nlocalparam N = 3;\n\n//-- Initial value\nreg [N-1:0] qi = INI;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n\n //-- Reset has the priority\n if (rst == 1'b1)\n qi <= INI;\n \n else\n //-- The value is load only if \n //-- load is 1\n if (load == 1'b1)\n qi <= d;\n \n //-- In any other case the reg\n //-- keeps its value\nend\n\n//-- Connect the register with the\n//-- output\nassign q = qi;\n" 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"image": "%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20width=%22336.09%22%20height=%22194.045%22%20version=%221%22%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M174.656%20190.045H78.304V4h96.352s87.463%208.625%2087.463%2091.94c0%2083.311-87.463%2094.105-87.463%2094.105z%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke=%22#000%22%20stroke-width=%228%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M4.057%2045.668h74.018M4.057%20144.812h74.018m184.632-50.034h69.326%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke=%22#000%22%20stroke-width=%228%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22/%3E%3Ctext%20style=%22line-height:125%25%22%20x=%2292.894%22%20y=%22114.587%22%20font-weight=%22400%22%20font-size=%2258.054%22%20font-family=%22sans-serif%22%20letter-spacing=%220%22%20word-spacing=%220%22%20fill=%22#00f%22%3E%3Ctspan%20x=%2292.894%22%20y=%22114.587%22%20style=%22-inkscape-font-specification:'sans-serif%20Bold'%22%20font-weight=%22700%22%3EAND%3C/tspan%3E%3C/text%3E%3C/svg%3E" + "name": "LCD-write-open-4bits", + "version": "0.5", + "description": "LCD-write-open-4-bits: Controlador de escritura, en bucle abierto, de un LCD con interfaz de 4 bits", + "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", + "image": 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Capture data every system clock cycle", + "name": "02-Reg-rst", + "version": "0.8", + "description": "02-Reg-rst: 2 bits Register with reset. 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Por tic se emite un tic al finalizar", - "author": "Juan Gonzalez-Gomez (obijuan)", - "image": "%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20viewBox=%220%200%20293.13756%20181.35395%22%20width=%22293.137%22%20height=%22181.354%22%3E%3Ccircle%20cx=%22149.086%22%20cy=%2290.681%22%20r=%2270.101%22%20fill=%22#fff%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M149.086%2013.679c-42.531%200-77.003%2034.472-77.003%2077.002%200%2042.531%2034.472%2077.003%2077.003%2077.003%2042.53%200%2077.003-34.472%2077.003-77.003%200-42.53-34.472-77.002-77.003-77.002zm0%20145.175c-37.673%200-68.173-30.539-68.173-68.173%200-37.633%2030.539-68.172%2068.173-68.172%2037.633%200%2068.172%2030.539%2068.172%2068.172%200%2037.634-30.538%2068.173-68.172%2068.173z%22%20fill=%22#333%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M146.772%2030.683h4.627v18.2h-4.627zM89.125%2092.965v-4.627h18.2v4.627zm62.261%2057.665h-4.627v-18.2h4.627zm57.647-62.28v4.628h-18.2V88.35zM105.044%2049.905l3.272-3.272%2012.87%2012.87-3.273%203.271zm3.28%2084.79l-3.27-3.272%2012.868-12.87%203.272%203.272zm84.774-3.265l-3.272%203.273-12.87-12.87%203.273-3.272zM189.85%2046.64l3.272%203.272-12.87%2012.87-3.271-3.272z%22%20fill=%22#333%22/%3E%3Ccircle%20cx=%22149.086%22%20cy=%2290.681%22%20r=%224.781%22%20fill=%22#333%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M149.795%2070.653l2.722.288-2.109%2019.9-2.722-.288z%22%20fill=%22#333%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M181.26%2072.13l1.276%202.422-32.859%2017.296-1.275-2.422z%22%20fill=%22#333%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M152.016%2080.386c-1.08%200-1.928.887-1.928%201.928%200%20.656.309%201.234.81%201.581l-14.691%2041.451%201.002.347%2014.691-41.45h.116c1.08%200%201.928-.888%201.928-1.929a1.934%201.934%200%200%200-1.928-1.928z%22%20fill=%22#cf000f%22/%3E%3Ctext%20y=%2244.949%22%20x=%221.863%22%20style=%22line-height:0%25%22%20font-weight=%22400%22%20font-size=%2269.516%22%20letter-spacing=%220%22%20word-spacing=%220%22%20transform=%22scale(.99853%201.00147)%22%20font-family=