After accepting the community's pr for a long time, we are ready to release [email protected]
Thank you very much
- Fix zookeeper automatic reconnection stability problemapache#140 @binlaniua
- fix network break, heart beat check not work](apache#139) @binlaniua
- dubbo.subcribe -> dubbo.subscribeapache#125 @wushanchao
- bugfix consumer register ignore zkRoot]apache#94 by @sunchuanleihit
- fixed when zk getChildren had occured error set _dubboServiceUrlMap interface is [] apache#121 @hufeng
- remove dumplicate consumer urlapache#96 by @sunchuanleihit
- bugfix decode-buffer return DataType.Dataapache#144 @sunchuanleihit
- dubboUrl get default.groupapache#138 @sunchuanleihit
- fix beginning stepsapache#120 @hsiaosiyuan0
- Repair reconnection should not empty existing providerapache#157 @binlaniua
- fixed unit testapache#155 @hufeng
- Free time heartbeatapache#156 @sunchuanleihit
- when Zookeeper ready and await dubbo.ready () would stopapache#153 @sunchuanleihit
- decode-buffer Fault toleranceapache#152 @sunchuanleihit
- filter private field where compiler java interface to typescriptapache#151 @AtarisMio
- fixed test suite and documentapache#143 @hufeng
- Make it subscribing all possible targets when set version to '*' or emptyapache#129 @jasonjoo2010
- split registry module and extend Dubbo register](apache#117) @hufeng
- dubbo-invoker add cacheapache#110 @hufeng @sunchuanleihit
- support include in dubbo.json to specify provider interfacesapache#103 @sunchuanleihit
- Add zookeeper auth supportsapache#132 @xusd320
- Update readmeapache#119 @hsiaosiyuan0
- add zookeeper traceError and modify zk factory method nameapache#159 @hufeng