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Improvement Mods

A list of improvement mods for 1.18.x forge/fabric versions.

Any suggestions/complaints?

Join our discord or use the issues.

We have partnered with BisectHosting this is a exciting step for us. All money earned from this will go to the staff of UsefulLists, Not including myself (Kevsky)


Fabric 1.18.X

Name Known Incompatibilities Description Author Environment Label
Advancement Info Unknown Show more information about advancement requirements Giselbaer Client none
AppleSkin Unknown Food/hunger-related HUD improvements squeek502 Both none
Beenfo Unknown Show number of bees and honey level in hives and nests Giselbaer Client none
BetterF3 Unknown BetterF3 is a mod that replaces Minecraft's original debug HUD with a highly customizable, more human-readable HUD treyruffy Client none
Better Recipe Book Unknown Adds a 'few' quality of life changes to the recipe book. marshmallow Client none
Boat Item View Unknown See your held items when in a moving boat! 50ap5ud5 Client none
ClickThrough Unknown Click through signs and item frames to chests Giselbaer Client none
Continuity Unknown A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures peppercode1 Client none
Controlling Unknown Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu Jaredlll08 Client none
Detail Armor Bar Unknown More detail about armor in Armor bar! RedLime Client none
Don't Clear Chat History Unknown Simple one-mixin mod that doesn't clear the messages you've sent from up arrow on disconnect/relog. emmaffle Client none
EasierCrafting Unknown Fewer clicks to craft stuff than the internal recipe book! Giselbaer Client none
EasierVillagerTrading Unknown Fewer clicks to trade with villagers Giselbaer Client none
EditSign Unknown Allow you to edit signs RakSrinaNa Server none
FlightHelper Unknown Fix your pitch to get max distance from your Elytra Giselbaer Client none
Inspecio Unknown A Minecraft mod which adds more tooltips. LambdAurora Client none
Inventory Profiles Next Unknown Take control over you inventory blackd Client none
LambdaBetterGrass Unknown A Minecraft mod which adds better grass and snow to the game LambdAurora Client none
LambDynamicLights Unknown A dynamic lights mod for Fabric LambdAurora Client none
Mod Manager Unknown An extension for Mod Menu which allows you to manage your mods ingame DeathsGun Client none
Monsters in the Closet Unknown Highlights the mobs that are preventing you from sleeping Minenash Both none
Mouse Tweaks Unknown Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel. YaLTeR Client none
Mouse Wheelie Unknown A "small" clientside mod featuring item scrolling, inventory sorting, item refilling and more Siphalor Client none
No Week Attack Unknown Cancels swinging at enemies if your cooldown isn't full florensie Client none
PingList Unknown A minimal minecraft fabric mod to display numerical ping values instead of the usual connection bars raspberry-jam Client none
Roughly Enough Items Unknown An easy way to browse recipes. shedaniel Both none
Status Effect Timer Unknown Overlay a timer on the Vanilla status effect HUD icons magicus Client none
Stendhal Unknown Stendhal enhances the book and sign writing client-side interfaces NebSpacefarer Client none
WorldTime Unknown Show the ingame time on your HUD Giselbaer Client none

Forge 1.18.X

Name Known Incompatibilities Description Author Environment Label
AppleSkin Unknown Food/hunger-related HUD improvements squeek502 Both none
Beenfo Unknown Show number of bees and honey level in hives and nests Giselbaer Client none
Better Advancements Unknown Better Advancements tries to improve the UI and UX for the advancements system in minecraft 1.12+ in a modded environment way2muchnoise Client none
Better Recipe Book Unknown Adds a 'few' quality of life changes to the recipe book. marshmallow Client none
Controlling Unknown Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu Jaredlll08 Client none
EditSign Unknown Allow you to edit signs RakSrinaNa Server none
Just Enough Items Unknown JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, built from the ground up for stability and performance. mezz Both Alpha (1)
Mouse Tweaks Unknown Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel. YaLTeR Client none
Roughly Enough Items Unknown An easy way to browse recipes. shedaniel Both none
Toast Control Unknown This mod allows you to control what toasts show up in Minecraft Shadows_of_Fire Client none