%22sans-serif%22%20fill=%22#00f%22%20stroke-width=%221.289%22%3E%3Ctspan%20style=%22-inkscape-font-specification:'sans-serif%20Bold'%22%20y=%2244.949%22%20x=%221.863%22%20font-weight=%22700%22%20font-size=%2239.724%22%3Ems%3C/tspan%3E%3C/text%3E%3Cg%20transform=%22matrix(2.99796%200%200%202.99796%20-53.023%20-84.502)%22%20stroke=%22green%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22%3E%3Ccircle%20r=%2214.559%22%20cy=%2273.815%22%20cx=%22100.602%22%20fill=%22#ececec%22%20stroke-width=%22.608%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M106.978%2082.142h-3.353V63.316H97.54v18.678h-3.652%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke-width=%221.521%22/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg%20transform=%22matrix(2.99796%200%200%202.99796%20-257.041%20-84.502)%22%20stroke=%22green%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22%3E%3Ccircle%20r=%2214.559%22%20cy=%2273.815%22%20cx=%22100.602%22%20fill=%22#ececec%22%20stroke-width=%22.608%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M106.978%2082.142h-3.353V63.316H97.54v18.678h-3.652%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke-width=%221.521%22/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Ccircle%20cx=%22248.578%22%20cy=%2244.56%22%20r=%2243.648%22%20fill=%22#ececec%22%20stroke=%22green%22%20stroke-width=%221.824%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M279.216%2057.21h-5.01V30.018h-51.31v26.98h-5.456%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke=%22green%22%20stroke-width=%224.56%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22/%3E%3C/svg%3E" + "description": "Bus4-Split-all: Split the 4-bits bus into its wires", + "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", + "image": "%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20width=%22354.768%22%20height=%22241.058%22%20viewBox=%220%200%20332.59497%20225.99201%22%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M168.377%2077.643l61.147-60.938C240.21%206.25%20254.56.461%20269.484.5h62.611v26.186l-61.698.046c-8.012-.043-15.705%203.133-21.47%208.81L187.48%2096.857a57.292%2057.292%200%200%201-39.993%2016.139%2057.292%2057.292%200%200%201%2039.993%2016.14l61.448%2061.314c5.765%205.677%2013.458%208.853%2021.47%208.81l61.698.046v26.186h-62.612c-14.924.039-29.463-5.9-40.204-16.28l-60.902-60.863a29.857%2029.857%200%200%200-21.347-8.81L.5%20139.427V86.457h146.524a29.884%2029.884%200%200%200%2021.353-8.814z%22%20fill=%22green%22%20stroke=%22#000%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3C/svg%3E" }, "design": { "graph": { "blocks": [ { - 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Capture data every system clock cycle. 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"id": "16e78204-213e-4833-9096-89d735307ec2", + "id": "2947d492-028d-487a-83fa-b2f84a2e2d2f", "type": "basic.code", "data": { - "code": "assign o2 = i[2];\nassign o1 = i[1];\nassign o0 = i[0];", - "params": [], "ports": { "in": [ { - "name": "i", + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "rst" + }, + { + "name": "d", "range": "[2:0]", "size": 3 + }, + { + "name": "load" } ], "out": [ { - "name": "o2" - }, - { - "name": "o1" - }, - { - "name": "o0" + "name": "q", + "range": "[2:0]", + "size": 3 } ] - } + }, + "params": [ + { + "name": "INI" + } + ], + "code": "//-- Generic register with reset\n//-- Number of bits\nlocalparam N = 3;\n\n//-- Initial value\nreg [N-1:0] qi = INI;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n\n //-- Reset has the priority\n if (rst == 1'b1)\n qi <= INI;\n \n else\n //-- The value is load only if \n //-- load is 1\n if (load == 1'b1)\n qi <= d;\n \n //-- In any other case the reg\n //-- keeps its value\nend\n\n//-- Connect the register with the\n//-- output\nassign q = qi;\n" 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"image": "%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20width=%22336.09%22%20height=%22194.045%22%20version=%221%22%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M174.656%20190.045H78.304V4h96.352s87.463%208.625%2087.463%2091.94c0%2083.311-87.463%2094.105-87.463%2094.105z%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke=%22#000%22%20stroke-width=%228%22%20stroke-linejoin=%22round%22/%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M4.057%2045.668h74.018M4.057%20144.812h74.018m184.632-50.034h69.326%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke=%22#000%22%20stroke-width=%228%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22/%3E%3Ctext%20style=%22line-height:125%25%22%20x=%2292.894%22%20y=%22114.587%22%20font-weight=%22400%22%20font-size=%2258.054%22%20font-family=%22sans-serif%22%20letter-spacing=%220%22%20word-spacing=%220%22%20fill=%22#00f%22%3E%3Ctspan%20x=%2292.894%22%20y=%22114.587%22%20style=%22-inkscape-font-specification:'sans-serif%20Bold'%22%20font-weight=%22700%22%3EAND%3C/tspan%3E%3C/text%3E%3C/svg%3E" + "name": "LCD-write-open-4bits", + "version": "0.5", + "description": "LCD-write-open-4-bits: Controlador de escritura, en bucle abierto, de un LCD con interfaz de 4 bits", + "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", + "image": 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It goes from receiveing the start signal until \n the first next signal arrives\n* n = 1: second state cycle. Fron the first next signal to the second", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 512, + "y": -256 + }, + "size": { + "width": 600, + "height": 120 + } + }, + { + "id": "4af366b0-662d-4be0-99be-d7a446534965", + "type": "58ed2b5c7e33e2f215ccba6c101d9ea4ff60f284", + "position": { + "x": 1528, + "y": 184 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "438d9c8a-e31d-4a4b-9f69-c6f4a97d80ac", + "type": "b7f7136a87c607769a64233fd99bc12818a05746", + "position": { + "x": 1528, + "y": 472 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "5de47b5c-45d4-4d99-a29c-ca767ef12da8", + "type": "ef27646a2ca3d9f1e7811dac0fd909719b5affe1", + "position": { + "x": 1120, + "y": 384 + }, "size": { "width": 96, "height": 96 @@ -25954,582 +25336,408 @@ "wires": [ { "source": { - "block": "05a951eb-4ced-4661-939b-47effc852dae", - "port": "4e8afe74-8f38-4873-97ee-f7585d99a4aa" + "block": "ca7c5f10-efb6-43f9-9364-52d751fc0bc6", + "port": "out" }, "target": { - "block": "18cac15f-9b61-42a8-8184-afbe07b6bef6", + "block": "0a772657-8018-424d-8f04-75d3ffff3692", "port": "inlabel" }, "vertices": [] }, { "source": { - 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D Flip-flop. Verilog implementation", "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", - "image": "%3Csvg%20width=%22339.186%22%20height=%22183.786%22%20viewBox=%220%200%20317.98705%20172.30008%22%20xmlns=%22http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%3E%3Ctext%20style=%22line-height:1.25%22%20x=%22-468.41%22%20y=%2243.877%22%20font-size=%2237.5%22%20font-family=%22sans-serif%22%20writing-mode=%22vertical-lr%22%20stroke-width=%22.938%22/%3E%3Cg%20style=%22line-height:1.25%22%20transform=%22translate(17.31%20-17.61)%22%20font-size=%22190.376%22%20fill=%22#00f%22%20stroke-width=%224.759%22%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M-7.935%20111.638h147.779%22%20fill=%22none%22%20stroke=%22#00f%22%20stroke-width=%2218.75%22%20stroke-linecap=%22round%22/%3E%3Ccircle%20cx=%2265.954%22%20cy=%2258.129%22%20r=%2224.417%22/%3E%3Ccircle%20cx=%2265.954%22%20cy=%22165.148%22%20r=%2224.417%22/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22M251.399%2036.583l-48.701%2072.129h48.7zM244.013%200h49.393v108.712h24.582v32.198h-24.582v31.39H251.4v-31.39H175v-38.084z%22%20font-size=%22236.35%22%20stroke-width=%225.441%22%20style=%22line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:'sans-serif%20Bold'%22%20font-weight=%22700%22/%3E%3C/svg%3E", - 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MSB is filled with 0 (no sign used)", + "name": "08-Reg", + "version": "0.8", + "description": "08-Reg: 8 bits Register. Verilog implementation", "author": "Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)", - "image": 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